Member Reviews

A heartbreaking novel that left me literally crying. In Probability of Everything, we meet eleven-year-old Kemi, who loves science and probabilities. Kemi’s life changes when there’s a catastrophic asteroid set to collide with Earth in four days. With her days numbered, Kemi set to put together a time capsule to capture her family.
This book was heavy.. I did not see the twist coming, and oh, man, it broke my heart. I loved the book format; the story was essentially a countdown to the asteroid.I loved the science peppered throughout the book.
Looking forward to reading more novels by Sarah Everett.

The asteroid metaphor gave me goosebumps that I could see on my skin. But the subject matter ... it is so, so relevant, but I can't help but wonder if it's too heavy for middle-grade readers. This entire story is brutally, agonizingly sad. Maybe that's why it SHOULD be widely read!

Wow, this was an impressive and ambitious book! Difficult to review without giving away the big twist, so I'll keep this short. I was drawn in from the very first page and completely absorbed by the storyline. I thought the plot was unique, the characters riveting, and the style the story unfolded was clever.
I did not see the ending coming and am so happy I went into this spoiler free.
Loved all the math and science woven into the novel.
Will be recommending this one to young readers! Very impactful. This book will stay with me for a long time.

Impact is on track for Earth in just four days.
Hoovering in the sky is the massive asteroid casting a purple haze over everything in Kemi's world. It has been named Amplus-68 with an 84.7% chance of colliding with earth, when Kemi’s life as she knows it will end. That’s a 15.3% chance it won’t hit Earth.
Not wanting her life to be forgotten, Kemi sets out putting together a time capsule picturing her family's values for future generations. it is her hope that one day it will be uncovered and her family’s life can be immortalised.
This task proves more difficult than anticipated as some family members either have trouble or are reluctant to decide on what to include in the capsule. Think about it reader, what item might you to choose to reflect your years of existence?
Kemi has difficulty wrapping up her time capsule project in time for the end of existence? Her family has a lot to think about… her pregnant mother with a baby that will never be born, the little sister she adores, a beloved uncle, aunts, cousins, her Yoruba speaking grandma and of course her father who is her everything and fosters her intellectual curiosity.
This story will grip you and make you gasp as the days count down from 4, 3, 2, 1, then, one hour, 3 minutes, explosion, Impact… The author vividly and believably portrays the emotions experienced through the voice of an eleven-year-old attempting to figure out the tremendous impending loss and grief.
There is a background story going on as the family has recently moved to a neighbourhood that has not been very welcoming. Most of the neighbors disliked them on sight. Kemi’s family is Nigerian American and living in Pineview among white families.
This book is so well written and tense as the days countdown to the apocalypse.
I think middle grade readers will enjoy this fast paced story.

This is a heart wrenching book about what to do at the end of the world. This book is full of grief and loss and also science and statistics.
Kemi is a great character who learns to accept and learn from the things happening around her.
A good read for middle grade and above.
Thanks NetGalley for this ARC.

Thank you to NetGalley for the advance e-book. There's so much to talk about after reading this. I can't wait to discuss with students and other adults. Definitely will be sharing!

A beautiful and heartbreaking story about a girl experiencing loss and grief. It made me smile, and even cry. Not quite 5 stars only because the story before part two got confusing at times. I would recommend this to upper middle grade readers.

The book blurb was right.
This book is heart wrenching. It is also spectacular. I’ve never read anything quite like it.
Wow, just. Wow.
10/10 stars.

An engrossing, intelligent, heart-breaking novel about family, loss, grief, and resilience. The protagonist is delightful; a girl who collects facts and statistics and dreams of being a scientist. Everett's writing draws you in so deeply that you empathize with Kemi, and the stories poignant, inevitable conclusion. Highly recommended for teens and adults. Thank you to NetGalley for this ARC. #TheProbabilityofEverything #NetGalley

This is a powerful book, where the characters personalities and uniqueness shown through. No singular character was bland, every single one captivated me. I suspect age-appropriate readers might take longer than I did to catch on to what was actually happening, but knowing did not dampen the message of this book, nor how powerful the writing was, nor my enjoyment of Kemi's point of view, her being, her voice.

The best part of The Probability of Everything is Kemi... Kemi is a strong lead character, whose feelings draw you further into the book even as you find yourself confused about what is happening in Kemi's life. The emotions of those around Kemi really bring to life the way that the world can feel as though it's ending when the worst happens. However, the book is layered with symbolism and hints of what to come that I'm not sure the younger read will understand, so I recommend this book more for the middle school reader than upper elementary.

With her middle-grade debut, Sarah Everett has crafted an uncommonly insightful and heart-wrenching story centered around eleven-year-old Kemi Carter, an aspiring scientist who loves statistics and facts including, most specifically, probability.
However, everything Kemi thought she knew begins to change when she sees an asteroid hovering in the sky casting a purple haze over everything in Kemi's world. Amplus-68 has an 84.7% chance of colliding with earth in four days, and with that collision, Kemi’s life as she knows it will end.
Yet, Kemi's life is undeniably strange. The town that her family moved to in pursuit of a better life isn't particularly welcoming and, well, while her family prepares for the end of the world in just four days it seems like everyone around her is going about their usual business like going to school and visiting their favorite restaurants.
For a young girl who values certainty, like winning her class's attendance award, things suddenly seem very uncertain.
I must confess that I first approached "The Probability of Everything" as I do a good majority of middle-grade novels - as a bit of a palate cleanser from my usual reading and reviewing selections. Once in awhile, I enjoy dipping my literary toes into the waters of middle-grade lit and I anxiously approached what promised to be a serious yet spirited novel.
As Kemi sets out to put together a time capsule capturing her family's truth's for future generations, we learn more and more about Kemi's family and the probability that everything in Kemi's world is a lot less certain than it seems. Everett beautifully portrays the struggles of this young girl to make sense of the world that surrounds her, a world that can be both incredibly wonderful and incredibly heartbreaking. "The Probability of Everything" initially builds a tad slowly, my engagement primarily being my enchantment with Kemi before Everett increasingly envelopes us in the fullness that is Kemi's life.
As Kemi has difficulty wrapping up her time capsule project in time for the end of her world, I became increasingly aware of how much I'd come to care about Kemi, her pregnant mother, the little sister she adores, and the father who is her everything and who fuels her intellectual curiosity.
Indeed, "The Probability of Everything" lands with the impact of an asteroid. It's an emotional tour-de-force told vividly and believably through the lens of an eleven-year-old learning about the world around her and navigating the waters of loss and grief. "The Probability of Everything" understands what it means for an eleven-year-old to have to make that difficult transition from a world of probability to a world of realistic impossibilities. Everett handles this journey with dignity and tenderness for Kemi without compromising the harsh realities.
Easily one of my favorite books of early 2023, "The Probability of Everything" has a 98.4% probability of having a powerful impact on you..

This book has 100% made it onto my favorite books list!! The story was great, I was super into it, couldn´t put it down, and then there was this huge plot twist that basically reversed the whole story. It was insane. This is definitely a must read for anyone! If I could, I would rate it 10/5 stars.