Member Reviews

This book was a fun and entertaining historical romance that kept me hooked from start to finish. I do really enjoy an arranged marriage and this book did not disappoint.

The chemistry between the main characters was electric. Their banter and interactions were so well-written, making their romance believable and engaging. I loved how the author balanced the witty dialogue with some heartfelt moments, giving depth to their relationship.

The plot had just the right amount of twists and turns to keep things interesting without feeling overdone. Plus, the secondary characters added a lot of flavour to the story, making the world feel rich and full.

While the book was a bit predictable at times, it didn't detract from my overall enjoyment. If you're a fan of historical romance with a bit of scandal and a lot of heart, Tall, Duke, and Scandalous is definitely worth a read.
While this book is part of a series, it can be read as a standalone. I received an arc of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Absolutely had a blast with this historical romance! The love story and the chemistry were palpable.

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like most romance readers, i have been in a regency romance flurry thanks to the upcoming season of bridgerton. tall duke and scandalous definitely filled the gap in my heart that i had been missing. who doesnt love a marriage of convenience? although i loved the spice in this one, i didnt find the plot to be too intellectual and easily guessed the ending. however i did enjoy the book!!!

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With the spring showers brings the awakening of my desire to read only historical romances and a copy just so happened to find its way to me in advance of season three of Bridgerton. I’ve cleared my calendar for release weekend, I’ve prepared a menu full of tasty finger sandwiches and secured the tea and cocktails. All that’s left to do to prepare…. research if you will.

Today’s “research” brings us to a bookish journalist trying to cover for her stepmother’s debts finds herself and finds herself in a compromising position with a Duke at one of his mysterious house parties. I myself being bookish (not a journalist but my job does involve writing so we will go with that) wonders how one would go about securing a tall, dark and handsome (insert modern equivalent of Duke… politician… ick, musician…double ick…we will go with Chris Hemsworth for the purposes of this example and for absolutely no other reason… none). Apparently one must be bold and break into another’s home, they must steal and then be able to offer their services as a bride to throw off scandal. Since B&Es and theft are just a tad frowned upon these days I will alas, continue my “research” and instead relish just how good this match is.

This book has a really fun meet-cute followed by excellent chemistry, banter and passion. There’s depth to the characters and a natural progression of their emotions.

For the most part, I forgot I was reading a book.

This series is top-tier romance if you’re looking for something to fill your cravings pre-season 3 release of Bridgerton.

Thank you to Sourcebooks Casablanca for providing an ARC through Netgalley. All opinions are my own.

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This was a fun marriage of convenience story with some mystery ( although the culprit in question was so easy to guess and our hero and heroine didn’t even think about that person until almost the end of the book) 🤦‍♀️ , some secrets that just made no sense and were a much ado about nothing really , and lots of spicy 🌶️ scenes!!

My rating ⭐️⭐️⭐️ 💫

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I am in a major reading slump right now, so it is no fault of this book, but it was just not vibing with me. I was just looking for the thing to get me hooked again and unfortunately this wasn't it. Again, that is not to say this was not a good book, I was just not in the mood for it.

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Tall, Duke, and Scandalous is an intriguing conclusion to The Byronic Book Club and a story I was so looking forward to since Jane was introduced in the series. This story follows her when she is at her most desperate. Years after an accident left her face scarred, Jane loves working in her beloved grandfather's bookstore. When her mother's excessive gambling puts the store at risk, Jane acts on a whim and tries to steal from Christopher, a new and scandalous duke.

Christopher is intrigued by Jane from the start, and he makes her an offer that will end all of Jane's financial woes and potentially stop the blackmailer who threatens her. But someone is also after Christopher, and since an accident left him unable to recognize faces, he needs her help.

Jane and Christopher have an instant attraction that only grows as they grow closer. They have a ton of chemistry from the very start, and though they enter into a marriage of convenience, it's pretty clear there's more to their relationship than a friendly union. Whew - you might need a fan for this one because the sexy scenes are steamy! Jane and Christopher are a well-matched pair who complement each other well (in and out of the bedroom), and I like that they're honest with each other about past romantic relationships and how easily they fit together. However, secrets, lack of communication, and lack of trust caused major issues for the couple, and I didn't love the third-act break-up.

The couples from the first two books have secondary roles in this story, and it's great to see how their lives are going. Of course, Jane's Byronic Book Club friends staunchly support Jane and Christopher, and I love how they all come together. The epilogue is the best!

Thanks to Sourcebooks Casablanca for providing me with a copy of the book. All thoughts are my own.

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Marvelous! I am sorry to see the series ending, but it was marvelous. Wonderful characters, engaging plots and intrigue.

The Byronic Club is an exclusive club of three members, friends since girlhood, when they bonded over the love of romance novels. But by the time they had reached their twenties, they had become jaded, claiming that they didn't need a man. Both Lucy and Artemis have since found their HEA, but Jane has reconciled her life to being a spinster. Once she had been in love, but her fiancee broke their engagement after he injured her in dogcart, leaving her with a scar on her face. Her mother is cold-hearted and negligent toward her. Ten years later, with her best friends happily married, she finds herself in a difficult place. She is being blackmailed by someone who stole her personal journal (I guessed wrong who that was) and her mother, who has become addicted to gambling is ready to sell her half share of Delaney's Antiquarian Bookshop, her beloved grandfather's bookstore. After her mother and stepsister abandon her at a ball, she is forced to walk home. Thinking about how she can come up with the funds she now needs to solve those two problems, she passes the home of the Christopher Marsden, former Army officer and war hero, now the scandalous Duke of Roxby, who gives lascivious parties. She wanders in, to pick up some tidbit that she could sell to the scandal sheets, but instead finds herself in his library, trying to steal an old very valuable book. She didn't notice the Duke was hiding away in the library. The Duke has a problem. Someone is trying to kill him. The first attempt on his life left him with Prosopagnosia (Face Blindness), he can't remember faces, not even his own. But he can remember Jane's face and makes her a proposition she can't refuse, a marriage of convenience. They quickly find they have great chemistry, but two people who have been hurt in the past ( his former fiancee also broke off their engagment) have problems trusting others. And while the duke quickly takes care of the money for the bookstore, there is still the pesky problems of then blackmailer and the assassin. (This one I guessed right).

I highly recommend this series. I voluntarily read an ARC provided by All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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It was simply impossible to put this book down. This was the perfect end to the series.

Jane spends her days writing newspaper columns in her grandfather's bookshop. Jane also desperately needs money, and she needs it fast. Christopher, Duke of Roxby, is being targeted by someone who wants him dead. The latest attack left him with facial blindness, and now Christopher can't remember anyone's face. Except for the young woman who sneaked into his home and attempted to steal a priceless book. The Duke makes Jane an outrageous proposal: a marriage of convenience, which would leave her with the money she needs. All she needs to do in return is help Christopher uncover who wants him dead.

This is the third book in the Byronic Book Club series, so by now you should know what to expect from an Amy Rose Bennett historical romance: characters with modern sensibilities, an intriguing mystery, and a love story that's equal parts sweet and steamy.

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Always enjoy Amy Rose Bennett books. Reading Jane and Christopher’s story took one on a mystery with twists and turns. Highly recommend read.

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This is the third book in the Byronic Bookclub series, and I had a great time reading all of them!

If you enjoy a good love story paired with an intriguing mystery the I highly suggest Tall, Duke, and Scandalous. Jane and Christopher, the Duke of Roxby, are amazing together, and their love scenes are scorching hot. Their relationship is sweet, and I enjoyed every moment leading up to the happily ever after. I also liked the mystery elements of the book very much.

This was an excellent ending to a wonderful series!

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are my own.

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This book is more of a 3.5⭐️ for me, but I don’t feel like it deserves a round up to a 4
Jane feels desperate as she crashes the notorious Duke of Roxby’s party on a whim. Her mother has a gambling problem and Jane is being blackmailed. So starts Tall, Duke and Scandalous the 3rd book in Ms Bennett’s Byronic series but Christopher, the Duke of Roxby has his own problems, namely that someone is trying to kill him and due to the first try on his life he is suffering face blindness so everyone around him seems like a stranger (including his own face in the mirror). When he discovers Jane in his library trying to steal a rare book, he realizes that hers is the only face that he can distinguish and so he proposes a marriage of convenience and her help in trying to figure out who’s trying to kill him. This sounds so up my trope alley. I love a good marriage of convenience and a mystery. But unfortunately for me everything just felt really rushed and contrived. The most obvious suspect that would want Christopher dead is not even a consideration or even discussed until much later in the book when 3 other ( with very slim reasons to want to kill him) subjects are dismissed. Jane’s blackmailer was interesting and I was surprised by who it was. The Insta-lust is definitely there right at the start, but the author feels compelled to add some over the top angst that just seemed too contrived and over blown. So, did I like the story? Yes, but not even close to how much I loved book 2 and not as much as the first book. I just didn’t feel the true organic connection in this book as I did to the rest of the series.

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Jane is in desperate need of money. Her gambling addicted mother put her half of her grandfather's beloved bookstore up as collateral after losing at cards. Also, she's being blackmailed! Someone stole her journal detailing her plans to write and distribute a sex education pamphlet for women and is threatening to expose her. She finds herself in the scandalous new Duke's library and attempts to steal a priceless book. Christopher observes her attempted theft and makes a deal with her. You see, someone has made several attempts to kill him and, due to a head injury, he developed facial blindness. Unable to recognize anyone moments after meeting them, he somehow can recognize Jane. Maybe due to the scar on her face? They strike a deal to enter a marriage of convenience. Jane will have her money and help Christopher navigate the world in search of his attempted killer. Failed past relationships have given them both trust issues but their steamy relationship just might turn to love. The couples from the previous two books are involved in the plot but I don't think it's necessary to have read these first.

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A great end to the Byronic book club series by Bennett. Hot, sexy, great characters add up to a delicious historical romance.

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What a glorious book. The romance was steamy and also lovely. The characters made me laugh and cry. I wanted to visit this world again when it was over and that is always the sign of a great book in my opinion.

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This is the second book in the Byronic Book Club telling the story of Jane Delaney, the book keeper of the book store in which the club meets. Circumstances place Jane in the path of Christopher Marsden, the new and notorious Duke of Roxby, just as she is about to steal a valuable book of his.

This unusual meeting leads on to an unusual marriage, formed under unusual circumstances. Will this unusual alliance of theirs stay the way they thought it would? Or would it lead to a lifetime of fulfilled marriage?

The story starts off very well and grabs the attention of the reader from the get-go. The reader is immediately pulled into these people's issues and can't help but feel for them. I also particularly loved the way their relationship develops; booth of them have had bad experiences in their past and so are wary about forming new affections. I liked the way the author has used that to create a prominent conflict in their relationship and the way she has made them overcome their reluctance.

But the story started to stagnate just after the middle part and starts speeding up just before the last few chapters only. Otherwise, this was an interesting story with an intriguing plot told in a mostly good manner.

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I liked this book. It’s romance and mystery- I really enjoyed the storyline and where the book went. I liked the main characters and the dialogue. A must read!

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Jane and Christopher had both experienced heartbreak and decided to avoid relationships. They agreed to a marriage of convenience with no emotional attachment. Initially, they were content, but as they spent more time together, they developed feelings. However, they were hesitant to open up due to personal battles. Despite their struggles, they realized they were better together. The author crafted a love story with passion and twists to keep readers engaged.

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I adored Jane and Christopher's story!! I loved watching this marriage of convenience turn to one of love!

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This book was quite intriguing in that the hero has a condition where he can't recognize faces while the heroine has a scarred face which causes both to be more conscious while out in public. The story is the third in this series and the first one I've personally read. It's mostly a standalone but characters from the first two books are included therefore if you plan to read them all(which I do) then you might want to read them in order although it's not necessary. The story is told in dual POV's which I love and prefer as we get a deeper understanding from each character's mind. Jane was a strong h and had given her heart years ago to someone she thought she'd marry then shortly thereafter was in an accident that marred her face and turned off not only her fiance but other suitors as well. Their loss as she was a strong and smart woman for her times.

Meanwhile Christopher is a duke and perceived to be a rake yet he also suffered in an accident prior to the book starting that prevents him from recognizing faces. This provides issues as he's a well-known duke and has to find ways around this condition. When he meets Jane at the beginning of the story he finds her face memorable which is a first for him and after talking to her believes he may just be able to come to a mutual agreement with her as they both need something. This is because the duke has had several incidents with someone trying to harm him while Jane is in desperate need of money due to a blackmailer.

The premise to tie these characters together was a unique one and while there seemed to be an insta-attraction initially I found that after the story gets going they both seem to take a step back and things slow down a bit. I liked this as it was more realistic and we got to see how the two characters communicated and evolved in their relationship. In addition, the story has two mysteries to unfold with one being who is blackmailing Jane and the other is who is trying to hurt Christopher. The book flowed well in relaying how the mysteries are resolved as well as what happens between Christopher and Jane ultimately and if they have a happy ending.

Thank you to SOURCEBOOKS Casablanca and Net Galley for providing an ARC of this book.

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