Member Reviews

This was requested when I first found out about NetGalley and I had requested so many ARCs that I could not get to all of them before they were archived. I really wanted to get to this one, as it seemed interesting. If I can find this somewhere for a reasonable price, I will try to get it!

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A spellbinding read, atmospheric and mesmerizing.
Many thanks to the author and to Netgalley for providing me with a galley in exchange for my honest opinion.

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Very interesting mystical story of a man with ptsd being visited by a wolf, a crane and a woman and going on a mission to cope with it all. Some action, and ingenuity.

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What a well-done thriller. I loved reading this book. Well written story with a very well structured plot.

Thank you Netgalley for the opportunity to read this book.

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An ex special forces soldier suffering from PTSD is trapped in his home in the Scottish highlands during a storm. He finds an injured crane and trys to heal it but not everything is as it seems.

This is not usually the kind of book that appeals to me. Although it was słów to start with, it developed into a very good story.

I would recommend this book to readers of mysteries.

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Okay, it seems like an unpopular opinion, but I couldn't get the hang of it, even though the writing is good. I really wanted to read and like this story but could not finish. Maybe because it's slow or goes overboard when it comes to building intrigue.

Thank you and sorry.

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I enjoyed this book. I was fascinated by what might be going on with Jericho and what was real or not. It was a very different mix of genres which I thought was interesting, mystery, thriller and paranormal. The plot was unique as well which kept my interest and the weaving in of the Japanese folktale of the Crane Wife was done very well.

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Another good but confusing one. I loved the thriller elements of the book but I wish they had gone into the MCs backstory a bit more. All in all it kept my attention and I love that

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Strange but enjoyable. It certainly wasn't what I expected.
Thanks for the ARC.
I will look out for more from Max China.

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Definitely not what I had expected. This was a fascinating read with lots if interesting twists and turns.
Definitely will not be the last max China book that I read

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Thank you so much Netgalley for allowing me to read an advanced copy.
This book immediately caught my attention and I was hooked the entire time!

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This was an enjoyable read. Gave me some Tales from the Darkside vibes. Felt a little disjointed at times and for being a short book there were a lot of character perspectives that could be hard to keep up with. And some that just seemed unnecessary. However the themes of PTSD and loss were very moving.

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This was hard to understand in the beginning but the further I read, it became clear to me where the story was going. It started to pick up for me and then it was unputdownable (is that a word??) Anyway, it was very interesting and I really enjoyed the read!

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Great thriller! Chilling writing, plot twists, solid characters and a unique story; author Max China created a page turning novel for those who love a good psychological thriller. I really appreciated the use of PTSD. The author used it in a respectful way but also bringing awareness. At times it can be used disrespectfully but Max China was careful and thoughtful in his words and story. I would have liked to see a bit more planning of the plots and characters when they are represented. A few times the story shifted and it wasn't done in a rounded way. The changes almost felt disconnected and brought me out of the world.

I would recommend this novel to those who adore psychological thrillers.

Thanks the author and Netgalley for this ARC. All opinions are my own.

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A mesmerising psychological thriller that takes you on a tense journey into the mind of a traumatised veteran suffering from PTSD. Brilliant writing and a suspenseful twisting story that culminates in an exciting finale. 'The Crane Wife' is highly recommended and worthy of five stars.

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This was a very good story from an author that is new to me. The prose was very good, the characters were engaging and the story itself pulled me in. Look forward to more by this author.

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Thank you NetGalley for an advanced copy of this ebook.

Beautifully written the Crane Wife mixes genres in a way I would normally like but pulled it off great - mystery, paranormal, thriller. The only part of the writing I struggled with was some of the abrupt changes of POV that took me a minute to understand what had just happened.

The characters are well-developed and the topic of PTSD was done sensitively but realistically and gave us readers a true view of the effects of PTSD on the sufferer and their loved ones.

The pacing could have been better but I do believe part of this was due to the issues I had with POV changes.

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I enjoyed this book. I was fascinated by what might be going on with Jericho and what was real or not. It was a very different mix of genres which I thought was interesting, mystery, thriller and paranormal. The plot was unique as well which kept my interest and the weaving in of the Japanese folktale of the Crane Wife was done very well. I enjoyed the changing chapters between Jericho and his children but there were several times where the focus changed within the same chapter which was unexpected and a little disorienting at first but otherwise it was an enjoyable read and I would recommend to others interested in these genres.

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The Crane Wife by Max China

Drawn to read this book due to the reference to it not being a fairy tale, I had to read it. I loved fairy tales when young and many retellings of them that I have read have provided nice escapes. Once finished with the last page of this book, I looked up the myth-fairytale this story referred to and read what it was about. There are some similarities between this and the Japanese tale that include a crane, a beautiful woman, weaving, sacrifice, love, and loss. That said, this is and is not like the original though it might be likened to a rather dark and grim modernized Grimm’s fairytale.

Dream, nightmare, illusion, imagined or real…what happens in the telling of this story has Jericho Mathers dealing with and eventually working his way through a heavy load he has been carrying. His military missions sounded difficult and psychologically traumatizing to the point that he suffered PTSD, closed himself off from those he loved, and isolated himself after his wife’s death. I felt sorry for him as it felt reality at times eluded him or became something else entirely while at the same time illusion seemed all too tangible and real. I wondered at the end of the book how much was and was not real and yet in Jericho’s mind…all of it was exactly as he experienced it.

There were a few times the thread of the story switched characters without notice but I was quickly able to follow what was happening. I might have liked a bit more at the end to let me know who the man on the mountain was that Jack met and a hint of how the lives of Jericho and his children would be in the future.

This was a sometimes dark and gritty intriguing story that had me wondering what would happen next and hoping that all would work out positively for Jericho and his family.

Thank you to NetGalley and IBPA for the ARC – This is my honest review.

4-5 Stars

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I enjoyed how this book incorporated a few different aspects of supernatural and thriller. Following three main characters, Jericho and his two grown children Emily and Jack, we see this strange dynamic. Jericho is still struggling after the death of his wife decades ago, and he is slipping into paranoia, much to the dismay of his children.

Things that happen one night during a snowstorm set the course of events to change his life once again. Meanwhile, Emily and Jack are plagued with nightmares of a deadly beast.

I found this book to be entertaining but slightly hard to follow. It was disjointed at times, leaving me unsure of what was happening, and then it would quickly switch to really riveting. I think this one had immense potential but it left me wanting more from it.

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