Cover Image: None of This Is True

None of This Is True

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This book got me out of a two month reading slump and I am so grateful! It caught my attention from the very first page and never let go.

First off, the story was woven together seamlessly (switching between differing POV’s and from podcast, to netflix documentary, to present day). And the pacing was top-notch. It was dark and gritty, with twists kept twisting!

And that ending?! Definitely left me questioning things, but I wasn’t unsatisfied in the least!

5/5 ⭐️ I have a feeling this will be in my top 10 books this year— and it’s only March!

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Thank you to the publishers at Atria and Netgalley for my e-ARC of None of This is True!

📺 love to watch Netflix
🎧 enjoy true crime podcasts
👤 like unreliable narrators
👀 know there are always two sides to every story


Alix and Josie meet at a pub during their shared 45th birthday, and thus is born Hi! I’m Your Birthday Twin on Netflix.


Josie and Alix are strangers, until Josie happens to see another woman celebrating her 45th birthday at the same pub. Following her into the bathroom, she exclaims, “Hi! I’m your birthday twin!” Most people would then move on from there, but Josie becomes obsessed with Alix and discovers she’s a podcast host. That’s when Josie formulates a plan. She befriends Alix and they start on a new podcast together. But Josie doesn’t seem to be telling Alix the whole truth, and when it comes out, it’ll be too late.


This was such an amazing story! The delivery was impeccable, and I loved the format style - podcasts and a Netflix Original Series. I think this book would be perfect as a true Netflix movie or show. The twists were so perfect and unexpected, especially the last one. Fans of true crime podcasts will eat this one up!

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I am crazy in love with this psychological thriller! WOW…I wanted to call in sick to work just to read this….I love podcasts and Netflix and crazy people so I loved this book! Best Lisa Jewel book yet!!! Thank you!

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Lisa Jewell...How do i love thee...OMG! Can she write anything other than a 5 star read!!! You must read this to learn the captivating, and creepy, story of the Birthday Twins.

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Awesome story and even better characters! Really enjoyed Lisa’s latest and it may even be my favorite to date. The ending is purposefully vague/confusing and well reflective of the title.
I am still thinking out what I know to be true—if anything?!!

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-Lisa Jewell has a way of drawing the reader in wanting to know what is going on with these people! This was dark, psychological thriller that delivers in an unconventional way. It weaves in podcast interviews throughout the story of the two main women, dropping little bread crumbs as well as when visiting each perspective there's always something left for the reader to ultimately discover when it all comes together.
Two women who happened to both be born on the same day, same year, same hospital, living not all that far from each other "coincidentally" meet at the same restaurant. It was happenstance that they were both there, but the more conventional of the two, Josie, made it a point to "bump" into the other, Alix, and then to make it happened again. Alix runs a podcast and Josie feels she would be a perfect subject for Alix to interview. And so it begins, as Josie tells tales of horror, abuse, and out of control children, continually luring Alix into her dark secrets. What is really going on in that house?! Until, she disappears, along with Alix's husband...and Alix has to wonder how to this happen, what is true and what is a lie
The reader will be captivated also wanting to know Josie dark secrets and what is exactly going on in that house! This was read that kept my interest as I wanted to know what this Kook was up did take me a hot second to get used to the interwoven podcast interviews but it ultimately added to the story -4.5 stars
Thank you Netgallery and Atria books!

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And Lisa Jewell is back!!! Oh my God!! What did I even just read??! I could not put this book down, it was like a bad train wreck that I couldn’t take my eyes off of. I had no idea what was going on, but I knew everyone wasn’t who they said they were and there were a lot of secrets that needed to be uncovered. I couldn’t read fast enough, to try to put this twisted, completely screwed up puzzle together! My head was spinning and I couldn’t stop asking questions aloud, for anyone that would listen. I have always been a huge fan of Jewell’s books, so I immediately bumped this up to read when I got my digital ARC, The characters are so deeply layered and complex! The multiple POVs were nice to get some insight on the different characters, but only ended up getting me more twisted! Nobody does thrillers like Jewell and this one is exceptional! I also found the author’s note at the end so intriguing, as she said she couldn’t write this fast enough, I felt a feverish rush to read this. Like I could feel her emotions from writing the novel! This one will be a huge hit this summer!

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I am a huge Lisa Jewell fan and I literally screamed when I was approved to read and review NONE OF THIS IS TRUE.

Once I started reading, I knew I was in for a wild ride. I legit ignored my household chores, text messages, my family, everything around me to read it. I was completely and utterly immersed in the story from beginning to end.

Lisa Jewell is a masterful storyteller and this is her best yet. I was completely drawn into the stories of Alix and Josie and their toxic friendship. Josie is one of those characters that gets under your skin and she’s the perfect unreliable narrator. I’m kind of over the podcast themes in books but it was well done in this story and as those chapters were revealed, I felt like they were real and I was actually watching a Netflix series. I went slightly crazy trying to figure out what was real and what wasn’t, my head was constantly spinning. Be prepared to have your mind blown!

Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for my e-ARC.

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I am a FAN! After reading the first few chapters, I found myself hooked on this riveting psychological thriller. There are unreliable characters and shocking twists in this podcast meets Netflix documentary written thriller. The ending is not what I was expecting but it was a blend of everything I like in a psychological type thriller.

I do not want to reveal to much as this isn’t coming out until August but don’t walk run to get your hands on this one!

(I have a PomChi so I will never stop being obsessed with Fred the 🐶 LOL)

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One of Lisa Jewell's best I've read yet. I was trying to guess who was actually telling the truth through the whole book. It was kind of a giveaway that one of the stories wasn't true, with that title, but I couldn't figure it out until the end. Great plot line and compelling characters and creepy premise. Great read!

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If you are a part of a book club - mark this book done now!! I was on edge for a lot of this book! and the ending is so good yet so frustrating at the same time haha It would be an awesome book to read with a group and discuss after.

This book tells the story of a very troubled family, mainly Denim Deb and in the end you have to decide who to believe!

I have thought about this book a lot and honestly i am still not sure who to believe!!

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Lisa Jewell is always a must read for me! I was so excited to start this one and couldn't put it down once I started it! I was sucked right in from the beginning and hung on tight for every twist and turn. If you are a true crime junkie you will love this one!

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A new Lisa Jewell novel is always a reason to celebrate! Her latest did not disappoint and was devoured in 2 days. Although this novel does not feature as much of Jewel’s trademark character development and family dynamics as some of her previous novels, it more than makes up for that in the fast paced story and suspenseful plot twists. I really enjoyed the clever use of the podcast/documentary formats in the story which provided a variety of points of view on the clearly disturbed main character. While this is not a mystery, as it is fairly easy to see what is going to happen, the suspense lies in the clever way Jewell builds toward the conclusion and the obstiseness of some of the characters along the way.

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This book will suck you in immediately and you will not want to do anything but read! A thriller that has my heart pumping! If you like mystery/thrilled with wild twists I highly recommend this book!! No one can too Lisa Jewell when it comes to thrillers!!

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This book was written for the true crime girlies.
I had no idea what to expect and whew, what a thriller it was.
There’s a podcast. A documentary. And multiple crimes. I enjoyed it SO much!!

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Lisa Jewell does it again, I couldn’t put this book down. I LOVED Alix’s character, even Josie for a while. I’m still left scratching my head and wondering what exactly IS the truth!?

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Josie and Alix meet in a pub on their shared 45th birthday. Alix is beautiful and charismatic and surrounded by a boisterous group of equally glamorous friends. Josie is frumpy, clad in denim, and celebrating with only her much, MUCH older husband. When Alix agrees to make Josie the subject of her next podcast, Josie inserts herself into Alix’s life with devastating consequences.

This book was WILD. I couldn’t put it down. Tons of twists and surprises and dark, complex characters. I loved it. The podcast/Netflix documentary sections were especially well, and there wasn’t a dull moment. This is the best book I’ve read by Jewell - existing fans will lose their minds and new readers are in for a treat.

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This psychological thriller by Lisa Jewell is about secrets and obsession. Beautiful and sophisticated Alex Sumner has a popular podcast that is coming to an end. She also shares a birthday with dark and secretive Josie Fair. After briefly meeting a restaurant, Josie approaches Alix with a new podcast idea. Going against Alix’s gut feeling that something isn’t right with Josie, she agrees to start this new podcast centering the life story Josie has to tell. While this book kept my interest and had a spectacular ending, I did not like either of the main characters. Other than that this was another enjoyable mystery/thriller from Lisa Jewell.

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Wonderfully well written. Great story line, I read it in one long sitting. Could not put it down. Recommend to all. Especially Lisa Jewell fans

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I’m speechless after reading this bone-chilling, dark, twisty, mind-bending thriller, one of Lisa Jewel's best works.

After reading a few pages, you find yourself drawn into a riveting psychological thriller with unreliable characters, shocking revelations in podcast meets documentary blending in the narration of incidents by hours and dates. It starts slow but the sinister feeling tingles beneath your neck, warning you bad things are about to come and sooner all hell breaks loose. So many red flags appear in your vision as you keep flipping the pages. In the second half, things get escalated! You barely hold your screams as more tragic events follow each other. It’s like listening to a concerto slowly raise its tempo and as you reach the ending, you hear the crescendo: that’s the moment the earth-shattering revelation squeezes your heart, and you barely breathe!

I have so many words for the ending that is not enough to express my feelings. It’s heartbreaking, shocking, eerie, unsettling, and disturbing!

The storyline revolves around two women who share the same birthday, was born in the same city, and hospital, and chose the same place to celebrate their 45th birthday. One of them is Alix Summers; a famous podcaster promoting aspiring women who take their second chances in life to achieve bigger things. The other woman is Josie Fair, married with her husband two times older than her, mother of 2 daughters in her twenties, and a teen mother, who is unsatisfied with her life and her unaccomplished dreams.
On the other hand, Alix lives in her dream house, happily married, with two young children. Her husband’s late benders start to damage their marriage. She wants a distraction not to confront her problems.
Josie is adamant about involving in Alix’s life, creating coincidences to bump into her around her children’s schoolyard. When Josie starts to tell her about her traumatic life, Alix thinks she already found the distraction she needed. Using Josie’s story who wants to make imminent changes in her life may attract her audience’s attention.
But Josie seems like more than telling her story, lurking around Alix’s house, trying to be part of her life, and criticizing her marriage.
The things Josie confesses during the podcast recording scare the living daylights of Alix. Is Josie a survivor of years-long abuse, neglect, and traumatic experiences? Could Alix help her birth twin for setting her free from her torturous life?
Or did she invite trouble into her own house by accepting to make this podcast?
When Josie knocks on her door in the middle of the night, Alix realizes things can get more out of control and nothing as it seems.

Overall, it’s one of the stories that stay with you for years, still giving you goosebumps at each time you remember the characters and main events. It took my breath away! I think I’m not going to get peaceful sleep for a long time. The birthday twins’ story may haunt me forever! Dear Lisa Jewel perfectly achieved rock my world again!

I am giving my highly deserved five stars to this mind-numbing, complex, highly sinister, perfectly developed, and executed novel!

Special thanks to NetGalley and Atria Books for sharing this brilliant novel of digital copy in exchange for my honest thoughts.

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