Member Reviews

Having lived in Minnesota for 64 years of my life but no longer reside there now(or at the time of the George Floyd tragedy), I was interested in seeing what Ellison had to say about the entire trial preparation and trial process as I am a retired trial attorney who practiced law in the Twin Cities for 42+ years. Ellison's "inside view" of the proceedings was something we don't get a chance to witness very often and so it was interesting to see what he had to say about what happened. He was very straight forward with his praise and evaluation of the cast of characters both on the prosecution and defense side as well as the judge, court officials and jurors. I watched the proceedings from afar and Ellison's book "filled in" a number of the details that were not available in the media coverage or the live telecast of the trial. My only adverse comment is that Ellison should probably have had the book reviewed by a criminal defense attorney before it gets published because his disclosure of the Mock Jury proceedings his office conduct(but never disclosed to the defense) may provide the defendants with an appealable issue going forward. All in all, a worthwhile read for those folks who want to be privy to some "inside baseball" that surrounded one of the most significant cases tried in a Minnesota court in the last 100 years.

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