Member Reviews

A tender retelling of Little Red Riding Hood, “Cloak of Scarlet” is the fifth book in the Derricott Tales series. The Baron has taken everything he can from the villagers and now it is time to stop him. Enter Violet, a young woman who decides to stand up to the injustices playing out in her village. However, her courage will come with a price. Sir Merek, a knight for the King returns to serve the Baron after being imprisoned for a crime he did not commit. He meets Violet who accuses him of being a thief. Merek is confused as to what is happening in the village. When things go horribly wrong, Merek and Violet will need to decide if they can work together and be able to survive what is to come. A tale of chivalry, romance, and courage, Ms. Dickerson has written another fantastic novel within a well-known fairy tale. Thank you to NetGalley and Thomas-Nelson for the ARC of this book. All opinions within this review are my own.

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Loved!! Now I need to go back and read the rest of the books. I am hooked. Melanie Dickerson books really reel you in for a great story. So glad other books are in the series.

received a complimentary copy of this book from NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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When I first got this book, I didn’t realize that it was part of a larger series. But the good news is that you can read them out of order, as they work as stand alone novels. This was such a good book. It was just the perfect mix of everything I love in a fantasy- a perfect blend of realism and unique storytelling. This is a unique retelling of Little Red Riding Hood set in the middle ages. Violet always thought she was just an average girl. She’s completely content with her quiet life in her small medieval town. Her grandmother gifted her a beautiful red cloak that is her most treasured possession. When Violet learns that her grandmother has been robbed by Baron Dunham she becomes determined to end the baron’s mistreatment of her grandmother and the rest of the people in her village. In her quest she meets Sir Merek a knight in the service of the Baron who has pledged his life to defend the weak and defeat injustice. After some convincing, Sir Merek sees the deplorable behavior of the Baron and vows to aid Violet in bringing the Baron down. Of course the two fall hopelessly in love with each other while working together to end the Baron’s rule. This was such a satisfying story. It definitely felt like a “cozy romance” to me, because that’s just the feeling I got from the story and the world it is set in. The book is amazingly well-written, and the world is carefully crafted in great detail. I loved the dynamic between Merek and Violet, I was immediately rooting for them to get together. After reading this one, I will definitely be going back to read the other books in this series. I would absolutely recommend this book, but I especially recommend it if you enjoy- fairytale retellings, fantasies set in the middle ages, clean romances, well-written and well-built worlds, and characters that seem to come off the pages they are so real.

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Cloak of Scarlet is a medieval romance novel written by Melanie Dickerson.

It is book five in the Dericott series, but it is not necessary to have read the other books in order to read this one. I do recommend reading the first book though, as it does give quite a bit of the family history.

Summary: Violet is content with her rural life-until she discovers the local baron and his goons have robbed her grandmother. In fact, they have been robbing all of the local townspeople, and Violet is determined to stop them.

Knight Sir Merek has been recently assigned to Baron Dunham, but when he discovers the baron’s misdeeds, he is shocked. Can Merek notify the king before the baron has him killed?

My Thoughts: This book was OK. I do like the series overall. It’s fun to read about what happens to each of the siblings.

And, I do like all of the spunk Violet has in doing the right thing. The relationship between her and her grandmother is pretty wonderful.

The book is fine, but just not a favorite.

If you like books set in medieval times, you would probably enjoy it.

For me, it was more of a one-time read.

I would like to thank Thomas Nelson for providing me with a free digital copy of this book in exchange for my review. Thank you.

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I seriously considered not finishing this and still feel like it was a waste of time that I did. This book had so much potential but it did not live up to it. This entire series has been such a let down for what Melanie Dickerson is capable.

*I received a complimentary copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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This tale from Melanie Dickerson was one I enjoyed as my Christmas tradition. I have the book in print as well. It was a cozy fun read written for YA readers, but enjoyed by adults as well.

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In Cloak of Scarlet, Melanie Dickerson continues with her medieval retelling of fairy tales. This book is a combination of the 6 Swans and Red riding Hood. I loved this story, Violet and Sir Merek were both strong characters. The story was sweet and I really enjoyed the way their love and faith grew along with the story. I love the fact that Ms. Dickerson can take the magic out of the story but still tell a great tale.

I recommend you brew some tea and curl up in front of a fireplace for a fun read.

I was given a copy of Cloak of Scarlet with no expectations. All thoughts are my own.

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Cloak of Scarlet is one of the stronger entries in Melanie Dickerson’s The Dericott Tales.
Violet Lambton knows she was adopted but knows nothing of her birthparents. She lives in a small medieval town with her adoptive parents not far from her grandmother. On her latest visit to her grandmother, Violet learns that the Baron has been illegally taking taxes from the poor and widowed. Armed with her wits, bravery, and faith, Violet plans to ensure the king hears about this. Her only ally is Sir Merek, a knight in the service of Baron Duhas. He has pledged to the king and takes the ideal of fighting injustice and defending the weak seriously. Can they secure victory, or will they find their demise at the hands of the Baron?
The Dericott Tales are like the Hallmark movies of medieval stories; you know there will be tragedies and triumphs, romance, and a happy ending. Dickerson also includes faith and Christianity as a motivation for all her characters. Usually, this is well-balanced, but this book is a little heavy-handed and the faith elements aren’t always perfectly natural. This is a common complaint I have with a lot of Christian fiction; I feel like the authors often try to see how many times they can write “God.” (I am Christian by the way, so they say a lot about how I feel about this.)
What sets apart Dickerson’s stories, including this one, is that they feature strong women in a time when they aren’t allowed to be. Violet is punished for that strongness as she would have been in the time. I also like that Dickerson places these characters in a t time where religion especially doesn’t like strong women. Her fiction brings today’s faith into the past where Violet is seen as a strong woman of faith by her knight, her family, and those she interacts with (minus the scandalous villain of course).
I have read three of the five published tales, each taking some inspiration from fairy tales (Cloak of Scarlet is easy to guess). This has been my favorite from a writing standpoint. I thought the action was balanced with exposition. I liked the characters, and this story had a twist that took me by surprise.
Cloak of Scarlet is a great addition to the series as this is an exciting, but comforting read.

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This loose "Little Red Riding Hood" retelling is a sweet historical YA romance. Protagonist Violet lives with her adopted family, and enjoys her visits to her grandmother a short distance away. After one such visit, she is dismayed to learn that the local baron, Baron Dunham, has been sending his men out to rob the people, including her grandmother, of what little they have. Violet is determined to right this wrong. When word of Violet's intentions reaches the Baron, he sends his new knight, Sir Merek, to bring Violet to the castle. Sir Merek has true knightly morals and pledges to assist Violet in uncovering the truth and notifying the king. However, the Baron has all the power here, and it will not be easy to overcome, especially after a life changing secret is revealed to Violet. With a little faith and love, anything is possible though.

I have not read any of the other "Dericott Tales", but I did thoroughly enjoy this one. I'm always a fan of fairy tale retellings. I enjoyed the sweet clean romance between Violet and Sir Merek. There's a clear message about the power of faith as well. I also loved Violet's relationship with her grandmother. There is a nice mixture of suspense and romance. An enjoyable read with characters who are brave and strong in their beliefs.

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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Another amazing book by Melanie. I’ve loved this series. She does such a great job retelling these classical stories and throwing in twists of faith that are not strong but just the right amount. Melanie can do no wrong!

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In this story set in the 1300’s, we meet Violet, who was adopted and loved to visit her grandmother in her red cloak.

Violet's grandmother is then robbed by the villain, Baron Dunham.

Violet finds herself in the middle of an action packed story and will do anything to stop the Baron from mistreating her people and stealing from them.
We see Sir Merek come in to the picture, who is a knight of the Baron. But upon meeting Violet, he discovers what the Baron has been doing and just how evil he really is.

Sir Merek and Violet work together to stop him, while getting to know one another along the way.

It’s a cute spin on Little Red Riding Hood and I really loved the main characters.

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Another great book by Melanie Dickerson. I really enjoy the fairytale retellings. It was fun to read this Little Red Riding Hood retelling. I enjoyed the adventure and suspense as well as the romance. Loving this series and can't wait for more..

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This Book in the Dericott Tale Series Was Very Entertaining!

Violet like “Mazy” in the last book is also an incredibly strong and courageous woman! I didn’t realize this was a retelling of Little Red Riding Hood until I finally was clued in on the Red Cloak and going to see Grandma.

The romance between Violet and Sir Merek started with a zing. As with the other books you will dislike some of the characters and hope they don’t accomplish much. What is a fairy tale without a villain or two?

Melanie Dickerson knows how to weave a story that will make you feel all the feelings. Mad, happy, sad, shocked, astonished, afraid… and more. I can’t wait for her next book coming in Feb 2024!

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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An intriguing tale based on Little Red Riding Hood, with suspense filled action and romance. I loved the main characters
Many thanks to Thomas Nelson Fiction and to Netgalley for providing me with a galley in exchange for my honest opinion.

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I'm usually the kind of reader who goes fast enough that the writing style of something won't bother me, but I couldn't get over it in this one. The writing reminded me of when people do joke videos mocking the stilted, awkward style of some older movies.

If I needed to teach a class on why the principle "show, don't tell," matters, I would read them the first chapter of this book. Nothing happens for a while. We just listen to Violet's thoughts about everything we're supposed to know about her and the world.

The characters are insufferable. Everything is very black and white. The main characters have very simple development and very simple goals. Violet's whole purpose in life is to be a good daughter and marry a good guy. I don't have a problem a character who wants to find love and be a good person except for the fact that those things are ALL there is to her character! There's no complex motives or thoughts or actions. Disney characters like Cinderella and Snow White who modern critics pan for not having enough character have more personality to them than Violet does. Dickerson doesn't ever tell us anything else about the characters, but she's painfully frequently reminding us of the same two or three traits a character has in case we'd forgotten them since the last time she mentioned them a chapter ago. Again, not showing them. Telling us the characters have them. And I guess we needed to be reminded because chances are that nothing has happened in the plot since the last time we heard about a character's one or two traits.

This book was as boring and flat as its characters. I've liked a few of Dickerson's other books but this one just wasn't for me. I really wish the book had been anywhere near as good as the absolutely gorgeous cover.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the review copy in exchange for my honest opinion. My opinions are my own.

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Another wonderful book by Melanie Dickerson. I loved the retelling of “Little Red Riding Hood”. I loved how Sir Merek and Violet had to come together to fight against the Baron and to do the right thing. I also loved seeing how brave they both were and how much they cared for other people. I also loved the unexpected revelations in this story and how that set things up. I really enjoyed reading this book and have enjoyed this series of stories.

I received a complimentary book from publishers, publicists, and or authors.  A review was not required and all opinions and ideas expressed are my own.

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Cloak of Scarlet
By Melanie Dickerson

Young Adult Fairytale Romance, Christian Romance, Historical Fiction, Fantasy, Medieval Fairytales

Favorite Quotes:
“Do as you wish, my dear, and don’t let anyone tell you that love is not important. Love is everything.”

“Please don’t worry mother, God is holding me–and you–in the palm of his hand.”

"I learned three things, that most problems work themselves out, that most of what we worry about never comes to pass, and that God is trustworthy. He is working all things for our good even when we don't see it or understand it."

Cloak of Scarlet is a medieval retelling of the infamous “Little Red Riding Hood”. Violet is a young woman who loves her grandmother. Violet visits her grandmother often and is always found wearing her red cloak. She loves to read and is often found with a book in her hand. She is an excellent baker as well. Violet is a devoted young woman who loves her family, however, she longs to find true love. Sir Merek is an honest and honorable knight who works for the evil Baron Dunham. Together, Sir Merek and Violet join forces to defend their townspeople and take down the evil Baron. This proves to be a dangerous mission, will they both survive or will they die finding justice for their people.

This novel is part of Melanie Dickerson’s Dericott Tale Series (Book 5) of stand alone fairy tales. This is an excellent story for book clubs to discuss and fall in love with. Melanie Dickerson has been a favorite author of mine for years. Her talent of recreating and weaving fairytales is like none other. She keeps her stories clean, which allows for younger readers to enjoy her retellings. I loved her Hagenheim books, however, this is the first book in the Dericott Series I have read. I quickly fell in love with the rich plotline, the grace of Violet’s character, the bravery of Sir Merek, and the chivalry, which is hard to find in our modern day world.

Thank you to Melanie Dickerson, Thomas Nelson Publishing, HarperCollins Christian Publishing, and Netgalley for the Advanced Readers Copy for free. I am leaving this review voluntarily.


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This has been my favorite of Melanie's books that I've read in a while and I think it's because it's A Little Red Riding Hood retelling and I don't think we have enough of those.

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This retelling of the Little Red Riding Hood story is intriguing. The story’s main components are present, along with a few unexpected twists that produce an original situation. This tale takes place in the late 1300s England. Readers first meet Violet, who was on her way to her adopted grandmother’s house, wearing a red cloak with a basket of baked goods, books and a heart filled with hope and love.

Baron Dunham, a figure who resembles the big bad wolf, robs Violet's grandmother. Violet is determined to learn if this has happened to anyone else. She quickly discovers that in addition to being pillaged, people had also been treated horribly and in some cases even killed. She was courageous enough to face up to Sir Merek, a baron's knight. Who finds it difficult to believe the Baron would do such awful things.

Sir Merek and Violet embark on a mission to find evidence of these wrongdoings to present to the king. They needed to stop this wicked man. Sir Merek and Violet encounter a few unexpected things that drastically change their quest for justice.

This is an exciting tale with well-rounded characters, lots of action, twists and turns, and a sweet wholesome romance given that this courageous young woman will stop at nothing to protect her loved ones and her community.

If you like fairytales and retelling of them with likeable characters to root for you’ll like this novel.

Disclosure Material Connection: I requested and received a copy of this book from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

Nora St. Laurent
TBCN Where Book Fun Begins!
The Book Club Network blog

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Oh how I truly love a good knight in shining armor story! This one was soooo good! I am still basking in the characters and the descriptions of all things medieval!

Thank you to NetGalley for this review copy, all opinions are my own!

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