Member Reviews

Hannah Linder is a fairly new author that I am quickly coming to like and recommend to my friends! When Tomorrow Came is a fantastic historical fiction piece with gothic undertones. I love the orphan backstory of siblings Nan and Heath growing up together and looking out for each other on the streets, and seeing how similar and dissimilar they became. Their lives become separated and then entangled with each other again. All while Nan is given the chance at a new life, one with many opportunities afforded her. She has options for suitors, something that would have so unimaginable years before as a young child living in a crate on the street. How far God's grace has carried her! And how far God's grace will carry her still.

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I love the Gothic style of this story! A bit of mystery as the heroine and her brother seek to find a way to escape the havoc that being re-united with their father has brought. I loved the twists and turns to the story!

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This was a beautifully written story by Hannah Linder. There were sweet moments and there were tears. This book kept me guessing on what will happen next and I'm usually good at predicting the outcome. It was full of brokenness and yet there was healing, grace, forgiveness and sacrifice. I love how the author wove the story together and gave the view points of other characters as well. There were some scenes that were intense and maybe a little too detailed in my opinion. The author does not shy away from the darkness that fills life at times but she also fills her stories with hope and redemption. Overall a great read and probably my favorite by this author.

All opinions expressed in this review are my own. Thank you Hannah Linder, NetGalley and Barbour Publishing for allowing me to read and review this book.

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Absolutely love this author and everything she writes! Loved this book and can’t wait to read more of her books! Thank you netgalley for the ARC!

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It's hard to find words for this book, I've never read one like this. It made so many emotions go through me at the same time, I didn't even know it was possible. I cried through it, I laughed, I got mad. 😅 There were times I had to just put it down for awhile to process everything, the hurt from the characters lives poured through into me, the hurt felt soooo real. It made me so happy at times I couldn't stop smiling, the joy they felt, I could feel too. The way it's written, it feels like you're right there with the people, going through everything they're going through. The book was coming to a close and I still didn't know what was going to happen, how it was even going to end in a happy ending, but it did, and it was soooo worth every heartache and sad moment, it was one of the best books I've ever read.

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Hannah Linder is a new-to-me author, so I didn't know what to expect with her book When Tomorrow Came. But she has written a solid story that kept my attention throughout. Set in the Regency era, and using multiple points of view (which shifted well from one to another), Linder tells the story of two abandoned siblings struggling to survive in the harsh streets of London. Challenges arise as their lives go on divergent paths and their resiliency is tested. Linder touches on difficult themes with murder and abuse and yet softens the story with sweet romances, Readers who enjoy historical fiction will want to put this book on their to-be-read pile. I was given a complimentary copy of the book and was not required to write a positive review. The opinions are my own.

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Without the excessive profanity, this story would have been precisely my favorite type of novel.

Gothic, separated siblings, delicious melodrama, murder mystery, two romances perfectly balanced… There was lots to cherish about this book!

Content: profanity (excessive), alcohol, saloon

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Emotional rollercoaster and I was there for it! Loved the writing, the characters, and the family drama. Interesting plotline which was extremely well done and capitivating.

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Heath and Nan waited for their papa, who had abandoned them, leaving them to survive the best they could on the streets of London, waiting for him to return, hopefully tomorrow, they reassured themselves. They held onto that hope since their circumstances were so bleak. Heath allows Nan to be rescued by a caring family, to let her have a much better life. Years later, Papa returns. Yet the hope it should have brought is revealed gradually to lead to a series of nightmares. Only God's miracles can lead them out of their mental and physical painful situations.
I enjoyed this remarkable book! I was able to read this book, compliments of the publishers. The thoughts expressed are my own.

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5 stars. I have been looking forwards to this since reading the author’s debut Beneath His Silence and ended up enjoying it even more than BHS. While the latter struck me as having a few anachronisms or sometimes jostled me out of the time period, this one was much more of a smooth read for me. The late 1700s-early 1800s England setting was quite fun; and I really enjoyed the Great Expectations feels that came with the prison ship. I even felt some Henty “vibes” with the outlaw and all that jazz.

The characters were probably my favourite part. Gilbert was pretty epic all around, and a very realistic character while still being super sweet and amazing. Nan wasn’t the type of heroine I usually appreciate, but I ended up liking her and her whole arc made a lot of sense to me, although sometimes I felt like she was just a leetle bit oblivious. Heath was simply darling (even if sometimes I wish he’d stiffened his spine a little… he broke my heart by his calm hopeless acceptance of terrible things!!), and Temperance was super cute, and Charlotte was… well, Charlotte—cute and trouble. And Mr. & Mrs. Stanhope were amazing, while the marchioness gave me strong Lady Catherine de Bourgh feels. Lord Somerset was freaky while Lord Humphries was just sorta… despicable… in a tolerant and indifferent way.

The plot was my second favourite thing. The beginning was heartbreaking but really set the dramatic stage well with the children in the street. I adore stories of found family and adoption and I loved seeing Heath and Nan growing up in their respective homes. Both storylines were amazing and I loved learning of both equally. There were any number of twists and turns, and just the right mixture of angst and sweetness. Although it’s supposed to be a chilling Gothic mystery, I found it very warm and wholesome somehow—just because the characters were almost all so sweet and loving. And I loved the whole PTSD addition.

The romances were super cute (although it took me a bit to warm up to one in particular because I LOVE family relationships—IKYK) and the mystery + suspense was carried out to the end, with so many different layers and clues! (THAT ENDING THOUGH. I just couldn’t decide what would happen and I was hooked.) There were two things I wasn’t a fan of (check the content list) and I felt that the spiritual message was rather weak; but overall I quite enjoyed it—much more so than BHS, as I said—and I look forwards to more by Hannah Linder.

Content: I was NOT a fan of how there are several “close calls” (to two different girls) drawing tension up for an attempted r*pe scene, although the scene itself is actually super brief and undetailed—I had been keyed up for way more; nor was I a fan of how much sexual tension appeared MAJOR SPOILER [between G.S. & N.D. Especially since they’d been raised as siblings. It took me a while to get over feeling a bit grossed out by G mooning over what had just been his sister. Although eventually I found myself rooting for them. There wasn’t anything wrong morally in their falling in love… I just didn’t personally like it. (hide spoiler)] END OF MAJOR SPOILER And also the kisses were just a wee bit too passionate for me—they were brief, but I was still skipping lines because it just felt indecent to me. Personal opinion. Besides some kissing, hugging, & hand-holding, there is one brief scene where a married couple wake up on the morning after their wedding night—no details really, at least not that I can recall, but it is there. Finally, there’s child abuse; mentions of prostitution several times; language (frequent uses of devil, bloody, etc); and one minor character is a drunkard.

*Quotes to come. I received a complimentary copy of this book for promotional purposes. I was not required to write a positive review. These are my honest thoughts and opinions.*

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I really enjoyed this book! It was a bit jarring at times when it switched from one character’s POV to the next, but you get used to it and I could quickly figure out whose POV it was. Also, some scenes ended quite abruptly before switching to another scene. Overall, a beautifully written story. There wasn’t anything inappropriate in it, but it also didn’t sugarcoat any of the hardships.

Often times with Christian fiction the stories are almost too good to be true and a bit cheesy. Not so with When Tomorrow Came. It was heartbreaking what Heath and Nan went through as young children only to be separated until they were adults. Yet, they held onto their faith, even when their father returned and their lives were turned upside down.

I was adopted as a young child, so I could sympathize with Nan and Heath wanting to try and have a relationship with their father.

I loved all the side characters in this book (except for the ones we obviously weren’t supposed to really like). I loved the banter between Nan and Gil and the sweet relationship between Temperance and Heath. I especially loved Mr. and Mrs. Stanhope and how they accepted Nan as their own from the beginning.

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This book is heartbreakingly beautiful. The pages are filled with rich layers of heartache, hope, love, and so much more. I loved all of the main characters: Nan, Heath, Gil, and Temperance. They were just all so well done and had so much depth.

My heart broke for Heath and all he'd sacrificed for those he loved. It broke for Nan for how much she wanted to please her family (one person in particular). Her choices weren't always wise, but I understood why she felt she had to do them. Temperance was just a breath of fresh air. I loved her chattering ways and sweet innocence. And Gil just about broke my heart.

This book is heavy but always points back to Christ. I loved the faith themes woven throughout the story. There was so much angst that I couldn't stop wondering what was going to happen next. Loved this story so much and I know I will be thinking about it for a long time.

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I have heard a lot about this author recently. I have not read her other novels (although I look forward to doing this), i did enjoy this one. Perhaps it had been hyped up too much but I found the multiple points of view to be sometime confusing and distracting at times. I also had trouble connecting with some of the main characters. The romances are sweet.
I am becoming uncomfortable with some scenes being included in "Christian" labelled stories. Nothing in this book was too detailed but the intent of the scene was implied and I feel it was unnecessary.
I do plan to read more by this author, as she seems to have a strong following, and I look forward to this. i was just a little disappointed in this one. That being said, it was still good. Still worth reading (especially if you are fan of this author and/or this genre and timeframe).

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Hannah Linder is an exciting new voice in Regency fiction!! Nan and Heath, siblings separated after a youth spent on London streets, are suddenly reunited by their father years later. Nan is caught in a decision of whether to follow her heart or her father’s instruction on who to marry, and Heath is caught between his approach to the world and what his father wants for him. Linder writes beautifully, and with romance and mystery, this is sure to please any Regency reader!

*I received a free copy of this book from Netgalley. All opinions expressed are my own.

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I'll admit it: I'm not usually a fan of regency fiction. However, When Tomorrow Came drew me in until I couldn't put it down. This book is a stunning work, centered on a singular question: what happens when the tomorrow you've always dreamed of is far from what you expected?

Finely drawn characters, tender romance, beautiful sibling bonds, and page-turning mystery--this book has it all! The themes were carefully interwoven through the story, and while I don't want to give away the heart-pounding climax, the conclusion was unforeseen and so very memorable.

I am so excited to be on the launch team for this wonderful book and look forward to reading Hannah's next stories!

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What an interesting story! I was totally invested in the lives of the characters, especially reading their difficult beginning. I don’t always love multiple POV’s, however Linder mastered it, and I found myself wanting even more. Not once did I have to question who’s POV I was reading, which I find can be hard for some authors, but not Linder.

This story has some wonderful twists and turns, romantic threads, and an overall story of hope and redemption that will leave the reader smiling at the end. And she easily transports readers back in time. I love it when the authors is able to make everything about the book make you feel like you’ve slipped into a Time Machine - not just the dialogue, but every word, description, character, setting…etc…. Linder does an amazing job with that!

Historical fiction fans will love the latest from Linder. Highly recommend! I received a complimentary copy of this book. I was not required to write a favorable review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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When Tomorrow Came
by Hannah Linder
Pub Date 01 Apr 2023
Barbour Publishing, Barbour Fiction
Christian | Historical Fiction | Romance

A copy of When Tomorrow Came has been provided to me by Barbour Publishing and Netgalley for review.

Their entire lives were devoted to waiting for their Papa's return!

Nan Duncan and Heath Duncan, siblings abandoned by their papa and abused by their guardian, are forced to live on the streets of London. When Nan is rescued from such a life by a kind gentleman, the siblings are separated and raised in two very different social milieus. As both are beginning to flourish and some of their wounds have healed, their long-awaited papa returns and reunites them, bringing with him a number of demands. Heath is expected to abandon his gentle nature and become as hardened as his father was, and Nan is expected to marry a rich suitor she has never liked.

The worlds Heath and Nan have built for themselves are upset by dangers, a secret love, fights, and murder.

They have waited their entire lives for their papa to return. Now that it has arrived, will they be able to see the truth and end this nightmare before it costs one of them his or her life?

I give When Tomorrow Comes five out of five Stars!

Happy Reading!

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When Tomorrow Came by Hannah Linder is an emotionally gripping rollercoaster ride full of loss, love, sadness, family as well as Faith and Joy. The story is action packed with surprises and a unique plot with twists and turns that kept me on my toes. The characters are well rounded and realistic. Frankly, I couldn't put this book down. I highly recommend When Tomorrow Came!

5 Stars!

I received this book for free. A favorable review was not required, and all views expressed are my own. Thank you to Barbour Fiction and Ms. Linder for the opportunity to read and review this book.

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I struggled to get into this book until at least halfway through. But in the end this story was a heart wrenching powerful story of sacrifice, disappointment, love, revenge, murder, and most importantly hope.

thanks to #netgalley for a copy of this eARC. I have given my review voluntarily.

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This book takes readers on a tumultuous journey through the lives of Nan and Heath Duncan, two siblings who face abandonment, abuse, and the harsh realities of survival on the streets of London. Linder masterfully crafts a narrative that explores themes of resilience, family bonds, and the pursuit of truth amidst a backdrop of societal hierarchies and personal struggles.

The story begins with Nan and Heath's desperate existence, but their lives take a dramatic turn when Nan is rescued by a compassionate gentleman, leading to their separation and subsequent upbringing in starkly contrasting social worlds. Linder skillfully depicts the stark divide between privilege and poverty, immersing readers in the challenges and triumphs of both siblings as they navigate their respective paths.

The characters of Nan and Heath are deeply layered and compelling. Nan's resilience and determination shine through as she finds herself caught in the clutches of an arranged marriage to a wealthy suitor she despises. Heath, on the other hand, struggles to reconcile his gentle nature with the expectations placed upon him by their long-absent father. Their individual journeys of self-discovery and the bonds they share provide an emotional anchor that keeps readers invested in their fates.

Linder expertly builds tension and intrigue as long-awaited reunions give way to unexpected dangers and hidden secrets. The story is marked by a series of heart-pounding moments, with love, conflict, and even murder threatening to upend the worlds Nan and Heath have fought so hard to create for themselves. The author's ability to weave together these elements keeps readers on the edge of their seats, eagerly turning the pages to uncover the truth behind the unfolding nightmare.

The setting adds a captivating atmosphere to the story, with its stark contrasts between opulence and destitution. Linder's attention to detail brings the era to life, immersing readers in the sights, sounds, and social dynamics of the time. The struggles faced by Nan and Heath are heightened by the societal expectations and limitations of the period, emphasizing the complexities of their predicaments.

"When Tomorrow Came" is a poignant exploration of survival, redemption, and the enduring power of family bonds. Linder's prose is evocative, capturing both the beauty and brutality of the world she has created. My main complaint was that the narrative occasionally loses momentum in certain sections, and I felt the narrative was too convoluted in places which made it hard to keep up.
This said, the overall story remains engaging, drawing readers in with its themes of love, sacrifice, and the pursuit of a better tomorrow.

In conclusion, "When Tomorrow Came" is a gripping novel that seamlessly blends historical fiction, family drama, and suspense. Hannah Linder's skillful storytelling and compelling characters make for an enthralling read that will leave readers eagerly anticipating what lies on the next page.

Thanks to Barbour for Approving me for this title on Netgalley. I this did not influence my reviews and opinions and all are own own.

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