Member Reviews

This is a book filled with lots of charming and witty characters. There is also romance and family and learning to trust again.
This is a fun book that I would read others set here about these characters again.

Thanks NetGalley for this ARC.

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I really loved the way the story and romance between Emma and Bastian unfolded. The supporting characters enhanced their journey to get over their past. The details about the magic system and witch society were also really interesting and I would be interested in learning more about it.

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This was a great little romance. Engaging characters. I really like the MFC - she was spunky and funny. You cheered for her when she finally stood up for herself with her overbearing mother. Her two best friends makes you wish you had friends like that that always had your back. Loved the interaction between the MFC and MMC - watching them realize they had deep feelings for each other. Would love it if there was a sequel to see what else happens with Tia, Leah, Sloane, Kole, Emma and Bastian. Would definitely recommend.

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This book has a lot of my favorite tropes, second chance romance, forced proximity, and marriage of convenience.

Emma and Bastian had an arranged marriage of sorts planned from the time they were kids. Emma was the shy, quiet type while Bastian was not, she was in love with him but never really knew how he felt for her. When it came time to start planning the wedding, something happens and Bastian flees town saying he can't go through with it. Emma is devastated but uses the pain as an opportunity to make changes in her life. Years later Bastian returns and wants to move forward with the marriage for reasons that would be a spoiler to explain. The story then follows the two of them trying to rebuild a friendship and go from there.

There are so many good moments in this book. I loved the relationship between Emma and her friends, I imagine we might get books for them next. I loved Emma and her brother together, you could tell that they were just two people trying to make it in a family of assholes. I also enjoyed Bastian's relationship with his family and seeing how much they loved each other. Bastian being into archaeology was really cool, I'm dying for a good love story based on a dig site.

The only thing I disliked about this book was that the whole time you are reading it, you know what the conflict is. But when the conflict actually came, I was surprised by a part of it because it did have a nice twist in it.

Overall, this was a really fun book to read. The characters and their growth are worth picking this one up.

Thank you to NetGalley, Sophie Morgan, and HARLEQUIN - Romance (U.S. & Canada), for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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The Witch is Back is not your typical fake relationship rom com. To me this one was a little heavier in that the relationship with our MCs was so complicated. That being said, I did enjoy this book very much. I went from strongly disliking Bastian to absolutely loving him! And man, did my heart break for him a couple of times in this story. Emma was a little more difficult for me. But I’m not a huge fan of characters that hold onto past grudges so rigidly. But her character was so complex and well written, and her mother’s abuse made her personality make complete sense. These two together were perfect. Where she is stiff and boring, Bastian is determined to get her out of her comfort zone and try new things. She causes him to look at things more seriously. There’s some wit and banter, drama and angst, and spice! I would definitely recommend this book!

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This book made my heart happy! It was full of charming characters, flirty banter, surprising plot twists, and all of the witchy goodness that I was hoping to get. I really enjoyed the world building and getting to learn about the magic system and politics.

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This was a fun witchy read. I very much enjoyed the journey with these characters looking forward to more books from this author

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This was an absolutely adorable read. It was fun and lighthearted. I enjoyed the magic and friendships.
This is one of my favorite witchy books this year!

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It was cute but needed better humor and a better reason for conflict. The villain is very flat and could've been more interested if she were layered and complicated.

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Withcy romcoms are my thing and this one certainly fits in well with all the other amazing witchy books that I've read recently. So much so that I know I'll need a copy for my bookshelves once it releases! Highly recommend for anyone who loves this genre of romcoms.

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The Witch is Back by Sophie H. Morgan was a pleasant surprise as Morgan is a new author for me. While some of the character felt like they lacked enough development to keep me engaged; it was a pleasant read.

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I had high hopes for The Witch is Back - the cover is absolutely stunning and the blurb sounds like the most cozy, witchy rom-com (which are my go-to in October).

This was a very quick read, and I was able to finish in a day! Once I got started, I was immediately sucked in - there was a lot going on at once (character introductions for both MCs and supporting characters, backstory, immediate plot points, etc). It felt very overwhelming at times, which was a turn off.

I liked these characters! Both of them have personality and dimension that allowed for growth throughout the novel. HOWEVER, I felt like the relationship between the MC’s was extremely flat and there was very little chemistry between them. At the 70% mark, I was still trying to determine if the MMC liked the FMC or if his motivations had changed. It really wasn’t clear. This seemed like a good way to incorporate some pining, but the author gave us nothing!! A few short pieces of dialogue do not equate to being enough to portray to readers that the MMC is head over heels for the FMC.

This also made for bland spicy scenes! It felt as though the first intimate scene was written by an AI - too systematic, the language used was technical and didn’t feel passionate, and it came across as physical only for the MC’s and not an emotional experience for them (something I was expecting since they are supposed to be falling in love).

I was mostly unhappy about how the entire novel felt like one big miscommunication trope - so much of the plot was simply due to the MC’s not being upfront with each other. There’s so much information withholding across the board, it just gets to be annoying and repetitive.

One thing this author did really well was developing subplots! I adored the supporting characters, the FMC’s secret sister, and the use of magic (although I would’ve liked a little more of this since the premise is meant to be “witchy”)

Overall, this ranked at around a 3 star for me.

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Sophie Morgan has conjured up the witchy friends to lovers, second chance, “it’s always been you” romance of my dreams! The magic was clever, tension perfectly balanced, banter so witty and sharp, and the romance was 💥🔥

Gosh, I loved Emma and Bastian! While there was some growth from both, it wasn’t a radical transformation, more that they came into their own and embraced what others deemed to be flaws. It was so satisfying seeing Emma find her the grit she had buried down and I was cheering her on when she used her voice. And the supporting characters, Tia, Leah, Sloane, were equally as wonderful and I would love to join their coven.

I didn’t quite care for all the derogatory remarks about Emma’s appearance - she’s repeatedly talked down to and made fun of because her “looks are lacking” and as such was “undesirable.” This felt very unnecessary.

For anyone who has ever felt they weren’t enough, who didn’t quite fit in, or thought they had to mold themselves to others’ or societal standards, Sophie Morgan has, through Emma and Bastian, created a community where all feel seen, accepted, and valued. The Witch is Back was such a feel good read that will sweep you off your feet!

4.5 stars!

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This book seems like it was written for a young woman who loved the world of Harry Potter as a child and grew up a misfit in a status-obsessed family. I, on the other hand, am a middle-aged woman happily raised by hippies who grew up reading Ursula LeGuin. So maybe that other woman likes this book, but I couldn't finish it, despite usually enjoying romances and witchcraft. It certainly wasn't helped by the unrecognizable depiction of Chicago, where I was living when I was a young woman.

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I love a good romcom, but this is the first one I've read of the witchy variety!

Emmaline Bluewater has shunned witch society for a life running a bar in Chicago, and things are going swimmingly until her childhood sweetheart, Bastian, turns up out of the blue and announces that he wants her back.

This was the perfect light hearted, exciting, humorous read and was right up my street. Emma and Bastian's chemistry felt so genuine and both characters were brilliantly flawed which made it so easy to relate to what they were both going through. I loved following their journey in this book, both as a couple and on their own individual paths; I can relate to Emma on many levels and it's a testament to how well her character has been written that I was fully invested in her getting the ending she deserved!

A fantastic, bewitching read that I wouldn't hesitate to recommend! Released this August.

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I found myself drawn into this story from the beginning. I found myself relating to the main character, Emma, so much. She's someone who was looked down upon in her family and had a lot of pressure to be good enough, even though she was constantly belittled. This is the story of her blossoming and coming into her own power and confidence, while also finding love. I absolutely loved this story and found elements of it surprising (which is hard to do for me!). Highly recommend for those who love a good romcom.

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4.5 Stars This witchy, second-chance romance with a dual POV was so good! Seven years have passed since witch Emmaline "Emma" Bluewater's fiancé, Bastian Truenote, skipped town in the middle of the night, leaving only a note for his parents that said he couldn't marry her. Emma has mostly left the witch society behind in New Orleans, instead moving to Chicago to open up a bar with her friends. When Bastian walks through the door of her bar after all these years and with that same charming smile, she's flabbergasted. Even more so when she hears why he's back and what his plan is. Bastian can't tell Emma why he left in the first place--or even ask if he can trust her at all--but he can tell her that he needs Emma to marry him in order to fulfill their marriage contract and save his mother's life. Emma agrees and think that she can get through this marriage of convenience without spilling all of her secrets to Bastian and without a broken heart...again.

Second-chance is my favorite romance trope, especially with all of the angst and heartbreak when one half of the couple returns and they are reunited. This was a very emotional romance, with themes of vulnerability and trust, found family, and having the freewill to choose the life you want to live, rather than the one you've been forced into. I'm really hoping that I'm right when I say that the book seemed to set us up for some sequels, with Emma's friends, Tia (and some warlock named Henry?) and human Leah (with Emma's older brother Kole).

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Emma is less than thrilled when Bastian shows up at her bar, just as handsome as ever, seven years after he abandoned her right before they got married. When he tells her he’s back because they have to get married because of the marriage contract they both signed, which had a curse clause neither of them knew about, she agrees to keep his mother from dying. Both Bastian and Emma are keeping secrets from the other however and can they truly have any kind of relationship based on deceit?

This was fine. Very predictable which is sometimes ok but this just felt very formulaic- complete with a third act breakup (again??) which just felt childish. Though the characters admit to it being childish which helped some. Overall it was fine, cute witchy romance and the spice was nice

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I just didn't love it. I wanted more witchy scenes - the exhibition was just glossed over. Also, I get that Emma was dealing with severe trauma, but the whole conflict of the romance was based on her being immature and unwilling to talk. Also, a lot of the phrasing of the sentences was weird. I had to re-read them several times to understand what was happening.

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I was not prepared for how much I was going to love this book. Arranged marriage for a popular “higher family” Warlock and a “lesser family” shy witch. He runs off before the wedding and she leaves town to get away from the gossip that he didn’t want her. Fast forward 7 years and he waltzes back in her life. She’s not the same shy girl he remembers. Can they make it work this time around or has time, secrets and deep hurt made sure no magic can bring them together? I loved the side characters and would love more stories in this world. My only gripe is how many times “movie-star” is used to describe an attractive person in the book like 5 times. It just felt lazy like instead of describing them it was like “readers know movie stars are attractive just toss it in again”.

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