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The Only One Left

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Member Reviews

I’ve struggled with some of Riley Sager’s more recent titles but, overall, really enjoyed this one! The plot line was fun and spooky (I had to put it down last night because I was a bit creeped out), and I enjoyed the back and forth of the present day and the typed up happenings of the past. This had a great twist, but I did find the end a bit confusing.

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Another twisty mystery by a very talented writer! A very old house built on the edge of a cliff is a character itself, as Kit learns when she accepts the job of caregiver to the reclusive Lenora Hope. It turns out Lenora is paralyzed and unable to speak, making her care quite challenging. Rumors surrounding the house, the Hope family and Lenora herself make Kit uneasy. As she tries to learn the truth, she also has to deal with her own problems, including the public belief that she killed her own mother in an assisted suicide. The plot is intriguing and deep, taking so many sharp turns that the reader must simply hang on for the ride. This author never disappoints! Thanks to NetGalley, the Penguin Group, and Dutton for providing an ARC.

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Highly enjoyable, I loved the setting and liked the characters and their drama. The plot premise is probably my favorite from this author so far and the execution definitely did not disappoint. Thriller fans will enjoy this one.

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This book took me straight back to my teen years where I discovered and devoured all of Victoria Holt’s Gothic mysteries. The Only One Left had all the extra unreliable characters throwing us of our game and even several stunning twists as the book wrapped up!! Riley Sager never disappoints!!

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Holy forking shirt balls... That was a wild ride.
I am so thankful to NetGalley, Dutton Books, and the great Riley Sager for granting me early access to this highly anticipated thriller before it hits shelves on June 20, 2023.

Kit McDeere has had a rough go with life after being temporarily suspended from her caregiving job after a misfortunate death of a patient. Upon her return, after her 6-month punishment, she's assigned a role as caregiver to the infamous Lenora Hope, the same woman who supposedly murdered her entire family back in 1929. As Kit begrudgingly drives up the hill of the daunting manor, she's filled with fear and curiosity about the truth behind that dreadful day. Her patient, Lenora, is riddled with diseases and paralysis, unable to communicate outside of one tap for 'no' and two taps for 'yes.'

Lenora wants to tell her side of the infamous tale by slowly typing her memories on a typewriter that her previous (and now missing) nurse purchased for her. With each passing day, Kit learns more and more about the twisted Hope family and how they treated each other until the evening of that fateful day. Without giving too much away from this gothic, atmospheric plot, Kit encounters a cast of staff and crew members during her assignment who both appear to be suspects and also potential helping hands in solving this decade's old true crime case. Or could ole' Lenora be lying about it for pure fun?

You'll have to read to find out. There were several twists in this novel, and one after the other had me thinking I knew what was going on... but it's not a Riley Sager novel if I'm entirely fooled by the end of the book.

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Truly another fantastic work, Riley Sager continues to show the power of thriller and horror fiction. A pulse-pounding, page turning thriller that absolutely does NOT let up and keeps you by the throat.

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Okay that's it. I am officially done with Riley Sager. I can't keep doing this. The cover? Great. The contents? Simply no. Kit was stupid and spent the first 150 pages of the book constantly worrying about Lenora maybe-or-maybe-not killing her family while clunkily revealing The Incident™ that got her suspended. The twists were pretty easy to sniff out, but they were still okay so those get a pass. Kenny showing up was strange. The way Kit navigated the mystery was so clumsy and weird.
*exasperated fist shaking*

1 star for the cool cover
1 star for the contents

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When I saw I got approved for this book I was ecstatic! I love Riley’s writing and books and read this in almost one sitting. Thank you so much netgalley for the chance to read this early! I didn’t know what to expect going into this book and I definitely didn’t expect how it ended! There were so many twists and turns. It wasn’t my favorite book but also wasn’t the worst I’ve ever read. Wouldn’t read it again though.

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First line: The office is on Main Street, tucked between a beauty parlor and a storefront that, in hindsight, feels prophetic.

Summary: In 1929, Lenora Hope killed her whole family. Or that’s how the rhyme goes but Lenora was never charged and is now living a lonely life in her family’s house on the cliffs. It’s now 1983, Kit McDeere has just ended her suspension after an investigation into her previous patient’s death. Her new assignment is to care for the local murderess, Lenora Hope. Several strokes have left Lenora mute and wheelchair bound. Using a typewriter Lenora is able to communicate with Kit but one sentence changes the course of Kit’s life. Lenora wants to tell Kit everything about that night in 1929. Intrigued, Kit begins helping Lenora type her story. What really happened in 1929? And can Kit trust what Lenora is telling her?

My Thoughts: To date this is probably my favorite Riley Sager book! It was crammed full of twists at the end. It was twist after twist after twist. But I was invested for every bit of it. The beginning is a slow burn as we are introduced to the characters and what has brought Kit to this point in her life. She has struggled through life but finally found something she is good at. Then one mistake takes everything she has done into question, changing her whole life. I ended up liking Kit by the end. She starts out rather timid and unsure but as she learns more she becomes a stronger character who stands behind her decisions.

Hope’s End seemed a living museum. The house was stuck in the past along with the uniforms and amenities. Lenora is kept upstairs in her room. Everything about the house and it occupants was perfectly done. It had that eerie feeling with what appears to be a Mrs. Danvers character running the show. The house is perched on the edge of a cliff face but the ocean is slowly eroding the land away. Adding the imminent threat of destruction to a need to find out the truth added suspense and urgency to the plot. This book could easily be read in one sitting because it is so packed with shocking moments and revelations that makes it hard to put down.

My favorite parts were Lenora’s memories of 1929 and the times leading up to the murder of her family. There were so many clues hiding in plain sight and I did not notice until everything has been revealed. And red herrings were placed throughout as well to throw the reader off and they did just that! It was plotted out perfectly.

I love that Sager sets his books in the 80s. It such a modern era but still in the past before internet and cell phones. I have to keep reminding myself about the time period when I get frustrated and question why the characters did not do or know something. But this is part of the appeal of Sager’s books. They have a nostalgia factor mixed with the wonderful 80s horror movie tropes. As always I highly recommend this to anyone looking for a thrilling read.

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Ghoul Von Horror's Reviews > The Only One Left
The Only One Left by Riley Sager
The Only One Left
by Riley Sager (Goodreads Author)
Ghoul Von Horror's reviewJan 23, 2023 · edit
it was ok

TW: toxic parent relationship, cancer, suicide, language, abortion, family drama, alcoholism, cheating, use of w*ore word, murder

About the book:At seventeen, Lenora HopeHung her sister with a ropeNow reduced to a schoolyard chant, the Hope family murders shocked the Maine coast one bloody night in 1929. While most people assume seventeen-year-old Lenora was responsible, the police were never able to prove it. Other than her denial after the killings, she has never spoken publicly about that night, nor has she set foot outside Hope’s End, the cliffside mansion where the massacre occurred.Stabbed her father with a knifeTook her mother’s happy lifeIt’s now 1983, and home-health aide Kit McDeere arrives at a decaying Hope’s End to care for Lenora after her previous nurse fled in the middle of the night. In her seventies and confined to a wheelchair, Lenora was rendered mute by a series of strokes and can only communicate with Kit by tapping out sentences on an old typewriter. One night, Lenora uses it to make a tantalizing offer—I want to tell you everything.“It wasn’t me,” Lenora saidBut she’s the only one not deadAs Kit helps Lenora write about the events leading to the Hope family massacre, it becomes clear there’s more to the tale than people know. But when new details about her predecessor’s departure come to light, Kit starts to suspect Lenora might not be telling the complete truth—and that the seemingly harmless woman in her care could be far more dangerous than she first thought.
Release Date: June 20th, 2023
Genre: Horror
Pages: 368
Rating: ⭐ ⭐

What I Liked:
1. The cover is a great
2. Kept me guessing for 50 pages

What I Didn't Like:
1. Take a shot every-time the word murder is mentioned - (101 times)
2. Some parts feel like repeats of Lock Every Door
3. Kit is stupid
4. 98 mentions of the word terrace
5. That ending is too much

Overall Thoughts:

Well here we are again. Finding ourselves in another Riley Sager book. Perhaps you're wondering what I'm doing here reading another book by this author when I've hated all his other books, well I believe in chances. Maybe this will be the one that I'm convinced is a great book. Maybe not?

As usual we got our normal Sager setup;
✔️Poor female character (always broke)
✔️No family or friends (that care or have abandoned her)
✔️Hot handyman
✔️Creepy location/isolated location

I pause before driving away. “Thanks for helping me with the gate. I’m not sure what I would have done if you hadn’t come by.”
“I think you would have managed somehow.” Carter studies me, his head tilted in curious appraisal. “You strike me as being pretty resourceful.”

Oh does she? You've known her for like 30 seconds!

Kit's dad is a handyman too. Is Sager fucking with us? Is there a camera in my Kindle so he can see my reaction? Another handyman...

Another woman meeting another woman and instantly becoming friends with her after 20 seconds.

Mary disappearing like Erica did from Lock Every Door. One day she's there and then gone.

This book is 360+ pages and on every page you WILL read about the murder over and over again.

Mary's suicide note survived being on her while she was in the water for almost two weeks.

Kit asks Jessie if anyone else knew about the typewriter and Jessie mentions only Mary knew about it and that Lenora could type. That isn't true as Mrs. Baker did know about it because she mentions that Mary bought Lenora a typewriter.

Also makes zero sense why she didn't get the two pages she saved from her lockbox that Lenora typed to show to Detective. Vick.

Speaking of the detective. He's an idiot. Of course someone would leave in the middle of the night if they didn't want to be questioned why they had a suitcase. You leave during the day and you risk people asking questions.

I am confused. Lorena is clearly pregnant - as seen in the photo, but her family just doesn't notice she's pregnant?

Mrs. Baker comments that the house was built in 1913 when Lenora was born but Lorena was born in 1912.

The gross way Riley Sager writes about a girl who just turned 17 in sexual situations made me creeped out. Talking about them having sex and her grabbing this grown man's penis. No no no. Can men just stop writing about underage girls having sex in an enjoyable way.

So I know that the police thought she killed her family but what happened that she got off of the murder charge? The book hasn't mentioned anything about that. Was someone else arrested? They just her be free and didn't charge her?

Here I am actually somewhat enjoying this book but Riley Sager gotta Riley Sager and of course the trespasser on Lenora Hope's property is Kenny. The fucking fuck chance that it would be Kenny that happens to come torment this ladies house while Kit is there for only 4 days is like win the lotto chances. Not only that but he couldn't have been that far from her and not have noticed it was her if she could jump off the porch and catch him in a few strides. I eye rolled. It makes no sense that Kenny would go make fun of the lady who was accused of murdering her family if he's already sleeping with a woman who's also accused of the same thing.

You know a good way to know if someone is sneaking out and walking around?... Look at their feet. If they are dirty she's been walking. Plus if she was walking wouldn't she have some kind of muscle mass on her legs?

I don't know how they kept all this typing quiet. Typewriters are not quiet at all. Nothing about a typewriter is quiet. When you reach the end of the row it's loud and then you have to slide it back.

It feels so outlandish that all this stuff happened in a week;
-Kit finds Mary dead
-House is completely falling into the ocean (every night)
-Dragged Lenora downstairs
-Everyone went to a funeral
-Lenora writing so much in 4 days with like one hand
-Her dad showing up
-Kenny showing up

I don't get why Mrs. Baker left the typewriter there if she was worried about Lenora being able to communicate with it or even letting Mary bring it into the house.

Honestly I don't know why I always feel like I'm reading the same book by this author. There's always some woman that's in financial trouble, finds a way to make money/house, finds out this mystery there, won't leave, has to solve mystery, and then gets fucked over by person she thinks she can trust who she thinks she is helping.

So the house had a 17 year old cook with no experience cooking for them? This rich family and this is what they had.

Berniece holding onto the secret of what happened that night in 1929 for fifty-four years only for Kit s to sit down for 2 seconds and say she has to tell her is stupid. Like why would she tell this stranger everything???

So everyone thinks this 17 year old girl killed her parents and somehow was able to hang her sister all without anyone fighting back and her sister just standing there letting herself be hanged.

Don't let Detective Vick solve your murder. He thinks a hand typed message as a suicide note is a confession. Like anyone can type that message. Also detective just walking around with a copy of it. Like he has no other cases going on.

Kit has thee weakest case as to that Virginia is alive and Mrs Baker is Lenora - the urn is empty (they could have put her ashes over the edge of the cliff) - and she has blue eyes (lots of people have blue eyes). Ah and how easy everyone just admits things to Kit is laughable.

The baby was born but he was only 6 months old. How was he eating? How was he okay enough to be wiggling around and crying? A baby thst small couldn't even eat on their own. Okay we'll pretend it's just a normal full term baby.

How did the detective not notice Virginia and Lenora looked similar? He worked at the house and didn't recognize them in the least? He even watched Virginia in the room and never thought it was weird. It's even the same room they put Virginia in before.

Also Berniece gets all that money and is blackmailing the family for that long but she never goes anywhere, just stays in the same town? And once Lenora aká Virginia was unable to do anything for herself why did Mrs. Baker continue to pay the ransom? It's not like she could go to prison as she has no idea what's going on? Also once Virginia was ruled dead how would Berniece had known the truth that she was still alive if the doctor was in on the lie? How deep does this cover up go... Are the grocery people in on it too that they don't think it's odd that adult diapers are being delivered to the house. Who's filling the medicine if the old doctor is dead?

Oh Kit - she's so fucking dumb! She suspects it's Carter that killed Mary. Does she wait until she's away from him and in a safe place to accuse him? No! She does it right in her car. She then threatens him with a fucking corkscrew opener lol. How ridiculous. Dude is right there and could just grab it from her. And once she has Carter out of the car does she drive away somewhere safe and not led what she believes is a killer to her dad's house? No again! She drives the few feet to her dad's and jumps out so he knows where he lives.

Oh and once Kit goes to her dad's and finds the house empty you just KNOW her dad killed Mary because even though he KNEW she was coming over (she LITERALLY called him like probably an hour before) he decides to leave this suitcase out and leave the house. Like wtf??? Oh let's talk about how she just now remember that everyone calls him Pat - Patrick McDeere aká Ricky!!! Ricky!!?? Who would ever tie those together?

"On the phone, I gave away that Virginia was alive, accidentally leading him right to her."

No she didn't. He knew she was alive when he saw Virginia and when he read the notes that were typewritten.

Don't worry... Kit doesn't pick up any weapons once in the house, she's got her trusty corkscrew. She puts it next to Virginia's bed - I'm sure that won't be used later to go into Ricky (It did!)
(eye roll)

Why would Mary go to Ricky's house to get blood work when she already had Virginia's blood? She didn't need his. She had the woman's and Virginia never mentioned the kid being someone else's so why would she need to prove that?

Why did Kit's dad run into the house while it was crumbling? What was the point of that?

So Virginia could walk (not shocked it was mentioned in chapter 33)
"For a restless girl like me who lost every time my father forced us to play the game in which he locked us in our rooms, I shockingly had no trouble spending most of my time in bed. Very quickly, I learned how to lay very still, sometimes for hours, while my mind roamed the world, going wherever I wanted, whenever I wanted."

So stupid. Imagine pissing and shitting yourself for over 50 years just to spite your sister. The other reason is that incase her son found her she'd be there... Dude that's how she'd want him to find her? Living life like she was paralyzed and then what was her game plan just get up and tell everyone she was joking?? What would her son think of her then? She's a nutcase.

How did caregivers not notice that Virginia had legs that were toned from walking? Were her feet never dirty from the ground and walking? She just walked around in the dark with no lights.

Omg now we find out that Jessie is really Virginia's granddaughter. Are you kidding me???! Why would Mrs. Baker tell Jessie anything about the past? She knows what a messed up family they are but she'll put her in danger telling her about them.

Apparently Jessie can make fake passports.. I mean who can't honestly?

How Kit just forgives Virginia is weird to me. Like no no no she was pretending to be sick for so long and even months after she knew she should tell her everything but she just disappears one day.

So Virginia becomes a superstar because of her life. She gets to travel. Gets married in her 70s. And lives this grand life.

Wow what a convoluted ending.... So Ricardo was actually sleeping with Archie. They were going to run away that night. Ricky was some random local help that left that night too. Lenora is pretending to be Mrs. Baker and had Virginia killed off but told people that the real Virginia was Lenora. They were being blackmailed by Berniece because she thought Virginia was sleeping with Ricardo and thay was his baby. The real Mrs. Baker moved to Canada with the baby. Virginia tried to kill herself. I'm sorry this plot is one step away from the evil twin did it and switch places with the good twin and took her life. Jessie is really Virginia's granddaughter. Kit's dad is Ricky and Ricky was paid off to leave Virginia alone. Ricky killed Virginia's mother. Virginia's mother killed Virginia's father.

Final Thoughts:
Sometimes less is more. There was just too much going on in this book and not in a good way. This book read like one long soap opera. I'll admit the beginning of the book started interesting for me and I was enjoying it but then somewhere down the line just too many insane things kept happening. Sadly the things happening were pretty predictable so I wasn't ever shocked when they did in fact happen.

Thank God this is the last book that the author has to write for his contract because I'd be curious to see what he comes up with when he isn't forced to write a book every year.

Recommend For:
• Mysterious stories
• Soap operas
• Complex storylines
• Timelines

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It’s been awhile since a book has kept me up turning the pages- this was that book. Creepy mansion on the ocean in disrepair, minimal staff to run the estate and take care of Lenora and a home health aid with a past of her own…wow!

Sager has such a way to draw you in and paint a picture. Archie, Carter, Mrs. Baker (even though she was never married), Jessie, Kit and most of all Lenora.

How does he give write a mute and crippled woman and make you feel so much from her? And yes, I intensely disliked Mrs. Baker. And after Lenora agrees to tell her story, one she shared with Mary (the aide who fled without a trace) Kit isn’t sure who to trust. And she has a feeling there may be more to Lenora than meets the eye.

I absolutely loved this book- you won’t be disappointed!

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The Only One Left adds another solid thriller to Riley Sager's bibliography. Essentially a Lizzie Borden-esque tale, this book follows a young end-of-life caregiver who finds herself disgraced and getting one last opportunity to care for a patient, who just happens to be the aging, infamous Lizzie Borden-esque character. From this point forward, the book features all the twists and turns that Sager's fans expect. The only real concern I have is that Sager may have put too many twists in this one and ultimately the last few chapters left me feeling whiplashed. I think the book could have probably done with one or two less twists but ultimately this was a fun read and I think that's what Sager's fans have come to expect from his books.

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Wow! I am so happy I received this ARC! Riley, you brought out the best in a Gothic thriller. It definitely chilled me to the bone with the setting in a Gothic decaying mansion called Hope's End. It sits on the cliffs looking over a rocky shoreline. With the waves crashing against the cliffs, the house is slowly leaning in the direction of devastation, as the cliff disintegrates. I could not have stayed one night. The house has a chilling history. In 1929, the Hope family was murdered except for their oldest daughter Lenora. She was thought to have stabbed her mother and father to death and hung her own sister Virginia, although it never could be proven. She suffered multiple strokes after it, leaving her in a debilitated state with the usage of one hand and her only communication is tapping for yes or no.

Moving forward to 1983, Lenora's last caretaker Mary left in the night and never heard from again, so her new caretaker Kit takes her place. Kit has her own dark history and is accused of killing her mother. She maintains her innocence, although the townspeople and the local police chief would love to see her prosecuted.

Leery of her new assignment, Kit will be caring for a murderer and their bedrooms are connected to one another. She hears footsteps at night and someone is coming into their rooms moving things around. Lenora begins to type her story about what happened that night and the first message is "It wasn't me." "I want to tell you everything." My heart plunges into the story line with apprehension and trusting no one. I couldn't quite put my finger on it. The author disguises many hidden messages, so the twist at the end caught me off guard. No one is being truthful and covering a multitude of sins. The household manager, a very stern disgruntled Mrs. Baker, the staff and grounds keepers all have a part to play. You cannot imagine what is in store for you! Great job! Sager is at the top of his game with this one!
Thank you NetGalley and PENGUIN GROUP Dutton for this ARC in exchange for my honest review!

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Thank you to NetGalley, Dutton, and Riley Sager for the advanced copy of The Only One Left in exchange for my honest review.

4.5 stars rounded up.

I am legitimately still pinching myself that I was approved to read an early galley of this book. This is a true unicorn for me!

I don't think it's a secret that his last novel, The House Across the Lake, was not his fans' most-loved. While I enjoyed that book, it wasn't the typical Sager style, so I was admittedly slightly disappointed.

If that sounds like how you felt after last year's release, I'm happy to tell you there's a very good chance you will enjoy the hell out of this one! Everything about Sager's writing style that I've come to enjoy is on full display in The Only One Left.

When all the final twists were fully revealed my jaw legitimately dropped. I loved the ending and I think Sager fans are going to be thrilled (pun intended) with this one!!

The Only One Left will be on US bookshelves June 20!

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Holy plot twist Batman! This book sucks you in from page one and it would be best if you could be left alone until you can finish the whole book. You won’t be able to think of anything else. Local Lizzie Borden-esque character? Yes, please. Secluded estate on a cliff, a la Manderley? Please, and thank you. You can easily picture yourself wandering around this crooked, crumbling mansion where horrifying things happened decades ago. At 70% shit really gets heavy. Twists galore. And the book cover—stunning. Huge thank you to NetGalley for an ARC.

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I have been a longtime fan of Riley Sager. I have read all of his previous thrillers, and I have to say that this one is my favorite. 30-something Kit McDeere finds herself in an almost impossible situation--she's broke, her professional reputation is tarnished, and her father refuses to even acknowledge the fact that she exists. Kit is reluctantly given a new job assignment as a caregiver to an aging woman at Hope's End, a mansion atop a cliff in her hometown. The mansion is home to Lenora Hope, who local lore says killed her entire family back in 1929. Kit soon finds that not all is as it seems at Hope's End, and she will soon uncover long-buried secrets that will alter the lives of many. Propulsive and well-written, I could not put this book down. It earned 5 stars in my book! Thank you to NetGalley and to the publisher for an advanced e-reader copy for an honest review.

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What did I just read?!? In true Riley Sager fashion, I did not see that coming! I always expect a few weird & twisty events in his books, but this one I did not see coming on many different occasions.


Definitely recommend this one when it comes out. Thank you NetGalley, Dutton and Rey Sager for allowing me to read this one! Just wow! So good!

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I absolutely loved this book! I think it's Sager's best yet. A great mashup of genres and elements like gothic fiction, 80s murder mystery, paranormal, domestic drama, and unreliable narrators. It's uniquely different from all of his previous works and stands out as spectacular. I think it will appeal to a variety of readers and this is what's successful. I thought the character development of the characters was fantastic, with just enough red herrings to help the readers pick up bread crumbs, but completely throws you for a loop at the end, in the best way possible. I will be highly recommending this to the readers on my page. Thank you so much for the opportunity to read this early!

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Kit is a caregiver and is given an assignment to take care of the well-known, Lenora Hope. She doesn't want the job, but needs the money. Lenora Hope is famously known for killing her mother, father, and her sister, Virginia, but was never found guilty. She arrives at Hopes End, which is falling apart, and gets to know Lenora who is paralyzed all over except for the use of one hand. Lenora wants to tell Kit what really happened to her family that day in 1929 when her family died. Soon after Kit begins to hear noises in the Lenora's room, and discovers what happened to the nurse named Mary that left suddenly before her arrival. Did Lenora Hope really murder her family or is there more to the story? Kit is hoping to discover the truth.

WOW!! THE ONLY ONE LEFT left me speechless. I absolutely loved this dark, spooky mystery. The creepy mansion on the cliff and all the strange characters had me playing detective, right along with Kit. Sadly, I failed to discover the truth until the twists were revealed and they were good! Well played Mr. Sager!! I think this will be a huge hit. It was just my type of book. It kept me up late at night, it was hard to put down and I couldn't stop thinking about it! All the stars for THE ONLY ONE LEFT!! I hope you enjoy this as much as I did.

Many thanks to NetGalley and Penguin Group, Dutton for my ARC in exchange for my honest review.

This review will be shared to my Instagram ( in the near future.

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Wow! I did not see half of that coming. Sager is a go-to author for me. I have loved everything he has written, but this one is in the top 3 of his books. The twists and turns kept me on my toes the whole way through. And the ending I did not see coming. This will be a no-brainer for recommendations. 5 stars for sure. Thank you, for the eARC.

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