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A Missing Connection

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A missing connection is a fast, cute and steamy read.
April and Beau start hearing each others voices in their heads and are getting to know each other through this telepathic connection. A creative idea of Dani McLean to have the characters meet this way, I sure never read something like it before.
I would have liked it more if they would have spend more time actually being together.

The cover is very beautiful and will attract readers to this book

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Thanks to NetGalley and author for a copy of this book in exchange of honest review.

A missing connection is a novella that offer light and fun reading experience. I really like the premise and the concept of this book, the execution is top notch, the characters is fine tho but the dynamic when they did mind-thingy is def interesting.

Some of the things that I don’t particularly enjoy maybe some of the interactions between beau and april seems a little bit force (kinda). The rest is fine with me tho, definitely will recommend this for my friends that enjoy reading novella!! Because it’s a novella it’s also instalove which is fine in this case. I’m happy with how everything turned out to be.

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I simply love the concepts of these books - time loop, cupid (something like that), and now, telepathy. And I'm so in love with Chance ✨

Beau is the dream family man 🤌🏻 the way he wants to dedicate himself to someone - he is just so down-to-earth, and April is a strong character who values her work; she's such an independent woman with values.

When they finally met and that kiss tho ❤️‍🔥 Dani brings in the steam when it's least expected.

Verdict: Can I fall for a voice in my head? 🤧

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Beau is living the life he believes his father expects of him. His family name is well known and has built an empire in the city of Chance. But Beau doesn't want the pressure of the family business. He wants a to be wanted for himself, not his name, money, or power. April is woman making her way in the world of data science and puts her career ahead of romance. Beau's work building is across from April's and he catches sight of her one evening. That same night, they see each other on the train. April wishes she would say something to him but she doesn't before her stop comes up. Strangely that night when they are both in their apartments, they hear each others thoughts. They begin talking with each other and Beau withholds his last name. Of course a relationship develops that is purely through this phenomenon they are experiencing. When the time comes that they decide they want to meet each other, Beau has to reveal his last name and wonder if April will still want him. Quick read, 3 1/2 stars.

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The premise was a fun one - two strangers realize they can telepathically communicate. There wasn't any explanation as to how. The characters just accept this new ability. Over a few months, they go from strangers to friends to realizing they have fallen in love. I found the chemistry between Beau and April to be hit-or-miss. They had some fun banter. Other times, the interactions felt repetitive; and, as a way to delay the story. Beau and April, also, tackle the hardships of parental expectations. How difficult it is to be your own person under the stress of a parent wanting you to be someone else. It was nice to see them heal from that. I felt the majority of this novella featured Beau. I wish we got to see more of April away from her family and Beau. The April POV was lacking in my opinion. All in all this this was a nice novella.

Thanks to the author, publisher and Netgalley for the ARC!

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This was an adorable novella. It's a quick story with an adorable romance. Beau and April fit so well together as a couple, you can't help but root for them. I also loved the ending, and how they got to that point.

I'm definitely wanting to read more from this author!

Thanks to NetGalley and the publishers for an ebook copy of this novella in exchange for an honest review.

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This novella follows Beau and April, who out of the blue are able to speak to each other through a mental connection even though they don't know who the other person is.

I enjoyed this novella, however everything felt rushed and not very fleshed out because it was so short. However, it is still an enjoyable read with some character development and spice.

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I loved this so much!! It was so adorable!!! What a good story!! I tore through this.
I just reviewed A Missing Connection by Dani McLean. #AMissingConnection #NetGalley
[NetGalley URL]

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Even though it is a novella, I felt like it went zero to a hundred in terms of their intimacy and development of feelings. The writing was good and I liked the idea, I just think there could have been a little more character development, more tension between both characters. Overall, it was an entertaining, quick read. Just wish it would've been more

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Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for a review!
A Missing Connection is a romance novella with a splash of magical realism. April and Beau both live in the city Chance and they find themselves with a unique connection. They are able to talk to each other through their minds. They have an instant connection when they discover this but they also have a lot going on in their personal lives. They agree to keep their identities a secret and only share first names but as their connection grows, staying apart becomes harder.
This romance novella was super fun and I have not read anything like it. It reminded me a bit of anonymous pen pal romances but instead of letters, they were able to talk real time together. There was a big focus on Beau and April's individual lives because they both had a lot to work out and resolve before they felt ready to meet in person. I did not mind seeing this because they helped each other through the struggles but the resolution of those issues was murky. I did however think the romance was super sweet. I was definitely rooting for April and Beau! Sometimes novellas can seem rushed but I did not feel that way with this story. I recommend this one if you are looking for a quick romance that has some depth. I plan on looking into more from this author in the future!

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I thought this was a very cute novella. i havent read anything by this author before, but i think this is her third and i would be interested to go and read her other writings. i really thought that this book does a great job of character development and showing vulnerability in a relationship. it made me feel that their love was pure and real and not forced or too quick with it being a novella. when the couple finally came together, it felt natural and was a really adorable moment in the book. I wasn't expecting the little spice that was in there, so kudos to the author! haha. the only thing that made me feel a little weird about it was the nature of how they were communicating. I know that the city of Chance is a supernatural/spiritual city, but i feel like both characters just accepted hearing a voice in their head tooo easily lol. It didn't take away from the story, but i wouldve liked maybe some background on how that happened and how it was even possible.

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This ARC was provided by netgalley and this is my honest opinion

Overall: 4⭐️
Spice: 1.5 🌶️
This book simply made me smile for 104 pages! Perfect for a quick break from long fantasy series or from our thicc romance book babies.

When Beau & April start hearing a voice in their heads they didn’t really think it would be the start of their very own magical love story.

I loved the banter, the vulnerabilities and the honesty and the realism this brought even though they are experiencing that “Chance magic”. It didn’t feel rushed and the story got to it’s full circle even if it’s just a novella.

Why not a 5? I guess it was too short compared to what I usually read, again this is a me thing nothing that was at fault for the author or the story.

Please just read this when it gets published on March 7!

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It was a very nice, funny and hot novel, I loved it a lot, it reads super fast and is very entertaining!🤍
Beau and April, they are beautiful!🥰
I loved that they can communicate telepathically haha.😅🫶🏼
If you want to read something fast and without drama, to pass the time, highly recommended.✨

Thank you Netgalley for the arc

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I don’t care what anyone says, I will ALWAYS be drawn to an illustrated cover.

♥️Soul mates with telepathy
♥️ Swapped gender norms I am HERE for
♥️Sexy phone scene (that’s what I’m calling it but it’s actually telepathy)
♥️ Gives off dreamy 2am vibes

BLURB: Two strangers with nothing in common but a shared view outside their window… and suddenly their thoughts? Neither of them know how this happened, but suddenly each of them find a connection that’s once in a life time.

This is a new to me author, and everything about this little gem felt like a dream in the best way. One of the things that felt most magical, was Dani’s ability to built a really deep story within a few chapters. Something else I found really refreshing, was a heroine questioning her future with children, and how that would work with her dedication to her career…. The best thing about it, the hero supported her for it, and was giving off hella “Mr. Mom vibes”

My only complaint, we had the one super sexy scene, but the rest was fade to black. I’m an open door gal all the way! However, that’s a personal preference.

Definitely recommend this treasure!

Heat Level: 🔥🔥🔥
Release Date: March 7, 2023

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This had SO much potential as a full-length novel instead of a short story.

As it is, in my opinion, Beau and April have no real chemistry because of how quickly their love story develops. I didn’t enjoy them together at all because of that either.

There is also never an explanation given on how these two can suddenly hear each other’s voices inside of their own heads, and it is questioned once, maybe twice, throughout the entire book before they move on like it is a completely normal thing for them to suddenly be able to do. Wouldn’t you want to know why!?

Overall, I think this needed to be much longer. I think I would have enjoyed it much more than I did with a little more depth into the plot and a little more development in our main couple’s relationship.

Thank you for the eARC in exchange for an honest review!

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April and Beau are lonely and career-focused, both feeling like they're not living up to their parents' expectations for them. After a missed connection on the train, they find that they have suddenly formed a telepathic link. Over the next few months, they begin to fall in love with the voice they're hearing in their head.

Okay, obviously this is a weird premise, but I've read more absurd rom com premises, so I just forged ahead. If you don't think you can just roll with this without getting answers to any questions about how this works, this is definitely not for you. This is a novella, so they really just jump right in with the telepathic link, and the protagonists really don't question it -- this is just a thing that happens in this world. I didn't personally have a problem with not getting an answer for why this is happening, but it did bother me how little development there was for the mechanics of the telepathic link. They don't ever interrogate "how does this work?" We have no understanding around when the link is active and when it's not, whether they have any control over it, or whether it might go away at any point. But again, there is limited space in a novella, so I understand the author not wanting to take up page real estate with those kinds of explanations, but I did wish I had a better understanding of how things worked.

Now, I DO wish she had devoted more time to developing the romantic relationship. April and Beau are, from the first telepathic interaction, all in on a romantic vibe. Neither is aware of the other's identity, but it feels like they're simply immediately in love, which is bizarre. So much of the book is spent with them having conversations and opening up to each other, and I think the romance should have been paced a bit more slowly. And because they were so all-in so quickly, it made the conflict re: whether or not they should meet feel very contrived after one of them has already referred to the other as "the love of [their] life" and the other has already told people that they want to get married to this person. There was really enough space for them to take their time with that.

I know this mostly sounds critical, but this is actually extremely cute. I really enjoy romances where the couple falls in love via correspondence, and this feels like an unconventional extension of that trope. And even though they don't meet in person until the very end of the book, they are in near-constant communication, so it does feel like they're on the page together the whole time. This is a very fun, quick read if you're in the mood for something quirky and don't mind just a bit of instalove.

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This novella had an interesting twist on your typical romance story. It was a fun quick read. There is also a pretty spicy scene if that is something you enjoy.

I do wish we got a little more of an explanation as to why Beau and April shared their connection but overall it was still an enjoyable read. I learned afterwards, that this book was the third book in a series, I am definitely interested in reading the previous books.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with a free copy in exchange for an honest review.

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3.5 stars

Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for providing a free copy in exchange of an honest review. A Missing Connection is the third book of a series but it can be read as a standalone. I didn’t read the other books but it didn’t affect my understanding of this story. It’s a short, cute romcom. Honestly if it were any longer I might have to lower the rating because it would be dragging. Basically, in the city the MCs live in, magical stuff happens so that explains why they didn’t find anything weird about how they can suddenly talk to each other through their minds. Their mind talking is quite unique as they can’t read minds and they have to actually speak to talk to the other. It’s kind of talking on the phone but without phones and you can’t hear the environment the other is currently at. Overall it’s worth the read and I did enjoy it.

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As an avid fanfic reader in my early days of reading, I love little twists to reality! The idea of telepathy and hearing someone’s voice in your head was super interesting to me.

I liked both the characters as individuals, and empathised with both of their conflicts. Beau struggling with his identity and trying find his own path and April with her anxiety over being vulnerable and accepting love into her life. Although it was a quick read, I thought both characters were developed well.

I think I needed a little more exploration of their connection, we are told that anything can happen in Chance City which is great, but I wanted to understand it more. I also feel like I struggled to connect to their romance as it leans a little more to insta love which isn’t usually my thing - however it is a novella which means things do happen at a fast pace.

Overall, I enjoyed this book so thank you to NetGalley Co-op for sending me an ARC!

A copy of this review will be posted on Bookbitvh on Instagram 12/2/2023.

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This was short and sweet. I liked the note in the foreward that was basically, hey, don't ask why things happen, just go with it. It set the scene for the rest of the book.

I unfortunately have not read the rest of the series even though they're on my list. We have two very lonely people Beau and April who somehow develop a telepathic link between each other to share things. They haven't met in real life and vow not to until they've handled a few things.

I was shocked, SHOCKED, at how hot once of their spicy scenes was since their scenes after they met in real life was fade to black. Surprise spice indeed. I enjoyed this one very much. They both had family issues to handle before they were ready for a relationship and when it was time, they were both ready to roll. I was pleasantly surprised at how nicely they fit together.

Thank you to Netgalley for a copy in exchange for an honest review. My opinions are my own.

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