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The Night in Question

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The “Agathas” are back. Having learned their investigative skills from Agatha Christie’s greatest detectives. The odd couple friends of Alice and Iris are once again going to need to put their sleuthing skills to the test. The latest case will have them looking back into another very old case. I love the way Alice and Iris play off each other, how their individual strengths compliment each other. This is another fun, well plotted mystery. I look forward to seeing what authors Kathleen Glasgow and Liz Lawson throw at Iris and Alice next. Thanks to Random House Children's, Delacorte Press and NetGalley for the opportunity to read an eARC of The Night in Question.

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What I love about this series: the feminist bent, the Veronica Mars coastal California vibe, and of course, the Agatha Christie inspiration, though Agatha appreciation wasn't as much of a thing in this follow-up to The Agathas.

Second books in series, especially mystery series, can be tricky.

One of my favorite parts of the first book was the prickly relationship between popular girl Alice Ogilvy and her more down-to-earth tutor and classmate, Iris Adams. In this second book, the girls are friends (at least more friendly?) and while I'm all for teamwork (and friendship), I missed some of their former enmity.

Second, and maybe this is a problem of an adult reading a young adult book, I really could have used a bit more recap of book one incorporated into the plot. Or a character list, at least.

I also felt like The Night in Question took a while to get going. The last quarter of the book was really fun and much more fast-paced.

So I remain a huge fan of this series, and it looks like, from the authors' interview after the book ends, that there will be a book three, so I am excited about that and will definitely try it.

Reviewed on my YA site, YA All Day!

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This is the second book in The Agathas series and it does not disappoint! Iris Adams and Alice Ogilvie are on on the case again; trying to solve an assault/robbery that happens the night of their Sadie Hawkins dance at Levy Castle.
After solving Brooke Donovan's murder, the 2 young Miss Marples are once again thrown into a mystery involving old film star Mona Moody and her mysterious fall from the balcony of Levy Castle. A more pressing question would be who attacked and almost killed Rebecca Kennedy the night of the dance, while everyone was stuck inside due to a storm and a mudslide? The police feel like they've caught the perpetrator and Alice is their star witness. However, even seeing Helen Park standing over the unfortunate Kennedy only leads to more questions than answers. Alice and Iris are once again on the case! (BTW, Castle Cove needs a new PD.)

*(Special thanks to NetGalley and Random House for this e-arc.*I

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The Night in Question is just as entertaining as the first installment in the series! Combining the crime solving techniques of two well known and legendary Agatha Christie protagonists, Kathleen Glasgow and Liz Lawson manage to create a hilarious and intriguing mystery that kept me thoroughly entertained.

From mind-bending, perplexing clues and intrigue, to suspense that keeps you on the edge of your seat, The Night in Question is a quick read perfect for younger readers, or more seasoned page turners looking for a cozy mystery to tuck into.

The Night in Question is set to be published on May 30, 2023. Thank you to Random House Children's, Delacorte Press, NetGalley and the author for the digital arc. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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The Night in Question is a thrilling read that will captivate young mystery enthusiasts. This novel has perplexing clues and intense suspense, making it a must-read for any teen who loves a good mystery. The authors have crafted a masterful tale to keep readers on the edge of their seats until the end. Its intricate plot and well-developed characters made for a fun, fast-paced read.

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I started this almost immediately after finishing book one (I only had a few days to read the arc before pub day) and I’m still really enjoying this series!

We dive deeper into the Mona Moody mystery mentioned in book one and find some closure to the case. I really liked the historical aspect mixed in with the present, interweaving the two mysteries at the core of this story.

I was able to once again figure out who the modern day culprit was and guessed quite a few of the twists from the Mona Moody case. It was still a fun read, seeing everything fall into place. I’ll be watching for news of book three!

I received an advance copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.

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So much fun seeing these two together again. The mystery was fantastic. I love how they incorporate new and old. Cannot wait to see what they do in book 3.

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Iris and Alice are at it again in the sequel to The Agathas. What are the chances that you would stumble upon your two ex-best friends in a forbidden part of a mansion, one holding a knife, and the other bleeding to death? Slim to none, yet that is exactly what happens to Alice. When Kennedy is rushed to the hospital, and Helen is the prime suspect in her attempted murder, Alice and Iris suspect that Helen is being framed. In a chaotic journey, the two friends set out to solve another mystery and might solve a decades-old murder in the process.

These books bring me back to my Geronimo Stilton days. They are super easy to digest, and a blast to read. They read as unserious, fun little mysteries, almost like Scooby-doo. I devoured the whole book in just over a day. Something about this series is incredibly nostalgic to me, between the writing, characters, and super dumb police. Books don't often give me the warm glow of my childhood days, but this one managed to do so.

The mystery aspect was not as good as the first book. This one revealed a lot of big clues and hints, so I was putting everything together much quicker than Alice and Iris. At times I just wanted to shout at them to hurry up. The clues around the hair and necklace (if you know, you know) were so obvious, it made the big reveals underwhelming. I did enjoy the way it was two cases instead of one, which made the book more interesting. The tie between the two cases was clever, if a bit expected.

I missed the dynamic between Alice and Iris. I was so excited to see their friendship really bloom in this book, but they hardly interacted. For most of the book they were upset with each other, and for reasons I could not figure out. More often than not, they are doing things separately. It was disappointing after seeing such a true friendship form in the first book. Both of them are dealing with problems in their personal lives, especially with how the first book ended. Alice is not acknowledging the trauma she went through when Brooke died, and Iris is struggling with the past traumas seeing her dad brought up. I suspected, in the beginning, those were the reasons their relationship was strained, but it's not really brought up between them. The duo is the most iconic part of this series, so I hope we get that fresh dynamic in the third book.

The romance in this book left a lot to be desired. I wish they had left it out entirely. It's hinted that there is a love triangle between Iris, Cole, and Spike, but she abandons one of the boys within the first 10%, and he is only mentioned again at the very end. Alice has a crush on Rafe, but he already has a girlfriend. Because of this, nothing happens between them, but it left me wondering what the point of her crush was. It would not sit well with me if he left his girlfriend for her, especially when he seems like such a caring guy in general. I hope they introduce someone a little less perfect for Alice to like.

This is such a small detail, but the villain confrontation scene almost took me out. It was so corny, I had to close my eyes to ward against the second-hand embarrassment. A super small detail, but you readers needed to be warned.

Overall, just a fun, light-hearted read this is perfect for summertime. I do recommend the audiobook version. The narrators really bring this book to life!

Thank you to NetGalley and Random House Children's for the advanced copy! All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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I love this series so much! I want more and more adventures. I enjoyed the conflict and the mystery in this book.

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Alice and Iris are back at again! With the help of the Zoners and Raf.

When another student (wrongly accused) from their high school is facing potential murder charges the girls are there to set the wrongs right. In this case, trying to help someone who is not really a friend, takes them back to a murder that happened in the 1940’s. Will rehashing the past help them prove her innocence? And can they keep themselves out of jail?

The only thing I wish we could get more of in this series is Raf, Cole, and the Zoners. I feel like there is so much more to their stories and I would love for them to be a little more present.

This unlikely duo are on the case and you will definitely enjoy the ride. Between help from unlikely places and mistakes made and true detective instincts it is one enjoyable tale! Don’t skip this one!

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A part of the Agathas series with Alice and Iris.
Alice and Iris are true fans of Agatha Christies books, While at a party they discover a murder with the possible suspect but before they can do any thing the suspect runs.
Alice and Iris try to sove the murder with thier sleuthing skills.
Good characters with mystery and suspense.
A good YA mystery.
Voluntarily reviewed.

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What a fun YA mystery! I really enjoyed The Agathas and I am happy to say that the second book did not disappoint! Iris and Alice make a great crime solving pair, complementing each other nicely.

The Night in Question is a tale of two mysteries, one that is present day and one that happened in the 40's, that has ties to today. I really enjoyed how these two mysteries wound together and all the different paths it took Alice and Iris down.

They get into a wee bit of trouble, which causes some familial issues, I felt like this was well done and added to the story (and how they have to navigate their friendship).

I cannot wait for the next mystery!

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Alice and Iris are back! I think both the books in this series are so fun and perfect for mystery-loving teens who don't want a super intense storyline with lots of on-page violence, etc. The duel mystery in this one was really fun and I enjoyed how it all unraveled at the end. I especially enjoyed Alice's growth in this book and I will definitely read a potential book #3!

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“The closer you get to the truth, the further away it is.”⁣

@prhaudio @getunderlined for my gifted copies! #PRHAudioPartner⁣

Our gals Iris and Alice are back, Christie style. But this time, we’re going a bit back into time. There’s a brutal attack modern day, but it’s in the place where starlet Mona Moody died back in the 40s. Are they connected? Why is Park getting framed? More importantly, what Agatha quote will hit the hardest?!⁣

I feel like this can definitely be read as a stand-alone as many of the details from the first book are mentioned in the second. However, read the first. It’s great. I liked that we really got to see the girls grow throughout the book. They’re still in high school, and you can see them become more certain of themselves as the pages turn. ⁣

Audio was great! Sophie Amoss, Holly Lineman, and Mehr Dudeja really brought the characters to life. I loved the Mona Moody quotes to start certain chapters like they would with Agatha’s. I really thought of MM as another famous MM and the audio was it! ⁣

Overall, Veronica Mars and Nancy Drew have nothing on our Agatha friends. I love this series and I need more. ⁣

Out 5/30, it’s gonna be a perfect addition for a YA summer read!⁣

Predict Text: the night in question had…

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3.5 stars

I wish this was as good as the first book 🥲 I found the first 70% of this pretty boring and the grammar a bit clunky. Granted I did get a free eARC from NetGalley so some of those things could be changed in the final version but there were a lot of sentences I had to reread to understand what was being said. For example: “what I think, at least I think I think”. Really hoping for a gay book 3 🥹

Tw: death, stabbing, attempted murder, child abuse/neglect, affair, drugging

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Thank you to Random House Children's, Delacorte Press and NetGalley for an electronic Advanced Reader Copy of this novel.

The Night in Question is a sequel to The Agathas, a well-received teenage mystery set in Castle Cove.. This sequel continues to follow Alice and Iris as they deal with the aftermath of the first book. A dance at the fancy Levy Castle leads to a student viciously attacked and Alice uncovering an ex-friend standing over the body.

Well written and fast paced, The Night in Question is a fun and entertaining read. It deals with the tenacity of teenage girls and the precarious walk they take into adulthood. I enjoyed it and hope that this series continues!

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Iris and Alice are back, and not much has changed. Alice is still avoiding her homework. Iris is still terrified, even with her dad behind bars. Oh, and they yet again find themselves smack dab in the middle of a police investigation that they aren't going to let go.

Another fun trip into the lives of The Agathas


I still love diving into this world and the Agathas method of mystery solving, I just wish there had been a bit more progression for our characters, all of that progression felt very rushed at the end.

As for the actual mystery, it was perfect. After the last book it was a no brainer that we were going to dive into the Mona Moody murder, and the tie into today's mystery was excellent. While the tying up of the loose ends definitely also felt rushed, it still all made sense. This book suffers from just needing a bit more time to hit each note. Perhaps that is just the plight of a YA novel.

All in all, I think Glasglow and Lawson are at the top of the YA Mystery genre, and I cannot wait to see where they take us from here.

Thank you to NetGalley and Random House for my ARC!

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Another great mystery set in Castle Cove with teenage detectives Alice Ogilvie and Iris Adams. This one is actually two mysteries woven together -- one is an attack on their friend Brooke Kennedy and the other is the death of 1940s film star Mona Moody. Everything is well plotted with some unexpected twists. You don't have to read the series in order, but I think you would enjoy it more knowing the back stories from the first book. Highly recommended to mystery lovers, grades 8 & up.

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Are you ready to open a cold case of a 1940s actress? Let’s investigate this book:
Second in Series - In this second book in The Agathas series, we follow Alice and Iris and their gang of crime solving friends
Formal Dance - they are attending a formal dance at an historic mansion
Girl Attacked - When Alice happens upon one of her classmates attacked while exploring some secret passageways in the mansion
Historical Connection - Can the Agathas solve the mystery? And how does it connect to the death of an actress many years in the past.

Having loved the first book in the series, and YA mysteries in general, I had to read this book. The most interesting thing about it for me was how things connected in general, the past and the present. Even after this book, which does reference the first one so you are going to want to start there, there are still a few cold cases this group is trying to solve so I'm figuring there will be another book in the series. It’s just a fun time and the twist is good, even if you kind of figure it out. Cuz I am astute like that.

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This is the second book in this series and I LOVED the first one so much. This one didn’t live up to the first one for me.

There are a quite a few references to the first book and I read it so long ago I had to look up what happened, so definitely read the first one because they talk about it a little but don’t give a great summary of it (mostly I forgot how some characters were involved).

Alice and Iris are trying to solve an attack on their classmate at a dance that was held in a mansion but they are also interested in a famous actress that died in at the mansion a long time ago.

There were a lot of characters from the past that they talked about and it got confusing when you have basically two big sets of characters (the people from the past and present).

While the actress mystery is important I just didn’t love that aspect of it.

I’ll probably read a 3rd book if they write another but this one just didn’t match up to the first.

Thanks Netgalley for my ARC!

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