Member Reviews

"Lalo Lespérance Never Forgot" by Phillippe Diederich captures a very specific piece of time during the initial weeks of the COVID lockdown. Lalo is a young, middle school boy whose mother works in the hospital. Because she is working so much, Lalo and his older brother spend a lot of time at their neighbor's apartment. When the kids aren't on virtual school, they are exploring the area around their apartment. They stake out neighbors and build time machines.

I loved that the book was set during COVID lockdown and how a lot of the dialogue switched seamlessly between English and Spanish. However, there were too many characters and plot lines to keep up with. I thought I might understand when I got to the end of the book why different characters were included, but ultimately, many of them not needed for the plot.

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It’s so great to see another story set during the pandemic. This book will take you far even though Lalo can’t hardly leave his building. Stick around to find out what happens!

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