Member Reviews

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for granting me free access to the advanced digital copy of this book.

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This feels like a combination of a love story and an instruction manual for women to be abused. I'm willing to see if this turns around but this seems like a really messed up series so far.

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Wolf Girl and Black Prince, Vol. 1 is a rollercoaster of emotions! The story revolves around Erika, who pretends to have a boyfriend to fit in and ends up in a crazy deal with the mysterious Kyoya. The artwork is charming, and the characters have a depth that keeps you hooked. The dynamics between Erika and Kyoya are intriguing, making you laugh and cringe simultaneously.

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Ummmm I am not sure about this one at all. I really didn't like the romance in this at all as the main guy is constantly humiliating and degrading the girl. I may give another volume a go to hope that it improves but I am not holding my breath.

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It has the same vibes as it did in my childhood. The characters always made me laugh. The pressures of having a boyfriend after lying all this time and the guy making her essentially pay for his services LOL. It was nice to see this story again.

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I really wanted to love this as I’d been so excited for it and I DID love the art style, however I feel like the relationship between the two is verging on toxic and I didn’t enjoy a few of the things that happened like the name calling etc. it just didn’t sit right, especially as this is marketed at teens.

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Well, I did not enjoy this book at all. I think Kyoya is the worst. I feel like this series is going to make his treatment of Erika seem charming, but he is abusive and a bully. Hard pass for me.

For Libraries: YA target audience

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Solid start to a high school romance series. It's a little predictable at times, but the characters are enjoyable and I'll be picking up the next volume.

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thank you to netgalley for the advanced reading copy of wolf girl and black prince. I have seen the show of this years ago and thought it was very cute so i am glad to be able to read it.

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This book will appeal to those who enjoy this type of manga trope but it may be difficult for others to enjoy due to the character's language and treatment of one another. The main guy often humiliates and degrades the girl he's likes and I personally don't agree with normalizing behavior that is harmful. However, while that is my personal opinion - this manga is very popular and one that we would buy upon patron request.

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This was an alright read and I was hoping to enjoy it more than I did. The characters so far feel a bit flat or are just not interesting (the ML is not the greatest...) to me. I do love a good faking dating troupe, however I didn't find myself rooting for our main couple throughout this volume. Unfortunately I most likely won't be continuing this.

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*Thank you NetGalley for the advanced reader digital copy of this book.

He protagonist needs someone to pretend to be her boyfriend, enter the pretty popular guy. Except he’s not so “nice” when it’s just the two of them. There is a lot of banter here and it has a lot of potential to be a cute romance. I really likes hat the standoffish character in this one is the boy, since the last few that I’ve read in this genre were the female mc bullying or coercing the male mc in some way. Its certainly a refreshing spin and I look forward to reading more.

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I love the idea of this story! The art style is cute, the story was awesome. I put it on a display table and have hand sold a few copies.

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Erika finds out that lies can really lead to trouble when she claims that she has a boy friend. Her schoolmate, Kyoya Sata, agrees to act as her boy friend, but the agreement comes with conditions. Unwilling to admit to her lies, she agrees to Kyoya's terms. And events keep spiraling up and down and sideways. By the end of the first volume, Neither the reader nor the characters are quite sure how everyone actually feels about each other. Are they friends? boy and girl friends? or enemies trapped by circumstances? It will be interesting to find out what happens next.

Thanks Netgalley for the chance to read this title.

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Thank you to Netgalley and VIZ Media for the eARC.

I wanted so desperately to like this manga more than I did. I love a fake dating turned enemies-to-lovers type beat, especially when it is given the space to put in chaotic tropes and soap opera levels of drama (as the best mangas always do), but I spent the entire book feeling like something was missing. The characters have no heart, nothing that draws me to them or makes me want to care more about them -- and with a plot this simple, lovable characters are vital.

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In the first couple pages we already got some very obvious sexism with the comment of women as truly incredibly VAIN CREATURES ... This is very offensive.

This is not okay. But then the book didn't get better.

I went continue, just a big no for me.

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Thanks NetGalley and Viz Media for access to this arc!

2/5 stars

I might just be too old for this, it felt like something I might have read in high school, but that was a long time ago 😅 I couldn't get into either of these characters, or care about her getting along with her crappy friends or the reasons why he's such a weird jerk lol. just nah

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I reviewed this title for Booklist. Please see Booklist for the complete review and full feedback regarding this title.

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My thanks to NetGalley and VIZ Media LLC for an eARC copy of this book to read and review.

Well, you can't win them all. Chalk this one up to, if you want to find the five star manga series, you have to read a lot that makes your brain hurt.

Ok, I am being a lot harsher on this then would be fair, however, I truly did NOT like this one.

I am SO TIRED of unhealthy relationships being portrayed and packaged to the YA crowd. Yes, I get it, healthy relationships are boring to read about (I'm looking at you Ima Koi), you want an interesting story, get unhealthy and Drama Llama Queen the HECK out of it.

But, could we maybe have the relationship NOT include the MC H calling the MC h his "dog" and THEN by the end of the volume, she calls HERSELF that when speaking to him like it's the most natural thing in the world?!?

NO!! Just NO!! That is a line and it wasn't just crossed, it was barreled over at warp speed, do not pass go, do not collect $100.

I can only in good conscience recommend this to adults who understand that the "romance" portion of this is SUPER unhealthy and they just like OTT drama.

Also, the MC h is a self-professed liar, who lies to keep two girls who are her "friends" whom she doesn't even LIKE, because she wants to be "cool". She has one true friend who knows this about the MC h, yet remains her friend anyway for some reason. IDK, for Reasons.

1, I can't give it more than that I'm sorry this just did NOT work for me, stars.

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This was an adorable new high school romance series. It feels like enemies to lovers and I can't wait to see how their relationship develops. I can't wait for volume 2!

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