Member Reviews

Let me start with this, I have read all of Nancy Thayer’s books and have loved most of them. I love reading about Nantucket and her’s are some of the best. This story though, I just did not get lost in it - it was easy to put down. The story did not have a lot to it and it seemed to drag on. The summer aspect of it is the reason I read it, I feel the storyline could have had so much more to it. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read the ARC.

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4.75 stars
All the Days of Summer, by Nancy Thayer, is a new release and an easy five star read. I wasn’t sure I was going to love the premise of a woman divorcing her husband, starting a new life for herself, and disliking her son’s girlfriend. However, I absolutely, without a doubt, loved it.

The basic premise of rediscovering yourself and the path you want to take, at a new stage of life really resonated with me. We all go through phases in life, and changes in circumstances, and determining who we are and what we want to pursue at each new stage is challenging and stressful, and often overlooked. All the Days of Summer is not only a feel-good seasonal story, but also an impactful, encouraging one as well.

This story follows Heather, who makes the decision to leave her husband (and honestly, understandably so) take a much-needed break, and spend her summer at a cottage on Nantucket. It happens to be the same island her son has just moved to with his girlfriend and her family. We follow Heather as she creates a new life for herself now that her son has finished college and has moved on. I love that Heather determines who she is not as a wife, or as a mother, but simply, herself.

I appreciated how the author featured a middle-aged protagonist, who wasn’t portrayed as old, but vibrant, thriving, with plenty of life left to live. I didn’t necessarily love Kailee, the girlfriend who seemed excessively immature and self-centered. Her evolution also seemed a bit drastic and sudden. But I did love Heather’s positive outlook, her sense of self, and her close relationship with her son.

This is an engrossing, quick read. There are inspirational quotes and comments worth noting, and the overall message is hopeful, insightful and uplifting. The story is scenic and atmospheric with all the island, summer vibes you could hope for. It’s an entirely charming, endearing story, and one you won’t want to end.

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It's so easy to get lost in a Nancy Thayer book, and really is there anything better? Her writing is always on point, and each time I read one of her books I feel like I'm living in that world. This book was another winner, and I really enjoyed the characters in it. Really hoping for a sequel!

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Heather Willette lives in Massachusetts with her husband and in his twenties son. Her son will take over their hardware store when his father retires, it’s all been planned out.
That is until Kailee Essex comes into their lives, or rather her son Ross’s life.

This thin, young blond beauty from a wealthy Nantucket family has stolen his heart and refuses to give it back. In what seems like an instant all his plans change, he no longer will take over his paren’t hardware store but will move in with Kailee’s family for now and rise in the ranks in her father’s business while he’s treated like a son by her family.

Heather knows the run was good but good isn’t good enough and what seals the deal is her husband would rather watch a ball game than have a serious talk with her. It’s time for that divorce and for her to do some living, do some things that make her happy.
When a friend of hers finds her an in need of work cottage to rent for the summer in Nantucket she snaps it up. After all what will a 3-month Nantucket vacation hurt while the divorce is processing?

Heather and Kailee, these two women seem to be at each other’s throats all the time especially when Kailee finds out Heather has moved to the town she lives in. Has she followed Ross here, not able to cut the mother-adult son ties?

Many times poor Ross feels as though he has to choose between his mother or his girlfriend and having to defend his actions. I wasn’t too sure if I liked Kailee’s character. She is highly driven like her mother and wants a high ranking, important job in her family’s business.

Some family dramatics made me feel bad for Heather as there are many misunderstandings between the two women and at one point, I was convinced Ross would call it off with Kailee after their engagement. The book is beautifully emotional and you will really enjoy the family dynamics. This book is so realistic, once you start, you’re not going to be able to put it down. Fabulous! Such a perfect summer read.

May 2,2023 pub date
I was given a complimentary copy of this book.
All opinions expressed are my own.

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A great summer read set on the beautiful island of Nantucket. Heather's marriage has been floundering for a while and with her son graduating from college it is a good time to do something about it. Her husband owns and runs the local hardware store and spends all his time there. She thinks her son, Ross is going to come home and learn the business from his father so it is a good time for her to make a change in her life. Her friend tells her about a cottage on Nantucket that is for rent for the summer. Perfect. Except, her son wants to work for his girlfriend's father on Nantucket instead of his father. The girlfriend plays a big role in that decision. So Heather leaves her husband to spend the summer on Nantucket. Kailee, Ross's girlfriend is not happy about her being on "her" island for the summer. She is insecure and feels like Heather is going to spy on them and want Ross at her beck and call all the time. We all know that is his job with Kailee. Heather enjoys her time on the island, meeting lots of new people and doing some new things. She blossoms in her new environment. Not to say that everything is a bed of roses because it is not. There are lots of bumps in the road.

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When Heather Willette and her husband go to meet their son's first serious girlfriend, she had no idea the chain of events it would set it motion. Heather's life in Concord, Massachusetts has been good. She's worked hard, supported her husband, and raised her son Ross to be a good man. As time passes and her marriage sparks begin to dim, Heather takes a chance and breaks out on her own. She leaves her husband and sets off on an "Eat, Pray, Love" journey, by renting a cottage in Nantucket.

Kailee Essex is so excited about her summer. Her boyfriend Ross is coming to live and work for her father in Nantucket, and this looks to be the start of their young lives together. Kailee and Heather have a bit of a strained relationship and she is fit to be tied when she discovers Heather will be living in Nantucket, too.

Will the magic of the island bring them together? Can the women work out their differences before becoming family? Nancy Thayer brought me back to the magic with this one. An easy, breezy, summer read.

#TheMironMonologues #NancyThayer #AllTheDaysofSummer #BeachRead #Nantucket #NantucketReads #NantucketBooks #FamilyDrama #RealisticFiction #SummerBooks

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Fiest off, thanks NetGalley for an advanced reader's copy in exchange for my own opinion. This is a great summer read, especially for those who love books set on Nantucket! It was a bit of a slower read for me, though. It is a story of a family that is re-made through one tumultuous summer. The main character is very likeable and helps to make the story!

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Finally, an entertaining book about older people falling in love, not just the 20 year olds! While I enjoy books about young adults finding their forever partners, I found it fun to invest in a story about people who were in their 40s and were experiencing love for the second time around.

The characters in this book are perfect. Kailee is a lovely girl but she is also prone to being a selfish, little brat. The emotional rollercoaster that she rides is so well described, I could feel her anger at Heather and love for Ross simultaneously. Heather is a woman who prioritizes her family over everything else but who longs to find out who she is…what she likes, where she wants to live, what kind of work she is interested in and what she wants to do with her life. The angst that she experiences is evident in these pages as she tried to find a balance between her old life and new. Even Evelyn’s haute attitude comes out mixed with a tiny bit of compassion.

The is a great beach read or just read it curled up in your favorite chair.

I received an ARC from Random House Publishing – Ballantine Books through NetGalley. This in no way affects my opinion or rating of this book. I am voluntarily submitting this review and am under no obligation to do so.

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If you are a fan of beach reads set inNantucket you will enjoy escaping into NT newest summer hit. As you get to know the Essex family whose roots run deep on the island you will discover a full range of emotions toward them. Kailee is a somewhat spoiled only child that is destined to take over the family’s construction business. Heather has rented a cottage on the island for the summer. An opportunity presents itself and she jumps on it. She decides to rent a place there to take some time to recharge her life while waiting on her divorce from Wall to be finalized. A crazy turn of events finds her on the island for the summer with both her son and his girlfriend \fiancé Kailee. Kailee and Heather clash instantly. Their relationship is palpable and convincingly believable. NT does a bang up job developing these characters often times a mother / girlfriend soon to be fiancé relationship can be taut at first. Ross her son is caught in the middle but handles the blips in the road well. So many family dynamics at play here self discovery also comes to mind. The story takes place over one summer and I couldn’t help but instantly become a part of this quintessential beach read. I invite you to a summer on Nantucket with a cast of characters you will remember for a long time to come. I found myself relating to Heather over and over. A great escape you will easily immerse yourself in. A range of emotions will be stirred within you. Let’s move to Nantucket pronto that’s how good NT portrays the island in all its glorious history. Ty NetGalley for the ARC All opinions are my own.

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ALL THE DAYS OF SUMMER by Nancy Thayer is a great beach read centering on light romance and family relationships. Heather Willette is almost 50 and becoming an "empty nester." With little in common with her husband, she decides to seek a divorce. Simultaneously, her college age son, Ross, is becoming involved with a young woman, Kailee Essex, whose family lives on Nantucket Island. Miscommunications occur and jealousies erupt, particularly by Kailee who seems quite immature. Both women learn about themselves and also learn to appreciate each other as the story progresses through very sad and joyful events. Thayer has been writing novels for over forty years and her many fans will not be disappointed.

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An arrival of a new Nancy Thayer book signifies that summer is here and I always look forward to returning to a beach town with her books! While not my favorite of her books, I enjoyed the beach scene and familial drama and how the relationship between Heather and Kailee progressed.

3.5 stars

Thank you to Random House for an advanced copy. All opinions are my own.

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All the Days of Summer was an enjoyable read. It explains how family members relationships affect other lifes.. A mother's love for her son is overwhelming to his fiance.. After Heather is divorced, she knows she needs to make a new life for herself. She decides to rent a cottage on Nantucket not knowing that her son was going to be staying on the island for the summer. She has to convince his fiance that she is not going to be a controlling mother-in-law. Circumstances occur that solve problems to make a new, healthy family relationship. Thank you to Netgalley for allowing me to read this book prior to its publication date.

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Reading a Nancy Thayer book is like dipping your toes into summer. Her stories and characters never disappoint and her descriptions of Nantucket living makes me want to pack a bag and hit the ferry! This book is no exception,

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I thought this story was very good and sweet! It was a little bit predictable at times, but I really enjoyed that aspect of it. It was a joy to just sit back, relax, and read.

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All the Days of Summer is a great book to start the summer reading season. Heather is at a crossroads in her life. Her son, Ross, is graduating from college. It was always expected that Ross would come home and join the family hardware store. But, Ross and his girlfriend, Kailee, have other plans. Kailee’s family lives on Nantucket and owns a very successful construction firm. Ross is going to work for her family not just for the summer but as a permanent job. Ross and Kailee will both end up running the business when her father retires. With this startling revelation from Ross, Heather takes a close look at her life. She decides life is too short to be unhappy. She informs her husband she wants a divorce. Heather’s friend helps her find a cabin on Nantucket to rent for the summer. This will give Heather time to figure out her next steps. But is Nantucket large enough for both Heather and Kailee?
To me this is the perfect summer read. Yes, some of it is predictable. So many “beach” reads have the same format. But there are some twists thrown in. I happily give All the Days of Summer five stars. *****

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I would like to thank NetGalley and Random House Publishing Group - Ballantine, for allowing me to read this book and give my honest opinion. I LOVED this book. Don't get me wrong. There is one character who makes me crazy BUT overall, amazing. This book starts off with Heather realizing now that her son is done with college, she can finally leave her marriage. Wall, her husband, is in denial that they aren't happy but then soon moves on. Heather decides to rent a house in Nantucket for the summer to get away and figure out who she is. Unbeknownst to her, her son decides to go to Nantucket with his girlfriend and work for her family construction business. This book takes place mostly in May through August which I kinda loved. Please read this book! (and no, I won't tell you who I don't like!)

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Unfortunately, this one was not for me. I was looking forward to it because I grew up in Concord and I did like the mentions of local places. I couldn't relate to the characters though and found them to be overly cliched. I also felt that Heather's character was portrayed as a much older woman. I was shocked when it was revealed that she was 47 as I had her pegged for at least 70.

Thank you to Random House Publishing Group - Ballantine Books and NetGalley for allowing me to read a pre-release of this novel. I will not be sharing this review as part of my blog, on Goodreads, or on any other online locations but hope that you find this feedback helpful.

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All the Days of Summer is a fun, Nantucket beach read. Like most of the books of this genre and by this author, the main characters have a conflict and then head to Nantucket where they still struggle but they are in Nantucket, so life is good. This story follows the woes of Heather, an unhappy wife, and mother of a son in a relationship with a woman she isn't too sure she likes. There is family drama, unhappiness, choices made, self-exploration, and of course, sand, sun and Nantucket. It is what you would expect for this genre. Most things work at in the end, there is heart ache, and growth with the backdrop and drama of Nantucket. My only complaint is I felt like the story arc with Evelyn and her emotions at different points did not align at earlier points.

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I've never had the pleasure of being in Nantucket but thanks to beautiful books like All the Days of Summer by Nancy Thayer, I feel like I have been!

Heather is at a crossroads in her life. She realizes she no longer wants to be married to her husband and her son is graduating from college and infatuated with his girlfriend. Heather gets an offer to move to Nantucket for the summer.

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I enjoyed reading All the Days of Summer by Nancy Thayer. The story and characters are wonderful. Happy reading!
**I received an ARC of this book courtesy of NetGalley and the publisher. All opinions expressed in this review are my own and given freely**

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