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Wish Lists and Road Trips

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"Life is about finding the chewy center inside all the hard."

I completely fell in love with this book and it was exactly what my heart needed. It was sweet and endearing yet sexy and steamy and it put a smile on my face while reading it. An opposites attract, forced proximity, grumpy/sunshine contemporary romance, this was a refreshingly unique take on the genre and so enjoyable and heartwarming.

Brit and Nick, two strangers who met in Costa Rica, stranded after missing their cruise ship, decided to travel together to try to make their way home. What followed was a series of misadventures that were both entertaining and emotional and I felt fully immersed in their story.

Brit, a makeup artist planning to open her own studio, decided to take her honeymoon cruise alone after canceling her wedding to her cheating ex. She wanted to prove her independence and escape her family's control over her life. Nick, a real estate developer, wasn't on a pleasure trip, however. He was on a mission to fulfill his brother's dying wish, traveling to a list of places to scatter his brother's ashes. He suffered from survivor's guilt and needed to return home as quickly as possible to help his family's company.

Beautifully developed characters brought depth and meaning to the story. Brit was spontaneous and impulsive, carefree and a little reckless, but she followed her heart and had a fiery spirit. Nick carried the weight of the world on his shoulders, burdened by responsibility as he needed to be everything to everyone, a feeling I could fully relate to. When they met, they couldn't have seemed more different but they perfectly complemented each other, becoming exactly what the other needed, the missing piece they didn't realize they were looking for.

Brit and Nick had an imperfectly perfect relationship, soul-searching and real, developing a friendship first and then falling gradually into an all-consuming attraction. I loved their snarky banter and the way they pushed each other's buttons. I swooned over their magnetic connection as they accepted each other unconditionally in spite of their flaws. It was simply beautiful to watch it all unfold.

"Nick let me hang out of the window and feel the breeze, while making sure I never fell. Though, it certainly felt like I was falling now."

I loved how Brit taught Nick how to live again, reminding him how to smile and laugh without holding back. I loved Nick's protectiveness over Brit even when she really didn't need it and I adored how he saw her beauty hidden in her chaos. When they were together, Brit and Nick could be the people they wanted to be without the pressure of meeting expectations.

Both Brit and Nick had insecurities and vulnerabilities, but they started to trust each other, opening up and sharing uncomfortable truths and painful confessions. As deeper secrets were revealed, peeling back layers, conflicted feelings and emotions rose to the surface, evoking a sense of uncertainty and doubt. Had fate been trying to bring Brit and Nick together or was their relationship always destined to be temporary? Could they overcome the obstacles standing in their way, the shattered dreams and the broken promises? Was there any hope for the future?

Ultimately, this was a story about dealing with grief and guilt, living life to the fullest and fighting for what you want while embracing life's inevitable changes to plans. Neither Brit nor Nick wanted to say goodbye at the end of their trip and neither did I. I almost wished they would stay in Costa Rica forever or perhaps in some cozy little town along the way to live out their HEA away from the stresses of their lives. Brit and Nick were a wonderfully matched couple and their story wrapped my heart in a warm hug, their journey as beautiful as their destination. This was definitely one of my favorite reads this year and I loved every single minute of it!

"Grief is a wave, ebbing and flowing, and all you can do to survive it is to learn how to swim."

** Special thanks to Headline Eternal and NetGalley for granting my wish, giving me the opportunity to read and review this ARC. All thoughts and opinions expressed are my own. Quotes subject to change at time of publication. Available April 18, 2023. **

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Okay, this book. As a person who cruises, I was hooked from the beginning knowing that the boat left someone behind. When two people were left behind I knew I wasn't putting it down. I liked the characters, but I was worried for a bit there that I was not going to like the ending. I'm glad I did not have to be disappointed. This book spoke to the adventure and travel lover in me. Ship, automobile, train rides, and a bunch of moments where pivoting was a must. Each character had their own difficult back story, but just like the author wanted, I really liked them together. There were moments I was a bit tired of the drama, but, then I would get sucked back in. There is some mature content in this book, so if that isn't for you, this book won't be. Thank you NetGalley for the ARC!

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Brit & Nick 4ver.

Brit and Nick are complete opposites and shouldn't work, but somehow they do. They literally hit the jackpot with being pushed together on a road trip across state lines. Probably one of my favorite grumpy x sunshine, forced proximity tropes for sure.

I laughed, I cried, I fell in love with these characters. Overall, I really enjoyed this story. I love Lauren's books so it was not a surprise for me. The witty banter & the way Nick and Brit brought out the best in each other was fantastic.

Thank you NetGalley for letting me read and review this novel early.

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Wishlists and Road Trips opens on Nick and Brit getting stranded in Costa Rica when they miss their cruise ship, and deciding to continue their journey together for the time being. In classic romance fashion, shit hits the fan and so Nick and Brit end up spending far more time together than they expected. Think forced proximity, only one bed, and such.

Firstly, I just want to say how much I adored Brit. She reminded me of all my friends; with vibrant hair to match her vibrant personality. Nick was also likeable, and I liked how his vulnerability showed throughout the story, but I'm 100% on Team Brit.

As far as romance storylines go, this was pretty similar to others I've read before. This isn't to say I didn't enjoy it, I did, but it was nothing new. Overall, I would give this read a 3.5🌟 rating as I enjoyed it but it wasn't a book I'd call home about.

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I LOVED this book! It was absolutely adorable and unique.

Nick is off on an adventure, begrudgingly, and Brit is off to take a break from life after calling off her wedding.. The two meet after missing their cruise ship and getting stranded in Costa Rica. They become unlikely travel companions as they navigate their way home and we get the pleasure of watching it happen.

I highly recommend this book to anyone who loves unlikely love and strangers to lovers. I don’t know about you, but I am sick of second chances and want to read about new beginnings. This brings that on a silver platter with sprinkles!

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I really loved this story and whilst it started a little slow but then it kicked in a gear and really took off. I would go buy my own copy if this so I can enjoy it again.

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This started out really slow for me but by about 40% in, I was hooked. It has all the best parts of a road trip romance - forced proximity, only one bed, and of course the world’s worst travel luck. It also delivered a lot of heart the more you got to know Bridget and Nick. Nick’s grief over his brother, and his struggles as an adult child of an alcoholic were really well written. And Bridget’s experience breaking free from her overbearing and controlling family were also great. These a decent amount of steam once these two give into their chemistry which was fun. I wished they had opened up sooner so we saw more of that journey but overall this was a really fun read.

Content warnings: Nick’s brother died of congestive heart failure, Bridget breaks off an engagement with a man who was cheating on her. Nick’s mother is an alcoholic and Bridget’s father is manipulative and controlling.

FYI to NetGalley reviewers: the formatting of this ARC file is horrendous to the point of distraction.

I voluntarily read an early copy. All opinions are my own.

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I really enjoyed this book! Brit and Nick are both on their own journey, but due to unforeseen events, each is stranded from their original travel plans. The two are thrown together in order to get back home. Everything seems to go wrong, but they figure out different ways to get themselves back to where they need to be. Along the way they try to figure out who they are as individuals and grieve the past. It is a sweet and relatable book. 4 out of 5 ⭐️’s for me! #wishlistsandroadtrips #netgalley #laurenhmae #netgalleyreads #bookstagram #book14of100 #bookclub #bookgoals #2023goals #goodreads #goodreadschallenge #readwithmslucy #mslucysliteracycorner

Thank you to NetGalley and Headline for letting me read this book.

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A beautiful story about grief and self discovery! I feel like Nick and Brit were destined to meet at the exact moment they did. Both of them were going through their own kind of grief, Nick after his brother’s death and Brit after her failed wedding (and pushy father).

Stranded in Costa Rica, they both need to get to the States again and decide to team up. I love road trips romances! You’re always secured good forced proximity, possibly only one bed, and surely the best tension. If the characters are strangers it’s even better because they are basically forced to get to know each other. Nick and Brit were total opposites but as I said, I feel like they needed each other. Brit helped Nick to realize that he wasn’t happy, not even before his brother’s passing, and Nick helped Brit realize that she doesn’t have to change herself for people to like her. They were each other’s missing puzzle piece!

I’ve read and loved Lauren’s indie pub books, and this was great as well. I do feel like we got a lot of traveling scenes, and I kind of missed a few moments of them simply telling each other about their lives before they met.

TW: Death of a loved one

Rating: 3.5/5
Steam level: Open door, 3-4 scenes, medium level of detail

Thanks to Headline and NetGalley for my ARC. Opinions are my own!

(Also, this won’t be part of my social media review and, obviously, it doesn’t change or affect my opinion about the book, but the PDF format of the ARC made me struggle so much to read it on my Kindle. PDFs and Kindle aren’t friends at all.)

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I actually loved this book a lot! I read this to take a break between my historical fiction books and it was worth it. These two characters just somehow belong together. I enjoyed the travel with them as it happened. If you are a fan of books to put a smile on your face and no worries in your heart, this is the upcoming book for you!

I voluntarily reviewed a copy of this book provided by NetGalley

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I was really enjoying this story, the characters were great and the various crises they encountered were handled well but I have to say when it descended into raunchiness almost x-rated it was a big let down, I wasn't shocked, neither am I a prude but it wasn't necessary and it was very disappointing

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This is likely a cute read to some, but overall not to my taste!

The premise of this is cute, and probably appeals to many for being a great travel or summertime read. Bridget has just left her cheating fiancé and called off their marriage, and has chosen to take the honeymoon cruise on her own in an exercise of independence. Nick is completing a bucket list for his brother, who passed away within the past year.

I think the first place where this goes wrong is the execution of a lot of the heavier themes. Nick is obviously supposed to be grieving deeply, and yet I really never felt that from him while reading. Brit, on the other hand, has been infantilized and invalidates throughout her whole life, and is looking to find herself. This didn’t pan out for me either, and I had a hard time looking past the parts of Brit that I found irritating or unbelievable. I didn’t much believe their chemistry either, and it felt like every time they thought of the other person fondly, it was forced or out of place.

I also realized that this book has a TON of dialogue, and very little time spent on the characters heads. I usually don’t mind a fair amount of dialogue, but this felt like a huge contributor to my difficulty connecting with the characters. It reads like a hallmark movie, and I could see that working for some. It simply didn’t hit home for me.

Thank you to Netgalley and Headline for the opportunity to read and review this before publishing!

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Loved it, loved it, loved it! It had just the right amount of everything, and it was so witty and funny! I loved both of the characters so much- Brit and her strength on her journey to independence and Nick is just the perfect gentleman mixed with some yumminess. Lauren H. Mae has yet to disappoint!

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The perfect summer vacation read. It’s an adventure full book full of love, sadness, funny moments and happy moments. Two strangers miss their cruise shipped boarding time at a port and are having to find their own way home from Costa Rica. Nick is dealing with loss of his brother. Brit is on her honeymoon solo after breaking up with her fiancé. These two characters are dealing with a lot and seem to have met at a time when date seems they need to be together. They couldn’t be more opposite in personalities. However over time I love the friendship they find in one another. I wish they would have opened up sooner about their story to have more time together. I can’t imagine being in another country and trying to get home and then deciding to do a road trip for days with a stranger. That’s a lot of closeness suddenly with someone you do not know. This book is done in dual point of view and I love being able to hear both characters thoughts and feelings. Many thanks to Headline and NetGalley for the digital review copy of this novel. All opinions expressed in this review are my own.

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This was a big hug in a book – romantic, relatable, and wonderful reminder that being exactly who you are is enough.

When we meet Brit and Nick, they’re dealing with a lot. Brit has just broken up with her fiancée – who treated her poorly – and is trying to prove to her parents that she can be successfully independent by taking on her honeymoon solo. For Nick, his brother, Alex, has passed away and left him with a ten-step task as his last wish. Due to them both missing their boat, they end up on a whirlwind road trip together through the US to get home.

When Brit and Nick meet, it’s clear that they couldn’t be anymore different. Nick makes calculated decisions, Brit goes with the flow. Nick is stoic, Brit is lively. Despite these obvious differences, there is an immediate curiosity, that grows into an attraction, that grows into something incredibly special.

I loved reading how their relationship just clicked into place. It was a beautiful evolution. She became his peace in the storm, he became her order in the chaos. Alongside his brother’s task, Brit helps Nick see that there is more to life than he allows himself to have. Brit spent most of her life trying to reassure herself, but having someone else assure her made her feel as special as she deserved to feel.

There is a clear friction in how they have been conditioned to love, and it was so satisfying seeing that unravel. Brit learned that someone can make you feel safe without making you feel smothered, and Nick learned that you can open yourself up to a lively love while still being a rock for others. At one point, Brit describes Nick as a “straight, sturdy axis that I could spin around, free but untethered” and I think that’s what she was for Nick as well.

This growth emotionally also allowed them to grow professionally and to strive for their goals.
And Nick’s grand gesture and Brit’s love confession? So perfect and so them. It will make your heart flutter.

Brit and Nick are two gems who deserve the world, and together, they make a gem of a couple and a gem of a book.

Thank you NetGalley and Headline for this DRC!

You’ll love this if you love:
Opposites Attract

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this was perfect, such a sweet forced proximity story. it also had so much heart and a profound look at grief, which I appreciated. I also loved that it wasnt too heavy, it was sweet and fluffy and funny and full of heart. I completely recommend. Thank you to Lauren H. Mae, Headline Publishers, and Netgalley for providing me this ARC!

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Thanks to NetGalley and Headline Eternal for the ARC. I voluntarily read and reviewed this book.
3.5 stars (5 for the first half, 2.5 for the second)
I liked the first half much more than the second half. I get that the premise, hence the title, is a road trip yet the number of times they were delayed got to be a bit ridiculous. I liked Nick a lot and he & Brit had chemistry, but she was too annoying the second half. She made herself sound like this great businesswoman who was building her brand on social media and ready to buy her first house, yet she was completely naive about.....everything. She got mad at Nick for "saving" her but she would have been in so much trouble if he hadn't. Every time. The ending was a bit rushed & all of their family issues wrapped up a little too neatly.

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“Not every detour is a disaster. A detour is meant to keep you from avoiding a hole in the road, some danger.” -Lauren H. Mae, Wish Lists & Road Trips

Wish Lists & Road Trips is such a charming opposites attract romance!

When two strangers both end up stranded in Costa Rica after missing their cruise ship, Brit and Nick team up to make their way back home to the US.

Brit, a make-up artist who just called off her engagement with her cheating ex, much to the disappointment of her parents, sets off on her honeymoon alone to try to prove to herself and others that she can do things by herself and not fail.

Nick, only focused on accomplishing the dying wish of his brother, and not enjoying a vacation/cruise, just wants to complete his given tasks and get home.

Total opposites, Brit is colorful and all sunshine, while Nick is somewhat grumpy, all business, and focused on what he came to accomplish. I loved how both characters complemented one another and found strength in the characteristics of the other. Both characters were so likable and

This was such a complex story, while at the same time, a light and refreshing read. At times heartbreaking, and at other times laugh out loud funny.

I love a book with dual POV and this one certainly delivered! There was quite a bit of spice and open door scenes. I loved the chemistry between Brit and Nick and the ending was absolutely perfect!

If you love a good opposites attract and forced proximity, this one is for you! It totally reminded me of a Christina Lauren style book. Absolutely amazing and definitely needs to be added to your TBR!

Hands down, no questions ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️!!!

Important Dates:
4.18.23 - eBook on sale everywhere & paperback available in the UK
9.12.23 - US paperback in stores

Thank you NetGalley, Headline Eternal, and Lauren H. Mae for providing me with this eARC to read and review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Review posted on NetGalley and Goodreads. Teaser review posted on Instagram on 2/17/23 and full review on Instagram on 4/18/23.

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Thank you NetGalley for the advanced copy of this ebook.

I am not sure what is happening but this is the third ARC I’ve received in 2 months involving a cheating fiancé and the woman taking their honeymoon alone despite the wedding being called off. This book was so full of cliches it was actually annoying to read. One of my biggest complaints with this book was Britt taking her honeymoon alone to prove she could ‘stand on her own two feet’…it’s hard not to do that when you are on a cruise where you will be fed and have housekeeping. She wants to be this strong independent woman yet STILL gets caught up in romance and jumps in with another guy after JUST ending an engagement. Her actions just make no sense to me.

I think typical romance lovers will love this book but it was a miss for me. There’s nothing I dislike more in a romance than a woman who wants to find herself and prove she’s independent then just ending up with another man after 5 minutes of ‘finding herself’

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This was a cute romance book. I don’t really think anything stood out for me. But it was still a good read. And I would suggest it.

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