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Thicker Than Water

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Megan Collins has written another great suspense novel. Thicker Than Water is a story about two sisters-in-law and the man connecting. He is suspected of murder. Great character development. Lots of twists and turns!

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Overall I enjoyed this book. I did find myself getting bored several times in the beginning and wishing the story would pick up and there would be some suspense. About 60% through it really picked up and I couldn’t put it down! I liked they storyline for the book it just seemed a little dragged out in some places. I really enjoyed the ending! I would recommend this book to friends.

Thank you Atria Books and NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Thanks to Atria and NetGalley for the ARC. I give this a solid three star. Well written. A good story, if a bit of a slow burn.

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Julia's husband, Jason, is a prime suspect in the death of his boss, Gavin. However, Jason is in a car accident and is put into a medically induced coma, when Julia finds out this news with Jason's sister, Sienna. Sienna knows her brother would never hurt anyone, but Julia knows he's not perfect. Together they try to do some detective work on their own to find out what really happened the night Gavin died.

THICKER THAN WATER was a fast-paced thriller! I really think it is Megan Collins best work to date. I loved this story and from the first page I had a hard time putting it down. My mind was in over drive trying to figure out what really happened that night. I will say that even though I was not really shocked to find out the truth or surprised with the conclusion, I still really enjoyed this story. It was a great way to spend the day and I think many thriller fans will love it!

Many thanks to NetGalley and Atria Books for my ARC in exchange for my honest review.

This review will be shared to my Instagram ( in the near future.

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Thicker Than Water mainly explores the dynamic between Julia and her sister in law Sienna. Life has been idyllic for the two women since meeting and starting their own business until Julia's husband - Sienna's brother - is accused of murdering his boss. Lies from all sides are being brought to light and soon we can begin to see the cracks in the foundation of what Julia and Sienna thought was solid. Even though there are times when the characters in the book make you want to bang your head against a wall, I would actually argue that, isn't that what a good book is supposed to do? A good book brings out emotion and passions and feelings about what's written and this one had me on the edge of my seat! I devoured the entire thing in one sitting!

I want to thank NetGalley and Megan Collins for allowing me to read this eARC before publication in exchange for an honest review.

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This was my first by Collins and I was blown away! I haven’t seen character development like
this in a thriller in a long time. Definitely recommend!

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The beginning of this book seemed a lot stronger to me than the end. I was drawn in and enjoyed the mystery and characters. Towards the 70% mark it began to fall flat for me.

This was the first book I read from Collins and I’m interested to read her other titles. Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC.

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Thicker Than Water revolves around two sister in laws Julia and Sienna Larkin. Julia's husband and Sienna's brother, Jason is in a coma after being involved in a MVI . Jason is also the prime suspect in the murder of Gavin who was Jason's boss . Julia and Sienna begin a quest to find out who murder Gavin .

Shortly in the the story the reader is brought into the hospital room where Jason lays in a coma. Julia and Sienna are by Jason's bedside and they start conversing however their dialogue doesn't quite fit the gravity of the situation and appears rather absurd.

Unfortunately, I did not enjoy this book. The storyline is repetitive, characters reiterate the same things throughout the various chapters. Towards the middle of the book the story takes too long to progress and flatlines, at this point I was just eager to finish with the end no where in sight.

The book is label as a thriller but I definitely didn't get any thrills, it was also not a great mystery as I think most readers will become aware early on of the twist/mystery.

On a positive note ,the author does interweaves some important themes in the book such as how bias can hide the truth that is right in front of us .

Many thanks to NetGalley and Atria Books for the ARC in return for an unbiased review.

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Today is Throwback Thriller Thursday…

So I am going to throw the baton on over to an author that has always haunted me, Megan Collins.

I have read so many thrillers that sometimes I forget what ones I have read and what ones I need to read but the most unforgettable books I have ever read are always written by our Queen, Megan Collins.

Now, I see everyone always posting about Behind The Red Door and don’t get me wrong, that book literally scared the life out of me but what The Family Plot and The Winter Sister ? Collins is slaying the thriller world

I had been so anxious while waiting for Thicker Than Water . I was patient. I watched as my peers excitedly exclaimed they received their approval email.

I had almost given up…

But then it came…

My mama always said, the best things in life are worth waiting for and I have yet to be steered wrong by mom’s words.

The excitement was real as I settled down with my book. It didn’t take long until I was completely consumed with what I was reading . I hung on every last word that danced across each page . I was stunned, excited and left in disbelief way too many times to count .

If I had to use one word to describe Thicker Than Water, I would say “twisted” and I loved each and every bit of it .

If you love Megan Collins as much as I do and you haven’t pre-ordered this one, can you even call yourself a fan?

Don’t worry kids, you still have time, this soon to be best seller hits the shelves on July 11, 2023


Julia and Sienna Larkin are sisters-in-law, connected by Julia’s husband and Sienna’s brother, Jason. More than that, the two are devoted best friends and business partners, believing that theirs is a uniquely unbreakable bond. To Sienna, her protective brother can do no wrong, and although Julia knows he’s not perfect, they’ve built a comfortable life and family together. Recently, Jason has been putting in long hours to secure a promotion at work, so when his boss is found brutally murdered—his lips sewn shut—the Larkins are shocked and unsettled, especially as local gossip swirls.

A few days later, Julia and Sienna’s lives are upended when Jason gets into a car accident and is placed in a medically induced coma. Worse, the police arrive with news that he’s the prime suspect in the murder investigation. With Jason unable to respond—and with Julia and Sienna working to clear his name—the two women find their friendship threatened for the first time: Sienna staunchly maintains her brother’s innocence, but as their investigation uncovers a complicated web of secrets, Julia is less sure she’s willing to defend her husband.

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Great suspense novel! I loved diving into the relationship between Julia and Sienna as they figured out the mystery. The ending was a bit rushed but I still thoroughly enjoyed this book. Thanks to NetGalley and Atria Books for the ARC!

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This was an okay read. It kept me interested but unfortunately the characters annoyed me. Especially Sienna. She was unbearable until towards the end of the book. I wasn’t impressed with the twists. The ending was anticlimactic in my opinion.

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Holy crap this book was absolutely awesome! The twists and turns will have you guessing until the very end.

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I really wanted to like this, but I hated it. I found Sienna to be so aggravating and in such denial about her brother that this book was hard for me to read.

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THIS IS THAT BOOK! The book you can’t put down, the book you think you have figured out, the one that has you up all night questioning yourself! This book was MAGNIFICENTLY WRITTEN! This author just moved to my top 5 fave authors for their writing & bringing characters to life!!

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3.5 stars rounded up to 4: Thicker Than Water tells the story of two sisters-in-law as they try to process, understand, and piece together the story of how their husband/brother, in a coma after a car crash, is charged with murder. The evidence against him begins to build, and it’s not looking good!

This was a quick read, and it kept me invested in how the story unraveled. I would characterize it less as a thriller, and more of a mystery unfolding around the nuances of each character. It’s a story about relationships and how blood is not always thicker than water. Above that, I truly appreciated how the author addressed the dangers of silence in various ways. I love the message that women do not need a “knight in shining armor”, but men (or others in positions of power) who are willing to speak up against the everyday injustices.

I would definitely recommend this book! Thank you to NetGalley and Atria books for this arc copy.

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Julia and Sienna Larkin are sisters-in-law, connected by Julia’s husband and Sienna’s brother, Jason. Julia & Sienna are also best friends & business partners. Jason is in a coma, and his boss has been brutally murdered. Julia & Sienna try to figure out what exactly happened to the boss & whether Jason is involved.

- This is the first Megan Collins’ book I’ve read.
- The plot feels very repetitive throughout. It felt like each character rehashes the same things over and over. In particular, the middle of the book drags a bit.
- The mystery isn’t very mysterious, and it’s obvious from the beginning.
- I liked the way the book is structured. It is told from multiple POVS, one being the wife (Julia) & one being the sister (Sienna).
- I didn’t think the plot or the story was unique or original.
- Some interesting themes were explored: family, friendship, biases, trust

TL;DR: ⭐️⭐️⭐️Decent thriller with some interesting themes & told from multiple POV. Not a big reveal & not unique storyline. Slow & repetitive in many parts

Thanks to Atria Books and NetGalley for this digital ARC in exchange for an honest review. It's due to be published on July 11, 2023.

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Another fast-paced domestic thriller! It was interesting to see the dynamics play out between Jason, Sienna, and Julia as they piece together the truth behind what happened prior to Jason’s accident. The closeness between them all was a bit much at points- especially when it seemed that Sienna was too involved in Julia and Jason’s marriage. I would have liked to see an epilogue explaining what happened after Jason was released from the hospital.

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Two friends who are sister-in-laws find their tight relationship being strained. Julia and Sienna are the best of friends. Julia is married to Sienna’s brother, Jason. They were instant friends when they first met. Their lives are intertwined in many ways. But soon things start to go downhill. Jason is in a car accident and a coma. But things take a turn for the worse when he is accused of murdering his boss. Julia starts to doubt her husband and things he may be guilty. Sienna thinks it's impossible that it could be hed brother. Both women are hiding secrets from each other too. Soon the secrets will emerge. Can their friendship last through the lies and revelations? Who really killed Jason's boss?

What I enjoyed:
- whoa, baby! This was a VERY well paced read. I could not put it down. I spent most of my night reading it and finished it when I woke up. Less than 24 hour read. The pages will be turning while you devour this book
- Dual POVS. This was one fun seeing both perspectives of Julia and Sienna. You get an idea of how opposite and similar they are. Plus how deep their love and friendship is.
- Their friendship was fun to see mapped out in the book. From the very beginning to present.
- The twist! I had an idea but I was still plesently surprised when the truth came out
- Also, I really loved Wyatt

This book was a really fun read! This is my second book by the author and definitely my favorite. The writing was strong, the pacing great, characters were likeable and felt real. I really enjoyed this story! Can't wait to recommend this to my book club. 4 stars out of 5. Thank you to Netgalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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Thicker Than Water is another fantastic book by Megan
Collins! This is the story of Julia (the wife) and Sienna (the sister) to Jason and their incredible bond.
Jason ends up in an accident and while in a coma the SILs find out he is a suspect in a murder.
I loved the 2 different perspectives as you go back and forth between Julia and Sienna's point of view.
They take on the evidence and try to prove Jason is innocent but along the way they uncover truths about themselves as well as the case.
This was an engaging and fun book to read!
Thanks to NetGalley and Atria books for this ARC!

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This story is told from two perspectives. Sienna, Jason's sister. And Julia, Jason's wife. In a matter of hours Jason's boss turns up murdered with his mouth sewn shut and Jason lies in a hospital bed in a coma after a car accident. And already three suspects and a heavy secret are revealed.

I was riveted by this story. The mystery only deepened with every chapter and I was dying to find out who was responsible. The characters were all excellent and really drove this story.

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