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The Book of Silver Linings

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This was a unique book in that I wasn’t sure if it was magical realism or not until the end. It’s a book about a woman finding her own voice and breaking free from her name (Constance).

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The Book of Silver Linings by Nan Fischer 💌

Constance is that person who will always say yes... when her best friend needs money, when her boss gives her more responsibility without a raise, and when her boyfriend Hayden asks her to marry him. As she plans their wedding, she begins to have second thoughts. Hayden seems to be keeping secrets from her. Plus the engagement ring is an antique that costs way more than he could have afforded on his teacher salary. Constance decides to research her ring, finding out who it belonged to had a tragic love story. A book of letters in the library tells her more about the history of the ring and she's so touched by the story that she leaves a note of her own in the book. Not expecting any response, she is shocked to find a letter back and as she gets to know the mystery man through the letters, Constance begins to question things even more.

I think the most important thing about this book to know before you start is while there is some romance, that isn't the focus of this book. The romance doesn't come until close to the end. This focuses on Constance and her character growth as she figures out what she really wants with her life. She makes some mistakes and slowly starts to figure out whether she is actually happy with where she is at or she's just complacent with it. It's a story of self-discovery for Constance.

My favorite part of this book was that Constance volunteers at the local animal shelter and how much she cares for all the animals there and her relationship with the sweet, older woman who runs it.

The bit of romance that is in this book was super sweet and I love how the two supported each other. Without giving too much away, I feel like this is a book where you'd want to read it twice to see all the hints of the romance early on in the book you might not have realized on the first read.

If you're a dog lover and like stories with personal growth plus a hint of romance you're going to love this one.

❤️ found family
🐶 includes a dog
💌 letters
💪🏼 coming of age
✨ light on the romance

single POV
4/5 stars ⭐️
0.5/5 spice level 🌶️

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The Book of Silver Linings by Nan Fischer

Book Description:
Constance Sparks has a heart as big as the world! She is there for her Grandpa just like he's always been there for her. She is there for all the dogs and cats at Trudy's animal shelter. She's there for her friend, Mars. She's there for her boyfriend, Hayden. She's even there for her dad, who was never there for her and who's currently doing time at San Quentin State Prison. In fact, the only person she seems to ever let down is herself.

Through an unexpected chain of events, Constance comes across a series of letters between a WWI ambulance driver and his sister. Not only do these letters tell a beautiful love story between James and Anna, but they also have a lasting impact on Constance and those around her.

My Thoughts:
I loved the friendship between Constance and Mars! Every person needs a friend like this! I loved Constance's work with the animal shelter. I'm so glad people like her exist. And Growler! 😭 
"But deep down, we both wished for the same thing --to love and be loved."
Your heart will melt reading about Growler and the other animals in the shelter.

Nan Fischer has crafted a beautiful, engaging read. You will fall in love! There's so much to unpack in this story and lots of great topics for discussion...friendship, relationships, childhood trauma, staying true to oneself. The Book of Silver Linings would be a great buddy or book club read!

Read this if you like:
• Stories about finding oneself
• Found family
• Animal lovers
• Friendship

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Paralegal Constance Sparks has always looked for stability. After her mother left and suddenly died when she was young, her father ended up in prison, and her grandfather struggles with dementia, she wants consistency more than anything--so much so that her boyfriend calls her "constant Constance." When he proposes, it seems like a dream come true. But Constance is almost caught up more int he story behind her vintage engagement ring than her fiancé. When researching the ring reads to a series of letters between a brother and sister during the war, she wonders if what she thought she wanted is real.

I absolutely adored Nan Fischer's first book, Some of It Was Real. With the perfect mix of romance, mystery (and mystical elements), and character development, it made one of my best books of 2022. This book doesn't reach that same high, but is similar in vibe and still an excellent read. I think I went in unclear with whether this was romance, women's fiction, or whether there was some kind of time traveling-fantasy-magic element involved, so it was hard to manage my expectations. It ended up being a very good women's fiction novel, but I wish I had understood that more going in. I will continue to read any book by Fischer, and look forward to seeing what she comes up with next.

Thanks to Berkley for my eARC and finished copy! All thoughts and opinions are my own.

5 stars - 8/10

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My thanks goes to NetGalley and Berkley for providing this ARC for my reading. I'm voluntarily leaving a review, and all opinions are my own.

Genre: Women's Fiction, Romance, Magical Realism
Spice Level: Medium (a scene on the page)
Structure: Epistolary element with letters from WWII
Representation: LGBTQ and BIPOC side characters

I was so excited for this book! It took me a minute to get into for some reason, but I ended up enjoying it.

Part of my confusion was because Constance seemed so happy with her boyfriend—he was pretty considerate and supportive of her fostering animals. But if you think of this as a deep POV, then you can see how we're seeing it through her eyes and what she thinks.

I did not love Constance's best friend—she seemed a little toxic. But I also think she was supposed to be a reality check. Which is kinda funny because she's a hot mess too.

For me, I wanted the romance side to progress more quickly. I would say this book falls more into the women's fiction category first and romance second.

Constance is also navigating a difficult relationship with her father, her dead mom, and her grandfather. She doesn't love her work, having given up her passions and goals in college. This is what I consider an adult coming-of-age novel.

I really like Constance and was rooting for her from the beginning. The ending was satisfying and I'm glad I read it.

There are a lot of moving parts in this book. But that's also what makes it richer and more ambiguous like real life.

I recommend this book!

Happy reading!

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The Book of Silver Linings is a coming of age story that centers on finding love for all things including your heart. The setting was fun in San Fransisco, from the mountain biking through the bay, the bridge, and more. For those animal lovers, this book will warm your heart as its a fight to keep the door open on a non-kill shelter.

This novel carries a tremendous amount of themes -- romance, friendship, family drama and finding your way. These characters read younger than portrayed in the story, as they struggled through adulthood. At times, this novel did feel a bit unrealistic.

Thank you Berkley Publishing Group for the complimentary copy.

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I received a gifted galley of THE BOOK OF SILVER LININGS by Nan Fischer for an honest review. Thank you to Berkley Publishing Group, PRH Audio, and Netgalley for the opportunity to read and review!

THE BOOK OF SILVER LININGS follows Constance, a young woman who is a people pleaser. If anyone asks her for something, no matter how unreasonable, Constance is prone to saying yes. This is how she winds up engaged with a gorgeous engagement ring to a man she can’t fully open up to. Constance is keeping a fairly sizable secret in the form of a father who is in jail.

Constance begins to research the origins of her ring and the story about the first couple it was used by. This brings her into the circle of a group of fellow library goers as she reads through a book containing the letters that tell the ring’s story. Reading a true love story, she begins to wonder about her own life and relationship and she writes a letter to leave within the pages of the book confessing her thoughts. She is surprised to get a response, beginning a correspondence which is perhaps the most honest relationship in her life though it is with someone unknown.

I really loved Constance and I really felt for her struggle to form real relationships in her life. Her history with her father, a man who has put her through the ringer with his addiction and his crime, has really put her ability to form honest relationships in jeopardy. There are a few in her life who know the truth about her father, but they all have very strong opinions of their own about him. Her history has shown her how much people set the sins of her father on her, so I did somewhat understand her desire to keep this information secret, though I did get frustrated by the lack of communication with her fiancée.

I found the identity of the person behind the letters to be fairly easy to guess as the story went along and I did find the drama between Constance and this person a bit blown out of proportion. After all, Constance has been keeping a lot of secrets herself. Still, I did really enjoy seeing the way Constance came into her own throughout the book.

I really enjoyed this book and would definitely recommend it!

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Yep, I cried. Ugh, this book!! It's such a beautiful story of finding yourself, learning how to say no, and learning how to love again. Growler, sweet pupper, you have my heart. YOU ARE WANTED.

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Some of It was Real blew me away, and though I thought The Book of Silver Linings would be a bit more like that, I was by no means disappointed. In fact, I adored this touching story of self-discovery.

Constance was a character who had one of the biggest hearts. Her circle was small, but she loved its members fiercely. This was also one of her biggest flaws. Constance repeatedly put the needs of others before her own. She sacrificed her wants and needs and often settled for less than she deserved. Why? Because she was so damaged from her past. As much as she tried to move forward, the harm done by her parents and others in her past lingered.

But, things seemed to be looking up when Constance got engaged. She was given a beautiful, antique ring which she decided to learn more about. Her research ended up being a game changer because looking into the past, she was able to see herself and her future so much clearer.

The ring and its story was fantastic! The history and the letters was such an interesting and wonderful way to guide Constance through this crossroads in her life. It was amazing the way this search for information on the ring resulted in Constance expanding her life in so many ways.

So, yes, wonderful historical elements with a touch of something paranormal (?), but there were precious rescue animals too. I told you Constance had a big heart, and she was a champion for those forgotten and abandoned animals. I feel like she connected with them because she could relate to their situation due to her past. Regardless, I know readers will love all the animal interactions. They were so sweet, and my heart swelled every time some dog or cat entered the scene.

Though, I didn't deal with the same exact issues as Constance, I could relate to her feelings of not being enough, not being chosen, and giving up pieces of herself for others. This caused me love her more, root harder for her, and made her personal journey just that much more satisfying.

Overall: This was a beautiful story about loving oneself and not accepting less than you deserve which touched my heart.

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Perpetual people pleaser Constance Sparks learns how to stand up for herself and what she wants in life in this latest feel good women's fiction story from the author of Some of it was real.

When her fiancé fails to defend Constance to his parents after they learn her father is in prison for manslaughter, she takes it as a sign they aren't right for each other and focuses on saving the local animal shelter that is in danger of closing.

I really enjoyed the dual timeline love story in this book told through a collection of World War II love letters which also spark an exchange of anonymous messages in the present between Constance and a mystery man who offers her life advice.

Good on audio narrated by Eileen Stevens, this was the perfect combination of first love, secret romance, career changes and family drama. Recommended for fans of books like The happy life of Isadora Bentley.

Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an early digital copy and @prhaudio for a complimentary ALC in exchange for my honest review.

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The Book of Silver Linings is the first novel I’ve read by Nan Fischer. This book seemed to encompass several genres, including romance and mystery, even a little historical fiction and maybe a ghost story. The main character is Constance, a paralegal but also a volunteer at an animal shelter. Constance wants to please everyone, and because of that, sometimes her decisions frustrated me, but by the end, I could look back and see how Constance’s character develops and matures throughout the story. Constance thinks she has made the right decision when she says yes to marrying Hayden but begins to question her decision more and more as she sets out to learn about the antique engagement ring he gave her and as secrets from Constance’s and Hayden’s past come to light. Her research leads her to the library and a book of letters from World War I. While there, she writes a letter of her own and leaves it in the book, and then to her surprise, on her next visit, in the book is a letter addressed to her. I enjoyed the mystery behind the letters and trying to figure out who was writing them. But I think my favorite part of the book was Constance's work with the animals at the shelter. The love she shows to each animal, making them feel wanted and cared for, is something I wish all people would show, not only to animals but also to each other.
This book had several storylines going simultaneously, but Nan Fischer tied everything together by the end, and the story kept me turning the pages. I look forward to reading more of her books.

Thanks to the publisher, Netgalley, and Thoughts From a Page Podcast for the advanced copy!

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Publishes August 15, 2023
4/5 stars

Constance Sparks is a people pleaser with a difficult family history. She’s engaged to be married and they both have secrets they are keeping from one another. She is given an antique engagement ring and sets out to discover the history behind it. She comes across letters from the past that may hold the answers she’s looking for. This is one of my favorite aspects of the story. As she reads them she seeks answers for herself and her own path in life.

This is a great story with themes of growth and forgiveness. I was especially happy to see the ways that the MC Constance learned of her worth and loved her quirky style and love for animals.

Read this if you love:
•found friends
•sweet love letters
•discovering purpose

I enjoyed the theme of silver linings, the ways we lift and help those around us.

*Several nstances of strong language.
*brief open door scene, others alluded to.

I received an advanced copy electronic copy of this book from Berkley through @thoughtsfromapage Patreon program. A big thank you to Berkley an Cindy Burnett! I’m happy to give my honest review, and thankful for this opportunity. I enjoyed being a part of a discussion of this book with the author, Cindy and other members of the Patreon community.

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The authors last book was such a special read so I knew I was in for a treat when I started this one. She has the most magical ability to write stories that are whimsical yet rooted in reality and her books are so unique. This was a blend of romance, a friendship story, long buried grief and some historical moments. Loved it so much and definitely recommended if you enjoy stories with well drawn characters that feel like beloved friends in the end.

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I received an electronic ARC from Berkley Publishing Group through NetGalley.
Empowering story of a woman who overcomes her past to believe in herself and acknowledge her self worth. Constance Sparks works hard to take are of others even when it means sacrificing her own needs. Her best friend, Mars, supports her and does her best to encourage her while struggling with her own past demons. The two have been together through dark times and both grow in confidence as the novel unfolds. This is Constance's story. Readers see her settle for a fiance who is as guarded as she is about their pasts. When he proposes, he gives her a ring that is an antique heirloom. She researches where it came from and discovers the similarities to her own complex relationships. Through a book of letters in the Special Collections of library, she meets the original couple who were in France during World War I, met and fell in love. Their ability to overcome obstacles and take risks inspires Constance to do the same. No spoilers but relationships in all areas of her life are damaged. It's only when she finds confidence to value herself that she finds the courage to speak for her own needs and pursue her dreams.
Fischer uses a slow pace to reveal the depths of her characters and welcome readers in to be part of their lives. Her stories offer a realistic view of flawed humans who continue to grow and find their way through imperfect lives.

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The Book of Silver Linings by Nan Fischer was a delightful read about finding oneself, then respecting yourself, and finally owning who you are. Oh, ghosts and rescue dogs are also a huge part of the novel.

I read and adored Fischer’s last novel so I was over the moon to read this one. Like her last book, the author incorporates a love story, a ghost story and a bit of mystery to make the story come to life.

Constance grows in leaps and bounds as she researches her antique engagement ring and history of the couple who first owned it. Through her research she not only learns its rich history, but it also gives her the push to investigate her fiancé and his prior girlfriend. The group from the research room at the library eventually become a group of meaningful friends.

On top of that, she hates her doldrum job as a paralegal and works at an animal shelter to feel like she’s doing some good in the world. There we meet some very important minor characters that become the catalyst to her growth. The rescue dog Growler is an amazing character that dog lovers will adore. Another winner!

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A gentle compelling romantic mystery with a touch of magic that promotes women valuing their self worth. Constance is a people pleaser, she always says "yes" and will readily agree to what others want even if it is not in her best personal interest. Her one area of happiness is her volunteer work at an animal shelter. After she discovers her engagement ring may have a connection to a WWI war hero she researches his letters. Constance must find resilience to overcome her difficult past from her work at the animal shelter and these long ago letters to become the person that will find self worth and love.

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After getting engaged and finding out her ring is an antique with a back story, Constance becomes determined to find out the story behind its previous owners. As she finds out more, Constance begins to see how she has let her need for love hold her back from what she really wants in life. The more she finds out, the more she questions if her fiancé is really who she wants. Lucky for her she seems to have a pen pal in the book of research about her ring. Could Johns ghost really be writing her back?

My god, where to even begin. I started this one at the gym while getting my cardio on figuring I would slowly read it throughout the week. Well…I got home, showered, and picked it right back up. I then stayed up until about 2 am to finish it because I could not stop reading this book! I LOVED it. While reading, and crying, and reading, I realized that it’s me. Hi. Im constant Candace. Or I should say I was. In my past relationships I let my interests fall to the side while investing in my partners interests, but I am proud to say that I no longer allow that to happen (probably why I’m still single! LOL) I absolutely adored every character in this book, even then ones I didn’t like very much at times! I loved watching Constance grow, and felt such a kinship with her as I went through a similar period of growth not so long ago. I can’t even find the right words for how much I loved this book, but I can say you need to preorder it. It’s out August 15th and I promise, you want it on pub day!

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I loved The Book of Silver Linings. This book has all my favorites—it’s contemporary fiction, but also women’s fiction, with some historical fiction sprinkled in.

There’s romance, mystery and found family. There’s love and heartbreak. There’s betrayal and forgiveness. There’s family and friends. And there is the best dog in a book that I’ve read in a while.

Constance Sparks is a paralegal who’s met the “one.” They share a love of scrabble, and he supports her love for animal rescue. Hayden has secrets, but so does Constance. When Constance secret is revealed to Hayden, his actions afterward cause their break.

Dealing with the loss of Hayden, Constance also discovers the secret her best friend is hiding, and learns that the shelter she’s dedicated herself to is getting ready to be sold. Suddenly Constance’s stability is shattered and she has to learn to rebuild her life.

Constance finds solace in writing letters to James who died in WWI. As she escapes daily life to read about James and his beloved, Anna, she finds a group at the public library that she comes to love as family.

If you like books about books, epistolary books (James and Anna’s story is told through letters), books about found family, books with quirky side characters, an older coming of age story, romance, and happily ever after, pick this one up.

Thank you to @thoughtsfromapage, Cindy Burnett and the publisher for the advanced e-copy of this book as a

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I got this book as an advanced readers copy as a part of being a patron of @thoughtsfromapage. It was my first book since becoming a patron and I couldn’t have been more pleased.

A Book of Silver Linings is about Constance who is basically a people pleaser. She finds herself sacrificing her hopes and dreams for other people. This story is a heartwarming journey of her finding herself. I even shed a couple tears which is so unlike me! I see a lot of myself in Constance.

This comes out August 15th!

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The Book of Silver Linings by Nan Fischer
I would call this book a coming of age and growing into yourself more than a romance, but romance plays a strong part of the story. In this story we follow Constance Sparks, the product of a very troubled childhood and see how that trouble has affected her life and followed her into adulthood. She deals with feeling a lack of self worth and being wanted, which leads to poor choices in her romantic relationships.
A big part of the plot is her volunteering at an animal shelter, as well as researching an antique ring. I found those plot points interesting but overall her lack of agency in her own life bothered me. I know this is a person pet peeve, but I don’t enjoy reading about characters who let life happen to them rather than take control of their own lives. Fischer did a great job of explaining why Constance was like that and it was very much done on purpose. Constance grows throughout the novel and realizes she shouldn’t live her life that way, but it was still too much of the book where she wasn’t the main character in her own life and it irked me.

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