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The Seven Year Slip

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Ashley Poston is one of my absolute favorites. I have enjoyed everything that I have read from her including this one! She never fails to make me fall in love with her characters and their stories.

I love how Poston puts a magical twist into her romances. This one has a time travel element and I thought it was so well done. I couldn’t wait to go back to the past to see Clementine & Iwan get to know each other. They had amazing chemistry and the banter was chef’s kiss! I adore how supportive they were of each other’s hopes & dreams. I about died every single time he called her Lemon. I thought it was the cutest thing ever!

The Seven Year Slip heavily talks about grief. It’s such a weird and unpredictable thing to have to go through. Clementine’s journey proves that even though you say goodbye, the love and memories will always be with you no matter where you go.

Other random things that I loved:
-Iwan’s passion for food and how he wanted to make his grandpa proud.
-Clementine’s friends Drew & Fiona! They were always there for her and oh my gosh they were funny.
-Clementine’s passion for painting.
-The little cameo from The Dead Romantics characters!
-The whisk tattoo
-The pigeons…if you know you know!

I loved this book! Definitely going to be on my 2023 favorites list!

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I really enjoyed this - the characters seemed realistic, and I adored the romance even though it was a quick burn.. And I was ABSOLUTELY expecting it to be sad given the premise , and it was, but it was mostly happy (which was good, I am never in the mood for sad).. I think the most revealing thing is that I immediately put Poston's other book, The Dead Romanitics, on hold (I finished it recently - also good!).

Anyway, fans of Sophie Kinsella and Emily Henry will find a lot to love here. I would 100% recommend to fans of the romantic contemporary fiction. If you are looking for a light read with a lot of heart and romance, this is a great choice. Coming to a beach near you in June - thanks to Netgalley and Berkley for the eARC which I received in exchange for an unbiased review.

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This is the second book I have read by Ashley Poston and she is quickly becoming one of my favorite authors. The way she tells a story is superb; from the first page to the last – I had to read this in one sitting. I have to remind myself to slow down while reading, it was like I couldn’t read fast enough.

Clementine West is a senior publicist at Strauss and Adder but seems to have hit a hurdle that she is finding hard to overcome – the loss of her Aunt Analea. Her aunt would spin tales that the apartment was magical and that you could travel back in time… 7 years. Now inherited the apartment from her Aunt, Clementine is hoping to find that magic and see her aunt one more time. Image her surprise when she wakes up and finds a handsome young man instead. James Ashton, an aspiring chef, is staying at his mother’s good friend’s apartment while he searches for a job in New York City. He quickly bonds with his leaser’s niece, Lemon (aka Clementine).

I loved watching this story unfold between past and present. They way Clementine learns to let go and let people in, to find what makes her happy. And James (aka Iwan) learns to re-embrace his past and live a little. And there was an Easter egg that made me so giddy. You should definitely one-click this now, you will not be disappointed.

Thank you to Netgalley and Berkley for the opportunity to read and review this book. I look forward to what Ashley Poston comes out with next.

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I just have a huge soft spot for romance with a small supernatural element, reminiscent of 90s romance. Add time travel in particular, and I am sold. And this is a super well written one! It's a perfect read for fans of Emily Henry, and it's such a charming read with so much depth outside of the romance as well.

I wasn't quite sure what to rate this, because I felt like it had the potential to be an even stronger book. Because it did kind of leave me wanting juuust a little more out of the romance, but that's also because I was enjoying this book so much. In the end I decided on 5 stars regardless, because that does match my enjoyment.

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A perfect summer read for me has to be romantic comedies but that have some heft to them. The story of The Seven Year Slip really drew me in, and I loved how well it was written. Loved the main character, heavy topics were well-thought out and executed really well. So good.

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This was an interesting book with an interesting premise. I was excited to read it, since I wasn't sure how the author would accomplish the love story in the end! I have not read anything by this author and I was pleasantly surprised enough to where I will go looking for more titles by this author. The writing was very well done, and I appreciate good writing on top of good romance. Definitely this one is worth reading!

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3.5 stars

My aunt used to say, if you don’t fit, fool everyone until you do.

This was an interesting book with an interesting premise. It’s one of those books that felt like a movie, if you know what I mean. The story as a whole was so predictable. And I don’t mean that the whole story is predictable like you could guess the ending or whatever, nope, I mean that you could guess every scene before it happens. Like every one. The concept was really interesting like with her previous book, the dead romantics, but I guess it just didn’t have that impact on me that I expected. I think I still liked it more than the dead romantics tho. Overall, this was an okay read. I enjoyed most of it, but there were a lot of things missing.

Huge Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for providing this copy.

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Loved this twist of a title and the robin's egg blue chair! It was a great read and I know my people will love it this summer!

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I say this as a compliment: this is one of the saddest but less cruel books I’ve read. This book deals with heavy topics but in a very caring way, and for that only I could give it 5 stars. However, my 5 stars have more reasons.

I love how grief was handled in this book. Clementine’s journey through learning how to live without her aunt was very realistic and heartbreaking. I cried twice (another reason for the 5⭐️) because Clementine’s feelings were so well expressed that I could totally feel what the author was describing. The romance was also a huge hit. Iwan and Clementine’s relationship was also heartbreaking at first, but I was ready for it taking into account they meet in an apartment that travels seven years into the future/past. So yes, be ready to hate this apartment… though I ended up falling in love with it. The apartment itself was a main character and its story is just as beautiful as the romances that happen in it.

This book is a romance and that’s the main storyline, but for me, the main focus was Clementine’s journey. I loved it so much. Also, make sure you read Ashley’s note at the end of the book (at least, that’s where it’s placed on the ARC). Also, check the trigger warnings. 💛

TW: Suicide, grief

Rating: 5/5
Steam level: Open door, 1-2 scenes, low level of detail

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I love Time Travel stories...and I don't. I love them because they're magical and filled with what ifs, and then I don't like them because they don't make sense or follow any rules. But there's the magic....and this book is magic! Suspend belief, forget logic and don't ask questions. Just go with the love of a romance in a magical apartment. Follow Clementine (Lemon) and Iwan (James) as they fall in love and then lose each other and themselves in a seven year time slip. Their lives are filled with good friends and family and eventually a happy ending. It's a book to savor and enjoy.

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This is another smart and touching adult romance from Ashley Poston. Clementine's Aunt always told her stories about her magical apartment, a place that sometimes bent time to bring people together from seven years apart. Her tales also came with a fair bit of caution, since people can change a lot over seven years, and the person you met in the time bubble might not be the same person in your current world. Over the years Clementine stopped believing...until she walks into the apartment that she recently inherited from her Aunt and finds an unfamiliar man in the kitchen.

The Seven Year Slip deals with some heavy topics, including Clementine's grief at the loss of her beloved Aunt. Poston also cleverly looks at the way people change over time, and that the right time is as important as the right person. Clementine and Iwan had a connection seven years in the past, but will she be able to find the same magic with his contemporary self?

If you're looking for a touching and intelligently written adult romance then give Ashley Poston a try. I really enjoyed The Dead Romantics, and The Seven Year Slip cements her as a must read in the genre.

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This book was so fun and unique, and after a bit of a reading slump, made for the perfect remedy. I love a good time traveling story, and coupled with a little romance and personal growth and this author certainly delivered.

I enjoyed the characters, the unique timelines, the hidden bits of wisdom, and the sub storylines of cooking, painting, and travel. This was another creative read by author Ashley Poston and I can’t wait to see what she writes next!

Thank you to NetGalley and Berkley for my gifted copy!

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Ashley Poston has become an auto-buy author for me. The way she balances deep topics with a feel-good, witty romance is incredible. Her characters are so loveable but I think what makes them for me is how real they feel. They're swoon worthy but also messy and just trying to find their way through life. I really enjoyed Clementine’s story and watching her grow as a character. Learning about her relationship with her late aunt and their bond over traveling and their memories at the UES apartment was special and easy to connect with. I love that it’s set in the same world as “The Dead Romantics”, and so we got to briefly see Benji and Florence because Clementine was a publicist at a rival house. Iwan and Clementine were so perfect for each other and I loved the magic aspect of it, the alternating time periods were very well done. I loved seeing how Clementine and Iwan’s journey began and how they reconnected seven years later. I really appreciated that this did not have the stereotypical 3rd act breakup by miscommunication trope that other romance novels have. “The Seven Year Slip” is a heartwarming story about timing, second chances, self-growth, and adapting to change in pursuit of love. If you enjoyed “The Dead Romantics”, you will certainly enjoy this one. Thanks to Ashley Poston, Netgalley and Berkeley Publishing Group for an e-arc in exchange for my thoughts. I can’t wait to read what Ashley writes next!

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Couldn't put this one down.!
Ashley Poston is a gifted writer with a unique voice and a talent for creating memorable characters and immersive worlds. Her books are full of heart, humor, and a sense of adventure that is sure to captivate readers of all ages.

Poston's ability to blend genres is particularly impressive, as she seamlessly weaves together elements of science fiction, fantasy, and contemporary romance to create stories that are both thrilling and heartfelt. Her characters are always relatable and three-dimensional, with flaws and quirks that make them feel like real people.

Overall, Ashley Poston is an incredibly talented writer whose work is sure to bring a smile to your face and a sense of adventure to your heart. If you're looking for stories that are full of heart, humor, and a healthy dose of nerdiness, then Poston is the author for you.

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I enjoyed this book. The characters were well developed and the plot was well paced. I would recommend this to others and I looked forward to reading other books by this author.

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So there's a magical New York apartment and a man so different from himself he may as well be someone else. If you love romance with a light paranormal twist, this is the author for you. Her "The Dead Romantics" was perfection, and this novel brings the same feels. A delight to read and savor.

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The Seven Year Slip by Ashley Poston follows up on Poston's The Dead Romantics with another paranormal/mystical romance. The story follows Clementine, a publicist at a mostly nonfiction publishing house, who inherits her aunt's magical apartment. The apartment transports her to a time 7 years ago, with the tenant from 7 years previous. Clementine meets Iwan, a young, passionate chef with an adorable southern accent. Over the course of just a few sporadically occurring days together, Clementine finds herself falling for the charming chef. But one of her aunt's two rules was not to fall in love in the apartment. Where is Iwan now? What has changed about him in 7 years?

To be honest, I read this 3.5 weeks ago and I can't really remember much about it. I think it was very middling. Teh premise is adorable but the 'falling in love' bit felt a bit rushed. Overall, Clementine and Iwan spend about 4 days in the apartment together. They spend more time in the present together, essentially, falling in love with each other all over again, but it doesn't really sell me on it. I wish I could say more honestly, but I think this was so much flatter than the Dead Romantics. I was waiting for more dimension from the story. Spoiler alert ahead, but the reveal of her aunt's suicide was just left there. I was waiting for a deeper exploration of grief, similar to that of the Dead Romantics and it simply never came.

It was fun, it was kinda cutesy, but it really wasn't anything special. Dead Romantics >>> this.

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I eventually come around to the weird romance/trauma/paranormal vibes in The Dead Romantics, but this one was just too odd. A 7 year time gap... not age gap... time gap. I was just not having a good time.

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Incredibly charming with a lot of heart, Poston is carving out a nice little niche with magical realism meets romance and I’m here for it.

Earnest and so very romantic with top notch banter, this hit all the marks in a romance for me. Just like Dead Romantics, this deals with grief and becoming the best version of yourself - for yourself. It’s not often you have romances showing how important it is to love yourself before you love someone else, but Poston gets it.

Highly recommend

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"The love stays. The love always stays, and so do we."


I will be thanking NetGalley and Berkley Publishing forever for providing me with a digital copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. Every time I am lucky enough to receive an early copy of a book I love I can't help but think of the me who started all of this back in August. The me who couldn't imagine so many people would love talking about books with her. The me who was scared to try.

That thought transitions so perfectly into this story. Who were you seven years ago? Who are you going to be seven years from now? Those are questions we can never get answers to in our reality, but that's why books are so great... because for a moment in time we get to live a life where those answers might be found.

Clementine is hard-working, never stops moving, and loves her friends with a passion. She will always help you find your way. She's also a tiny bit broken, just like we all are. There's a beautiful quote that I love where she states, "I didn't need to be fixed, I just needed to be reminded that I was human." I think that is a standard she holds herself to, one I admire, and one I'm glad she let go of at the exact right time.

You see, Clementine is also grieving. The luck of that is that she's grieving in a magical apartment. One that, when you're at a crossroads, bring you seven years into the past or seven years into the future. And there, she meets Iwan. There I met Iwan.

I want to cry just thinking about how much he means to me.

When you read a lot of books, you meet a lot of guys that seem to capture all you want in a love story. Sometimes they're the exact opposite of what you're looking for, which makes the fantasy all the more fun. And sometimes they're Iwan. The absolute perfect representation of all you look for when you ask someone to love you. He's kind, and understanding, and respectful. He cooks dinner, and he asks how your day is. He encourages you, he loves you, and he admires you. He listens to you. There is just absolutely no one better to fall in love with.

The thing is, that even in all his loveliness, he's lonely and a tiny bit broken, too. At a crossroads in his own life. Leading up to his heart break, just as Clementine is reeling from hers. Together, they chart a world that only they can bring to fruition. Together they learn to love the greatest parts of their souls. When you meet the person your heart latches onto, you understand so much more about other people.

Happiness has a way of allowing you to understand heart break. I think it's because knowing the best of a feeling allows you to recognize how lucky you were to feel it when it's lost.

For me, this book captures the honesty of heart break and the acceptance of moving on even when we don't think we want to. I loved watching Clementine recognize her passion and fund it despite the standards she set for herself. I love the idea that we never have to say goodbye to the people we love because they're in all the small things we do every day.

I love the idea that we change in the years that go by is okay. That we can fall in love with our person for who they are in the past, and love them better every day they become a little bit more themselves.

But what I love best of all is that, "The love stays. The love always stays, and so do we."

The world wouldn't be the same without you, and I hope you find as much joy as you possibly can while you're here.

- Paige

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