Member Reviews

it's really a travesty for an author to take a concept so intriguing and deliver it on a platter of boredom and density. it made it excruciatingly difficult to fully immerse myself.
in contrast to what other reviewers reported, i did not find this particularly twisty. the necromancy and victorian london setting did give the book a dark, creepy tone, but the stakes were never high enough to put that setting to any real use.
in my opinion, the story didn't really start until the halfway mark, which left me subjected to backstory and seemingly purposeless plot for 50% of the novel. that left little time for any true character development, which is unfortunate since the potential was certainly there. lucien's character had complexity but the journey to unveiling his backstory was so slow moving that it did a huge disservice to his story arch. charlotte had little personality other than being a SA victim, which is a damn shame because I was looking forward to her perspective the most. romance lovers should turn away now, as there was simply none to be found (other than 1-2 scenes of lackluster tension), despite what the synopsis implies. i found myself thinking this book could have benefited from mass deletions of chapters at the beginning with more chapters tacked on in the latter half, as the story seemed unfinished.
</i>thank you to Grand Central Publishing for the ARC</i>
TW: off-page SA, on-page murder
✦ 2 stars

This book was entertaining and I enjoyed it. It had all your Gothic elements in it. And it was a great storyline.
I just reviewed The Carnivale of Curiosities by Amiee Gibbs. #TheCarnivaleofCuriosities #NetGalley
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*This book was received as an Advanced Reviewer's Copy.
I love a good circus book. Acts, aerialists, you name it, it's fascinating to read about. This one took it a bit different. A little darker. I think I enjoyed the magic and the wonder in this one, but I'm not so sure I care about any of the characters, which ultimately made this book a little less than for me.
A deal with the devil, or something much like it. Strange things go on with this circus, and the family that has formed itself around it. They each have their own talents. And one woman, drawn into their intrigue, will pay a price.
It sounds intriguing right? There are quite a few characters that have that aura of mystery around them. That being said, I didn't find any of the characters really that compelling. We didn't get to understand their backstory soon in the story enough. So it made it hard to connect. I don't think I ever connected to the main character, Charlotte. And Lucien, well, he was intriguing, but again, that slow building to his backstory meant I cared a little too late on what was happening.
The magic was interesting. I liked the deals made and the occult vibe that it gave the book as a whole. I also liked the concept of how magic was used to make those deals. That being said though, again, there wasn't enough to really understand the true purpose behind what that magic generated and why people had it.
Interesting world, and interesting magic, just needed some more compelling characters.
Review by M. Reynard 2023

When you compare a story to my two favorite books “The Night Circus” and “The Invisible Life of Addie Larue,” my expectations are high. The only similarities it had to the Night Circus was the fact that there is a theatrical performance. The only similarities with Addie Larue was the fact that there were Faustus like bargains.
This book was dark and gritty. Even though it is described as gothic, I wasn’t expecting this. It could have definitely used some trigger warnings. The writing was very long winded and could have been condensed. There was far too many characters for me to get attached to any. There were too many stories woven in that didn’t seem to connect. The character’s relationships seemed very flat. I’m so sad I didn’t enjoy this one.

Thank you to Grand Central Station and Net Galley for the chance to read this story in exchange for honest feedback. I am giving this book 2.5 stars and rounding to 3 because I did not finish it.
When you invoke the name of VE Schwab in the description, I have certain expectations. Unfortunately, this book fell short, and I was unable to ever fully immerse myself in the story.
The premise of the story is intriguing. It reminded me a little of the Night Circus or Caraval: high stakes and real magic. And perhaps it was truly magical by the end...But the author was so long-winded in getting to the point of the story that I found myself skimming. Word choices felt clunky and unnecessary. There was so much being said without really saying anything at all. For that reason, I decided to DNF.

the second i read the description, i knew this would be right up my alley
1880s london, magical carnival, and compared to ve schwab’s addie larue and the night circus???? sign me up
this was SO magical, you felt fully immersed into this whimsical story full of romance and intrigue. truly could not put it down, this was perfect!

This story was magical, dazzling, and suspenseful! I could not put it down.
I have always loved the magical, curiosities , carnival type stories and this one did not disappoint. It is slow paced and dives into the lives of the characters to the point we connect and grow attached to the characters. I felt sad when nearing the end of their journey together.
There wasn’t so much romance as some sweet moments that could have been more but it fit the story and it doesn’t mean they won’t have their opportunity.
This take on curiosities was one I really enjoyed. They were different in appearance but had talents that overshadowed that because they were more than their physical differences. I liked that scars , even on women, were not necessarily a bad thing but evidence of a life lived and survived. This, of course, coming from someone with them.
Overall, if you want a suspenseful, found family, experience with a magical and diverse set of characters, this will be the book for you. Also who doesn’t love a good murder mystery tied in to it all?

Thank you so much for the opportunity to read this book as an ARC! I was so excited about this title and its description, as I am usually a huge fan of a magic circus setting, but something about this book just didn't do it for me. I was especially drawn to this for its comparison to V.E. Schwab, but I did not really feel that come through for me in this book. It took me awhile to get into the writing and the world building, but I just didn't feel quite as immersed as I was hoping to. I am so appreciative to have access to this book, but this one was just not really for me.

I am honestly not quite sure how to rate The Carnivale of Curiosities. I never thought I’d read a book where I was rooting for the devil, that’s for sure! Parts of it fell flat for me, however I wanted to continue reading, and hope there is a second book.

This was not my favorite - I was excited when I saw it compared to V.E. Schwab but that didn't really hold up for me. I have never had to look up so many words while reading a novel before - the writing style feels like the author was trying to show all the big words they know rather than just use the most appropriate word for the setting. It was also a bit of a complicated storyline with all the characters and I just didn't care for anyone them enough to really try to keep them all straight. Two starts since the idea of the carnival was interesting but that's the best I can do on this one.
Thanks to the publisher for providing an ARC through Net Galley in exchange for an honest review.

I feel bad. I attempted to read this book because it sounded really good and while I normally dislike books that take place in carnivals, this one sounded dark and foreboding. Kind of a Prestige version of Faust?
I made it about 15% in and nothing was happening so I chose to DNF it.
I liked the characters but I did not feel like what they were doing at the time was really amounting to anything or moving the plot along.

The Carnival of Curiosities wastes no time drawing you into its abstract, dazzling, and mysterious world — seeming to pull you down into dark society.
COC quickly revealed itself to be both intriguing and peculiar. A can’t-stop-reading combination.
“As above, so below, Lucien. Where the two meet is where magic resides. All pure fancy until made real.”
Decidedly lyrical and elucidatory — Aimee Gibbs has a way with words that pours out the narrative like a smooth glass of whiskey. It’s warm and dark, dangerous and hypnotic, and had me grinning from ear to ear. I absolutely adored every minute of it!

This story was so good. Full of twists and turns, I stayed up well into the night to finish it. The characters are engaging and in some cases, terrifying. It really makes a person question what makes a monster a monster and what makes a man a man. I will most definitely be recommending this book to all my friends. I want to thank Netgalley and Grand Central Publishing for letting me read this amazing book.

Thank you to Grand Central Publishing, Amiee Gibbs, and NetGalley for an eARC in exchange for an honest review!
The Carnivale of Curiosities
Publishing July 11, 2023
🎟️ 19th Century London
🎪 Gothic Fantasy
🎟️ Morally Grey Characters
🎪 Slow Burn Romance
Wow. Amiee Gibbs did an amazing job writing The Carnivale of Curiosities! All of the story lines are woven together perfectly. I enjoyed being able to see what the various characters were doing and thinking throughout the story. The gothic atmosphere of the book was incredible, and the historical aspects where amazingly showcased throughout the book.
While reading, I really had no idea who the real villain was. There are so many characters plotting and trying to come out on top, but Gibbs managed to write this in a way that wasn’t confusing and was very interesting.
While there are several villainous characters, there are so many more lovable characters. I love all the children that are part of the Carnivale. I adore Luce, Charlotte, and Dita.
The book has so many unique characters, and I enjoyed getting to know all of them!
This is easily a five star read for me! I have my fingers crossed that Amiee Gibbs will write a sequel. I need to know what happens to these characters next. 🥺🤞🏼
🛑 Please make sure to check TW before reading!

Amiee Gibbs writes in a way that transports. This is a tale of atmospheric suspense and macabre wonders. Ideal for fans of historical (super)realism, and an enjoyable literary journey.

I originally requested an arc of The Carnivale of Curiosities due to the BEAUTIFUL cover, and the synopsis has SO MANY of my favorite things (set in Victorian setting, faustian bargain, murder, jealousy/obsession, etc). One of my favorite movies of all time is The Prestige which is a gothic thriller about 2 dueling magicians, and I recently finished the book Johannes Cabal the Necromancer (and loved it) and this book seemed to combine both of those which are god-tier in my opinion.
From the first PARAGRAPH I audibly gasped because it was EXACTLY what I was hoping for but had no idea it was going to be so reminiscent of both the movie and the book I had just read. It's like Amiee Gibbs opened up my brain, scraped every bit of information regarding what I love to read, and crammed all of it into this book.
I was SHOCKED to see that this is a DEBUT novel. Absolutely insane. Amiee Gibbs wrote one hell of a book and I don't know where she's been but I have no doubt she will be around for a long, long time. I honestly am still shocked while writing this how much I loved this book, and how she somehow compiled the PERFECT gothic/fantasy book. It's only February 2023, but I'm going to make a bold claim and say this is going to be my favorite read of the entire year. It's THAT good.
Thank you SO MUCH for giving me the opportunity to read this FANTASTIC book and I will be first in line when it's released in July. Amiee Gibbs is special. Cannot wait to see what she has in store for us next. 5/5 stars without a doubt!

This book was really good holy crap, I had no idea what to expect when starting it I just saw circus was like sign me up. The setting was just beautiful the characters flawed but very likable, the whole storyline was so intriguing and overall such an enjoyable book. There wasn’t really a romance and has someone who thrives on romance it was still amazing!
Thank you NetGalley for the ARC!

I really enjoyed this story, but could never get over the writing and choice of words. Seemed complicated for the sake of being complicated, and came off as pretentious. It's as if the author had a thesaurus next to them while writing this. This could have easily been a 5 start for me based on the setting, characters, and story. It was great. But the writing hindered me quite often of fully enjoying this book. I am have a BA in English. I read a lot. I consider my vocabulary range to be quite large, but I am so glad I read this on my Kindle so I could easy look up what words meant. It became irritating.

It seems to do a good job of showing, not telling. Feels very Lemony Snicket in a good way. Stopped at 7% but if it continues as it has it’s likely to go over well for our visitors. Easy 4 stars, 5 for the right reader.
Thank you to NetGalley and Grand Central Publishing for the ARC.

"It is from the thin air and the high hopes of our patrons’ imaginations that I build. If it can be dreamed, Lucien, if it can be believed, then it can be seen and realized.”
“If only for a moment.”
Welcome to The Carnivale of Curiosities, where the lines between reality and illusion blur. This is a story full of magic, murder, Faustian bargains, greed, mystery, and more. Filled with rich writing and a complex plot, you won't be able to put this down. The closest I could compare this to would be a cross between The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue and The Night Circus.
"Now tell me, have we a deal?"
The worldbuilding is magnificent and the writing was lyrical and prose like. The 1880's London setting was the perfect backdrop to this story. The plot was wonderfully complex and every time you think the final twist has passed another lurks around the corner. I am obsessed with the magic system and each performance was grander than the last.
"Ashe is the blood of the Carnivale. Dita its heart. Pretorius is its bones and Lucien its spark."
The characters are all phenomenal! Each of them had their own story and I love a good found family trope. I adored the twins and Georgie, they are too sweet for this world. Dita is the mother of the group and I love her kind heart. Pretorius's creations are ones of wonder while Timothy creates the most fantastic mischief. Angelique and Columbine work to round out the family while Lucien is the mysteries man who has a sad past lurking behind his eyes. And of course Ashe is the ringleader who has just as many secrets as he does talents. Each of them drew me in and I couldn't help but want to learn more about them and their secrets.
"I am an illusionist, Mr. Emmett. One who conjures wishes into being, if one only has the courage to ask.”
This is an incredible debut and I can't wait to see what Amiee Gibbs does next. Run, don't walk, to your nearest bookstore when this releases on July 11, 2023.