Member Reviews

This offers some information regarding how the body breaks down/utilizes food and the ways that the particular food can help/harm the body. Some readers may get bogged down in the “science” and overwhelmed by the extensive planning (constant monitoring, evaluating, adjusting) suggested here. The author makes an effort to alleviate guilt…which often leads to failure. But, as a psychologist, I’m curious as to how the constant scrutiny required by this plan works with actually food-disordered individuals.

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A great book on weight loss that focuses on individuals instead on one size fits all very informative and I'm using what I learned on my weight loss journey

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I'm def going to pick up this when it releases. I would love to look back on this book whenever I need a reminder on how to better up keep myself. There are so many important things that are highlighted in this book that I believe a lot of people would benefit from . 4.5/5

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I’ve taken Megan’s signature program. It’s very well laid out and very informative. I learned a lot doing Metabolism Makeover and in her extended program M3. They’re worth every penny. That being said, this book is amazing! There’s a quiz toward the beginning. Take. The. Quiz! It helped me know what to focus on first and where to go from there. THIS is the piece I was missing! Until I took that quiz, I didn’t realize I was a bit overwhelmed and basically frozen in place. I was implementing what I learned in MM and M3 but not making any progress. It was because I was trying to focus on it all and when you try to do everything, you get no where. Even though I was making better food choices and had a decent workout routine, I just didn’t feel like anything was happening. So I read through the book as it’s laid out. Then I went back and read the first thing I needed to work on.

This is where I’m currently at. I’ll work through them in the order I need to and at a pace that feels right. I’m feeling so good about where this is taking me and look forward to referencing it whenever I need a refresher.

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This book isn't just another diet book, It's a book about understanding our bodies and why we aren't all cut out to do cookie cutter diets. Understanding your metabolism, the ups, the downs, and the crashes of how we feel and weightloss journey. Nothing is every easy but knowing how to stop a craving before it starts, she teaches the six pillars of the Metabolic Ecosystem and how it all ties in to your body. Easy to grasp.
I received a complimentary copy of this book and opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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I’m always looking for books that help you achieve a healthier lifestyle that don’t tell me: NEVER EAT FATS! DONT TOUCH CARBS!

I appreciate when “food experts” dive into other things that impacts our health: sleep, stress, etc. while food plays a large part, it’s important to look at it from a well rounded perspective and I think this author does a great job discussing that.

It’s a great resource to have on hand especially if you are in a metabolism healing journey!

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Metabolism is what we hear when we talk bout someone who’s naturally thin, “Wow, she/he must have a great metabolism”. How many times have you said, “My metabolism sucks?” I am guilty of it myself.

Where this book is different is it’s not a diet, it’s a way of managing your health by focusing on the key things that help your metabolism do its job effectively. While I’ll never have the metabolism of a twenty year old again, I can certainly make sure I’m doing my part to keep my metabolism as good as it can be.

So ditch those diet books you’ve got gathering dust and focus on the way of life that is presented in this book to make yourself as healthy as you can be.

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I've been following Megan on instagram for quite some time so I was very excited to get an early copy of her book!

Megan is one of the first practitioners I started to see that were really focusing on balancing your blood sugar for over health, wellness, weight loss, etc. Especially as someone with PCOC, it is challenging. Since I started following Megan, there are more and more RDs, doctors, etc., touting blood sugar balance as essential for overall wellness. Her advice on instagram and this book have been invaluable.

This book isn't only about blood sugar balance of course- the rest the information given is extremely valuable, liberating, and attainable. Very realistic advice to start your journey to health and wellness. Her framework is a breath of fresh air.

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I'm definitely someone who has been stuck in the dieting culture in the past. As someone with coeliac disease and food allergies, I'm always checking the ingredients list which has led to a lot of guilt and shame around consuming different foods. I found this book so helpful in resetting my mindset and really looking at what my body needs to fuel itself and how this will help me to maintain a healthy lifestyle long term.
Thank you to Netgalley and Author Megan Hansen for allowing me to read a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. I would highly recommend this book to anyone looking to improve their health!

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Highly recommend for a great general book on how to get back to healthy living.
The author covers the all the highs of starting over or restarting.
Thank you to the publisher, the author and Netgalley for providing me with this copy. All opinions are my own.

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I usually avoid diet books but this one sounded like it might have some good tips and it certainly does! I will be buying a copy for the library and one for myself! It is a lifestyle book rather than a diet book and more than that, it is a sensible and useful lifestyle book.
The ideas and advice are doable and backed up with good sense and facts.
Everything is covered from exercise to sleep via food intake and it is full of great ideas and encouragement.
In fact I would say that was my favourite thing about the book, the encouragement, reading it made me feel like I could make some changes and be the better for them!

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A good breakdown of the science of metabolism with lots of advice in lots of categories on what works- and - just as important - what doesn't, showing examples based on Hansen's interactions with various people trying to be healthy. There's also, besides the advice on what to do, a healthy amount of emphasis on every body is different with advice on how to tailer each peice of advice for teh individual.

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As someone in the nutrition field, I like that Ms. Hansen's approach was easy for a layperson to understand. Each chapter covers a topic nicely with well laid out information, a case study and recap. While there's nothing new in this book for a nutrition professional, if someone is hoping to get off the diet roller coaster, Metabolism Makeover offers some easily attainable action steps.

Thank you to NetGalley for the opportunity to read an advanced copy. #NetGalley #MetabolismMakeover

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I was completely blown away by ‘Metabolism Makeover!’ Hansen delivered a high-quality yet easy to understand approach to create a ‘metabolism makeover’ through mind, body and spirit. She evens provides the science behind the why, which as a registered nurse appreciated the refresher and was also enlightened.

I’ve already been working with a macro based nutritionist for about 3 months and have seen a 20 pound weight loss, however what was presented in ‘Metabolism Makeover’ is far more than counting or learning about macros. I plan to incorporate many (all is the goal) of the strategies presented to further enhance my progress such as the Protein High Fat Fiber (PHFF), brain dump journaling/planning my week and strength training just to name a few because there are so many!

Hansens scientific and fact based approach with real client examples read like she was speaking directly to me and it may for you too.

Quite simply-READ THIS BOOK! I wish Hansen so much success on a well constructed/not just another diet book.

Now I’m heading to my local bookseller’s website to preorder a hard copy to reference time and time again!

*Thank you to Net Galley, Adria Batt and Girl Friday Productions for granting permission to read this ARC to provide my honest feedback.*

#netgalley #goodreads #metabolismmakeover

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Thank you to NetGalley for an ARC of Metabolism Makeover.

I've been a runner for 20 years and lead an active lifestyle but I'm always looking for ways to improve my eating and exercise routine, especially as I age.

The routine I used to do before no longer works when I was younger so I've been adapting and tweaking my workout and eating habits.

Metabolism Makeover is a great resource for anyone looking to get healthy or jumpstart a workout routine, or for people who already lead an active lifestyle and need reminders on how to get back on track if they've fallen off the 'healthy eating bandwagon' or have fallen into a rut with their current routine.

I love how the author focuses on aspects of our lifestyle most people don't pay attention to such as quality of sleep, the amount of stress we deal with, especially parents and mothers, maintaining a healthy blood sugar, and the importance of lifting weights.

I wished the author focused on how bad unrefined carbs are and alcohol consumption; most people rarely count calories in their drinks including booze, sugary sodas and high caloric coffee drinks.

This is a handy resource and guide and I'd recommend it to anyone who is looking to improve their health and lifestyle.

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There’s an abundance of books on the market, ready to impart information to help us diet. This book is written by a dietitian, she guides readers to make informed decisions about their weight issues and habits!
Anyone wanting a push to start looking at areas of concern, this book gives you knowledge and structure. A wonderful easy read to take away the stress and help find what works best for you!

Thank you to Girl Friday Books and the author for this valuable self-help book.
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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This book is organized well, written in an easy to follow way and full of information. I think it well enlighten and help a lot of people in their health/weight loss journey. The (PHFF)-protein, healthy fat, fiber way to plan your meals really resonated with me. Definitely worth the read!

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A great read on diet culture. Healthy living principles are well explained in this book and easy to apply! Following this book seems likely to help prevent the common yo yo dieting most of us have experienced at one point or another, and I will be applying these principles to my own life!

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An interesting approach to the "anti-diet" movement. I appreciated all of the anecdotes of clients that the author has worked with and the successes that they have seen in implementing the book's principles. Ultimately, according to the author, weight loss is all about a combination of several pillars, and not just about what you eat (while that is important too).

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Interesting read, I'd recommend as it is a nice short read that has some great pointers.

I liked the summaries at the end of the chapters.

I think there needs to be more of a mention about refined carbohydrates such as white bread, white rice etc and how swapping these out with better alternatives are better for health.

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