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Every Wish Way

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This was a OK cute romance. I really wanted to love it but unfortunately I did not. It had a decent enough plot and overall the suite. I am, however, willing to give the other a second chance for future books.

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This was definitely a fun book to read. It was like a cross between Aladdin and Pride and Prejudice and was really well done. I can't wait to read more by this author.

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Sweet, hysterical and surprisingly heartfelt in such a quick read. I was a little worried during the beginning because it felt a little too Aladdin in Times New Roman but it soon became its own little dollop of fun. There were several points where I cackled loudly and a couple points that had by eyes misting.

Also, it was oddly refreshing to have a female protagonist that was so sort of passive, timid and sensitive. I feel like every female protagonist now is assertive, outspoken, independent, tenacious or if they start off sweet/kind they flip a switch and become hardcore before page 50 (and I say this as someone who could be described outspoken and assertive) which can make people who aren't that way can't be the main character of their own life. What a lot of those books fail to do that Shannon Bright did so well is she did patronize or 'replace' those feminine traits with more stereotypically masculine ones to show Iza's growth. Iza is flawed, yes, but her growth doesn't make her a completely different person, just a more assured version of herself and while she might take on those other personality traits when needed, they aren't what she becomes to prove her growth.

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I really wanted to love this book. I was drawn in by the cover and the concept. I just didn't find the style of writing compelling. I felt that the narrative dragged on in places and I was never truly convinced that there were any sparks between the hero and heroine. I wish the author every success with this one and I promise not to post a poor review. Thanks for letting me read it in advance!

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This was a very sweet story about how we all sometimes need a little bit of magic to find love.

What i liked:
1. I really liked Beckett and appreciated his character arc

What i liked a little less:
1. The main character was 26 y/o, but either behaved immaturely or like someone much older
2. The story felt a little flat at times - there's magic involved, the opportunities were endless!
3. It got a bit confusing with the parallel universes and dragged a bit at the end

I would recommend reading this one - we all need a little sprinkle of magic from time to time.

Thank you to Net Galley and the publisher for an ARC - all reviews are my own.

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This was fun! A cross between Aladdin and Pride and Prejudice. Every Wish Way is a fun, quick read with a solid payoff at the end.

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I really enjoyed the magic of this story. It was a fun concept that worked really well. The characters were interesting and you wanted to know what was going to happen next

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3* easy, but slow read

While I loved the plot of the book (a woman wishing for her perfect romantic interest, Jane Austen's Mr. Darcy), the progress of the story was a bit too slow for my liking. It was a nice and easy book to read while sick in bed, but I'm not sure if I would've finished it, had I not been sick. The ending was highly predictable and the build up to it was somewhat toxic. Iza immediately jumped to conclusions about Beckett, which I think we've seen enough in romance/contemporary books now. So while it was a nice read and I did enjoy it, I can't give more than 3 stars.

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I enjoyed this tale of a contemporary woman intrigued in finding her own Mr. Darcy. When given the opportunity to choose three wishes, Iza must think out here carefully planned life and what her wishes could mean for all those around her. Becket tries to guide her but must grant her those wishes even if they hurt him. Her group of friends was engaging and fun. It was entertaining and thought provoking.

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Truly really enjoyed this book. I love the journey we went with Iza & Beckett, but more specifically Liza and her coming into her own. Accepting herself. I related so much to it & with Iza, Honestly, I hated Iza's mother for majority of this book but that one chapter. The explanation, that conversation that they have. Beautiful.
So yes all in all I thoroughly enjoyed this and would absolutely recommend it.

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I enjoyed the magic if this book. I felt the characters were really enjoyable and felt the story balanced really well.

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This book has a lot happening in it and it sort of succeeds. Time travel , wishes, parallel universes, learning to love yourself - all the usuals. Iza is pretty likeable but also makes some really obvious errors that can make it hard to root for her. Great quick read if you need a little treat

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This is a five-star read that has plenty of sparkle. My goodness this was just an adorable story, Benjamin, Brian, Barrett, no Bennett just sucked me in and would have had me painting the world sparkly purple instead of just myself. But then that could be because I hate to admit it, but I have never been a big Darcy fan. For anyone who is then this may pose a struggle for you. I so adored Iza and felt her pain over her relationship with her mother and the struggles they face, that gave this story an added depth, over everything else to me. This is a great story to suspend reality and just loose yourself for a while in a bit of old-fashioned romance with a great depth that you don’t realise is taking you so deep, as it’s so well done and light.

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Thank you NetGalley for the eARC.

I’m so torn on this one. I love Aladdin and I love Pride and Prejudice. Theoretically it’s amazing. I’m just not sure those two concepts work in the same universe for me. I like fantasy and I like contemporary romance…but unless I’m watching Bewitched, I just don’t really get it. At the same time, the characters are quite lovable and there are some really empowering moments. I’ve got no doubt this will be someone’s favourite book, it’s just halfway there for me.

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Every Wish Way was a cute, lighthearted rom-com. I liked the premise of the book, but it wasn't for me. It took a little bit for me to get into the book and focus. I found myself losing interest quickly. Something fell through the cracks for me. I felt like there was something missing. I needed a BAM or a AWW moment... and I didn't get one. It wasn't until I reached the ½-¾ way mark where it started to pick up, but I was still dragging a little..

I felt like the book was a modern take on Pride and Prejudice/Aladdin genie in a bottle. Iza meets a genie she accidentally summons from her nail polish bottle. She wants love (more like desperately seeks love), and wants validation from everyone, especially her mother -- yet, she's quick to judge every man she comes in contact with. She has a horrible relationship with her mother, borderline abusive (IMO), Darcy, whom I thought was a pretty vital character, was introduced for about 10 minutes and then was immediately cancelled.... I can keep going, but I won't.

Overall, it was okay, it wasn't great. I think it would be a good beach/pool-side read.

Thank you Shannon Bright, Alcove Press, & NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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This book in 3 words: Entertaining. Whimsical. Introspective. 

Iza accidentally summons a genie-like-wish granter in the form of Beckett. Liza is trying to capture the heart of her dream man, using her wishes. But it's never quite that easy, is it?

This book is a perfect combination of early 2000s rom-coms and Aladdin with a strong Pride and Prejudice presence. Completely unique in the sense of women's fiction or contemporary romance. Ultimately, a blast to read. 

Read if you like:
- A dash of magical realism
- Early 2000s romcoms
- Mr. Darcy in 2023
- Twists on common tropes
- Swoon worthy characters

Surprisingly heartfelt, this one had me in tears more than once. Now, take that as you will, rumor has it I cry about everything. I didn't expect to be emotional at times during this book, but I was. 

Will be recommending this book to my audience.

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Unfortunately this book just didn’t do it for me. Iza and Beckett were immature characters that I couldn’t find fully likeable (they had their moments). I also find the most excruciatingly annoying. I wanted to liked it but couldn’t make it work.

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Thank you to NetGalley for giving this ARC, and this doesn't influence my review.
Tropes: love triangle, contemporary romance with a dash of magic, romcom, reverse grump/sunshine
In this book, the MMC is a hot cocky guy, and HE CAN"T LIE!! He's swoon-worthy, and does everything for FMC's happiness. He👏🏽 read 👏🏽 pride and prejudice👏🏽 and took notes👏🏽 to figure out 👏🏽 what she wants 👏🏽 in a man!!!!!!! Unfortunately, the Pride & Prejudice involvement ruined both the book for me, and Mr. Darcy (annoyingly), but kudos to the author for the interesting idea for her novel that we all want IRL lol.

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Iza and Beckett - what a scream! Iza is a messy mess and in many ways so is this romance but somehow it works - and it’s great fun. Time travel, red herrings, a bossy meddling mother, a genie, sparky nail polish, a foul mouthed Mr Darcy - it’s all happening. Shannon Bright has created a charming and delightful world (or two) that will keep you guessing. Enjoy! And thank you so much to NetGalley for the ARC.

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I read a fair amount of romance novels and 'chick lit' so it's nice to find one that puts a twist on things.

Summoning a good looking frat bro "genie" out of a sparkly nail polish bottle is definitely a new one!
And haven't we all pondered what we would wish for if we were given three wishes?

The book is well paced and I found myself liking the characters and their interactions with each other. Character development felt natural and not forced. There's a good amount of cast to add variety but not too many to complicate things. The typical 'falling out' between the two characters didn't have me rolling my eyes at the stupidity of the situation like many other novels I've read before.

Overall an enjoyable read which I finished in two sittings.

**Thanks to Netgalley, the publishers and author for an advanced copy of this book. Review and opinions are my own.

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