Cover Image: How to Kill Men and Get Away With It

How to Kill Men and Get Away With It

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Ok first off, I love the title!! This was a quickly and quirky read but sadly didn’t quite fully deliver for me. I really wanted to love this and see a dark female revenge story with that lovely dry dark humor and it almost made it there but there was just something missing. I did appreciate the twist at the end but it was a bit predictable in some parts. I did however enjoy reading it and thank NetGalley and HQ Digital for the opportunity.

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As soon as I saw the title of this book, I was intrigued. The prologue had me even more interested. However, while this book was a fast read, I don’t think it matched up nicely with me. The idea of it was great. I think it could have been fixed up a bit more. There were many characters mentioned and it was a bit hard to keep up with all of them. The main character is supposed to be a villain (obviously as she is a killer) and she is unlikeable. While I understand that it’s like that for a reason, it was hard to read in her POV because of how much I disliked her. It’s definitely a satire book and it was very sarcastic and witty. I wish I could say that I enjoyed reading it more, but it just didn’t work out right for me although it did get better as it went on. The way it ended was a bit confusing though, as the epilogue seemed to leave everything open for interpretation. Alongside this, the book seemed to do a lot more telling rather than sharing. I’m really sad to say that this book just wasn’t it for me. I’m still so incredibly grateful that I was gifted this ARC by Harper Collins 360, and I wish I had better things to say! While this book wasn’t it for me, it does not mean that anyone else won’t like it so please keep that in mind! You may end up having this as your favorite book.

(Also just want to say that the cover of this, where it says “for legal purposes: a novel” made me laugh, so I have lots of love about that)

Characters: 1
Atmosphere/Setting: 3
Writing style: 4
Plot: 8
Intrigue: 10
Logic/Relationships: 5
Enjoyment: 4
35/7= 5 which = 3 stars

—fast reads
—books about revenge

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A female Joe Goldberg? Yes, please. I found this to be quite amusing, dark, and humorous at times. I liked Kitty. I didn’t find her to be shallow like some others did. She found a purpose & went with it, even though the majority of us wouldn’t have…lol. The only reason this didn’t get five stars was because of the animal cruelty scenes & some of the conversations with her friends were quite crass, which I’m not a fan of. Otherwise it entertained me & if there’s a sequel I will read it.

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The MC, Kitty, decides to take it upon herself to off bad men. And you know what? I supported her. I support women’s wrongs as much as I support their right’s.

However, there were a number of things that I didn’t like about this book that detracted from the overall experience (which sucks, because I was really excited for this book and really wanted to love it!).

For starters, Kitty reminded me SO MUCH of Joe Goldberg from You at times (which was so probably not the intention). Throughout the book I would be asking myself, “what in the Joe Goldberg is happening here” unironically. Miss Kitty suffers from being well-intentioned but taking it a touch too far. She suffers from a strong case of “I love my friends and I’d kill for them, but sometimes I accidentally off the guy or the wrong guy, for that matter”. Just like Joe when it comes to his love interests.

My other qualms with this book:
- It was so unrealistic; how did Kitty get away with 90% of these offings?
- Kitty letting her lover off for something that TOTALLY goes against her character. Huh?
- The entire ending. What the hell was that? Also the lie revealed at the end felt quite… distasteful.
- Sometimes it felt like SA was being used as a plot progression which made me a little uncomfortable

This book isn't a bad time by any means. But I think there's a lot of room for improvement.

This book reminded me a lot of the Kick-Ass movies as well as Promising Young Woman. In terms of TV, it has very strong Dexter and You vibes. This might be a great time for fans of any of those movies/shows!

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"Meet Kitty Collins.


He was following me. That guy from the nightclub who wouldn't leave me alone.

I hadn't intended to kill him of course. But I wasn't displeased when I did and, despite the mess I made, I appeared to get away with it.

That's where my addiction started...

I've got a taste for revenge and quite frankly, I'm killing it.

A deliciously dark, hilariously twisted story about friendship, love, and murder. Fans of My Sister the Serial Killer, How to Kill Your Family and Killing Eve will love this wickedly clever novel!"

Hopefully the Killing Eve books and first three seasons because if it's anything like season four it's a big hard nope.

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Talk about edge on your seat book that’s such a fun read! this is my first book by this author and it blew me away. It will be one I add to my list to recommend to others. I enjoyed every page and couldn’t put it down.

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What do you get when a female, vegan, influencer goes full Dexter? A totally awesome book that is just as intense as it is darkly funny! I was a little wary of the main character being an influencer but Kitty owned up to all the obnoxious elements of influencers which just made me love her more. This book is truly (as the dedication says) for any woman who has walked at night with her car keys between her fingers.

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this book in advance of publication,

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I absolutely loved this book! Everything about it was up my ally. Kitty is a babe and she’s out here doing the world a favor by eliminating the vermin. What makes it even better in my opinion is her being an influencer who quite literally hates it more than anything. I loved how the insecurities between the group of friends was something everyone among the group was aware of but was not spoken out loud. Each friend had their own issues regardless of the endless amount of wealth and popularity they possessed. The only thing I usually don’t like is pop culture references but in this case it seemed normal and not out of place or forced. Adding to the story and making it seem like something that could happen in real life. If you pay close attention to the story it’s easy to spot the person behind the mind games but at the same time the author makes you second guess yourself. Like the title implies this book is about killing men and getting away with it but even knowing that you still find yourself rooting for the killer. I’d say If your a person who enjoys dark subject matters this is a good book to pick up.

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This has major Dexter plus Killing Eve vibes. This is the conundrum of if a murderer kills a murderer ( or one who commits major violence towards women) is it a crime? This continues my trend of reading about influencers but this one is fun, bloody, and suspenseful. I have a feeling this is not the last we have seen of Kitty Collins.

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Thank you NetGalley for the gifted copy in exchange for an honest review.

Unfortunately, this book was not for me.

I was expecting Finlay Donovan vibes, but the FMC was annoying. I didn’t care for her at all. She was a bit hypocritical and I didn’t like the people she surrounded herself with. I didn’t enjoy any of her “romantic” moments. Basically, I didn’t connect with her at all.

I think the story had potential but an uninteresting/unlikable main character kind of killed it for me.

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How to Kill Men and Get Away With It gives off total Dexter vibes. This was not at all what I expected, and surprisingly I ended up loving this.

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I had such a good time reading this book!

I must admit the title intrigued me, thinking this was another cute light read with a tough feminist allegory. However, it was anything but that! Dark and gritty, and at times super gory, this story shows exactly how tough women can be - and how far we can go to get what we want.

The small mystery of "who is Kitty's stalker" turns into the best twist in the book.

I loved the pace of the story that kept the pages turning - and the ending that was absolutely *chef's kiss*!

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It is not your ordinary famous social media girl, Kitty is a murderer and a lover. This book had all the right elements to a fun book because of the short chapters and an addiction to killing bad men.

I wanted to enjoy this book, but it fell flat towards the end of the book. I rated a two stars because of Kitty’s character was all over the place and the cringe killing moments. No wonder Kitty has been vegan for majority of her life.

Overall, a good book for a quick read; however, be aware of the trigger warnings.

Thank you to NetGally and Harper 360 for the ARC in exchange for a fair review.

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Tropes: Influencer ✅
Stalker ✅
Revenge on bad guys ✅
Protective friends ✅
Family drama ✅
Spice: 🌶️🌶️

Summary: Meet Kitty Collins, famous influencer, friend, lover, and her newest title: killer. It all began when Kitty was followed by a persistent guy from a nightclub who wouldn't leave her alone. Though she didn't intend to kill him, when she does, she finds herself strangely satisfied and surprised when she gets away with it despite the mess. This macabre event triggers an addiction in Kitty - a taste for revenge. From that moment on, Kitty becomes adept at taking matters (or more accurately, lives) into her own hands and getting away with murder. She's killing it, quite literally.

Review: This book had me feelings some type of way. At moments it had me laughing, the next I was cringing from the gory details, and the next reading with one eye closed because I felt so uncomfortable with the ease of which Kitty went about killing men. Typically, I pride myself on how well I can predict book twists, and I can say that I don't think there was a single twist I got correct with this book. To me, that means it is a good book! I mean, feeling so many emotions and being continuously surprised? Sign me up. While there were some elements that did indeed make me squirm, I know with certainty that I will be thinking about this book for months to come.

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This sounded like a great premise so I was super interested in reading it! A female Dexter? Being a vigilante and getting revenge on bad guys? This book fell a little flat for me, but the plot line was fun. Overall, just ok.

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I had high hopes for this book but it feel a little flat for me. The plot was interesting but I feel like some spots didn't live up to others. I liked the characters but didn't fall in love with them.

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I learned a lot from reading this book.

-Killing is good for your complexion and instagram follower count.

-Men should come with wristbands so we can tell the difference between the good ones and the bad ones. Women should display a copy of this book to remind men that we are the ones handing out the wristbands.

-Sarcasm and a healthy ego makes killing more palatable.

-Dexter might not be the best role model.

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I loved this one! Definitely for the fans of Finalay Donovan. I loved the general concept of this book and how love/hope was still in this book. The only thing I would have liked more was I just wish it was a bit more punchy with the twists. I loved the double cross at the end but I feel like the relationship could have been exploited more. So excited to continue the series!

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I. Loved. This! This book was a great break from some of the others out right now! It was a fun and quick read that leaves you cheering for the main character and all her flaws!

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I was really excited for this book - the description sounded really promising and I felt so lucky to get an early copy to read. Unfortunately I DNF'ed it around Chapter 15 (close to 25% of the way through maybe). The main character, Kitty, is sort of awful. It's possible that is the intention of the book, she's obviously killing people, but she isn't likeable and she is VERY contradictory. She 'doesn't want to promote eating disorders' but blindly promotes skinny tea on her Instagram without even checking what it is. She doesn't like when a club separates influencers by follower count but she introduces her friends in the book by follower count. She says she doesn't do the "wolverine" (holding your keys between your fingers) but did so in an earlier chapter. The ways she handled her situations in the book were also so far fetched and didn't really make any sense. It seems like she left a lot of lose ends and things to chance. It's possible that the book is supposed to be slightly sattire because of the comments it makes about f*ckboys and how men treat women... but it was a stretch if so.

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