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King of Wrath

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I wasn’t expecting to enjoy this book as much as I did when I first started reading it. This is only because I had a hard time getting into it and her writing style. I found the book was captivating after getting it with the tension between Dante and Vivian then came the chemistry. It was definitely a slow burn as Dante slowly and reluctantly started falling for Vivian. It is entertaining and a light quick read. I would recommend this book and I’ll be reading the second book as soon as I can when it releases. This is an arranged marriage contemporary romance book with high society/riches.

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I love Ana Huang and was really excited for this one. However, it felt a little formulaic at this point. Honestly, I could have been reading any of her novels. Not to say I didn't enjoy it and won't recommend.

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Ana Huang is one of my favorite authors and I loved the Twisted series so much! I am pretty sure that I am going to love this series too. At the beginning of the book, I was not a fan of Dante because of how he treated Vivian enough though he was being forced to marry her, she was not aware of the reason and deserved to be treated better. Once their relationship changed, I started liking Dante better. I loved how both Dante and Vivian grew as characters and that Vivian finally found the courage to stand up to her dad.

I cannot wait for the next book in this series, and I am so excited that it is about Kai and Isabella who the reader meets in this book.

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a billionaire? an arranged marriage? touch her and die? this book literally has all my favorite tropes and I loved every second of it.
“So I brought the stars to you” 😭😭😭 Vivian and Dante…. I love them. Enemies to lovers will forever be my favorite trope and King of Wrath did it perfectly. I love Ana’s writing, her characters, her storylines that make me not want to put my book down. I had high expectations after twisted lies, and was not disappointed one bit. This was a great first book to Ana’s newest series, and I cannot wait for book two!!!

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Yes yes yes! I love me a broody bad ass MMC and Dante sure does fit the bill! Tie in Vivian, who blooms along with the book, and you have a sexy, stubborn, and spitfire duo that you won’t be able to get enough of! Family ties and friendships abound, all linking together through the glitz and glam of New York City high society—the social climbers meet the social standards. I’m a sucker for an arranged marriage tripe and this one did not disappoint! I loved all the little details scattered throughout. Such a great romance read! Can’t wait for book 2!

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From the first page Vivian and Dante’s heat came through! The enemies to lovers vibe of this book was everything! It was impossible to tell who hated the other more and the goes for their lust/love.

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If you are looking for enemies to lovers, millionaire romance, opposites attract, forced proximity. This is the book for you. The steam isn’t there until about 40% of the way through the book but when you get there it is hot. This book is so good. I will say I appreciated that the third act breakup was short lived and was handled well. I am now gonna be looking up more Ana Huang to read.

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This was my first Ana Huang book but it will definitely not be my last!!

One of my all-time favorite tropes is grumpy sunshine and man did Ana deliver!! I absolutely love Dante and Vivian. Vivian is forced into an arranged marriage by her parents and while she has no desire to be married to someone she hasn't chosen she does so because she feels a certain duty to her family. Vivian and Dante are literally at each other's throats from the very first meeting and that fire is stoked continuously as their relationship progress.

And, Dante Oh. My. Goodness.... he was dark and brooding and so grumpy and I loved it! His "touch her and die" attitude was everything I wanted it to be. I'm not going to lie there were times his arrogance and attitude made me wish I could slap him. Ana developed his character so well.

I loved everything about this book. The angst, the banter, the spice, the romance.... highly recommend this book!!
Thank you NetGalley and Sourcebook Bloom Books for the ARC. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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I’ve read all of Ana Huang books and I think this may be my favorite. The characters, the spice and the tie in story line is nothing but perfection.

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While I liked the Twisted series, this one was SO much better right off the bat. At this point some toxicity is pretty much unavoidable in romance, but Vivian was simply not having it and I am absolutely here for that. The communication in this book was on a whole other level, even if it may have taken them a bit to get there.
The arranged marriage, the slow burn, the spice, I'm here for all of it and I loved it. I can't wait for the next one!

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Okay, there is so much to unpack here in this review so, strap in for a ride. So, first I want to say thank you to Bloom Books and Ana Huang for letting me review this book. Now to the story, this was the first Ana Huang book I read and it did not disappoint me at all, I regret not reading any of her books sooner and now I want to binge-read all of her books. Now for this book specifically I loved the whole aspect of an arranged marriage and the fact that they truly didn't know each other before that first meeting at her parent's house. This book was hard for me to put down I was taking my kindle with me to the grocery store that is how much I loved this book. I just found the characters so loveable in all their different aspects and it shows you, that you can have a diverse cast for books not everyone has to be carbon copies of the same characters we always see over and over again and that was refreshing. The character of Vivan I was amazed at her character and the character development that she had within one book that was amazing to see because some of Vivian's struggles I see within myself and that was hard to see some of those similarities. Now for the character of Dante that is the best type of book boyfriend, you can imagine he has all the anger, the charm, and the will to protect this woman he barely knows because he knows she means more to him than he is willing to admit. This book made me excited to see the rest of this series and where it will go and who we will all see in them. the spice in this book was also top tier I mean Dante has a dirty mouth on him and I loved it, the spice would have to be a 3-chili pepper rating for me because there was good spice but not the spiciest I have read either. Now for the one flaw in this book and why I am only giving it a 4.5 rating is because there was that typical third-act break-up we all love to hate and it was so annoying because they do have a fight and my thought process was, "oh they are just going to fight like all couples and they won't have a third-act break-up and they will figure out this thing with her dad together.", but no I was wrong we still have that third-act break-up that could have been avoided if Dante was just up front with Vivan about what was going on. I also understand why Dante didn't tell Vivan because he was worried about his brother, Luca, and that makes sense, but at the same time she might have been able to help all along, but they might never have gotten together if he held the truth from her. It was very much a love-hate relationship with this third-act break-up but I understand why it was there. Again overall I am giving this book a 4.5 out of 5 because everything was there that I hoped for and loved and can't wait to see where this series goes in the future.

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Ana Huang's books are my new guilty pleasure. I am recent to this author and came in through another series but was excited when I saw that Dante had his own book! So good I read it twice.

Vivian Lau, socialite and event planner is forced into an engagement with her jeweler father's competitor Dante Russo. Vivian is unaware that her father has blackmailed Dante into the marriage and is confused when she moves in with a hostile Dante. But Vivian is a good daughter and decides to make the best of it despite Dante's blatant hatred of her. While Dante is angry that he's being blackmailed, he finds can't hate Vivian and falls for her.

I loved the central conflict in this story and almost felt like Dante didn't suffer enough with what he put Vivian through. Christian, his friend, is forced into a year-long separation from his woman when he messes up. Yet Dante has to grovel for a month. There has to be a happy medium to this. Reading it the first time, I wanted them to reunite immediately; the second time, I wanted Dante to suffer more. I also loved how strong of a character Vivian was. She didn't bow down to Dante and made him pay for his treatment of her.

That's what's so great about Ana Huang's books, she takes you along for the ride.

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Although this book is incomparable to Ana Huang's other dark romance series Twisted, I still thoroughly anticipated and subsequently enjoyed this book. Vivian was an iron-willed, independent main character, and I also appreciated the diversity Huang incorporated. Dante, the romantic lead, may be easy to confuse with some of the other men this author has written, but nevertheless, his broodiness and devotion to Viv were stand out.
Together, they incited a fiery romance that kept the pages turning. King of Wrath is an excellent read.

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This book was really good, I really liked it. Dante and Vivian are so cute together I love them so much. I wanted Dante to be like Alex Volkov grumpy. He was not as grumpy but he was still really good. Vivian is so strong in my opinion. She stood up to her parents and stopped letting people walk over her which is so admirable. Don't even get me started on how much I love the nickname mia cara. The fact that Dante calls her this is so freaking cute. The fact that he brought the stars to her and showed her everything he loved is so cute. I love that it is in the same world as the Twisted Series and I love that we got to have a bit of Christian and Stella. This book was really good I highly recommend it!

Favorite Quote:
"Per te aspetterei per sempre, more mio." (Translation: For you I would wait forever, my love.)

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While this book was very similar to many of Ana Huang’s previous work, I enjoyed the familiarity of it. After being in a bit of a reading slump, it was nice to have a book that, albeit somewhat repetitive, was a comfort read.

Thank you NetGalley and Sourcebooks Bloom Books for this arc in exchange for an honest review.

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King of Wrath is the second book by Ana Huang I’ve read and I enjoyed it a lot more than the first book of hers I read (Twisted Love). Lately I’ve been enjoying the modern ‘arranged married’ trope more and it was really well done here! Vivian was likeable and endearing and her arc of figuring out how to be herself versus who her family wanted her to be was well done. Dante was a perfect sexy counterpart and put the handsome in tall, dark and handsome! Some of the parental betrayal felt similar to twisted love but it was still a very different story overall.

The book stands alone, but I’m excited for Isabel and Kai’s romance in book two that’s going to be released soon.

Thanks NetGalley and Sourcebook Bloom Books for the ARC. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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I am a fan of Ana Huangs Twisted series so I knew I had to read this as well. I loved Dante and Vivian. This books gives us Billionaires and grumpy sunshine that I always find are some of my favorite tropes to read. I loved how the plot panned out and really enjoyed the arranged marriage aspect of it.
I overall can’t get enough of Ana Huang and cant wait to continue to see what she writes next for this series.

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I’m giving this book a 3.5, but if I hadn’t read the Twisted Series by Ana Huang already, I’d probably give it 4 stars.

Ana Huang delivers. She knows what we want and she’s good at what she does. Whenever I pick up one of her books, I know what I’m getting myself into and I’ll tear through it right away, enjoying every second.

Dante and Vivian were a good couple; I really liked that their personalities challenged each other and that they encouraged each other to open up, grow, etc. Dante gave us all the tropes we want out of Huang’s spicy romances without leaning into caveman territory, which is important for making sure he’s not an annoying character to read.

Watching Vivian value herself and eventually grow to defend herself and her right to respect from her family was a nice arc for her, though it could’ve been developed more deeply (I didn’t mind though because even though I want a fleshed out character, a deep and moving character arc is not what I picked up this spicy romance for).

The reason I knocked my rating down half a peg is that, having read Huang’s other books, the characters can blur together. The FMCs are distinct enough, but Dante didn’t feel really distinct from the other possessive billionaire male love interests of the Twisted series, and a few days after reading he'd already started to melt together with his counterparts in my memory.

Even though I know I can rely on Huang for these fun, well-crafted romances with cool characters, I still want each one to feel fresh (which she’s delivered thus far; this is the first book I’ve felt that way about).

So anyways, definitely a super fun read from a reliable author, but a few criticisms this time that held me back from fully enjoying.

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I liked Dante & Vivian a lot they lived up to my hype and excitement of seeing their story after the crumbs we got in other books. They're number three on my top couple of book universe though behind Ava/Alex & Christian/Stella.

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I loved this!! I had to take time to even collect my thoughts after finishing because 🌶️🌶️😮‍💨! I loved Dante and Vivian! I loved all the tropes and man does Ana know how to write some spiceee I can not wait for the rest of this series! This was my book club pick and I can’t wait to discuss more tomorrow! I am going to post my review on my Booksta Friday!

This actually prompted me to go finished the twisted series and I just loved how all the books fit together!

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