Member Reviews

I'm a very science-based learner. I always need to know the how's and why's of how things work, so that I grasp a better understanding. I loved this book specifically for that reason. This isn't just an "eat better like this..." and "you can lose weight by...." type of book. It breaks down the metabolism and what to eat to better your overall health. I thoroughly enjoyed this one!

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This is an unconventional method of maintaining weight and feeling healthy. It makes sense. It was written by a dietitian who discovered that the traditional method of counting calories is flawed. She began to focus on how our bodies metabolize protein, fat, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes. She discovered which foods satisfied her body as opposed to the foods that triggered cravings.

I have a lot more reading to do, but I feel I can recommend this book.

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This book is going to be the beginning and end of your diet journey. Megan presents an easy to follow overview of the principals of weight loss that will help anyone who is looking to be more healthy. The Metabolism Makeover concepts cover how to live your best life by properly nourishing your body, reducing stress and building muscle. There is no 1200 calorie a day celery and dry chicken diet plan and 100 minutes of cardio a day. This book breaks down all of the information easily so you can understand and apply it to your daily life. I can't wait to get a hard copy so I can start highlighting and revisiting it!!

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This book teaches how to make daily decisions to live in a way that supports your body through Metabolic Ecosystem. Topics include blood sugar control, building muscle, body movement, good sleep, stress management, and having a healthy gut. I found it very informative.

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This book was excellent! So much so that I bought a physical copy that I could re-read with my husband.

I love how the author breaks down the information so it's easy to digest (pun intended - haha). I also love having a physical copy of the book to come back to and reference from time to time as a resource on our journey to a healthier lifestyle that stays away from fad diets and focuses on science.

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I found this to be a completely doable take on weight loss. The hardest pillar for me (there’s 6) is the sleep. 7 hours of sleep would be wonderful. The rest are easy to follow and implement for the long haul.

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A big thank you to NetGalley and Girl Friday Books/Flashpoint for the eARC. I am voluntarily reviewing this book. This is an super interesting approach. Seems completely doable. I think you just need to have the right mindset and a good support group. Well worth the read. 4 stars

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Such a great resource with an interesting take on your body, brain and making the lifestyle adjustments to gain the control you are truly looking for.

"Metabolism Makeover empowers you to regain control of your appetite, mindset, and life."
It's such a great one-liner that describes this book perfectly.

It gets you outside the box of thinking to eat less and move more... and really gets you to look at things in a positive and informative way.

This would be a book that I would keep going back to for lifestyle choices to assist in a healthy mindset, but it really is disappointing that some books (such as this one) expires from my NetGalley shelf and I can no longer access it. Lucky I made notes for my review to post it when I had the opportunity.

Thank you to the author, publisher and NetGalley for my complimentary eARC in exchange for an honest, unbiased review. Please excuse my tardiness in posting my review. My TBR list is continuously growing and I keep finding so many amazing books being requested + added to my pile! I have so much gratitude for this copy that has been shared with me.

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A really down to earth, approachable, and interesting read! This book was helpful in accessible language. You could tell the author had been through and understood the processes she was describing and that made a difference.

Thank you to the publisher and to NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I love this book! This is really what I have always wanted to read in this type of books! It's very informative, easy to read, it gives lots of helpful tips, and has summaries. I can't wait to share it and have a physical copy for my own library. I hope that it gets a Spanish edition in the near future so I can share it with my family as well.

I really think this will help to improve people's lives, starting with mine! Stay tuned!

I want to thank the publisher and NetGalley for this ARC.

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The author did a great job providing quite a bit of explanation, and resources, while keeping the format easy to read, and digest the information.

I especially loved the part of the book that talks about stress! The author provided some wonderful tips, I intend to incorporate into my daily life.

I have read many books on this topic, and yet I still learned something new! I would recommend this to anyone who's interested in learning about the body and metabolism.

Thank you Netgalley and Flashpoint for the ARC!

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Reading this book on metabolism has given me three basic takeaways:
1. I need to be more intentional about eating PHFF (Protein, healthy fats, and fiber) at each meal.
2. I have been doing too much cardio and not enough strength training.
3. I need to be intentional about getting more sleep.
Dietician Megan Hansen lays out six pillars for a healthy metabolism. Basically, if you are eating a proper balance of food, working in cardio (like a 20-minute brisk walk) and strength training (3-4) through the week, managing your stress, maintaining a healthy gut, and aiming for 7 hours of sleep each night, you should start looking better and feeling better. In fact, your hunger cues will be on point and not cravings for unhealthy foods. It all makes sense and while reading I have already begun to move toward making the changes I need. One disappointment is the fact that some of the information promised as a resource at the Metabolism Makeover site is behind a pay wall. That being said, this book is still worth picking up if you are like me and have been on a diet merry go round for too long. My latest was intermittent fasting which initially worked, but not long term. I am switching from 16 hours to a 12-hour fast overnight and eating breakfast again (not donuts, PHFF fare). That has helped me to keep up with my grands during their visit and the demands of a family wedding.

Thank you to Girl Friday Books and NetGalley for a DRC in exchange for an honest review.

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I am so glad I grabbed this book! I learned a lot about how I need to be better tuned to my body and how to get it to work with me not against me! I would totally grab a copy to do more dog-earing! Hope it helps lots of others learn more about their body and adjusting their habits! Especially about adding more protein and getting more sleep! She is very persuasive and backs up her opinions with studies and facts at the end of the book! Love that!

*Warning: Profanity

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This book is a nice change from other diet books because it addresses a more holistic approach such as sleep and stress affecting our health and our weight. It's not necessarily new information but for people who are not familiar with this approach it's a good read.

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Are you like everyone else in the world and want to lose a few pounds but can't? Well, this book teaches you how to do that in a different way than we have been taught our entire lives. The key is not eating less and exercising more. The key is to change they way we think about food and our lives. This is the book that can help you change the way you think and actually help you drop some weight.

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By now, while it seems like we should all know that straight "calories in/calories out", or "eat less/move more" plans just.don' - the diet industry continues to push this mentality. In Metabolism Makeover, Megan Hansen explains WHY it doesn't work. She very clearly explains what should be intuitive, but isn't - the fact that there's more to a healthy metabolism than just food and exercise. Sleep, stress, blood sugar, muscle, movement...are all vital to a healthy metabolism. There's some science, some strategies, and some examples of how to identify weak areas and strengthen overall wellness. Megan offers not a restrictive plan, but rather clear suggestions for small steps we can take for better overall health. MM offers simple solutions without being rigid or burdensome. And the small, simple changes are where we can actually finally succeed. This was a 4-star read for me because I already had many of the tools it offers, but it's a 5-star read for anyone who has been struggling to improve through diet and exercise alone, but is feeling stuck. The unspoken but underlying tone of the book is acceptance of the fact that none of us are perfect, and assurance that any of us can improve our wellbeing if we want to.

Published May 2, 2023 - available now! Thanks NetGalley and Girl Friday Books for the advanced copy.

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This was ok for a health book. I didnt learn much that I didnt already know but it was good to hear it again.

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Metabolism Makeover by Megan Hansen is not just another diet book. Instead it's a book about how to life a healthy life and the choices we can make to live better and to support our best metabolism. Definitely a lot of good information.
Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an advance copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Thought the book was excellent, could *really* have done without the swearing. It felt out of place and unprofessional to me and now I can’t recommend this book to a handful of people who I know would have otherwise loved it.

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As a woman in her early 50s who is going through menopause - I found this book to be so helpful. No one is telling me to eat fewer carbs (like my own Dr tells me) but an overall look at what we can do to overhaul our metabolism.
Not just eating but sleep, mental health, and exercise were discussed.

Just looking at my plate when I am eating and saying, "Protein, healthy fat, and fiber" is so helpful. Tracking calories can be mundane and make you feel like you are dieting. This book was about changing your habits, looking at your plate, taking initiative eating, and getting your body moving (and brain, too) to help with making over your metabolism.

This book is perfect for anyone looking to make a few little changes in their lifestyle that will have long-lasting results.

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