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How to Kill Men and Get Away With It

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How To Kill Men And Get Away With It follows social media influencer Kitty as she takes out bad men Dexter-style. This was a humorous take on the female serial killer, although I did find Kitty to be kind of unlikable. She seemed to dislike most aspects of her own life, including her friends and her job.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.

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This is definitely dark humor which I can usually appreciate but in this case I wasn’t a fan. Kitty deciding who deserves to die and claim that it’s not really murder from her point of view just didn’t work for me. I did get a laugh in a few parts.

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TW: sexual assault

Kitty Collins is a vegan Instagram influencer with a secret hobby - murder. Targeting only the scummiest of men, she takes to Tinder and the news to find targets. Can she keep it up? Will her stalker out her?

This book had me laughing and cringing along as Kitty singlehandedly took on the worst of the men in London vigilante style. A murder turned romance that you won’t be able to put down.

Thanks to NetGalley and HQ for the ARC in exchange for a fair review.

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Was this a work of art? Definitely not, but I had a blast reading it. It was the title that made me want to read it, and the cover that makes it look like a typical "chick lit" book. It was fun, the character was a little annoying, but nothing to make me stop reading.

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Thank you to the publishers & net gallery for the ARC in return for my review.

Think - Crazy rich Asians meets Dexter in this exciting novel! Kitty Collins has it going on. She’s living the life of luxury with her besties. Follow Kitty as she navigates the positives and negatives of being a social influencer with a horrible past - and what happens when she decides to murder men who have SA’ed numerous women. She is the hero, bringing justice when the justice system fails women…right? Question your morals as Kitty blurs the fine line of ethics and you find yourself defending her, or screaming at her!

I am glad this novel shines light on what women have and still continue to go through in a modern way, regardless of social status. Although it did seem a bit repetitive at times (she murders and does something with the body, what more can you do?) The novel keeps it up with twist and turns to keep you engaged. About 70% in it really started to pick up! It doesn’t end on a cliffhanger, and honestly I would be satisfied if this was a standalone. If you are a fan of the Finlay Donovan series, you will be a fan of this as well! Little bit of spicy romance, mystery and thriller and comedy in one. I’m glad I stuck it out and continued to read, although I found the twist to be somewhat predictable( if you REALLY pay attention to details in this novel) it was still a nice and quick read to get me out of my book slump!

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This story is basically inspired by the #metoo movement and what would happen if a woman started Dexter Style killing men who are sexual predators. It does remind me a lot of Dexter, as there are many points in this book that we are following her living a normal life. Being a rich influencer on Instagram and finding new love..
This book is dark and I'd say there are definitely sexual assault triggers. The murders done by Kitty can be a bit gruesome. But none of it took away from my enjoyment of the book. Although dark, there is a bunch of dark humor mixed in.

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How to Kill Men and Get Away With It by Katy Brent is a dark, twisted story about love, friendship and murder. Kitty, a very famous influencer, has a dark side that she does not share with others. When she sees a man abusing a woman, she knows how to end his life and knows how to get away with it! With her popularity and good girl persona, no one would ever suspect Kitty of having a dark side.

How to Kill Men and Get Away with It was very entertaining and engaging. It's not something I would usually pick up, and was glad for the opportunity to read it.

I will say, this book largely focused on the influencer side of things, more than the murder side. Sometimes, I found myself cringing at Kitty's character. To me, she was not super likable, but that could be more on me and my personality/humor.

Overall, I would give this book 3 stars!

Thank you NetGalley, Harper 360 and Katy Brent for this ARC!

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The final twists and turns made this such a fun and intriguing read. While Kitty herself may not have been my favorite MC, I did find the mystery itself to be really intriguing. I was always wondering who she was going to kill next and why as well as trying to figure out who her stalker was. I don't find Kitty a particularly likable character and feel like she really over-exaggerates what it means to be an influencer.

I'm interested in reading other books by this author, but hopefully with a more likable main character.

Thank you so so much to Katy Brent and Harper 360 for allowing me to read!

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Female Dexter?! Yes, please!! I definitely fell into the hype on that one! Slow start, but once the murders started to take place, I became more invested. I had to look past all of the Insta, hashtag, materialistic celebrity nonsense to really enjoy it though. I cannot stand superficial hag queens, but I was still drawn to the story, and I did not let my annoyance affect my review. I knew what I was getting into prior to reading and I chose to suffer through it.

This book was definitely 5-star worthy, but it fell flat in some important areas for me. The characters were weak and whiny. I didn't like any of them, including Kitty. The humor was off. I think I only laughed once. But most of all, there needed to be more killing!! It just wasn't dark or sociopathic enough for me. It was very fast-paced, and I did enjoy it. I just can't say that I loved it.

3.5 stars rounded up!!

Thank you to the author, Harper 360 and NetGalley for allowing me free access to this eARC in exchange for my honest opinion!

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How to Kill a Man and Get Away with It was kind of right up my alley. Dark humor, an interesting protagonist, and murder? Yes please. Think Dexter meets Promising Young Woman. How the tension builds as Kitty gets deeper and deeper together with a looming stalker works well and will keep the reader guessing. This is a perfect summer read.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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This book was okay, it was hard for me to get into it for sure. The eating disorder stuff was a huge trigger for me personally. Everything else was good, the book definitely should have been more focused on murder than everything else. It definitely had potential of being great though.

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I didn’t finish this book because of the following reasons:

The main character was one of the most unlikeable, stuck up, judge mental characters I have ever read
blatantly poking fun at eating disorders(????)
The constant designer dropping had me rolling my eyes
The meat packing setting was grotesque

Internalized misogyny poorly disguised as feminism.
1 star

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This wasn't the book for me. Typically I am so excited to read a book like this but it started off too slow and too many details for me which made it read way to slow and drag on. If there were less details and more excitement I would have loved it. She was on point though.

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This was a fun read. While I enjoyed the humor and overall story here, it became a bit much for be Kitty’s influencer lifestyle. It was so overly expressed as well as her dislike like for her lifestyle that it became tedious. I understand the satire undertone but if Kitty was a more likable character, I think this story would have been more enjoyable.

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Kitty Collins, she's your average vegan Instagram IT girl, heir to the famous Collins Meats, her dad has been missing since she was 15 and she's taken up a new hobby...killing sleazy men. That guy that feels like he's entitled to you because he bought you a drink and he just won't take no for an answer, Kitty will kill him. Men who are drugging drink, not once Kitty finds out.

All of the characters are slightly unhinged, Kitty is hilarious and basically the female version of Dexter. This story kept me interested from start to finish, there are twists that I felt coming but others that completely blindsided me (hello Kitty's stalker)

I'd like to note that this book does mention topics that some might find triggering (assault, miscarriage, SA, pedophilia, and murder obviously.)

Overall a wonderful and entertaining debut novel.

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Deep down, we all know we love a anti-hero! I know you’re not supposed to root for the killer but Kitty Collins was serving justice and I couldn’t help but cheer her on. This book was amazing and had me hooked from the prologue!

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Okay, I actually LOVED this. Kitty, her life, her friends, all hooked me from the very beginning. The story concept isn’t new, but I feel like it came off pretty fresh and entertaining. I got about 30% in and couldn’t put it down. And I am really looking forward to seeing her story continued on.

The only thing that bothered me was the vegan murderer spin. I’m supposed to believe that she didn’t even want Charlie to kill ants at a picnic, but she will kill some of these men in the MOST brutal of ways? And then throw them into a meat grinder for people to eat? Like….what?!

There are LOTS of triggers (SA, murder,etc) so TW TW TW!

Thank you so so much to Katy Brent and Harper 360 for allowing me to read!

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Kitty Collins is a very popular influencer turned Dexter. She’s sick of men making their own rules and doing what they please so she takes things into her own hands by murdering them.

This was a tough one to rate. I really enjoyed the book and didn’t mind the swearing or the graphic scenes. This book is obviously full of triggers that might make some uncomfortable.

It started out solid for me and I was excited about the story but lost me around 75% when I became bored. The ending was okay? It was a 3.5/3.75 star read for me.

Thank you HQ Digital & Netgalley for my ARC.

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I absolutely adored Kitty! I think that this is one of the best Books I've read so far this year. Everyone needs to read it! I am obsessed with this and can't stop thinking about it or singing it's praise.
I just reviewed How to Kill Men and Get Away With It by Katy Brent. #HowtoKillMenandGetAwayWithIt #NetGalley
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Yeah…no. Kitty was such a great character in theory, but the longer the book went on, the more grating she became.

This would have been a much better story if the emphasis was more on the murders and less on the vegan/influencer part. The two parts don’t mesh as smoothly as they should, and I struggled to finish it. I did finish it though, and although I didn’t love it, there’s more than enough here for others to love. It was a little too fluffy and toothless for me.

Sorry NetGalley, but I’m honest.

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