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People to Follow

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This book was very intriguing to me, so I was so happy when I revived an ARC copy. I enjoyed the characters in this book and it was very atmospheric. I saw the twist ending coming, but it didn’t ruin the reading experience. I had a lot of fun with this book.

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It was a decent read! I wasn’t surprised with the ending but I felt (as the parent of 3 teens) that the dialogue and communication styles were very realistic!

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I read Agatha Christie in high school, and loved the connection to "And Then There Were None" in this YA influencer novel. I thought it was fast-paced and fun, with a twist that I predicted parts of. I felt that some of the characters came out a bit flat, and were hard to keep track of, especially when it was told from various viewpoints. However, it will definitely satisfy my teens who are looking for a good murder mystery, and I had fun reading it!

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From just the description alone, I knew I was going to love this book, and I was completely hooked all the way through. One thing I absolutely loved was the use of multi pov, I think it helped make every character seem suspicious and made you doubt who you have been trusting. When I found out the truth in the story, I quite literally gasped! This was absolutely one of my favorite reads so far this year!

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Thank you to St. Martin's Press, Oliva Worley, and NetGalley for a copy of the ARC in exchange for an honest review. My views and opinions are my own.

Blurb: Ten teen influencers are invited to star in a reality TV show on a private island. But when the production crew fails to show up, and one dies, the remainding nine find themselves stranded, unable to reach the outside world. They start recieving mysterious messages from "the sponsor" threatening to expose their darkest secrets...or be "cancled." One by one...they start dying...

I have read other thrillers that follow Agatha Cristie's "And Then There Were None" formula, and failed. This one was a total win! I raced through this book, it was very hard to put down, once the first murder happened.

This book is a fun twist. Quite modern, with the focus being centered upon a group of unlikeable internet influencers. Some of the slang/jargon I was unfamilar with, but its easy enough to gloss over and still capture the meaning on the page. The teens in the book felt more like new adults and slightly older. Not exactly a bad thing, they just didnt feel like teenagers to me, which is how the book is advertised. I am far removed from my teen years, however, so I can't say if it will resonate with an under 18 crowd, but for me, things were gread.

The author kept me guessing the entire book. I couldn't figure out who did it. I had an inkling...but it wasn't exactly what I thought, and the surprise caught me. This doesn't happen often, I love it when books can keep me guessing, overthinking, and still I don't see it until the big reveal.

Lies. Secrets. Murder. Its juicy, fast paced, heart hammering, and an absolute page turner.

People To Follow is Olivia Worley's debut novel and I am so excited to read more.

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3.5 stars for this buzzy who-dun-it.

Ten of the top influencers have agreed to a reality TV show where they spent two weeks in a house together on a remote island — unplugged. The group should have known something was up when they arrive and find several connections (and major drama) between many members of the “cast”.

Things quickly go from strange to deadly when they are left alone on the island with no form of communication with the outside world — and people keep dying. After one too many “accidents” the remaining members of the group start to realize that the killer is one of them — and they need to find out who or end up dead.

This book took me awhile to get into because there were so many characters and POVs it was hard to keep them all straight. But once I pieced it together and the rest of the group starting piecing things together too, it was fast-paced and fun read. A great cover & plot for a beach read this summer!

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This is the first book I’ve read by this author and I was very impressed. I loved the whole concept and how in touch with reality the book was. I could totally see this happening to a point in real life.

I love that we got many character’s points of view. It made you want to question all of them and not trust any. The whole secrets hidden part of the story was my favorite.

I will definitely be reading more by this author. I thoroughly enjoyed the whole book and would recommend it to everyone.

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I was itching to read this story from the synopsis,,,.I mean come on, 10 social media stars on an island? Sign me up for that chaos!
This story was just as I expected it to be….fun, entertaining and at times, frustratingly predictable. Although I didn’t love the big reveal at the end, all of the characters kept me entertained and reading.

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I had so much fun reading this book. It is a young adult thriller who-done-it suspense. It was fun to try and figure out what was going to happen next. When you think you know—no you don’t! It was amazing! I rated this 4.5 stars. Can we also admire the cover of this book!? I mean, who doesn’t love a unicorn float!?

This book is a dual POV so there are lots of characters to get to know which you do along the way. In personally enjoy books written this way! This absolutely gave me reality show vibes and I was living for it all the way to the end. I could pick a few characters out that I felt I could related to which was great for me!!! I love being able to related to the characters of the books I’m reading.

I can’t wait to see what else Olivia comes up with next!!!! If you want to fun fast paced YA thriller this book should be your go-to!!! Snag a copy because in see this being a much talked about book of 2023.

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I loved the cover of this book and that made me want to give it a shot. This book was almost a DNF for me.l It was hard to keep track of all of the characters. I found myself having to go back and reread pages. Reading about teenage influencers just wasn’t interesting to me.
Thank you NetGalley, St. Martins Press and Olivia Worley for the ARC!

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I have so many thoughts about People to Follow but I'm unsure how to articulate them all. I think this is YA (the word yeet is used twice), but I'm not totally sure. Interesting premise (popular influencers are isolated on an island under the premise of filming a reality tv show until they lose all communication and tragedy occurs), geared heavily to the social media generation, and I had to keep reading to see how it ended. It's definitely not something I could blanket recommend, probably only for young millennials, gen z, and after. I always think it's a missed opportunity when books specifically reference social media accounts but don't start the account.

Thanks to NetGalley for a free ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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A solid YA thriller! Olivia Worley’s debut novel is clever, current and completely addicting! A cast of really unlikeable characters drive the story of ten teen influencers sequestered on a secluded, private island to participate in a reality show, IRL. Things start to go wrong almost immediately. One cast mate falls from a balcony and dies. The cast mates start getting creepy messages on the ITL tracking watches. They all have secrets, how far will they go to keep them? People to Follow is aquick read, told from multiple POV. A brilliant modern day nod to Agatha Christie’s And Then There We’re None. I took one star off for the overuse of the word/words literal and literally.

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Thank you to Net Galley for this ARC. I was intrigued by the premise of this book. I love a good whodunnit and this book was a lot of fun. It kept be guessing right through to the end. I like a book where I am changing my thoughts on who is actually controlling things. I wish I could give this book a half rating as it's a solid 3.5. The area of the book that keep me from giving a higher review are around the dialogue. I kept forgetting that these characters were in the late teens and very early twenties. I felt that they acted a lot older than their age. Maybe it is because I am much older than that demographic now but they just seemed a lot more mature as characters than the ages they were supposed to be in the story.
Overall, I read this book quickly as I wanted to find out what was going on!

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WARNING: This book should be classified as a Young Adult Thriller. At 33 years old, I felt a bit "behind the times" with all of the acronyms (IRL, IMO, etc) and the newer influencer words. Some of the words I actually had to look up. Maybe the book could offer a glossary in the prologue or epilogue for anyone that didn't grow up Gen Z.

As 10 influencers descend onto a deserted island for a new Reality TV show where they give up their cellphones, social media and unplug, the 18–22-year-old kids come off as superficial and unrelatable. The twists and turns of the book were laid out well, I will say, some of my least favorite characters died first!

I think this will be a good read for late highschoolers, but it was just a bit too "hip" for me.

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10 influencers are going to be spending three weeks on a private island to unplug - and film a new reality show called IRL. When a body is found the first morning, everyone is suspicious of everyone and secrets start to be revealed.

This book was hard to start. I was interested in the concept because I love the closed door mystery troupe but getting 10 characters right off the bat was hard to keep track of. I went back and forth so many times at first I ended up making a note to keep them straight. This was also exasperated by multiple POVs that sounded the same.

It held my attention and some things I predicted, some things I did not. <spoiler> I honestly think there would have been more mystery and less confusion with less POVs. </spoiler>

Overall, it was a nice quick read. If you’re looking for a Gen Z thriller that discusses relevant issues with influencers, you should give this book a chance.

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The premise is really cool and right up my alley, but the actual writing fell flat for me. I stopped at 8% on this one.

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for the ARC.

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I first saw this book on social media and was intrigued by the cover. Then, i read the description and it fit right in with my current thriller-ish mood, so I was very excited to get to read this book. Each chapter being dedicated to a different character is always a hit or miss concept for me, but this was done so well in this book; it wasn’t the SAME story told over and over by different characters (which sometimes can be interesting and helpful, but sometimes drags.). I loved how it felt current with ideas mimicking the Hype House, Dance Moms, and TikTok creator drama, but distanced itself from the real world with… well… the fact that something like this isn’t likely to actually happen. I had a lot of fun reading this and trying to figure out who was the ‘Sponsor’ and what each character was hiding.
The only thing I wish we saw more of was a flashback to how Corinne and Kira got on the same page. I feel like that could’ve enhanced the book that much more. Overall, I really liked the concept, characters, and end of this book.

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Very much enjoyed this quick thrilled! While none of the characters were particularly likable, their story was fun to follow. Additionally, the twist surprised me! I can see readers enjoying this piece.

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A group of ten influencers join together to live in a house for a few weeks for a new reality show called IRL. Tiktok stars, Instagram thirst monsters, YouTube sensations, and Twitch streamers all under one roof without cell phones- what could go wrong? Turns out, everything. As the influencers start to get targeted about secrets that they’re keeping by their ‘Sponsor’, they end up getting publicly cancelled and wind up dead. Told in multiple POVs, you have no clue which among them is the killer.
I cannot get over how much I enjoyed this! The premise, the writing, and the twists in the plot were all premium. As a millennial, some of the dialogue was very Gen Z, but it was authentic to the characters. It was also fun trying to differentiate who each of the influencers was based off in real life.
⌛️Favorite Moment⌛️
My favorite moments were in the beginning when everyone did think it was a real show and they were all hanging together and bickering. I think this book could have gone a different way too, where the show was real and they actually competed, and it would have been cool to read as well!
🎉 Theme Ideas 🎉
Their first night there, they have a huge taco night meal. Shredded pork, tortillas, guacamole, and lots of alcohol! As time goes on though and no one is there to bring them food, they survive solely off of pop tarts.

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Page turner!

10 influencers are brought to a remote island to live screen-free for 2 weeks. What starts out as a dream, quickly ends in a nightmare when dead bodies start piling up.

This book was definitely a fast paced read that I finished in a day. The plot and characters were underdeveloped, but it still had me racing to finish.

3.5 stars for me! Thanks to NetGalley and St. Martin’s for the ARC!

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