Member Reviews

Everything in this book is absolutely interesting: the plot, the setting, the writing, the voices, the ending. Everything that makes a good horror novel is included: great dialogue, creepy situations, mysterious family history, a cabin in the woods, and lots, lots of snow! In other words, this book is MARVELOUS! Blaine Daigle reads like a seasoned writer, with terrific narrative skills, giving us a book with fantastic imagery, and just the right amount of suspense! It is complex, deeply insightful on family trauma and male friendships, intricately multilayered, and pulls no punches on loss, love, and TERROR. Looking forward to reading everything from this author. Huge thanks to NetGalley and Wicked House Publishing (whose published horror books are simply amazing!) for giving me the chance to review this book!

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Fans of folk horror will love this book. It was creepy and mysterious. I devoured it in one sitting.

When Ryne was a child, he remembers seeing his uncle naked in the snow praying to something.
His father never explained to him what happened. Years later, he inherits the cabin where it happened and takes friends there to get away from the tragedy in his life. Unexplained occurrences happen and Ryne learns the horrors of his family line. This is a book that will definitely stay with you.

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this is a story I’d have to be in the mood to pick up and read, and I’m glad I read this on lazy Sunday when the temperature just dropped 50-60 degrees.

there’s a lot of emphasis on the cold (extreme cold), desolate town/ isolated cabin, and strangeness of the woods but it’s necessary to help create the right mood and pacing of the story.

for the most part this is your typical, snow horror story with a folk horror approach. I could see for the most part where this was going, but I still enjoyed it enough to see it through.

this one is definitely worth checking out for fans of the ritual, the terror and the only good indians.

thank you to wicked house publishing for my arc via net galley. the broken places is officially available, March 24,2023.

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The Broken Places by Blaine Daigle is a horror novel about a cabin in the woods.

First, let me thank NetGalley, the publisher Wicked House Publishing and of course the author, for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

My Synopsis:    (No major reveals, but if concerned, skip to My Opinions)
Ryne Burdette has had a tough year, losing all of his family, his job, and his love for life.

When he inherits his family's old hunting cabin deep in the Yukon forest, he plans a weekend trip with his two best friends, to start fresh.  Wolf's Bone may be the answer.  He often came here on trips with his father and uncle, though these visits were often wrought with tension between the brothers.   Although the cabin doesn't actually have great memories for him, Ryne needs to do something to get back on track.  Hopefully his friends will understand when he tells them the real reason for this trip.

His friends have not had it easy either.  Ryne's friend Noah Stratton was in a horrific accident that actually had him pronounced dead for a little while.  Normally optimistic, his anxiety now often takes over, and sometimes his memory fades.  Their friend Shawn Ackerman's baseball career ended with a horrible knee injury, and he is still having surgeries trying to repair it.  He has not yet accepted defeat, but his knee often gives out, and his anger flares.   The three friends have been there for each other every step of the way.

These three may have set out on the weekend to help each other heal, but it isn't long before they realize that there are other things to worry about.  Between the strange reception in town, the approaching storm, and the weird actions of the animals, something is not right in these woods.  Then the voices start.  But by then it is too late to leave.

My Opinions:
An incredible debut horror novel that sucked me in and when I finally got spit out again, I was still under its spell.  Perhaps I shouldn't have read this one during a very cold and snowy March! 

It is a very dark and creepy atmospheric novel set in the cold and remote forest of the Yukon, where folklore and legends abound.

The book is about a broken place in the middle of forest, but it is also about three broken friends, who each finds strength in their own way.  I loved the characters.

The plot was good (although not really unique), and the writing excellent - very descriptive.  I'll be watching for more from this talented author!

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Which is more terrifying? An isolated cabin in the woods or a snow storm Or something dark than the woods?
Ryne Burdette inherits a cabin in the woods from his late uncle and decides to take his two best friends; Noah and Shawn for a winter hunting trip as a way to start again after his life. But when bad memories start becoming more than an echo from the past and strange things start to happen in the woods, Ryne starts regretting his decision.
Because there's this sing-songy voice coming from all around them, at odd hours.There's something evil in the woods. what does this has to do with the cabin? You have to read this to get answers.

Just Wow! The author’s descriptive writing style will transport you to the Yukon woods and the cabin inside it to the point that you won't be able to put the book down until you get some answers. Because it’s that curious! The story itself it’s not a revolutionary tale with a brand new idea about the horrors of the woodlands, but it definitely is a good spin on a classic type of tale that we all love.

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I really enjoyed this book! I love folklore and this didn't disappoint. I thought it wS well written, and the character development is good.

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Folk horror is a genre I really enjoy. This book was really well written. It was so good that I finished this book in a day. Right from the first chapter I was intrigued. The setting was an old cabin in the woods. Then include an indigenous tribe that had rituals to follow and when the white men came, they changed the rituals to fit their agenda. Sacrifices are made to keep the spirit in the woods happy. Ryne was kept in the dark because his father wanted to keep him away from the woods. Due to circumstances beyond his control, Ryne cannot resist the lure of the cabin. What he does not know is that something evil awaits Ryne and his friends and they are in for an unforgettable weekend. I thought the ending was really good too. Read this book to find out more about his book with folk horror vibes.

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A beautiful and haunting atmospheric read. The setting of the tale of a cabin in the woods with winds and trees and creatures and unseen forces heightened the tension in this novel. Incredibly readable, hard to put down and also very convincing as a horror tale, a great read. I look forward to reading more of Blaine Daigle.

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The Broken Places was a really good horror read!
It was well written and i was invested in the main characters.
While the story did start a little slow it definitely became worth it.
I would definitely recommend this book especially if you love horror!
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to read this book in exchange for an honest review.

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This was honestly one of the best horrors I’ve read in a while.

We start with Ryne and two of his best friends, who decide to head to Ryne’s family cabin located in Yukon wilderness. They’re all dealing with some heavy things in their personal lives so a couple of days getaway to spend time with your boys and shoot things seems like a perfect idea.

Things start to get very strange even before they step a foot in the cabin and only get progressively worse. The author really did such an amazing job at describing all the details and building the creepy atmosphere! I felt like I was standing there with the characters, felt stuck in the woods with them, during a snowstorm, with no way to escape. I felt the fear and anxiety they were experiencing.

I also felt so connected to the three men, I genuinely liked them, worried and rooted for them. You could really feel the depth of their friendship and how much they care for one another. And yes, there were even times it made me tear up.

Definitely recommend this one for folk horror fans – from the creepy woods, strange animals, folklore and local legends to family secrets, friendship and dealing with trauma, this book has got it all. It kept me at the edge of my sit the whole time, it made me ridiculously scared at times but I just HAD to keep reading to find out how it ends and I completely devoured this book in a couple of days. I will definitely be keeping an eye on this author!

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This book was an imagery painter. It was so descriptive and it also stayed consistant with the plot.

Three men, Ryne, Noah, and Shawn travel out to Ryne’s old family cabin for a weekend hunting trip only to find out dark secrets lay in the woods from the past. The boys have to work together to get out of the woods and to the safety of town to figure out what is haunting the woods.
This was a very fun spooky read and had me hooked from the first page, I wouldn’t call it horror, more like a mystery novel.

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Thank you NetGalley, Blaine Daigle and Wicked House Publishing for the ARC.

I didn't know what to expect going into this book but the cover drew me in. Ryne and his 2 friends are going on a hunting trip to his family's cabin. All of their initial interactions in town are strange, a storm in coming and shit is about the hit the fan. This book started out slow but I was hooked about 50% of the way through. There was a lot happening where you were not sure if it was real, or a figment of the character's imagination. It was gripping until the end.

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I received an ARC of The Broken Places from netgalley. I enjoyed the story. I liked the cover. I would recommend picking up this book. I'd give the book 3.5 Stars (round up to 4 for GR and Amazon)

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I am sorry... i dont DNF books often, but I just could not get into this book and I tried multiple times. My apologies.

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After a very difficult year Ryne takes his two best friends on a short hunting trip in the Yukon to stay at the cabin he has inherited. None of them are physically or mentally fit enough to be out there in the freezing cold and problems start before they even reach the cabin. Folks in the closest town are guarded and not very friendly and the forest animals are downright weird in their behaviour. The friends are only supposed to be out in the wild for three days but nature is against them along with something else that is not easily explained.

I read this book during a spell of bad weather, snow and high winds, and that certainly added to the atmosphere of this fantastic book. A brilliant, disturbing story of
friendship, family and loss, and weirdness in the wild.

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[Blurb goes here]

First off, obviously: The Ritual does not meet The Terror in this story. It stands on its own. No need to name-drop.

A group of friends, go to spend a couple of nights at a cabin deep in the Yukon woods. Ryne has good memories of the place, from the time he was a kid, spending time there with his family.

As soon as they arrive, though, they notice the animals on the woods are acting strangely.

These guys had led 'unlucky' lives. One died in a corn silo when he was a kid, and was brought back to life soon after, he now suffers from anxiety attacks. The other one was going pro-baseball, until he injures his knee. And then there's Ryne. The past year has been very rough on him, reason enough to visit the old cabin.

The prose is amazing, the author describing both snow and the cold that comes with it, in a hundred different—almost poetic—ways. Tension builds as the characters get trapped in the solstice storm. Then there's the sing-songy voice coming from all around them, at odd hours.

All of the warnings are there: there's something evil in the woods...what does this has to do with the cabin? Is there something more sinister behind the strange occurrences?

I loved the way the characters were written, and while the story sidetracks at times, it stills holds the dread that all horror stories should have.

There's a time to run, a time to get away and be safe, but as these things go, the characters ignore the ominous sings, and stay at the cabin, to be trapped in there, soon after.

As the story progresses and the uneasiness builds, we'll learn more about these three friends, and the horror that stalks them from the seemingly innocent woods.

This is one of those rare books that are simply too hard to put down, and a must read for horror fans.

Thank you for the advanced copy!

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Thanks to Netgalley and the author Blaine Daigle for an early copy of this book and what an intriguing read it was. I had no idea how the narrative would play out from the start of the book and I was glad it kept me guessing. It had vibes of The Ritual by Adam Nevill and was certainly much more than just a locked room mystery. A group of friends arrive at a cabin belonging to the family of one to the party and a storm hits, but it isn’t just a storm and quickly all hell breaks loose. A family ritual gone wrong. I wish I could read it again without know what happens. I highly recommend this.

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“The woods are lovely, dark, and deep. But I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep.”

Ancient promises must be fulfilled. When reading this book i can feel the winter strom roar, the cold, the darkness in the wood, the eerie animals, the horor. I really enjoy the story, i cry at the end with Maxie Pov.

Thank you to NetGalley for provide this book, it is pleasure to review this book.

#TheBrokenPlaces #BlaineDaigle #WickedHousePublishing #NetGalley #ARC

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An eerie good read. I enjoyed this horror book. Give me an isolated cabin in the woods and characters with complicated pasts anytime. Throw in a snowstorm, and you know bad things are going to happen. That said, this book was in no way predictable.

Thank you Netgalley and Wicked House Publishing.

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Not going to lie the cover is the only reason I picked this book up as I saw it on one of my fellow goodreads friends updates and saw that netgalley had it available for instant read. But damn am I glad I did pick it up because this was one of the nest horror novels I have read in the oast 6 months easy and I'm not even being hyperbolic here.this book takes place in the Yukon range in the middle of nowhere in a cabin on some land just past a small town that has some dark secrets. The author is amazing at building tension and getting you to cate for these wonderfully written characters. They feel as real as you or I. All three characters are suffering with life from one serious reason or another and they agree that getting away and going on a hunt like in "the good ol days" will be good for all of them. Little do they know the dark secrets this cabin and the surrounding town holds but they for damn sure found out. The cold is so well described in this book I found myself cranking up my heat last night as it literally made me cold. You can almost feel the agony and despair these characters end up going through and the book is that much better for it. There are also 3 or 4 scenes that actually scared the shit out of me and that hadn't happened since I read Peter straubs Ghost Story which was well over a year ago and SEVERAL horror novels later. If you're looking for a horror novel that's sort of like Adam Nevills ritual meets the movie Antlers and are okay with a fairly small amount of gore and some truly intense moments and maybe even a jump scare or two then HIGHLY recommend this book. My hats off to the author as I am pretty sure this is his debut and if I'm right that's even MORE impressive as then this is one hell of a first book. Thanks to net galley for giving me the chance to read this novel early and for free in exchange for a review (which has had NO influence over my final score).

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