Cover Image: Taco Bout Love

Taco Bout Love

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Another cute read with a little bit of spice thrown in. I think it was a cute fun quick read that I likely would not end up picking up again to be honest. It was good while it lasted.

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Ok this was such a cute read! This story is about fast romance, personal growth, and new beginnings. Set in an adorably named small town -Fantasie we quickly meet Chloe who is trying to start over, and Lucas the town lawyer. I enjoyed how easily the story flowed, how Lucas quickly takes over and takes her in because "she's is responsibility" *meltinggggg*, and how we finally got Chloe's backstory of why she left NY and what really happened with her and her ex (heartbreaking!).

I went into this as a cute romcom and of course was not disappointed. I loved our grumpy, caretaking, main character, who basically takes care of the town, which half of his is family anyway...but so sweet how much he does and doesn't tell anyone! Overall this was a cute read, and the instant love wasn't bad because of how much Chloe fought it although the falling in love and moving in was a little fast/cheesy, I still overall enjoyed the story!

Only things that were a little off:
In Lucas' chapter (18) - He asks about her dating her ex and she responds but it says "before," I said - in reference to her just dating him without him actually asking.

Also Ch 18 - "she dunked her tea bag" but that seems weird since Ch 13 she says "I'm from New York. I don't even now what tea is".

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I really enjoyed this book! The cover and title caught my eye and I'm so glad I read it! It was a bit insta-lovey to me but I was able to look past it and really enjoyed it.

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Taco Bout Love promised to combine two of my favourite things - tacos and romance.

Sadly, I failed to connect with this book.

I found it particularly hard to connect with the characters and the overall writing style but I can confidently say it was not the book, it was me.

Not every book will be right for every person, and that is okay!

I wish Lily Kate all the best with this upcoming release and would recommend to lovers of small time romance reads!

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I ended up DNF'ing this one a little over 50% in.

The description and the tropes this book promised got me so interested but the read fell flat for me personally. The writing was a bit chaotic and clunky, some of the details were unnecessary and the fact that different characters from different backgrounds and age groups drew the same conclusions was a bit odd to me. The hard ons and hard nipples every few minutes were a bit off putting and the small town romance vibe was off. Im from a tiny town like fantasie where everyone knows everyone but no one is that nice. My first impression of the town was chaos instead of welcoming.

I honestly didn't love either the FMC or the MMC from the beginning. Lucas is almost like a teenager with his instant infatuation and constant hard ons around Chloe. Chloe came to town to start her food truck and that doesn't even happen until the end.

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I didn’t enjoy this book nor did I care for the main characters.

I love a small town romance but this just didn’t work for me, I felt like the story was pretty flat.

I wasn’t a fan of how quickly everyone took to Chloe, I know people can be friendly but it was like she was a part of the town from day 1. I found everyone who lived in the town to be overbearing, there was just a lot going on for me.

I also found it very odd how obsessive and fixated Lucas was with Chloe from the very beginning, there wasn’t any build up which tends to be my favourite part.

This book wasn’t for me, but I could see how it would be for others.

Thanks NetGalley & publisher for the ARC.

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*ARC provided by NetGalley in return for an honest review*

I love a good taco.... but this taco didn't satisfy my cravings.

It had plenty of toppings from taco puns to the stereotypical "I like my women like I like my tacos" quote (which... let's be honest... we all expected at this point considering when it was written and every romance author's urge to write outdated slightly sexist memes in their novels).

However, the flavor was gone. The story used the wrong type of seasoning (imagine biting into a birria taco but there's unseasoned meat, no cilantro and onions, and the consomme was just taco seasoning mixed in water -- Okay, maybe a bit of an exaggeration, but you catch my drift). By this I mean, the spice felt very "hard" (Crutch-words - or should I say taco shell preference?), and the main character's personality felt more grating that a cheese grater.

On a positive note, the shell (writing) was a corn tortilla (great)! In all seriousness, I think this author has some amazing potential if they maybe focused less on the "small-town" hallmark vibes with a hint of Can-Do attitude.

Outside of this making me hungry for tacos now... I don't imagine I'll be picking this title up again.

P.s. I'm sorry for the puns.

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This book was a solid romance with a little humor thrown in here and there. Overall, it felt a little rushed considering how the author was trying to build the world for what will obviously be more books featuring the DiMaggio family.

FMC was a bit annoying at times and reminded me of my toddlers shouting "I DO IT MYSELF" over and over. But she at least was a strong female who left a crappy situation in NYC.

MMC was just kind of blah to me. Maybe it's just my preferences, but he was the strong, stable, dependable, good guy with what appeared to be zero flaws. A MMC needs a flaw or two, IMO.

I would read the follow up books, mostly because Josie and Finn's story intrigues me.

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Thank you to the author, LK Publishing and NetGalley, for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

I was expecting a cute small-town romcom - cover, synopsis and tropes sounded good. Unfortunately, what I got was something else entirely. Within the first 20 pages, frequent mention of "hard nipples" and "hard-ons", and declarations of having found the one person for me - but knowing absolutely nothing about that person upon which a statement like that could be based. Subtlety is not the author's strong suit - everything is on the table, nothing is held back. There are genres where that fits, for romcoms that would not be the strategy I would follow. Perhaps I was subconsciously expecting more, because the main character has the same name as the main character in Talia Hibbert's excellent series. That this book seems to be self-published might have been a warning - this book is a hard no for me.

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I had so much fun reading this. It was such a witty, entertaining read for me. I loved how engaging the story was. Along with that the characters were entertaining and adorable enough too!!

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I love small town romance setting, grumpy x sunshine trope but Taco Bout Love? Not really.

As much as I wanted to like this book but I am not feeling the chemistry between Lucas and Chloe. Their dialogues felt fake/forced. Their pacing was a slow burn but rushed ending. The supporting characters has way less or zero developments .I did not like Lucas at first because of how possessive and lustful but then revealed he is a good man who helps people around - still does not justified of how easy he is having a hard on ever since he laid eyes in Chloe. Just nope.

I love Josie and Lily nonetheless.

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Chloe Brown left New York after breaking up with her long-term boyfriend and business partner and decided to stop at a small town called Fantasie. She had her list of priorities: fix her truck, transform it into her dream Taco Bout Love truck, and start her new business while she rediscovers herself.

However, she does not expect the townsfolk to be so welcoming, nor Luca, the very hot, grumpy lawyer that gets on her nerves but seems to be a softie after all. What will she do?


I'm not sure how I feel about this book. On one hand, I really loved the exploration of community, of how they welcomed Chloe and helped her from the very beginning in becoming the woman she needed to be and to achieve her dream of opening her dessert truck.

I also really liked the simple way in which the author built the friendship between Josie and Chloe, which was fast best friends from the moment they met and never stopped.

However, I do think there were some inconsistencies with the plot and some things that I thought were a bit too unrealistic. For example, Chloe while talking about her past life and relationship, she kept saying she never told anyone before about that while talking with Lucas, but she had actually already spoken with Josie about it all.

I also think that the relationship between Lucas and Chloe was quite rushed. In less than one day, they were both obsessed with each other, like insta-love, insta-fatal attraction, insta-everything. Lucas behavior was also borderline creepy, almost stalking Chloe, getting possessive of her from the beginning, inappropriate boners...Basically, they met one day, one week later they were already living together, one month after they met they were already together, 2 or 3 months in they were already in the marrying stage, and then as soon as they married, they were already on the baby making stage. Where's the buildup? I wish their relationship was construed a little bit slower.

Nonetheless, it was still an enjoyable read and I would recommend it if you like fast-paced, cozy, lighthearted rom-com type of books.

<b>Trigger warnings:</b> miscarriage, infertility, physical assault, manipulation, abusive relationships, divorce, kidnapping

Thank you so much to Lily Kate, LK Publishing and NetGalley for providing this eARC!

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Taco Bout Love
A spicy romantic comedy
by Lily Kate

From the first chapter, I was hooked on this romantic, heartwarming story set in the small town of Fantasie. There is a lot of love between the characters and I laughed out loud at all of them. The adventures of Lucas, Chloe, and the gang are pure delight. It contains some spicy scenes, so be aware if you are sensitive. Those who enjoy an engaging love story should definitely read this book.

Taco Bout Love is available on February 14th, just in time for Valentine's Day gift giving. (4.5/5)

Thank you NetGalley and LK Publishing for sharing this hilarious romance with me. I look forward to reading more from Lily Kate. Her writing is adorable!

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This book is si funny, has everything I love…Love and Tacos! I highly recommended this book
Thanks Netgalley and the publisher for the book

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I really enjoyed my trip to Fantasie. Lucas and Chloe's story was fun. She was looking for a fresh start, and he wasn't looking for anything. When her truck broke down in his parking lot, he got a lot more than he bargained for. She stumbled upon a town full of fun characters. A whole lot of stories are just ripe for the picking in Fantasie. I look forward to reading more from this town. I found a lot more on Amazon from this author. I look forward to reading through her backlist.

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Chloe and Lucas are just an explosion waiting to happen from the minute she shows up in Fantasie, Maine and steals Lucas's parking spot.

The chemistry just radiates off the pages and I loved the slow burn and build to the romance in this one. The grumpy male x sunshiney female trope works really well here and I love how feisty Chloe is.

I also really enjoyed the enemies to lovers of it, even though it was obvious it was just unresolved sexual tension more than enemies.

I'm also very excited to read Josie and Finn's story. Just from the characterization of them in this story has me believing I may like it even more than this one. I cannot wait to read the love stories of all the DiMaggio's.

Overall, this is a very fun read. The spice is well done and the characterization is also done well.

I'm looking forward to reading the entire series as it unfolds. I definitely recommend this!

Thanks to Lily Kate and NetGalley for the ARC for a review!

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I loved the small town vibe, but the rest was a miss. There really was no connection between the two MC’s. Chloe was a bit annoying and Lucas with his insta love was not believable. There was not much build up to their connection so it felt very forced. Despite the title, there is no real connection to tacos or the taco truck Chloe rolled into town intending on starting. That part was very much an after thought.

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A rom-com surrounding family, love and mentions of tacos. The description made it seem like something I would love. I wasn't thrilled with this book in the beginning. I found it difficult to pick back up and finish, I just wasn't invested with what was happening with anyone in this book. Around the 40% mark I felt more into reading this but still not a must read.

I enjoyed the small-town vibe and how everyone knew everything about each other. I like the concept of the big family and all the characters, although I wanted them developed more. I thought it was strange how tacos was in the title but that wasn't part of the plot until the end of the book,. I would have liked to see more character development and a longer build up between Lucas and Chloe. Lucas seemed a little stalker-ish running on very little connection with Lucy.

Quick easy read but not one I would tell friends they have to read. This would make for a quick vacation read.

I would try this author again. This book might just not be for me.

Thank you NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Easily 4.5 ⭐️ (rounded up to 5)

Taco Bout Love is a cute small-town romance which takes place in the town of Fantasie, Maine.
Chloe Brown, previously a restaurant owner, decides to start fresh in a new town where she known no one and no one knows her. From the very beginning she meets the MMC, Lucas, to whom she’s instantly attracted. As she suffers an accident she has no choice but to stay in Lucas’s guest house and from there they hit it off.

I loved that it’s not insta-love. I mean they are attracted to each other from the moment they see first meet but it didn’t bother me as much as insta-love does. It’s small town, forced proximity romance and he falls first. Some of my favorite tropes all in one place. I had so much fun with their banter and laughed a lot throughout the book.

It was a light read, a little slow in the beginning, but a really good book nonetheless.

Thank You NetGalley and LK Publishing for the ARC!

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New Yorker Chloe Brown is on a journey to start a new life and career as a food truck chef/ owner. When she rolls into small-town Fantasie, she catches the eye of local lawyer Lucas DiMaggio. First he was irritated that a tourist parked in his parking spot, then he was drawn to her. Chloe and Lucas might’ve started on the wrong foot, but that doesn’t mean they’re not attracted to each other.

I thought I was going to love this book, but I only liked it. Chloe is admirable for being determined to start a new after everything that happened to her in New York with her ex. She wanted to make the most of what she has and build herself up again. Romantic relationships wasn’t really part of her “new me” then enters Lucas. While Lucas has the best intentions, I found him a bit childish because of the things he did to get Chloe’s attention. Think of when you’re young and they tell you “he’s mean to you because he likes you.” Lucas’ more admirable traits is helping the locals and reminding Chloe it is her choice whatever it may be.

There are mentions of abuse/toxic relationships and infertility in this book.

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