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I enjoyed reading book one The Gatekeeper.
Deadlock by James Byrne is book two in Dez Limerick series is engaging and filled with intrigue.
An action thriller with non-stop action, intrigue and an unputdownable story.
I enjoyed James Byrne’s descriptive writing style and his well written characters.
Deadlock is a fast-paced and entertaining read that hooked almost immediately.
This book was extremely well written and perfectly paced with characters that just leapt off the page’s!! The characters were all strong, realistic and worked perfectly for this storyline.
The descriptions were vivid leaving me wanting more.
I really hope that their is more to come from this series because I’m loving it.

"I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own."

Thank You NetGalley and Minotaur Books for your generosity and gifting me a copy of this amazing eARC!

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A great read. Slip down the rabbit hole. Just beware there is no going back. The Gatekeeper locks the door and the reader is in for a wild ride. I just discovered Mr. Byrne has another book called The Gatekeeper. I am heading to get it. I received a free copy of this book for an honest review.

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Thank you to NetGalley for the digital ARC of Deadlock. First, I did not realize that this was a sequel, so it took me a little longer to get to the review because of course I have to go back and read the first one. This is a very action filled thriller with a smart a$$ Dez Limerick who is really interested in doing the right thing for the people he cares for. I enjoyed the fact that Dez does not need anything other than a ball bearing or marble to take care of business. He will finish his business. Looking forward to what I am sure will be another Dez Limerick book.... and possibly an offshoot of another character. No giveaways here!

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Thriller lovers rejoice! This one has it all.

Deadlock drops us in the middle of a morally gray zone with an unforgettable anti-hero.

Dez Limerick is my new favorite male protagonist. I love his imperfections, his personality, and his loyalty. And, of course, he’s a total badass!

Pacing is quick, but Dez never seems to rush. He has an easy manner that lets me relax into the book, even when the plot has me on edge.

Deadlock is the second book in the series. While we have a few references to incidents in The Gatekeeper, book one, the plots stand on their own, with solid endings, and each can be read as a stand-alone. But definitely read The Gatekeeper, because it’s way too good to miss!

Now do I really have to wait until next year for book 3? I want more Dez!

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My Thoughts:

I was psyched when Minotaur Books reached out about the second Dez Limerick novel! Last summer, I wrote this about The Gatekeeper:

"This is what I like in a summer read – nonstop action, banter, entertaining main characters, over the top fighting scenes, a few laughs thrown in, and a plot that is easy enough to follow without burning all the brain cells trying to keep up. Plausible, nah, but entertaining as heck – 100%."

I can’t agree with myself more and actually found Deadlock to be an even better read. I liked the plot more and Dez is an extremely likeable character. This book was another wild ride and just everything I want in a summer thriller!


Most of what I think can be summarized by saying: this is everything I want in a summer thriller. Some characters from book one make guest appearances and provide some continuity to the storyline, although these can totally be read as standalones.

Between the character stories and the action things are happening nonstop. I flew through this book and even though it’s not out until August I had wanted to check it out asap!

The stakes are high and Dez is back with his bag of tricks. He starts out just trying to protect his friend and ends up stumbling into an international conspiracy that of course, he is in a unique position to stop. With some help from MI6 and the U.S. Marshalls. Overall it was exciting and easy to follow: AKA a perfect summer read.

It has some darker elements too as we got some history of Dez and his soldiering days. He’s funny with this happy go lucky persona, but Byrne didn’t let us forget that the guy tends to leave a wake of corpses behind and some are innocent.

Brits trying to make sense of America (and vice versa) was another fun element. I stopped trying to we understand them too. Plus all the American carbs ha ha it’s true. Like you know while reading that it is an American author but he’s spot on sometimes.

Totally recommend for fans of action books that don’t take themselves too seriously. I learned a lot looking up words and phrases as I went so I felt like I got something educational out of it too.

The surprising end sets the tone for book three – like what! I can’t wait until hopefully next year when it comes out. I have a feeling that I’ll be reading this series for as many books as Byrne writes

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This book was much more involved and complex than I had expected. I had not read the first book in the series (though I have since bought a copy and done so), so I was unfamiliar with Desmond (Dez) Aloysius Limerick. Dez is a gatekeeper— he is adept at opening doors (physical or virtual), keeping them open, and controlling who enters and exits. In the process, he has collected a very eclectic set of associates, maybe even “friends”, whose talents and/or resources will prove valuable. He has spent recent months wandering the US, focusing more on his guitar skills than gatekeeping. He has befriended a talented young musician named Raziah Swann, and when she calls him and says her sister, Laleh, is in trouble, he goes to Portland, Oregon to help out.

Laleh is a reporter who is writing a story about the murder of a guy who was conducting a routine audit of Clockjack Solutions, a technology company whose app is all the rage among young adults. Its first game changer app monitored the flow of federal funds second by second and gave users/taxpayers the ability to direct some of their taxes towards the programs/agencies they liked and away from those they don’t like. However, the mathematical genius behind the app has gained access to more of the government’s computer systems, information and secrets than anyone realizes. The leaders of Clockjack Solutions, which has seen two of its four founders replaced in the past year, have a much grander and more nefarious scheme planned, well hidden by all the good things the company does for the world. The auditor stumbled upon information he was not supposed to find, and the villains don’t know how much Laleh has been told or figured out. They were also not counting on Dez, who will wreck their plans in ways they couldn’t possibly foresee.

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This is the second book in the series featuring Desmond Aloysius Limerick 'Dez' but the first I have read.

Dez has been asked by his friend Raziah Swann to help her sister who has been attacked while investigating the death of a fellow journalist, he goes to Oregon and ends up taking on a technology company where all is not what it seems.......

Great characters, interesting story, could not put it down, highly recommended and look forward to the next one,

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Dez Aloysius Limerick is a Gatekeeper, a highly trained soldier trained to open doors and keep doors open, now retired. His skills involve both high tech and low tech solutions, subterfuge, humour, hacking and outhinking his enemies. This second book about Dez takes off from where the first one ended, finding Dez traveling to Portland Oregon after a friend contacts him regarding her sister and the danger she's in. He finds himself investigating suspicious activities in a high tech computer and telecom company and facing a growing parade of highly trained mercenary terrorists while trying to keep the two women safe. I found the middle of this book to slow down somewhat but the last 1/3 quickly became riveting as the action increased and the many uncertainties in the plot slowly came together. It is an exciting and satisfying read. Although it can stand alone well the first book by Byrne about Dez Limerick is also a great read and would help to build the character's back story and leads well into this novel. The novel ends with a great hook for the next chapter of the GateKeeper. Highly recommended.

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Deadlock is an action thriller, with the addition of humor throughout the story. Dez’s adventures made me want to keep turning pages in this exilerating story. It offers quite a few surprises along with its heart-pounding action. What an entertaining read this was! Deadlock was action packed, suspenseful, and a great story all in one. I love it!! I highly recommend it! I was fortunate to receive this novel from Netgalley as an Advance Reader Copy in exchange for an honest review.

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(3). I was anxiously awaiting this book. I thought The Gatekeeper was the best new mystery/thriller book out last year. At the very least, Dez was the best new protagonist. A slight sophomore slump here, but Dez is still so wonderful that you cannot help keep turning the pages. It will be interesting to see what Byrne does with this franchise. I look forward to the next one. Good stuff.

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Thank you to NetGalley, the author, and St. Martin’s Press/Minotaur Books for granting me an advance copy of this book in return for my honest opinions.

Having not read book one in this series, book two was hard to follow. The series is best read in order to get the best out of this series. I did , however enjoy this book, but am sure it would have been more enjoyable had I first read book one.

The book is an exciting fast past thriller. The characters are exceptionally done. I loved the descriptions and the plot was creative and exceptional.

Everything about this book is exceptionally done.


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Desmond Aloysius Limerick, or Dez for short, is, by far, my favorite fictional character. He’s full of life, funny and very good at his job. He’s a Gatekeeper, meaning he can open any door, control who enters and exits, and he keeps that door open until everyone who went in also comes out. But he’s much more than that. He’s the unlikely hero, he’s an accomplished hacker, he’s basically a superhero.

Raziah calls her old friend, Dez, to help protect her sister, Laleh, who has been attacked for no apparent reason. Laleh is a low-level journalist who wrote an innocuous article about a tech company called Clockjack. As it turns out, Dez discovers that Clockjack is up to no good. Dez is a loyal friend and won’t stop investigating, even with threat to life and limb, until his friends are safe.

Deadlock is a great mix of humor and action with some clever plot twists. I hope there are more to come in this series. Easily a 5 star read. Thank you, NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for the ARC.

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Dez Limerick is a “Gatekeeper,” a highly trained operative with an expertise in breaching any type of entry and keeping it open. He’s very, very good at it. Now retired, he decides to freelance one more case when a friend calls him asking for his help. As the truth emerges and the enormity of this case becomes clear, Dez plies all of his amazing and imaginative skills to take on a literal army of bad guys. He wrecks havoc in the most creative ways, thoroughly enjoying his work. And the reader enjoys it too! I love this character, who first appeared in Byrne’s book, The Gatekeeper. Dez is a resourceful, (mostly) proper Englishman with a devious sense of humor, and a big heart. This is one fun read. Loved it!

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Dez Limerick returns in Deadlock, the second book in the series. Dez is a gatekeeper, someone who opens the door and keeps them open for highly dangerous missions.
After his last mission he gets a call from Raziah Swann, her sister has been attacked. He goes to Portland to help. And boy does he ever.
Dez does just that. He uses all his skills and knowledge to take down the bad guys. He stays one step ahead of everyone.
The book has a lot of humor along with Dez using his gatekeeper and fighting skills. I am looking forward to the next one in the series. The end of the book hints at another one -- It will be fun to read. I recommend this book.

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Dez Limerick is British ex-military or mercenary, known as a gatekeeper, now retired in Southern California. One of his friends calls him for help and when he arrives he finds more than a simple attack. Dez is humble but wants to protect his friends. Deadlock is a fast paced thriller, I am looking forward to more books in this series.
Thank you to NetGalley for my review copy of this book.

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With a name like Desmond Aloysius Limerick you know the character has a bit to live up to - and he does. My first encounter with the author and his gatekeeper. The work is action packed with a few laughs thrown in. Will definately check out the first book in the series and keep a watch for more to come.

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James Byrne did it again with his second book in the Dez Limerick Series. I was so excited when I saw this was available to read, I did not look to see if it was an audiobook or a regular kindle book. I just bought it. Turned out it was a regular kindle book. I missed the great voice acting done in the audio version, but it was still worth the read. I tried to mimic their work, but I definitely need some work with my British and Scottish accents. Anyway, I digress.

Deadlock is about Desmond Aloysius a gatekeeper, that knows how to open all doors, keep them open and how to handle events while keeping the gates open until his team arrives out safe. Dez receives a call from Raziah Swann, he occasionally plays guitar in her band. Raziah and her sister Laleh are in trouble. This phone call comes at perfect timing as he just completed a job overseas with MI6 and the CIA. He arrives in Portland and is ready to do anything and everything to save Raziah and her sister. This time he is up against a corporation that seems to have unlimited resources. Deadlock is another great adventure. What lengths will Dez go through to save the Swann Sisters?

I loved the characters in this book. James Byrne does an excellent job describing all of the characters. The plot was exceptional and had me wanting more. I know there will be more books and again I plan to run and get the book. The Desmond Limerick series is a great mix of espionage, thriller, and comedy. I can never get enough of Dez and his relationship with Raziah, as well as all of the other characters he interacts with.

I definitely recommend this book. I will buy the next book without even thinking. Or any book from this author for that matter. Read this series just for the enjoyment of a mystery that is solved by a great Gatekeeper.

Thanks to NetGalley for providing me an advance copy. My review is my own opinion.

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Loved this! So involved, so convoluted, so gripping! James Byrne has given us a hero, though flawed, who tries to do right according to his personal moral code and Dez is a very likable character. He is someone that can be counted on to do what he says and give aid to his friends. I hope to see another book featuring Dez and his friends. I’m happy to thank #netgalley and #stmartinspress for the opportunity to read and review #deadlock for my honest review.

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Deadlock by James Byrne introduced me to my new favorite character Desmond Aloysius Limerick. His role of “gatekeeper” becomes clear as the story involving the world of high tech, spies, assassins and government agencies evolves. In a classic story of good versus evil, Des follows the clues through each action packed chapter leaving the reader wanting more. Hopefully there will be many more sequels to follow.

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Another fast paced adventure for Dex as he just goes to visit a friend.
I really enjoyed the plot building and the reveal of the ultimate plot by the "bad guys".
Another story full of action and a few laughs.

Can't wait to see what is next!

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