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A Missing Connection

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This is the 3rd book of The Movie Magic Novella, it can be read as stand alone. My first in this series and this book is good. Beau not even blink and questioning his insanity when hear someone speaking in his head, he only thing to renew his therapy session lol. April busy with her job, her nagging mother and now her telepathic connection with Beau. I love how their relationahip build, when they meet oh my god i can feel the emotion, i can feel "the click".

Thank you to NetGalley for provide this book, it is pleasure to review this book.

#AMissingConnection #TheMovieMagicNovella #DaniMcLean #ARCProvidedbyVictoryEditing #VictoryEditing #NetGalley #NetGalleyCoop #ARC

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Another great book set in Chance. I'm really loving the city and the two sides of Beau and April reflected in their different stories and parts of town they live it. It made me all warm and fuzzy and it was a super sweet romance for February. Gave it 4 Stars or 5 as it's a novella so you just can't dive as deep. But I really did enjoy it.

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Pub date: 7 Mar 2023

🌶️: explicit sexual scenes and flirty talk


“I don’t need to see you to know every part of you is beautiful.”

A Missing Connection by Dani McLean is a fast-read novella with a cute and cheesy Hallmark feel.

Beau and April are two workaholics that don’t have time for love. When they suddenly start hearing each other’s voice in their heads, they begin an anonymous yet effervescent friendship leading to a classic Hallmark romance.

First as I’m sure most readers notice, they accept this mysterious hearing each others voices wayyyyyy too easily. I think it all happened from discovery to acceptance in a span of a few lines. But sometimes you just need to accept the oddness and move on to enjoy the story.

The two characters each have issues they’re working through. Beau is taking over his father’s multi-billion dollar company and isn’t happy with his life. April avoids her memories of failed relationships with work, work, and even more work.

Since it is so short at 128 pages, it’s difficult to dive deep into the characters and relationships the reader really wants to know more about. I felt the romance was very surface-level a lot, but it’s also evident the reader isn’t seeing everything.

This novella was short and sweet, with cute and steamy scenes that have you wanting more. McLean did really well with the amount of pages she had to work with.

Thank you Victory Editing NetGalley Co-op for this e-ARC.

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The latest installment of Dani's Movie Magic Novella series and a fantastic read!

Packing my bags and moving to Chance as I type this. Seriously, such a fun town where anything can and will happen.

Beau and April start speaking telepathically and learning all about each other without knowing who the other is irl. They both fall hard, but will they live up to the other's expectations when they meet?

This was a quick, cute read. It was fun and different. I'll be thinking about THAT one scene for a while *fans self*

Thank you Netgalley for providing the ARC

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3.5 stars (rounded up).

"A Missing Connection" by Dani McLean is her third Chance City romance novella. While I enjoyed this installment, which features main characters Beau and April, I think it is the weakest of the three stories. McLean took her time with the previous installments, whereas this story feels pretty rushed. Her characters are much more in-depth in the last two stories. We know enough about Beau and April, but their connection seems to come about quickly and unnaturally (which has nothing to do with the voices-in-each-other's-heads concept). Even the spicy elements felt pretty glossed over this time around. I do love the idea for this story, but the rules about them being able to hear one another aren't always consistent (but I guess I can't fault her for this because, as she says, in Chance City, anything goes... even unpredictable telepathy?). This novella could have easily been a 5-star read with a few more paragraphs or pages worth of dialogue and more unfolding of Beau and Apruil's relationship. Still, it is a fun, fast-paced read in the same vein as McLean's other stellar novellas. I am always ready for more stories from Dani McLean!

Thank you to NetGalley, Dani McLean, and Victory Editing NetGalley Co-op for providing me with an ARC copy of this book! All opinions are my own, and I was not compensated for my review.

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I loved this fun novella. The characters grow on you and I love Beau and April's dynamics. They get to know each other though the story without knowing what they look like, I love this idea. They're focusing more on their character traits and their behaviour. And because they don't know each other, they can speak with each other and voice their fears and problems. I can highly recommend this novella, It's fun, it's short and you'll surely laugh a lot.

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Beau is about to become the CEO of his father's company, and he couldn't be more unhappy about it. He’s drowning in expectations and wishes for a simpler life. April, on the other hand, loves her work more than anything else, and having her finger burned with her previous relationship, she swears off dating. Everything changes when they start hearing each other voices in their heads. The pair forms a friendly relationship, implicated with flirtatious and anonymity, but agree to keep it casual.

The premise was definitely unique, a bit paranormal, but fun regardless. I just wish the start of them hearing each other voices wasn't so random. The book shows a lot about being lonely, so I loved the process of them building a connection that kept them from their career-focused and lonesome lives. It was an uncalled but welcomed journey of falling in love, and I think it was really beautiful. I also really connected with Beau, his struggles were so real to me, and then I see myself as April in the future. Giving up everything for a job sounds just like me, and I think showing that mindset in this book was significant in the career-focused world we live in.

Even though the story hadn't blown my mind, I would definitely recommend reading it. It's a great read for overcoming a slump, and additionally is super cute and well-written.

Thank you NetGalley for providing an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Now I know what my favorite novella. This one. I haven't thought I need this. But I fell for it 100%.

Beau trying to find a purpose and live a life his father wants for him. Even it's not what he wants. April avoiding any romantic relationship thought she is disappointment for everyone. Until some magic happened in Chance city - they can hear one another. They quickly find something in each other. Without seeing, it's more easily open to another person and being truly honest. But what if someone didn't want to meet? So many "what ifs" and only one chance to find out.

Besides a romantic plot, you may like the parents-children relationship. You can show love differently, but it's always love.

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I received a digital copy from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Do not let my review or star rating deter you from reading this book. I believe some book experiences are like a first date. Just because I didn't find them charming doesn't mean they aren't perfect for someone else.

I found myself unable to connect with the characters and kept thinking there was some key ingredient missing from the story. And I would say the exact same thing even if the title wasn't A Missing Connection. I couldn't relate to or recognize anything April said about her job and I was confused throughout the story as to why she was reticent to be in a relationship. She couldn't be in a relationship because she loves her job...?

Overall, this story was a mashup of You've Got Mail and The Lake House (without the time travel element). The author's note at the beginning explained that anything can happen in Chance and to just go with it. So I went. There was no explanation as to why these two people could hear each other. I did want to know when/how the phenomena turned off and on, why they could hear each other sometimes and not others. Why couldn't April hear Beau when he was explaining to JP that he loved her? Why couldn't Beau hear April talk to her mom about her feelings? And I was very confused as to why April was at the market when she knew Beau would be there if she didn't want to meet him. She literally sent him there.

I took this book on a first date and we didn't click. But it might be the perfect match for you.

(I refuse to summarize the plot in reviews. If you're reading this, you probably have access to the synopsis.)

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What a delightful novella! I love a quirky romance and this one is so clever and creative. Best part? It’s short enough to reread whenever the spirit moves you! And thanks to the amazing chemistry between these characters, the spirit WILL move you. This is my first title by Dani McLean and it will not be my last. Can’t wait to check out more of her titles.

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I received a copy of this book for an honest review.

April and Beau are enjoyable characters to read and their chance meeting is an exceptional idea. With the view that this story is an easily consumable read, I would consider it successful. In terms of achieving a well thrashed out dialogue and plot that focused on story more than just skipping to the saucy parts, I think it’s lacking. It was clear the goal was to get to the climax of the romance. The idea was great I just didn’t appreciate the glossing over of what could have been more impactful plot points which would have made the conclusion of the story far more impactful.

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Huge thank you to NetGalley for allowing me to read this early!

This was a super fun, sweet and spicy novella! This is my first Dani McLean book and I loved it! For a novella, you get to know the characters really well, really fast. While I’m not normally a fan of insta-love, the funny circumstances that bring the two characters together makes it totally worth it. This is a super fast read but totally worth it!

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Mein Leseerlebnis

Die Liebesgeschichte hat mich aufgrund des ansprechenden Covers und der interessanten, frischen Grundidee gleich angesprochen. Ich war gespannt auf die Umsetzung und natürlich auch die Erklärung dazu, warum April und Beau auf einmal die Stimme des anderen in ihrem Kopf hören konnten.

Die Umsetzung der Geschichte wirkte auf mich nett und durchaus unterhaltsam, aber bei weitem nicht so packend wie gedacht.

Mein Hauptproblem war, dass ich die aufkommenden, tiefen Gefühle zwischen den Hauptcharakteren nur bedingt spüren konnte. Dazu wirkten beide auf mich nicht natürlich genug. Beim Lesen habe ich nie vergessen, dass die beiden “nur” Charaktere sind.

Das Buch enthält eine nette, ruhige und kurzweilige kurze Liebesgeschichte. Kann man lesen, muss man nicht.


PS: Eine befriedigende Erklärung für das Hören der Stimmen gibt es leider nicht.

Für wen?

Wer eine kurze Liebesgeschichte sucht, die eine außergewöhnliche Art der Kommunikation zwischen den beiden Hauptcharakteren enthält, sollte sich den Roman mal näher anschauen.

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Heck yes, this could have been easily a creepy read if it isn’t labelled as a romantic novella.

Because they are the voices in their heads and could communicate through that. I know. It isn’t that romantic if you think about it. Unless you pick up and read the book!

It turns out to be cute. Somehow stinking cute at times but also steamy at one point.

Enjoyed what it offers. Cute and not creepy.

If you are looking for a short romance, this is the new one you should pick up!

Thank you, Netgalley Co-op, for the advance reading copy.

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Short and sweet! Sit back and suspend your disbelief and get ready for a fun and cute journey through the minds of Beau and April. I know the whole "billionaire hates his life, oh it must be so hard to have all that money" is kind of played out or annoying but I found Beau really charming and empathetic. There was a lovely bit of spice. I enjoyed the dynamic the characters had. I just wish it was longer so we could get more of their story and character development.

I received an advance review copy through NetGalley, and I am leaving this review voluntarily

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The premise of this one was really cool. The two main characters can communicate telepathically with each other, and despite how shocking something like this must be, they mutually decide to remove all expectations from the picture altogether. There are no last names, identifying information, or intention to meet up with each other.

Just an unexplainable connection between two people.

I really did enjoy this novella. I've been gravitating towards shorter reads lately thanks to a serious case of mood-reading. The plot moves well, and the characters are well-developed. It doesn't drag on.

If you like the insta-love trope with a twist, this is something you will likely enjoy.

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"If I could dream up the perfect person, it would be you."

3.5 stars

What would you do if you could hear someone else’s voice in your head? Well this is what happens to April and Beau, they could suddenly hear each others voices in their heads!! April and Beau start to form a friendship quickly as they are able to talk to each other freely and openly, and they also make a promise to each other to say everything they have always wanted to say as long as their identities are kept a secret. Until they can’t avoid the only thing they don’t talk about and now they have to figure out if this is all in their heads or could their connection actually be real.

Overall, the story was cute, fun and easy to read and I loved the whole concept of them communicating with each other telepathically as I haven’t really read anything like this before, so it was something nice and refreshing for me. The only downside I would say is that I wish we could've seen more of their relationship and how it unfolds but apart from that I really enjoyed the book and I was not expecting that spicy scene;). If you are looking for a quick/ easy read I would recommend this book 100% and it comes out on 7th of March.

Thank you to Netgalley and Victoria Editing for this ARC!! I will be posting this review on my Goodreads as well :)

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April and Beau are from a fictional town called Chance and the author's note at the beginning of the story states that magical things happen in Chance. This is referring to the fact that somehow, unbeknownst to anyone, the two main characters are able to communicate in a telepathic manner but it only works if they are talking out loud and not in their heads, but the other will hear the voice in their own head. It also seems to be something that happens sporadically without April and Beau being able to choose when or how it happens.

After I accepted this is just how it is, I really enjoyed this novella and it was a super quick read. April and Beau connect when they're able to speak their innermost fears and thoughts to each other, hidden in the darkness of not knowing one another. They quickly fall for each other and this leads to some spicy scenes between them.

The story escalates quickly but it's a novella, so it's to be expected. I haven't read any of Dani McLean's other books but I will be looking into the Movie Magic series.

Thank you to NetGalley for the opportunity to read this ARC!

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This was such a cute concept! I would love to see it as a full-size novel. As it stands it lacks depth and feels unfinished, sort of like an early draft.

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Ah the story of April and Beau 🥰
Two workaholics that suddenly have this connection between eachother. I’ve never read something like this and it had me hooked. To see where it was going, how long it would all last. Very quick easy to read book with a unexpected pop of 🌶️
I haven’t read any other books in this series but after reading this I’m off to go purchase them!

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