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The Book of Silver Linings

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One of my top 5 reads for the month of August, a feel good story about second chances and feeling worthy enough to claim them. I loved it!

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I am a big fan of this author's last book, Some of It Was Real (read it!!), and I enjoyed this one just as much.
Constance is a relatable main character. She's smart and talented and has a tough history. Life hasn't always gone the way she hoped, but she's resilient and flexible, adapting to new situations and other's needs. When her boyfriend proposes, she's says yes, despite her best friend's misgivings. The engagement ring he have her is amazing, and researching its history led to some unexpected results.

I loved Constance. As she's working fulltime and researching the history of the ring, she's also trying to save the no kill animal shelter where she volunteers. That means that not only is this a wonderful story of resilience and personal growth, but there are also dogs!!

I don't want to give away any spoilers, just know that I appreciated her journey- the good, the bad, the messy, the real was of her life and her willingness to show up. The side characters had equal depth. I recommend picking this up.

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Loved The Book of Silver Linings. Wonderful characters and plot. Will be recommending and reading anything in the future from this author. Thank you for the title.

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I loved the mystery that was an integral part of this plot and how it was woven into the heroine’s own journey of self-discovery.
Full review to come next week on blog.

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Honestly, so lovely and heartbreaking in a good way. A great end of Summer reading that I enjoyed more than I thought I would.

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The Book of Silver Linings is the story of Constance Sparks. Constance is a kind person who has little bags of supplies for homeless people, who is there for her friends, who is loving and supportive of her grandfather who is in the early stages of dementia, and who spends many hours volunteering at a San Francisco animal shelter - and fostering at home. Her kind nature sometimes causes problems, like her relationship with her father, a jailed murderer who wants her help in getting paroled. When she meets Hayden she thinks she has found the perfect relationship - he's handsome, kind, and wants the same things she does. Their relationship is more about comfort than passion but she believes that will be enough. But then she goes on a search for the provenance of her antique engagement ring, and this takes her to a rare antiquarian collection of letters at the library by a World War I ambulance driver named James. She impulsively tucks a note to James into the book after a reading session and is surprised, next visit to the library, to find an answer in return . . .

I wanted to read this novel because the protagonist sounded interesting and likable, I loved the emphasis on pet rescue, and I was intrigued by the mysterious letters from the long-ago James.

The Book of Silver Linings is an absolutely lovely book. Constance is a character to like and to root for, as she seeks her purpose in life, romantic happiness, and a higher calling to find homes for abandoned animals. I stayed up late reading about her relationship with Hayden, who may not be what he seems and her budding friendship with Ellis from the shelter. I was especially taken with her mysterious correspondence with James.

I cannot recommend this book highly enough for fans of unique love stories, heartwarming books about finding your place in the world, and for animal lovers. Although the book is set in present day, history fans will love the details of World War I that are interspersed in the book with James and Anna's story.

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oh my goodness! this was adorable and fun and sweet and cool and hilarious! i loved this book so very much and i hope that you'll pick it up! thank you so much to netgalley!!!!

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Thanks Berkley for the gifted copy.

Constance is the type of girl that gives up what she wants/enjoys to make everyone else happy. She says "yes" even when she doesn't really want to, because she wants to be loved. When Hayden proposes to her, she says yes, even though she has doubts. She hasn't told him about her family, that her mom left and is now deceased, and her father is in prison for murder. What will he think?

The ring is incredible, and she discovers it has quite the back story, and she starts researching. While at the library, she makes friends with the other patrons researching in that section, and they become a little found family. Constance finds a penpal sneaking letters into the book about the original owners of her ring, and starts pouring her heart out to him.

Hayden finds out about her dad, but not according to her plan - and it turns out that Hayden has been hiding a lot from her too. (Can I just say I HATED him). She moves in to the studio apartment in the back of the rescue shelter she volunteers at, takes in a dog that needs extra love and attention, and helps Trudy try to raise money to save the shelter from being sold. She becomes friendly with Trudy's son Ellis, and while all this is going on, starts to learn how to say yes to herself and not others.

Constance resonated with me so much. I am that person that says yes to others even when I don't want to, just to try to keep everyone happy. I'm so glad that Constance spent time working on herself and had so much growth throughout the book.

I really enjoyed this one - I am going to go back and read this authors last book, as it's been on my tbr entirely too long. Well done!

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Review will be posted on 9/8/23

Constance is finally engaged to Hayden even though she hasn't met his family and friends. What is he hiding from her? Even though she should be deliriously happy, she feels that she is holding back due to all the uncertainties. Not to mention the fact that Constance is hiding some secrets of her own regarding her past. Instead of dwelling in her apprehension, she decides that she is going to research the gorgeous antique ring that Hayden gave her. Again, she still isn't sure how he could afford it! While researching the history surrounding her ring, she stumbles upon a beautiful romance involving letters and World War I. These letters make Constance question if she is following her heart with Hayden, why they both haven't opened up to one another, and what she wants out of life. Nan Fischer's The Book of Silver Linings includes everything that is required of a charming romance: there's a mystery, heartwarming moments, an antique book, heirloom ring, and did I mention rescue dogs?

I felt badly for Constance from the start of The Book of Silver Linings, because I felt like she was living a shadow life. I disliked Hayden from the beginning, so I really wanted her to break off the engagement and figure out what she wanted. I loved the incorporation of the antique book and letters - this was a nice touch, especially tying in some history. It also felt like there was a touch of magical realism, too. I also loved Constance's interest in rescue dogs as rescue dogs hold a special place in my heart. My only issue with the novel was Fischer's writing style didn't always work for me--it felt a little surface level, but other than that, I enjoyed this charming romance that certainly kept me entertained over the long weekend.

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I loved the messages of finding your own self worth in this one, along with the romance. This book was heartfelt and emotional and I was invested in the characters. I loved the magical letters and the inclusion of the dog!

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I really enjoyed the fact that this book had so many twists and turns. There were a few times I found myself going back in the book to reread parts and see the little clues that been sprinkled here and there.

There were some parts of the book that felt like threads that had been dropped - perhaps it was because it was an ARC and not the final published edition. For instance at one point, in a flash back, she is called "Becky" by one of her parents I think. I thought there would be a reveal that she changed her first name or used her middle name or something but it never happened. I understand that could have been an editing issue and maybe the author did change her name at some point during the writing process and this was never picked up perhaps?

I also felt that Contance's outrage over finding out who J was seemed a little over the top. After they had just resolved a conflict I really expected it to be like "oh it was you, of course!" or something.

Either way it was an enjoyable read.

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Another sweet story with magical undertones written by Nan Fischer! The Book of Silver Linings is a story about a woman who has always put others before herself. She was abandoned by her parents and raised by her lovely grandfather who is now battling dementia.

This book has many stories in it actually and every character had a good one!

This book is for anyone who enjoys a romance novel, a history novel, magical realism, animals, second chances- it basically covers it all!

Thank you for the advanced copy and I’m so happy this book is out!

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Do you ever feel that a book finds you at just the right time? Not unlike the main character Constance and the letters, I felt that The Book of Silver Linings came to me at a time when the themes particularly spoke to things I’m working through myself. This is a story about resilience, overcoming self-doubt, and learning to believe in yourself that you are good enough, even when things fundamentally change in your life.

About the Book

Constance is a paralegal in her thirties who is admittedly a people-pleaser. She had a hard childhood, with her dad imprisoned for murder and her mother passing when she was young. She was raised mostly by her grandfather, who taught Constance to be kind, caring, and work hard. She loves animals and volunteers in a shelter.

Her boyfriend Hayden proposes, and despite a few challenges in their relationship (and some secrets they are both keeping), Constance accepts. When her friend points out that the ring seems very expensive for his English teacher’s salary, Constance becomes interested to learn more about where the antique ring came from.

She soon discovers the tragic love story behind the ring through letters in her library written by the soldier who bought the ring for his fiancé. Constance is touched by the story, and leaves a note in the manuscript confessing her own doubts about her relationship and her life. She’s shocked when a few days later, she finds a response to her note among the letters. Is the ghost of the soldier communicating with her?

Over the next few months, Constance continues to correspond with the mysterious letter writer. Constance knows it seems crazy, but she may be falling for the ghost in the pages. Will this new found companion derail her current relationship? And what is she willing to risk to find out?

My Thoughts

Romance readers will be surprised and delighted by Nan Fischer’s The Book of Silver Linings. This is not your average love story. If anything, this is almost a story of Constance learning to love and value herself and not worry as much about the opinions of others. A heartwarming blend of romance, historical fiction, women’s fiction, and a dash of mystery, The Book of Silver Linings is heartfelt and charming.

Constance is a character that many readers will relate to. Her feelings of self-doubt, her constant desire to make other happy sometimes at her own expense, and her insecurity over whether she is good enough. From the beginning as we see Constance and her best friend Mars navigating the dating world and get glimpses into Constance’s past that help us understand that she is someone who is seeking stability and comfort.

Constance gives more than she gets back from others in many relationships throughout her life. I often felt that Constance was sacrificing so much in her life to better others, and it was a cycle she couldn’t break free from. Not everyone appreciates Constance, and she often undervalues herself and her worth.

The story with the ring is fascinating because it adds an historical mystery element to the plot which made the novel shine. As Constance is pushed to research the story of the ring, she also begins to think more critically about the man she is engaged to marry and his prior relationships.

This is a book for all of us who are on a journey of self-love and finding our way through our messy imperfect lives. Reading this felt like cozying up with a friend with a warm mug of tea on a cold rainy day. A must read for the animal lovers (seriously, you have to meet Growler!), the ones who know a great gal pal can make anything better, and the people who always root for love!

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The Book of Silver Linings by Nan Fischer is an uplifting novel that illustrates the power of pursuing big dreams despite overwhelming odds.

Constance has a demanding paralegal job, daily volunteer time at an animal rescue, a dear friend named Mars, and a big family secret. She's surprised when her boyfriend Hayden proposes with an extravagant ring. Her curiosity about the ring leads her to the library where she discovers the history of its past owners and their World War I love story. As Constance reveals her secret and learns other secrets, her life changes significantly. Is a 'happily ever after' possible for her?

This is primarily a contemporary novel with a thread of historical fiction told in letters, a technique I'm drawn to. It also includes a mystery and a touch of the supernatural. I'm not a dog lover, but Growler's story was touching.

Overall, I liked this story, and it includes something for (almost) every reader ... but that's the rub. It includes so many topics that it would've been more effective if the subjects had been spread across two or three books rather than a single plot. I also don't understand the title's connection with the story.

Thank you to Berkley, Netgalley, and the Thoughts From a Page podcast Patreon group for access to a review copy of this novel.

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Something about the story and characters in this book captured my heart. Constance felt so real to me as she battled her self-doubt. She is with a guy who just sort of seems to good to be true. Everything about the relationship is superficial and easy. Except things are not always what they seem. When they become engaged, Constance begins to research her antique engagement ring. What she finds is a story of true love and loss. She also discovers that she may not know her fiancé as well as she thought. A beautiful story and satisfying ending.

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I thought this was a very sweet and surprisingly touching novel. I had just finished a memoir about mental health when I read this, and it was a perfect fluffy refresh—and the San Francisco setting was a delight. I felt as though some plot points were definitely a little unbelievable and some characters were left without logical wrap ups, but everyone was certainly lovable, including the precious shelter animals that are so dear to our protagonists heart. This would be great for someone wanting a solid PG romance and something heart warming.

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Constance is a woman who just wants to help. She volunteers at an animal shelter, she’s always filling holes at work, and she even became a paralegal to help free her incarcerated father.
Now she’s engaged, but feeling a bit like she’s lost herself in the relationship.
The Book of Silver Linings is Constance’s journey of remaining true to herself while still forging a connection with others.

I really enjoyed this one. Constance’s journey is one that I could definitely relate to. I felt compelled to keep reading, but I did feel like the book meandered from time to time.

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As Constance researches her new beautiful antique engagement ring, something curious happens. She finds a book of letters, written by a man possibly connected to the ring, that tell a long-ago tragic love story. On a whim, she adds her own letter to the collection confessing her anxious thoughts and doubts about her upcoming nuptials. ⁣

Silly to write a letter to a long, dead man right?⁣

Until she discovers his reply. ⁣

I loved Constance's journey to find herself, and live her best authentic life as she tries to shake her “Constant” Constance “always-says-yes” persona. And the magical possibility of falling for a ghost? That’s a ‘yes' for me! Such a sweet story within a story, packed with all the possibilities of discovering that anything is, in fact, magically possible. ⁣

It’s a story of belonging and believing, and believe me when I say this one belongs on your shelf.⁣

My favorite though? Growler, the rescue dog. I adored how so much of the story is dedicated to Constance's passion to the rescue she works at, and it’s such a joy to follow both her AND Growler’s journeys, as they both rescue each other. ⁣

A very charming and uplifting new story!

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“Dogs are some of my favorite people.” YEP!

THE BOOK OF SILVER LININGS follows Constance, a young woman who pens a note to a long-dead author and leaves it in a book—only to find that the author has written her back from beyond the grave.

“The thing about putting off your dreams is that they recede each year until the distance to reach them becomes too far.” 👏🏻 #FollowYourDreams

Ok guys, we NEED to make letter writing a thing again. It’s just so romantic and you can almost live another life by reading another couples love letters, much as Constance did in this book. Her love of books and the library just spoke to my soul. We need to bring back old school romance!

I loved the themes from this one. A love and desire for the compassion and proper treatment of animals. Holding out for what feels right. Honesty. Passion. The prioritization of honor and happiness over money. Being strong. Saying you’re sorry. Not apologizing for the mistakes of others. And accepting who people truly are, even if it breaks your heart. The writing is great and seamlessly touches on quite a few issues that tie together so well and make an unforgettable story.

The audiobook has a single narrator and she did a great job of capturing Constance’s essence. I could really feel her passion and romanticism through her spoken words. A great book that you should definitely add to your tbr!

Thanks for the free #audiobook @PRHAudio #PRHAudioPartner and Netgalley, Berkley Publishing and the author for the ARC.

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Constance has finally said yes to her boyfriend Hayden. He has given her a stunning ring. But Constance is still having second thoughts. She has not met Hayden’s friends or family yet. Plus, she has not really been truly honest with him about her past. So, as a distraction from her doubts, she starts to research her ring. What she discovers is a timeless, historical romance.

This was very close to a five star read for me. The only reason it is not…is because I felt like the author could have ended it about 50 or so pages sooner. The tying up of all the lose ends just took too long. And this is just my opinion.

That being said…you really do not want to miss this book. It captures all your emotions. And you just can’t help but fall for Constance and her insecurities. And when she finally comes into her own, she becomes a force! She no longer thinks of herself as second best.

I also enjoyed how the author wove into the story about Constance’s engagement ring. The mystery and the history surrounding this ring is very creative and so dang intriguing!

Need a story with a little bit of everything…romance, historical fiction, mystery…THIS IS IT! Grab your copy today!

I received this novel from the publisher for a honest review.

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