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The Night in Question

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Alice, Iris, and the crew are at it again after a Sadie Hawkins dance at Levy Castle ends in the brutal attack of one student and the arrest of another and the castle is no stranger to death after a young movie star, Mona Moody, falls off the balcony in the 1940s. Alice is convinced the incidents are somehow connected and the investigation might tear the crew apart and leave Alice flunking out of school.

This was another fun ride but it was a tiny bit confusing at times as Rebecca and Kennedy are used interchangeably and they sound like two first names rather than a first and last name. I sincerely hope there’s another installment!

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I know that my teen students will respond well to this one. They're very into murder mysteries right now, so this will probably be a hit. I do need to remember it is written for YA (and not for me), since it just read as too immature for me so I did not make it very far.

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Am I finally too old for YA mysteries? Because I predicted damn near everything about this book from the beginning. That being said, it was still an EXCELLENT plot and a very fun take on old Hollywood mysteries. A family full of enemies, a traumatic assault, and a timeline that just doesn't add up? I love to see it. We also get to see more of the AV club in this book and my favorites Raf and Spike. I was hoping to see a bit more character development with Alice in this book, but I think we finally got some by the end. If there isn't a third book in the pipeline, I'll be so sad because it was set up perfectly with the ending.

*Thank you to Delacorte Press and NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for my honest review*

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Amazinggg. I loved this one even more than the first one I think. In the first book, you're trying to understand the characters and in this one you dive right in, knowing how they operate. I also preferred this mystery to the previous one. I love how they were able to tie in past and present without flashbacks (hate those!) I was left with a few unanswered questions but based on some things happening I assume we will get those answered in a book three! Can't wait. Thank you to Netgalley and Random House for an advanced opportunity to read this book! It's very exciting to get to read something you enjoy, early.

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3.5/5 stars!
The Night in Question is the sequel to The Agathas. I particularly enjoyed the Hollywood aspects and quick pace of the plot. I’ll be keeping an eye out for a potential book 3!
Thank you to NetGalley and Random House Children’s, Delacorte Press for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.
Expected publication: May 30, 2023

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4.5 stars rounded up! I seriously love Alice and Iris!! I hope this is a series that goes on for 10 books! Castle Cove is such a deliciously devious place for mysteries. The possibilities seem endless! I won't call it character development, but maybe character changing. Both girls are a little angrier and a little more outspoken and brash with one another. Alice seems to be evolving a bit, but Iris seems to be more devolving right now. But they solved 3 different mysterious all at the same time, so who am I to judge? lol. What a wild ride!
They set up book 3 to be in an environment I am looking forward to reading for sure!

Other notes:
There were a handful of spelling errors and either missing words or extra words.
Twice there are people with the same name. 2 Helen's and 2 Eugene's. That's confusing.

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#TheNightinQuestion #NetGalley
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an E-Arc copy of this novel. Fun, quirky, and great mystery.

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3.5 ⭐️Thank you to Declacorte Press for an e-arc in exchange for an honest review. This book was a fun and easy to read follow up to The Agatha’s. The story picks up far quicker because the background knowledge is already built and the characters are able to shine without extra context. I do think that this book was trying too hard to do what The Agatha’s did. It had subplots that were convoluted and unnecessary and the relationships between characters felt stilted in comparison to the first book.

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Such a good quick mystery!! It kept me reading!! The plot twists had me hooked the whole time!! I absolutely loved the writing style as well!!

Thank you netgalley for the arc!!

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This is a me problem! I didn't know this was part of a series, and I haven't read the first one.

However, I wasn't necesarrily lost. This worked on its own, but I do think having the background of the first would have been helpful.

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Having not read the first book in the series, I came into this blind; however, this was still a very enjoyable book all on its own (even if I am now going to backtrack and read the first one).

The Alice/Iris duo didn't quite mesh for me, but I recognize that each was bringing her own strengths to the story. A few hints were more flashing neon-sign than subtle clues and just some unrealistic moments of people opening up to young girls made it a bit unbelievable and took it down a star for me.

Still, it was a fun, easy read that I think most people would enjoy without having to dedicate too much time or brain power.

Overall: 4 stars

I'll tell my students about: sex, language, physical violence, LGBTQIA+, blood/gore, trauma, mental health issues

**Thank you to NetGalley and Random House Children's for the free ARC. All opinions expressed are my own.**

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I really enjoyed The Agatha’s and was so excited for the opportunity to read the second book in the series, The Night In Question. The book is fun and entertaining and I love the Agatha Christie elements and quotes. I also find the series to remind me of Veronica Mars, which I love so much!!
Iris and Alice attend a school dance at Levy Castle, the former home of movie star Mona Moody, also the site of her mysterious death. The dance does not go as planned with Park and Kennedy having a huge fight in front of everyone, followed by a huge storm and landslides, trapping everyone in the castle. It is during this time that Alice sneaks her way through a secret passageway and finds Park standing over Kennedy’s bloody body holding a weapon. Park claims her innocence and with Kennedy in a coma, Iris and Alice dial up their inner Agatha Christie and try to solve the crime and also investigate the death of Mona Moody as well.
This was a great read. I think it’s clever and fun and can’t wait to read more Alice and Iris in the future. Thank you to NetGalley and Delacorte Press for an ARC copy. 4 ⭐️

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Iris and Alice are at it again. This time the mystery involves a classmate stabbed and left for dead at the school Sadie Hawkins dance in a historic castle. With another classmate on the hook for the crime, and the facts of the case not adding up, Alice and Iris decide to solve the case and find out who is really responsible. The investigation leads then to uncover dangerous secrets and creates more tension with the incompetent Castle Cove P.D.

I have kids excited for the release of this sequel to the Agathas and I think it will be a popular YA summer read at the library!

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A great quick YA mystery.
Iris and Alice are back at it again. Love all the Christie references and the closed room style of this mystery.
I’m sad that the Zoner side characters seem less necessary this time around, but am glad that they tackle some of the mysteries of Levy castle and Mona Moody! And Lillian made another appearance!
Some of the mysteries weren’t so mysterious and seemed quite obvious. But overall I really enjoy this series and hope there are more to come.

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As a huge Agatha Christie fan, I thoroughly enjoyed this book, I think teens and adults alike will enjoy this mystery. The book was full of clues that our young Poirots took charge of to solve the crimes of the past and present unfolding in the small coastal California town of Castle Cove.

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I love this series! I was so excited to see this book up for review. It pulled me right back into the story, and the characters were just as smart and likable as in the first book. There were plenty of twists, and the resolution wasn’t obvious - it was fun to keep guessing throughout. I will seek out book three, and I’d absolutely watch a series based on these books.

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The Agathas are back and better than ever! After solving the murder of Brooke Donovan, Alice & Iris are trying to move past the trauma & horror the shocking case has caused in their lives and in their small town. Trying to return to normalcy, the girls and their friends attend a school dance at the legendary Levy Castle. Alice hopes to explore the castle in order to get a glimpse into the life of famous actress Mona Moody and her mysterious death. Iris hopes to maybe get her first kiss. But the fun comes to a stunning end, when one of their classmates is attacked and another is accused of the crime. Alice & Iris immediately find themselves involved in the case, and as they, their friends the Zoners, and police intern Raf Ramirez investigate, evidence turns up linking present day events to those of the distant past. Can the Agathas untangle the convoluted clues and find answers to solve both mysteries or will their sleuthing end in disaster?

Glasgow & Lawson have written another delicious mystery in the follow up to The Agathas. Fast paced, carefully plotted, and delightfully twisty. The characters are wholly crafted and richly drawn. Alice and Iris are complete opposites, which makes them the perfect detective team. Both girls are strong willed, determined, and focused. Those qualities along with Iris’ smarts and Alice’s devotion to Agatha Christie make them uniquely equipped for solving crimes. The side characters are fun and different, not throw aways, but nicely fleshed out and fully realized. The premise is fresh and plotting well thought out. The reader can see links to the previous book, little breadcrumbs the authors left to keep drawing us down the path. I thoroughly enjoyed the mystery and can’t wait for the third in the series!

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The Night in Question follows Alice and Iris, our teen sleuths from The Agathas, on another case. Why they're the only ones capable of solving these mysteries, and why the adults seem to be mostly okay with it, I'm not sure.

Unfortunately, and despite looking forward to reading this, I was a bit disappointed by this one. Maybe if I hadn't just read The Agathas (which I gave 5⭐) yesterday I would have given it more leeway. As it was, it just didn't have the same vibe as the first book.

Alice and Iris have somehow both melded and switched roles? They both come off as really immature this time around, as well. The "Zoners" felt less necessary and like tacked on extras. The constant drama and arguments between Alice and Iris were tedious. The way they both have zero regard for authority, especially their parent's, the way they bully information out of their peers, and their all around entitled attitudes are all incredibly off-putting to me. I just didn't find them endearing this time. I expect a bit of ridiculousness from my YA thrillers, but the action, the danger these two somehow side-step, and conclusion were so incredibly far-fetched and dramatic, it was eye roll inducing

I would read the next book in this series, but would hope to see some actual character development, and a mystery not involving Alice's main friend group, as both books covered them all in some way or another.

Thank you to NetGalley and Random House, Delacorte Press for the e-ARC I received in exchange for an honest review.

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The sequel to The Agathas, this novel again finds our young protagonists wrapped up in an unexpected crime. Financially wealthy but emotionally starved Alice has obsessively been reading Agatha Christie mysteries for years and in the first book, used those honed detective skills to solve the murder of her former best friend, largely with the help of Iris. Iris is in a sense the opposite of Alice in circumstances, in that she struggles financially, living with her very supportive single mother, her physically abusive father having been brought to justice in the first novel. Together the girls create a modern-day team of the Christie detectives, Alice being the more aloof Poirot while Iris embodies the emotionally connected Miss Marple. In this novel, the young women seek to solve the attempted murder of another classmate, Rebecca Kennedy, at the Sadie Hawkins dance, which was held at the infamous Levy Castle, the sight of the tragic death 80 years earlier of famed film ingenue Mona Moody. Another classmate, Helen Park, was discovered by Alice standing over Kennedy’s body shortly after the attack, but Alice can’t shake her belief that Park is innocent. Could there be a connection between the current crime and mystery of Mona Moody? The fun in the novel comes from the relationship between the two girls, neither quite sure they can trust their new partnership. Together they battle the ageism and sexism of being seen as silly teens in their desire to clear Park’s name and find the true culprit, and just maybe bring justice to Mona Moody as well. This is an enjoyable novel with a juicy little crime, perfect for modern day fans of Christie. I was given an review copy in return for an honest review.

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Spooky mystery with lots of eerie twists- I loved this book! Castle Cove school has a ‘killer’ dance for Sadie Hawkins Day in a castle where an old murder occurred. Alice doesn’t think the police got the right killer and she does some sleuthing of her own, While roaming the castle, Alice stumbles on the body of one of her schools mean girls, lying on the floor, with her ex-friend Helen standing over her bloody body. Now Alice and her friend Iris have to figure out whodunnit before the police arrest Helen for the crime! Told in a dual POV, I loved the changing perspectives of Iris and Alice. Unpredictable and mysterious, this book grabbed me from the start and didn’t let go until the surprising end! Thank you NetGalley for the digital copy!

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