Member Reviews

Such a useful guide! If you are learning Hebrew this guide is very helpful but if you aren’t learning Hebrew currently this is also still helpful as you can learn these words and have an understanding when they are referenced in commentaries, sermons, ect. Overall I found this to be helpful as somebody currently learning Hebrew and would definitely recommend you check this out!

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This is a nice reference guide to 50 Hebrew Words Every Christian Should Know. There were some I knew and some I didn't but I enjoyed looking through this and feel like it would be a great addition to Bible study and to have tucked into your Bible for a quick look.

Thank you Netgalley for the opportunity to read and review. All opinions are my own.

Publication date: 6 June 2023

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This is basically a chart format containing 50 common Hebrew words. The first column is the English transliteration of the Hebrew word (listed in alphabetical order), how to pronounce it, and the word in Hebrew. The second column is a brief definition of the word. The third column is one verse where the word is used and under that are a few more Scripture references for the word that you can look up. The final column provides insights: basically a paragraph-long word study on how it's used in the Bible and related words that might provide deeper understanding. This isn't an in-depth study on these words or even devotional-style insights as it's too brief. But it is a beginning point for some word studies and a quick way to learn a bit more about these common words.

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Hebrew words we should use in daily life! A concise little guide to provide the reader with a quick look at 50 deeply meaningful Hebrew words. Words that we can apply to our own lives, in our scripture readings, devotion and study time, etc. Also contains pronunciations so that us average readers can sound it out!

Would make for a good little gift for someone in your life too.

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Fifty Hebrew Words Every Christian Should Know is a great way for the beginner word nerd to start their list. It’s filled with the English translation, and Hebrew spelling, the pronunciation, and definition, and provides a scripture with a short narrative of the meaning, giving the reader a well rounded perspective of the word. I confess, I was given an ARC of this book through Netgalley, by Tyndale House Publishers, but to review the book is of my own choice.

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Practical, clear and concise. 50 Hebrew Words Every Christian Should know is a pamphlet written in chart form depicting 50 words we may occasionally hear but not necessarily know. Well, now is our chance!

The chart contains the word, definition, scripture and insights. Some include the little-known Hesed, Kavod, Qara, Tov and Yad and more common YHWH, Sheol and Adonai.

What an incredible way to invite further thought and/or discussion into the heart of God! It really opened my eyes...sometimes we need that extra little push. Keep in mind this is a short reference pamphlet, not a book, an excellent brief outline.

My sincere thank you Tyndale House Publishers and NetGalley for providing me with a digital copy of this wonderful resource.

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So much of the original meaning of the words in the Bible goes missing because of translation. It was just WOW to know and understand the exact meaning of some of the words in the Bible!! I hope we will see some follow-up books with more of the words to unlock the Hebrew language for us.

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There are just the right number of words in this pamphlet/guide to study and understand. I thought the word choices were great and actual words we would want to know more about, not just random words. I liked how simple it was to find the word, read about it, and also relate it to the scriptures it was found in. This is good for anyone who likes studying the Bible on their own and is curious about the history of some of the Hebrew words found throughout scripture.

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This book is a good introduction to basic Biblical Hebrew as it gives the word, its' phonetic pronunciation, a definition of the word and scriptures that uses the word in context.
An example of one of these words is "Adam" the word is defined as meaning man and a proper name. The scripture mentions that God formed a man from dust and that God called him by his name, Adam.
However the word in Hebrew also has Nikud (Hebrew vowel pronunciation marks under the words which a beginner could not utilize.
Perhaps a link could be inserted that gives the pronunciation for each word as proper pronunciation of a language is important.

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At only 50 words, this is a very short pamphlet (14 pages) in a table format that has the word (with hebrew spelling and pronunciation guide), Definition, [Select] Scripture references and Insights (which was the best part of the table). I expected it to be short, but not quite this short. Most of the words made sense and I didn't know about half of them ... so as a reference this is actually pretty decent. Overall it was adequate.

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Quick and easy, this book is a great resource for 5o Hebrew words we should be familiar with as Christians. There are very clear explanations and even a pronunciation guide.

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We're often told that the English language doesn't have adequate words for some of the Hebrew words in the Bible so this would make a very good resource for getting into the nuances that English translations miss. However, it is far too short. Is there going to be a bigger volume with more Hebrew words? I really hope so!

5 stars from me, as long as I go into it knowing that it is a short 40-page booklet. Hoping for that bigger and more complete book.

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This is less of a book and more of a pamphlet. I didn’t find the layout very helpful when accessed digitally.

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Don't waste your time or money on 50 Hebrew Words Every Christian Should Know. The premise is inane, the translations are incomplete, and the transliterations are incorrect.

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A very useful guide to 50 Hebrew words. There are explanations and possible pronunciations. This is useful from a few different angles: each explanation expands your understanding of the word-concept taking you closer to what it meant rather than your modern conceptualisation.
I am learning Hebrew so it helps with my prayers to know these words. It's a little short - would rather 200 words than 50! Not sure I would have bought it at this length.

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The Old Testament is written originally in Hebrew while the New Testament is in Aramaic and Greek. Since then, there have been translations into many different languages for the masses. Not only is the Bible the bestselling book in the world, safe to say, but it is also the most translated book in the world. Those of us who have studied Hebrew would know that Hebrew and Greek are a lot more nuanced than the English language. In fact, Hebrew words like "hesed" and "lev" are not easily translated into English. The word has to be considered in the context of the passage, and the passage in the context of the way it is being used. Plus, there are grammatical considerations on how the word is used. While the ordinary layperson might not be expected to learn biblical Hebrew like seminarians, it is beneficial for them to know some. That is where this book comes in. The publisher has chosen 50 words to help us appreciate the beauty of biblical Hebrew. From "Adam" to "YHWH," "Shalom" to "Amen," this book comprises the words, followed by their definitions, where they are found in Scripture, and insights into the word from the way they are used in the Bible. Arranged in a table format, readers can reference each word with ease. The purpose of this book is to give the general readers an appreciation of the beauty of the Hebrew words used in the Bible. We learn how to spell and pronounce it with the help of transliteration. Arranged alphabetically according to the English alphabet, the words are arranged from A-Z, making it an easy reference for English speakers.

My Thoughts
Are the 50 words truly words that "every Christian" should know? Not really. If we really want to appreciate the Hebrew language, we need to learn the Hebrew alphabet first. This guide does not offer that basic requirement. So, readers will end up just reading off the transliteration rather than the Hebrew word per se. Knowing the Hebrew word entails knowing the alphabet. Plus, there are many other words in Hebrew that are not included in this reference. So this selection can be seen as merely a sampling of the Hebrew words used in the Old Testament. Hopefully, this could spur beginner readers on to study more words and perhaps learn more basic Hebrew. Even without a formal school, we can still learn from Hebrew resources on the Internet. Are these words really those that Christians "should know?" On the language level, that is debatable. However, I feel it is more of a "marketing rhetoric." Having said that, the merit of such pamphlets is to give readers a feel for the language. Not many Christians would have been to Bible School to study ancient biblical languages. With the many different translations, paraphrases, and well-regarded commentaries available to us, laypersons can get by without having to take any course in Hebrew or Greek. Some Bible schools do not even require the study of ancient languages for their degrees at all! So why should anyone want to know Hebrew? Answer: To know God better and to make Him known wider. Those who call themselves disciples of Christ will have a high motivation to study God's Word and to know more of God. They will be eager to go into the original languages to glimpse the impact on the original hearers. Unfortunately, that is not what is happening in the real world. In reality, many people who call themselves "Christians" do not even read the Bible, let alone study the original languages! They could let pastors and preachers do the heavy lifting of exegesis and hermeneutics while they could learn the necessary from the lectern. For that matter, they might not even want to consider picking up this book. So besides pastors, teachers, Bible school students, or any interested individuals, why should anyone else pick up this book? For general knowledge of course! This is another of Rose Publishing's popular pamphlet series. Containing theological information accompanied by illustrations and brilliant colours printed on glossy paper, it is a convenient resource to help us understand the words whenever we come across them during sermons or other talks. There is another group that might benefit from this resource. This is the group that has learned Hebrew in the past but has mostly forgotten the language.

This is a good resource to have. Perhaps, one might start a collection of other words and use the same framework provided in this book.

Rating: 4 stars of 5.

This book has been provided courtesy of Hendrickson Publishing Group and Tyndale House Publishing via NetGalley without requiring a positive review. All opinions offered above are mine unless otherwise stated or implied.

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Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for advance access to this publication.

These words and the included commentary add a depth of understanding to the study of the Bible. It is wonderful how much nuance is contained in the original Hebrew that we lose in translation. This group of words helps Christians to bridge that gap.

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This handy little guide by Rose Publishing is short, sweet, and to the point. If you already know some Hebrew, then this likely will not benefit you. But if, like me, you know no Hebrew at all, it is an easy way to get started learning the basics. Each page lists words in alphabetical order, with pronunciations, definitions and scripture references. The facing page has a short insight into how each word is used. It would make a perfect word study, maybe one word a week for a year, looking up the verses and marking them in your Bible. Print out the dozen or so e-pages, or purchase the booklet, and tuck in your Bible for easy access.
I recommend this product for what it is, if you could benefit from using as stated above. It was a bit difficult to be able to access the pdf. The publisher then did not allow printing, copy/paste, or highlighting, nor did they allow the document to be viewed with facing pages side-by-side, as it is meant to be read. I did not enjoy the experience of reviewing this item as much as I would have otherwise because of these issues. The document does state that the original purchaser is allowed to print for their own use. Hopefully the purchased e-book is much easier to download and navigate.
*I received a free copy of this e-book from NetGalley and Rose Publishing. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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