Member Reviews

Summer and Leo are women who have become like sisters. Both have unhappy pasts. Summer has no idea who she is or any thing about her family. Her mother left her alone at 15. She is a thief and master pickpocket. Leo left home after a family tragedy. Summer finds her and teaches her tricks and the two are devoted to each other. One night Leo disappears. It is up to Summer to find her.
Lots of twists. How can you disappear on an island? How can events become tangled?

Thank you NetGalley for this ARC. It should be a summer hit!

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This is the story of Summer and Leo, two young women who are sisters by choice. Each one tells her past and present story in her own words. They also take care of each other. When the novel starts they have been living together for a few years. Their home is the back end of an SUV. Summer, when she was 17, was abandoned by her Mother, who had raised her completely off the grid with no birth information, no surname and no education. She learned to support her self by picking pockets. Leo, when she was a teenager, lost her older sister, a freshman in college, when she was murdered. Leo’s family quickly disintegrated and she took off. When Leo and Summer met, Leo was living on the street and Summer took her in to live in the back of the SUV. They supported themselves by picking pockets and, in Leo’s case, dating and stealing from older men who enjoy the company of 20 something young women. I will not go further into the story because of spoilers but will say it kept me up way later than I planned to read. What happens to them in the present is gripping. Thanks to Net Galley and Bantam Books for an ARC for an honest review.

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Wow! I really enjoyed this thriller! Thrillers have bored me to tears lately but this one has such a unique plot. I couldn’t put it down. I loved Summer and Leo’s friendship. The back and forth POV was superbly well done. Summer was approximately a day ahead of Leo at all times and it really made for an interesting read.

Thanks to netgalley, Random House, and the author for the arc! I’ll be reading more by her for sure.

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Absolutely fantastic plot! Could not put the book down once I began reading it. Cannot wait for it to be released. Will recommend it to everyone I know!

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I loved this book for so many reasons. First, as other reviewers have noted, it's fast-paced from the beginning, and only gets better. I often struggle with multiple perspectives — especially when time jumps are involved — but this is an example of how it is done effectively and in a way that makes every single chapter entrancing. I love anything in the scam genre, but I was unexpectedly moved by how Summer and Leo's love for each other became the main theme. It really added an additional, and essential, layer to this story. While some of the plot lines could have used more explanation or context, overall I LOVED this book and cannot wait to read what the author does next.

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This book was so fast paced - I started it in the afternoon and read straight through until midnight, skipping dinner without realizing it. Definitely a page turning thriller! I will say that some parts felt a little unrealistic and the twist was predictable, but it still sucked me in. Haven’t read a book this fast in awhile! Thanks to NetGalley, Wendy Heard, and the publisher for the widget of You Can Trust Me!

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this was such a good thriller novel, it does what I was hoping for from the description. The characters were wonderfully done and I loved the tense atmosphere going on in this. Wendy Heard has a great writing style and I couldn't put the book down. I'm glad I got to read this and look forward to more from Wendy Heard.

"I look at the fake stars, and fondness wells up inside me, tainted with worry as I remember our conversation last night. When I met Leo, she was a twenty-year-old runaway, having spent years in shelters and on friends’ couches. She could never get her act together enough to organize a life. Like me, she couldn’t tolerate sitting still, settling down."

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Very fast paced! I thoroughly enjoyed this. I really liked to dual POVs and time jumps. The ending felt a little drawn out and the twist was predictable, but it was still a very creative plot and it was a quick page turner, I read this in a day.

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This is a one sitting thriller! I was immediately pulled in and next thing I knew I was reading the last page. You will get lost in this story of survival and found family. I loved reading Summer’s and Leo’s POVs equally - there was the perfect balance and the time jumps to their past were well timed with just the right amount of information. Highly recommend this story about the power of female friendships!

Thank you to NetGalley and Random House Publishing Group - Ballantine for the e-arc in exchange for an honest review.

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