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Every Wish Way

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What a fun read! A mix of Aladdin, Pride and Prejudice, and a 2000’s rom-com, this was easily read in an hour.

The female main character, Iza, had major Kate Hudson vibes, and faced hilarious challenges that we all wished we had the pleasure of facing, while the male main character, Beckett, channels Matthew McConaughey vibes.

While the plot is not original, it is fresh enough to keep the reader engaged.

If you enjoy predictable and cheesy rom-coms from the 2000's, you'll love this.

'Thank you to NetGalley for a copy of this book in return for my honest review.

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Goodreads review in link. Thank you for the book!

I enjoyed this book, it was a Pride and Prejudice mixed with Aladdin, very fun to read.

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I almost did not finish this book. When the “genie” pops out of the nail polish bottle and he’s a surfer/frat douchebag, I almost put it down. This was not a story of a strong female. It was like middle school love, zero to 100 in 3 minutes without any sort of relationship development. And then he is just magically saved in the end? Felt like an elementary talent show magic trick. “Look over here while I poorly do the magic” and we all pretend to be shocked. The mother/daughter relationship seemed almost unnecessary. It over complicated a poorly thought out story.

And the random sex scene at the end?? Take that out immediately.

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I'd like to thank the publisher and NetGalley for allowing me a chance at reading this book.

Every Wish Way is a book that meshes Aladdin along with Pride and Prejudice, however, it kind of looses it's fun halfway through the book and at the end.

I think the issues I had with the book is the lack of focus on the wishes and the Darcy aspect. She wishes for Darcy he shows up, but then he doesn't really do much through the rest of the book instead of pop up a few times. I mean, he was Darcy like in manners but I didn't really get that pining or that underbelly of desire. It was just he vanished (not literally) but the focus stopped being on him and on her genie instead.

It's a cute book, and easy to read in an afternoon. I guess I wanted more - conflict, plot? Something.

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Iza accidentally summons a wish-granting stranger, Beckett, out of thin air. However, Beckett got an attitude and isn't what she expects. Iza asked for a modern Darcy but Darcy isn't what she expects...

I think this is such a cute book.... Love Beckett and Iza... They are such kind and interesting characters. I love how sweet the book is! A quick fun romantic read.

Thanks to the publisher for the arc.

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What an adorable read! It combined so many of my favorite things: a love for Pride & Prejudice, an annoyance to friends to lovers trope, and a little bit of magic. All of the characters were so well developed, from Beckett and Iza to Iza’s mom and Lola and even to Darcy himself. I never felt like I was lacking any information on any of the characters and I felt like they all grew throughout the book. I could not put this book down! I would highly recommend this!

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I loved this cute and sexy romance. The magic concept was super fun. I really loved how the main character evolved as a person as the story went on!

Thank you to netgalley and the publisher for allowing me to read this arc in exchange for an honest review!

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Iza is determined to find love, even though it goes against her moms motto of "men are trash" and "Focus on your career". She believes that if she finds her a modern day Darcy that there is no way her mom couldn't approve and finally shed gain the love she's been looking for. What she doesn't expect is Beckett, the wish granting fratty genie of sorts to show up and grant her wish. Beckett is everything that she shouldn't want and there is NO WAY her mother will approve of him but she just can't help but take notice while she's trying to figure out this modern Darcy.

I don't want to give anything away but this one really got me. I loved Beckett and I couldn't help but root for the characters in this story (except modern day Darcy, ew). I can't wait to buy.

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loved this romance and making a wish and falling in love. I loved beckett and iza . I loved her friend and how she dealt with her mother and even the darcy situation. Overall a cute book.

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I enjoyed this but didn't love it. Definitely an interesting premise - Aladdin meets, oddly enough, Pride & Prejudice in a modern retelling of both [ish]. I enjoyed the main characters, Iza and Beckett, and was very interested in seeing their story play out [and maybe see an HEA, maybe not?!]. Predictably, Iza's mother was ridiculous and nearly unbelievable [saying that v tongue-in-cheek as you have to rely on a lot of magic to help the story move along]. Iza's roommate is a treasure and I grew to enjoy the rest of the ensemble cast. I won't spoil the plot but I enjoyed the plot progression. The dialogue was stilted at times, which was distracting, and I found the extreme highs and lows of Iza to be at times a bit too jarring and it didn't feel elegantly done. A sturdy 3 stars to a story that I was interested in and a cast of pals who you can't help but hope the best for.
Many thanks to NetGalley for an advance e-copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!

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It’s a classic tale: finding a genie in a bottle of nail polish… no wait. Not quite the classic tale. It’s a hilarious modern book with overtones of Pride and Prejudice and a bit of Aladdin thrown in for spice. It is a fun, quick read. I had just read The Witch is Back by Sophie H Morgan and was still in the magical mood so I loved this cute funny book. It is not as whimsical as you might imagine from the P&P and Aladdin twists. Instead it is a lovingly told story about a young woman and how she travels from being other-focused and loveless to inner focused and open to love.

Thanks to NetGalley and Alcove Press for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Aw this was a cute, quick, and romantic read and it got me out of my reading slump really quickly. I highly recommend this one.

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I absolutely adored this! It was a quick read and I had fun the entire time. I love the character development and the concept of a genie-like situation is great. It really makes you think of what you would wish for knowing there are going to be repercussions, positive or negative. I also like the addition of parallel universes and the rule of "you can't make something out of nothing". Super sweet couple and individual character growth with swoon worthy moments throughout. It melted my heart. You should definitely read this!

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This was advertised as for fans of Erin Sterling and Ann Aguirre, and I agree! I adore both of those authors and I adored this. It was a fun lighthearted read and I have such a crush on Beckett! It was a fun story and I loved their love.

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Loved this book. My first book from this author. Made me a total fan with this book. would read this again and again.

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Every Wish Way by Shannon Bright was a fun and delightful read. The novel is loosely based on Aladdin and Pride and Prejudice, with its own spin. Spending the past few days with these characters felt like watching an early 2000’s rom-com. You know, the ones that starred Kate Hudson or JLo, began by happenstance, and featured hilarious challenges that we all wished we had the pleasure of facing.

Iza (never Eliza) is a successful architect that has everything going right for her, except her love life. Her mother had told her that being in a relationship is not worth one’s time. Men will always either hold you back, break your trust, or overshadow you. Iza wants to be in love, and even stronger than her desire for love is her desire to prove her mother wrong.

Beckett, the magical genie, is our Matthew McConaughey character. His goal is to help Iza, and grant her three wishes. Iza takes her wishes very seriously and wants to make sure they are perfectly done and well thought out before use. She finally decides to wish up her dream man, Mr Fitzwilliam Darcy. Certainly, Iza's mother would approve of Mr. Darcy and a relationship, she just has to convince him to fall in love with her first.

I loved all the supporting characters in this story. Lola is the best friend a girl could ask for, and is beside Iza every step of the way. The office “feud” with Kalyan is adorable and adds to the nostalgic (2000’s comedy) feel. Iza’s mother is unbearable, but written well and crucial to the plot.

Read this if you want:
🪄A little bit of magic
💕Female friendships
❤️Lighthearted love

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4.25/5 stars! This was a fun contemporary romance novel for a quick read this Valentine's Day. I feel like I will someday be the mother telling my children that "men are trash," so I could get behind the premise of this story haha. I also loved the MMC as fairy 'godmother' type angle. This book was unique and charming and I loved Beckett and Iza.

I received an advance review copy for free through NetGalley, and I am leaving this review voluntarily

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This cute witchy Rom-Com is spellbinding. I loved Iza and Beckett. They made me laugh out loud and grin like a Cheshire Cat. This was so good. I could have read more.
I just reviewed Every Wish Way by Shannon Bright. #EveryWishWay #NetGalley
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Every Wish Way has as fun a story as it has a title! I left this story smiling and feeling happy-- it was so delightful and sweet.


I really loved our protagonist. She isn’t without flaws— she’s stubborn, and guards her heart fiercely— even whilst looking for love. She’s overly pragmatic yet finds herself fully immersed in this whimsical tale of fantastical wishes.

She makes mistakes. Many, in fact.

But she learns. It may take a while— but she does indeed learn.

I love heroines that are vulnerable and flawed because they tend to be the most relatable.


Oh how I loved Beckett! It’s clear from the start our magical kinda-genie uses his frat-boy persona as a defense mechanism to not allow himself to imagine a future nor get close to others.

But he does. He gets close to Iza, and suddenly the walls come down between them. It becomes clear he wants a future he believes he can’t have. Does he keep his mask on tight, to avoid the hurt, or allow himself to, for once, truly feel?

You'll have to read to find out! But I do think you'll thoroughly enjoy his arc.

》You Ain’t Never Had a Friend like Me《

A big part of this book’s plot is mixing the fantastical element of magic wish-making with modern times. Can the two come together harmoniously? YES! Sure, it’s silly, absurd, and goofy, but it’s like Beckett’s dimpled smile. You swoon and can’t get enough of it! It'd addicting!

Beckett as the “genie” was perfect and truly pushed the narrative in a positive direction.

So it all worked for me. It elevated the story and I thought overall the rules involving the wishing (and how it all turns out in the end) was cleverly done.

》The Ups and the Downs《

Oh gosh. Okay, time to take about why this rating isn’t higher. Because don’t get me wrong— I did enjoy and like this story very much!

Things that worked: the leads and the plot. Yes it’s a silly almost absurd plot that involves magic wishes, parallel universes, and modern day Mr. Darcy’s. But all that works. All of it brought a massive smile to be face.

So what didn’t?

One small thing that didn’t was the middle story. It felt repetitive as the miscommunication dragged on. I loved the beginning and ending of this tale, but the middle lost me.

Now the big thing that almost feels contradictory to critique about when its components were facets I loved:

The romance.

It fell flat.

I do not understand why I feel like this— especially as I loved the leads so much! But I sadly had a hard time finding the chemistry and believing in the love confessions. It left me feeling empty. This left the entire story feeling disjointed, romance was part of the backbone and without it, a crucial part became missing.

》A Worthy Wish《

No matter how I may have felt of some facets, overall I did have a good time. I do lament its full potential wasn’t maximized, but I’m content with what I read overall. I am so glad I had the opportunity to read this one, and I think I would recommend this one along to others.


Thank you NetGalley and Alcove Press for providing me an e-arc in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you to the publisher for allowing me to read this eARC.

This had a nice lighthearted and whimsical touch to the story. I really enjoyed the characters as well.

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