Member Reviews

A pretty decent book for the armchair traveller – or for those sitting on chairs in smaller rooms to dip into for a quick and inspirational browse. This is a collection of fine photographs of the world's most spiritual places, and a single page for each of how and where and what and why. Starting with a general round-up of spiritual buildings, such as Angkor Wat, my digital review copy raised an eyebrow when Borobudur ended up being in India, Thailand and Indonesia in a space of two pages, but I am sure a more finished copy will know what's what. It certainly ought to, for the text at times is a bit more encyclopaedic – it's much more for the history than the effect of these places, the architecture more than the ambience.

Oh, and while we're on about errors, I would hazard a guess that actually, no, most visitors to Machu Picchu take the bus, not the stairs.

Unfortunately a file cockup on my laptop meant I only saw the first part, but I liked the layout and approach of this book a lot – the photos were dropping some of the romantic, artsy style of similar volumes, and around the text were info-boxes containing such things as visitor numbers and the best season to make your own way there – the stuff I'd never have thought to expect, and that also show the creators put more than just the essentials into this. As a result the caveat regarding errors remains for now, but a polished final copy would be an easy four stars.

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I received an advance reader copy of this book to read in exchange for an honest review via netgalley and the publishers.

The Planets Most Spiritual Places is a stunning photography and information book with an abundance of information and visual delights. Some of the photography in this book is breathtaking, and I just wanted to hop on a plane and visit so many of these stunning spiritual places. I liked how the author split the book up into sections, making it easier for people to find exactly what they want to find out. I'd have loved more photographs of each location, but this would just be an added bonus to a beautiful and informative book!

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This book, The Planet’s Most Spiritual Places, is my 11th book of the year (2023). I consider it a magical adventure around the world exploring various religions and places of majestic spirituality. Not only did I love the multitude of high-quality, beautiful photos of each spiritual place, but I learned an incredible amount of information reading about each place.

I only knew a handful of the places so I was eager to learn about what each place means to people who believe in many different religions. Something I thought was really interesting was how similar some of the practices of the various religions were regarding these religious and spiritual places, such as the fact that many of the places hold the remains of important people in the faiths.

I am so incredibly grateful to have read this book and I would recommend anyone to read it, as it includes in its pages so much detailed information about each place. Even though there was a lot of information, it was not an overload of information. I feel like I actually visited each place. Reading this book encourages me to visit some of these places in real life. I have only visited one out of all of them, but I’d love to visit more.

My only critique is how this book functions as an eBook. I had to Zoom in and out to read about each place and sometimes it was frustrating.

Without a doubt, this book gets 5 out of 5 stars from me. I am so grateful to NetGalley, Malcolm Croft (the author) and Quarto Publishing Group- Ivy Press (the publishers) for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Stunning photographs are the highlight of this beautiful book. The focus as the title suggests are Spiritual Places. Sections include: Ancient Monuments, Places of Worship, Pilgrimages, Natural Wonders, Centers of Enlightenment and Living Landmarks. I’ve been to several of the sites in Europe and the USA. Many others are famous and familiar but it also includes less known locations too. Going on a pilgramge is on my bucket list and so I found that section especially interesting.

Each location includes information about the sight and its history. And I especially liked that small maps are included to help with locations. This is a coffee table book for a traveler or someone who enjoys learning about historical places. I’d gladly own this book or borrow it from a library. Thank you to NetGalley and Quarto Publishing Group - Ivy Press for the temporary ARC in exchange for a review.

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This is a book that print books exist for. I can't wait to see the photos and maps in a physical book. Still engaging and informative in digital form.

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This beautiful book is a visual treat, a must see and must read! I love how this book is laid out with maps, informative facts and valuable insight on the most spiritual places. The photography is stunning! Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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This is a beautiful book, filled not just with the monuments humans have built to get closer to the deity they believe in, but also the wild, natural places that fill us with awe and humility. From the ancient monuments built thousands of years ago to the more modern cathedrals to the majesty of nature, this is a book sure to quiet a racing mind and steady a thrumming heart

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This is one of the most beautiful coffee table books I’ve ever had the pleasure to peruse! The photos are stunning and the information provide on each sacred place is informative and interesting. The photos are divided into several sections: Ancient Monuments, Places of Worship, Pilgrimages, Natural Wonders, Centres of Enlightenment, and Irving Landmarks. And they’re all my favorites!

Thanks to NetGalley, the author and publisher for an advanced reading copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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I love this book. It’s super informative for aspiring travelers who have worldly interests. The photos are breathtaking and it made me realize a little more on just how beautiful our planet is and how there is so much to see. It is 5 stars for a travel book because it is everything you would need with super clear organization and facts.

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