Cover Image: The Book of Silver Linings

The Book of Silver Linings

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This is my first book by Nan Fischer and it was just ok. The first half drew me right in but then I got bored with it. I’d say it was just average so I’ll give it 3 stars. Thanks to a NetGalley and the publisher for this early release in exchange for my honest review.

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The main character has had a rough childhood and while she finds “true love” she ends up giving up parts of herself. When her future in-laws share her background with her fiancé, everything is turned upside down.

But at the same time, the main character looks hard at her life and starts to put her needs first. The historical parts of the book are incorporated nicely into the modern day story.

While this book is classified as a romance, it is not a rom-com. Constance is a tough main character to cheer for initially. But as she stands up for herself and puts herself first, you see her find a true connection authentically.

Read this one if you like stories filled with love, family, identity, history, and resiliency.

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Heartfelt book with emotional heft. I really enjoyed the historical parts of the book and the mystery with book in the rare library.

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This is my first book by author Nan Fischer and I enjoyed every page of this sweet story. I shed a few tears here and there and smiled big towards the satisfying ending. I appreciated the setting this story took place in and the way Nan incorporated animals and books into the story. Read this one if you like stories filled with love, family, identity, history, and resiliency.

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I thoroughly enjoyed this book but did feel like there were too many pieces, too many things going on. The love story was a bit too angst for my taste but I did appreciate the character growth that Constance goes through.

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Thank you to Cindy Burnett for her Patreon Early Reads Program, NetGalley and Berkley Publishers for the advanced copy of this lovely book.

This is my first book by Nan Fischer, but certainly won't be the last. Her writing is beautiful and she creates well developed characters that you really root for. I really resonated with Constance a lot. I also had a very difficult relationship with my father growing up, so I really understood where she was coming from. And the way that childhood can make you feel as an adult is very real. I totally understand wanting acceptance so badly that you give up parts of yourself. I loved watching her grow and evolve and find her inner strength. I'm also a huge dog person and loved the volunteer and rescue shelter element to the story. And Growler stole my heart.

Really looking forward to the author chat with Cindy and the @thoughtsfromapage podcast. Will definitely be reading more of this author in the future!

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Constance was a welll written and layered character. The author nailed her timid, emotionally scarred, looking to fill her life with people to avoid confrontation, personality. And while I couldn't always connect with how Constance lived her life, I did enjoy the journey of growth she went through in the book. This story is very much a woman's fiction, and the romance is more part of the journey rather than the focus. Just a quick note for those of you looking for something swoony. That said, it was a solid story, and I enjoyed reading it, despite no unexpected twists. I give this book a solid 3.5 (leaning towards a 4)/5 stars.

I voluntarily read an advanced copy of The Book of Silver Linings by Nan Fischer. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Thank you to NetGalley and Berkley Publishing for this ARC.

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DNF at 40%-no rating!

Constance gives out care packages to the homeless-granola bars, travel sized toothbrush and toothpaste, wool socks and a dog biscuit for their dogs-because she has learned from her volunteer work at the animal shelter, that a homeless person will often take better care of the pet who gives them unconditional love than they will of themselves.

I really liked her selflessness, and her work with the animals at the shelter, and wished she would recognize her own self worth.

When she discovers that her engagement ring is worth more than her fiancée SHOULD be able to afford, and that it has a “history” tied to a tragic love story, she is compelled to research it further.

This research leads her to a book of letters in her library’s old manuscript section written by a man, who died long ago.

Constance is deeply touched by the letters, and impulsively, she leaves a note for him confessing her uncertainty and doubts about her own engagement and the secrets she fears her fiancée is keeping from her.

She’s shocked when a few days later, she finds a response tucked among the pages, where she had left her note.

THIS is the premise which attracted me to the book, but unfortunately, the letters which resonated with her, aren’t really resonating with ME.

AND, although, based on other reviews, I think that ultimately the animals surrendered to the “no kill shelter” she volunteers with end up with a “happily ever after”, the EXCUSES that people use when giving them up, just anger and upset me, so, I have decided at 40% to DNF for these two reasons.

Read other reviews before deciding if this one is for you! It’s not a bad book by any means!! It’s just not a fit for me!

Expected publication date August 15, 2023.

Thank You to Berkley for the gifted copy provided through NetGalley, in exchange for an honest review.

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Received ARC via Thoughts from a Page Patreon group.
3.5 Stars for me. I definitely enjoyed the second half of the book more than the first. I struggled with the main character - Constance - in the beginning with her in deception and lack of confidence - it felt a little too forced for me - especially given that she is in her 30's. Overall a good poolside summer read.

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Thank you so much for an advanced copy of this book! I enjoyed Nan Fischer's previous book, Some of It Was Real, so I was looking forward to The Book of Silver Linings!

This story stars Constance, and it's really more of a women's fiction than anything else. I saw some similarities between the writing of her previous book and this one, and while this story is really good, it does lack some of the magic of SOIWR. Constance has a really sad familial backstory in which she gave up on her dreams to become a paralegal. I was very irritated with Constance at points in this story because she thinks so little of herself, and it was so sad! I did not connect with Constance right off the bat, but by the end of the book, I Understood her motivations and respected her character!

This book is a 3.5-4 star read IMO, and it was enjoyable! I'm glad I read it, and I will definitely read more by this author.

Rating: 4⭐️

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This is a “coming of age” story for a thirty year old. Yes, sometimes it takes us awhile to fully mature. Constance juggles her family relationships and her romantic relationships, along with having a time consuming job. Along the way she begins to do some historical research. This research leads to her finding her inner strength and propels the story. I love the subtle history lessons, as well as life lessons revealed in this book.

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I was really excited to read this book, based on the synopsis provided in NetGalley. It started off great and I was really invested - until about halfway through the book. By that point the story had stalled for me - I'd figured out who was writing the letters and found I was less interested when it wasn't an actual ghost! I felt that the ending was a little rushed, but that's true in many romance novels. Overall, it was an okay read.

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This novel is perfectly named - The Book of Silver Linings. Nan Fischer was a new to me author and she did not disappoint.
The novel was a blend of finding yourself, making mistakes, and learning along the way. Constance has an amazing relationship with her grandfather, and it was so endearing to read. Her life becomes messy with an engagement to Hayden. She sought out the history of her engagement ring, and learned of the history surrounding the ring and also learned some truths about her fiancé. I love a story within a story, along with finding old letters from the war.
This novel is perfect if:
- you love dogs and volunteering at an animal shelter
- You like complicated relationships with loved ones and navigating through them
- You love historical elements weaved in
- You like coming of age stories
I give this novel a 4 out 5

Thank you to Cindy Burnett with the Thoughts From from a Page podcast / Lit Lovers Patreon group for arranging ARC copies. Thank you to the author, Netgalley and the publisher for an ARC in exchange for a review.

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I started to feel warm and fuzzy inside and I knew I must be coming down with something.

Was that butterflies I just felt?

It’s not possible

This little soul sucker doesn’t even cry at funerals, did I really just cry over a fictional romance .

I did

The Book of Silver Linings

Nan Fischer, what have you done to me? I’m not sure I will recover the book hangover I have fallen victim to. There will never be another book that I will connect with on the level I am at right now.

I finished about 10 minutes ago and I found myself flipping back to reread certain parts as I’m still in such shock.

I fell in love with Constance and I was rooting for her through and through! I wanted to hug her, text her, pick up the phone and talk to her. I’d love to know if Constance was based on anyone in real life because I need to know her!

This book right here is a must read for all. No matter your preferred genre, everyone will fall in love with The Book of Silver Linings


Constance Sparks always says yes…when her capricious best friend needs money; when her boss gives her more responsibility without a raise; and when her boyfriend, Hayden, who is very kind but also secretive, asks her to marry him.

While planning their wedding—and struggling with anxiety about the right course for her future—Constance researches the history of her antique engagement ring and unearths the name of a man who might be connected to it, plus his tragic love story. When she finds a book of letters in her library’s old manuscript section written by the long-dead man, Constance is deeply touched by his words and leaves a note for him confessing her uncertainty and doubts. She’s shocked days later to find a response tucked among the pages.

As the notes continue to arrive, Constance finds herself quickly falling in love with a ghost and putting her real-life relationship in jeopardy. Will a bond based on letters impossibly sent from the past derail her future? Or will Constance discover her voice and risk everything for the chance to somehow connect with her true soul mate?

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I love so many parts of this book. It reads a lot like women’s fiction but it’s also a slow-building romance that just warms the heart.

This book teaches us about resilience, believing in yourself, understanding, accepting who you are, and being comfortable with yourself. Fischer also takes on being open and not compromising yourself, which is sometimes very hard to do. I saw a lot of myself in this book.

The author weaves a heartfelt story that touches your soul. Her characters are strong and, in many instances, decisions are tough. There are some heartbreaking moments, but she leads us into and through healing and that happy ending we crave.

This book is very special. It is a deeply touching novel about finding your true self, believing in your own worth, and learning you deserve love. It’s definitely a story that you will take to heart and remember for a long time to come.

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The Book of Silver Linings by Nan Fischer
This story starts out with Constance and her friend Mars going to yoga where you are positioned with the males on the other side. The idea is to get to know them and go on a date.
Love the scramble games and all the superstitious omens that arise during the book.
Contance has a lot of hidden secrets and so does Hayden. They clash one day when hes on the phone with his parents and they’ve been investigating her past...
She is upset that he never even stuck up for her.
Feel like this is two different stories in this book because of the ring he had given her she wants to din out where it came from, who and how she ended up with it, for a bit.
Love the idea of the collections under control where you can read the contents but not check out the book.
Constance is also a paralegal til one day she comes home tee Mars with someone she disapproves of. She ends up quitting her job, has no boyfriend and just works and lives at the dog shelter. She does strive to get a job, one more in her line of work...
Like the turn of events as her father reached out for help fo when he gets out of prison, things take a different turn and she sticks to her gut feelings. She’s also dealing with her grandfather who raised her as he’s going into dementia and love the things she does to keep it all straight for him. Love how she and others put everything into the auction to keep the dog shelter going…
Never saw the book ending as it did, great read. There's a lot to this book but it all comes together.
Received this review copy from Berkley Publishing Group, Berkley via NetGalley and this is my honest opinion.
#TheBookofSilverLinings #NetGalley

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Thank you to Net Galley and the Publisher for this Advanced Readers Copy of The Book of Silver Linings by Nan Fischer

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I did like this book. I just found it to be too slow to hold my interest. I know that even though it was not the best book for me, I can see my patrons checking it out at the library and loving it themselves.

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I received an ARC of this novel from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

A young woman gives up on her dreams in order to help the grandfather who raised her. She finds her passion caring for animals, finds and loses love, and eventually finds a way back to a pathway to make her dreams come true.

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Constance Sparks had a rough childhood with events that tended to drive a wedge in relationships and causes her to sacrifice her own hopes and dreams to try to win the approval and affection of others. Her dreams and passions continually take a back seat to the dreams and passions of others. When faced with a mystery regarding her recent engagement and the antique ring, she is drawn into the story of the original owners, James and Anna, and their love story. It is through the tale of their love that she begins to discover the importance of her own happiness. The journey she takes, the relationships that end, and the relationships that blossom help make this book hard to put down. There were some elements that felt a bit like a forced agenda, but overall - I enjoyed this book.

Thank you to NetGalley, Berkley Publishing, and Cindy Burnett at Thoughts from a Page podcast for the advanced e-copy of this book.

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