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Have You Seen Her

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This story is about 3 women from different places and different backgrounds.
The majority of the story is told from Cassie Peters point of view. She leaves her life in New York behind and doesn't want anyone to find her. Including her husband. She returns to her roots and joins a search and rescue team in Yosemite, quickly old patterns and old memories resurface. While there she meets Petal, a young girl with much older partner and Jada who is on a cross country road trip with her boyfriend.
Soon everything and everyone from Cassie's past starts to catch up to her.
This book was fast paced, suspenseful, lots of twists and turns and an ending I DID NOT see coming. Loved it!!

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This was such a fun read full of a lot of twists. The storytelling was phenomenal and kept me on the edge of my seat until the very last page. I haven’t read any of her other books but this has turned me into a fan and I can’t wait to read more.

Parts of this story reminded me of the Gabby Petito case from a couple years ago. Which made everything feel a lot more real and scary than just a book.

Sometimes multiple POV’s and time jumps make reading a book confusing. But it was done so well in this book that it didn’t get confusing at all. It helped that the 3 POVs were all a different style. Cassie’s is a standard book pov, Petal’s is told through diary entries and Jada’s is told through her instagram posts. This helped to not get confused at who we were following. It also helped that McKenzie gave each of them such a unique voice. I think even if they were all told in the standard POV style I would have been able to pick them out.

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Thank you to Netgalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

I kept trying to stick with this because reviews said it would get better, but 50% of the way in and I’m still struggling with the book. The Petal chapters are the best, which is unfortunate since they’re a page or two. I love dual timeline books, but this one felt confusing - I’m not really sure why it does, maybe it’s not marked clearly and largely enough on the chapters? I noticed other reviews mentioned struggling with that too so it didn’t seem to just be me there. I can’t really say how this book was because I had a hard time piecing together the plot and following along, unfortunately.

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I have just finished reading "Have You Seen Her" by Catherine McKenzie. Thank you to NetGalley and Atria Books for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.
Cassie Peters is escaping an abusive husband and leaves New York for the quiet of Mammoth California where she joins a Search and Rescue Team at Yosemite Park. She used to do this job 10 years prior but left when a search and rescue operation that she was involved in went wrong. Throughout the book Cassie is very guarded and private. She is tortured by her past experience and by the possibility that her husband may find her. Through her job, she meets Jada and Petal who have their own storied background with secrets of their own. The story hops between present (where Cassie has possibly killed someone) and past (where we find out how Cassie got to Mammoth and how she is dealing with being on her own). The ending brings all three women together in what seems to be a bit of a far fetched plot and sequence of events. The story also got a little political, commenting on media bias.
All in all, it was a pretty good book. What I liked about it was the way the story weaved between past and present and also having the perspective of both Cassie and Petal, made the plot more interesting.I liked the characters although they were a bit flat at times.
What I didn't like about the book was the far-fetched ending. Without giving too much away, I thought the big reveal at the end came out of nowhere. I felt like I had to suspend disbelief to accept who the three women were connected.
I do like this author. She keeps you turning the pages...that is for sure. She created an interesting plot line and did an excellent job of establishing a beautiful setting.
Happy Reading!

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This book was UNPUTDOWNABLE.

This was my first Catherine McKenzie books, but definitely won't be my last. I was enthralled the entire time, and never figured out where it was going until the reveals were there. The characters were all so intriguing and seeing them all interact throughout really brought the story together.

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This is a book I recommend for a long plane ride. As once you pick it up, you won't put it down until finished. There were multiple twists and vividly drawn characters. As a bonus I didn't see that ending coming. At. All. 4 enthusiastic stars Thank you Atria books and NetGalley for this ARC

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Read this book if you love a book with some great twisty-twists! I received an advanced copy of this great book in exchange for my honest review; thank you #netgalley!

With that said, the book for me took a few chapters to get me to the “can’t put this down” stage, but once it hooked me, I was hooked and finished it in one sitting on my day off!

Just when I thought I had it figured out, I was quickly proven otherwise.

I recommend this book! Add it to your TBR list!

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I enjoyed this book. It’s a good page turning thriller that had good character development. There were definitely twists and turns I didn’t see coming.

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I’ve read almost all of McKenzies books, the murder game was my top book of hers, i think this is my favorite so far and the cover really drew me in. Loved the sinister ending.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Atria Books for the ARC of Have You Seen Her for my honest review.

I thoroughly enjoyed this thriller. It was a mysterious and different atmospheric setting in the National Parks. This book was told over past and present throughout chapters. I was easy to stay engaged. I recently had a few meh books and this book helped to pick up my reading pace again. There were a few twists that I did not see coming. 3.5 stars

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This is a must read! You won't regret it.
"Have You Seen Her" it's a page turning, brilliant, suspenseful, with so many twists that will keep you guessing until the end.
The story is captivating and explores the great Yosemite National Park.
Add to your TBR right now!
I really enjoyed this book!

Thank you NetGalley and Atria Books for this advanced digital copy for an exchange of a honest review.

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This one definitely started pretty slow and I didn't know what to expect. I spent the first half at least of the book wondering where it was going. But once it picked up around the last 1/3, 1/4 of the book it really packed a punch, and then a lot of the beginning made sense. The twist ending was really cool, and I'd read more by the author.

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I feel meh about this one, sadly. I’m a fan of McKenzie, but I just couldn’t connect with the characters in this one. The connections at the end all seemed a bit too convenient and the role of unreliable narrator wasn’t executed as well as I’d have hoped. Perhaps it was the setting that really threw me off; I don’t feel I understood everything with the park role as well as maybe I should have. Overall, not my cup of tea, but still a better thriller than most out there and solid writing.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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This is a lot of twisty good fun! It’s been a long while since I’ve been willing to trade sleep for a good book, but I pulled an all-nighter with this one. Wow, what a great thriller!

Cassie needed out of an abusive relationship and decided to return to her prior place of employment with the Search and Rescue Team in Yosemite, hoping that she could disappear for awhile. She ditched her phone so she couldn’t be tracked and blended into the wilderness, away from civilization. While there, two women disappear and Cassie’s team is tasked with finding them. Unfortunately, the team had no luck locating them, but her abusive husband is on her trail, so she must disappear too, or risk being found by him.

If you love a good thriller, you need to put this on your TBR list. I learned quite a bit about search and rescue in the wilderness, and also realized I never want to be a rock climber. This is without a doubt worthy of five stars. Thanks a bunch to NetGalley and Atria Books for the ARC.

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I’ve always been a fan of the mysteries that occur at our national parks. Using a past and present approach, this book takes the beauty (and power) of nature and the complexities of relationships and together they collide in the a most thrilling way. The mysteries had me guessing until the very end. A true “whodunnit” series of crimes - I promise you won’t see the ending twist coming! I will definitely be reading more by this author.

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I enjoyed this book immensely! As someone who lives in California and is familiar with Yosemite, I really enjoyed the setting of this book. I also really enjoyed the hiking/climbing/camping backdrop. The pacing of this book was also excellent - very suspenseful and a nice slow build mystery. I also felt like the main characters were well developed, though I would have liked to know a little more about Jada and Petal.

My only complain is that the ending felt a little abrupt. I didn’t entirely buy the “twist” at the end and I think maybe had Jada and Petal been given a more thorough backstory I would have been able to get on board with the ending a bit more. Overall though, a very fast-paced, enjoyable read!

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I loved Catherine McKenzie's last few books, so was very excited to get my hands on her new one early! This book did not let me down. I loved the Yosemite setting and learning more about the inner workings of the Search and Rescue (SAR) team there. I also loved the different perspectives, with Jada's social media posts and Petal's journal entries scattered throughout, and I thought the main characters were well developed. It's a bit of a slow burn, but I still sped through it to find out what happened. I guessed a couple of the more minor twists, but could not have predicted the last one! Ultimately, there were a few loose ends that I wish were resolved and the ending felt a little rushed, but I would definitely recommend this book when it comes out, and I can't wait to see what the author does next! Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC.

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3.5. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an e-ARC in exchange for my honest opinions.

Have You Seen Her is a psychological thriller set primarily in Yosemite National Park. It follows Cassie, returning to her hometown after 10 years in New York City in a seemingly unhappy marriage. Cassie rejoins Yosemite Search and Rescue, where she meets a cast of characters including Petal and Jada, two women who also seem to be caught up in problematic relationships.

The story is told in two timelines, then and now, in the same setting, which was sometimes difficult to keep straight. The story started off slow but when it picked up pace, it was hard to put down. I did not foresee the ending.

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What a great quick read! This book keeps your interest and has you turning pages as fast as you can. Catherine McKenzie. never disappoints!
Cassie is a person to went to NY to reinvent herself and meets her husband, Kevin. Then Cassie runs away from her life as it implies that Kevin is not as nice as she thought he was before they got married. She returns to her roots as a SAR for the summer. Here things start to really heat up. The book goes back and forth between the past and the present with just enough pieces of information that keep you turning the pages, because you want to know what happened or is going to happen.
This is a must read and make sure you have a few hours to read, you will want to finish it in one sitting!

Thank you NetGalley for the ARC in return for an honest review.

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I'm a recent fan of Catherine McKenzie, and she does it again in her latest, 'Have you seen her?' I just loved the two main female characters...despite their career as grifters! They are very resourceful. I can see Catalina Island from my home and appreciated this tale sent on a fictitious island nearby.

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