Member Reviews

This is the story is about two best friends, Summer and Leo, who have made a life for themselves in this world. They use their skills as con artists to pay the bills and enjoy the freedom that comes with that. They travel and live as carefree as possible. Sounds ideal, eh? Well, things don't always go smoothly.

This was a fun book that is a perfect beach read. It was a simple mystery with a great setting that was easy to read.. I found the story to be pretty basic, and the characters came off as one note. The plot was kind of all over the place, but I still enjoyed it. There just wasn't a whole lot of substance or surprise that would have made the story interesting. But overall an okay read.

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Good unique story but I just had trouble getting into this one. It was a fun and twisty thrillers revolving around a group of friends. I just couldn’t connect with them.

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I really liked this book, it was a fast-paced and readable thriller about two very good friends who are con artists and make their way through life conning rich men. One of them ends up conning the wrong man and is lost on his private island while the other is desperate to find her and makes her way the island and begins a search. I really enjoyed the writing and twists and turns.

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This is closer to three and a half stars but I’m rounding up because it was mostly enjoyable.
Two women, who make careers out of scamming people, find themselves on the receiving end when they each accept invitations to an exclusive island for a weekend getaway.
I don’t know if the climax was supposed to be a big reveal, but it was clear to see where the story was going very early on and got a little melodramatic, but overall, pretty solid.
Thanks to #netgalley and #bantampublishing for this #arc of #youcantrustme in exchange for an honest review.

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What a great summer ride! Part White Lotus part claustrophobic stranded island thriller, this book had me addicted!

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Best thriller that I have read so far this year! Fast pace, very entertaining through and through…

You can trust me follows Leo and Summer. Two free spirited women dedicating their time to the art of con.

Summer learned about picking pockets at the age of 8 while growing up in unconventional conditions with her mother and her ever changing list of boyfriends.

Leo grew up in what seemed like a loving home. After her sisters death Leo ventured off on her own which was when she met Summer and they began her con life. Leo is good with men and the rich are her targets.

After a liked Instagram post Leo’s next target becomes billionaire Michael. Michael takes Leo to his island from where Leo doesn’t come back from. In a panic her friend Summer finds a way to get to Michael’s island to go find Leo. But when Summer arrives she finds to trace of Leo or signs that she has been there.

Thank you to NetGalley and Random House Publishing for my complementary copy of “You Can Trust Me”.

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A thriller centered on two young women from difficult pasts who survive by picking pockets and running low-level cons. The two have become family for each other and seem reasonably content with their nomadic lifestyle and poverty. Seeing a chance for a bigger payday, they target a tech gazillionaire and things take a turn.

This was a very suspenseful book with well-developed characters that I really cared about. Some aspects of the plot seemed a bit over the top but didn't detract much from my enjoyment. This would make a great movie!

Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for a free e-ARC of this book.

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I absolutely loved this book!! I couldn’t put it down.
I just loved all the characters. I highly recommend this book.

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You Can Trust Me by Wendy Heard is a fast paced thriller that was hard to put down. I look forward to reading more from this author.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read this ARC.

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You Can Trust Me by Wendy Heard was a surprise hit with me. I got an advanced ecopy from the publisher, but my expectations were average because of it being billed as YA as well as my disillusionment about female-duo-led novels lately. So many times lately, the author makes their strong female friendships end up becoming romantic relationships. It makes me so sad that truly strong female friendships are under-represented in books that I read. It is something I crave as a reader. Everyone wants a friend who will be by your side through all your youthful romances and heartbreaks. In this novel, Summer and Leo are broke, marginalized young women that, despite the odds against them, have found each other and rely on each other through their homeless, sometimes untrustworthy and illegal ways of surviving.

At the beginning of the novel, it looked like there was one big mystery: One of the two girls goes missing and the other one sets out to find her, whatever it takes, knowing no one else cares for her. But beyond figuring out that mystery, I was surprised by there being a whole other mystery uncovered that is tied to one of the two girls. Both mysteries are intriguing and both are satisfying in their plots and conclusions.

As I said in my first paragraph, I really loved the relationship between these two girls and how that plot played out from start to finish. I would recommend You Can Trust Me to all my thriller/mystery-loving friends, but I would hesitate to recommend it to actual young adults as the themes are a bit mature and heavy...speaking as a mother.

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You Can Trust Me
Author: Wendy Heard

I requested a digital advanced readers copy from NetGalley and Random House Publishing and providing my opinion voluntarily and unbiased.

Synopsis: Summer and Leo would do anything for each other. Inspired by the way each has had to carve her place in a hostile and unforgiving world, and united by the call of the open road, they travel around sunny California in Summer's tricked-out Land Cruiser. It's not a glamorous life, but it gives them the freedom they crave from the painful pasts they've left behind. But even free spirits have bills to pay. Luckily, Summer is a skilled pickpocket, a small-time thief, and a con artist--and Leo, determined to pay her own way, has learned a trick or two.

Eager for a big score, Leo catches in her crosshairs Michael Forrester, a self-made billionaire and philanthropist. When her charm wins him over, Leo is rewarded with an invitation to his private island off the California coastline for a night of fabulous excess. She eagerly anticipates returning with photos that can be sold to the paparazzi, jewelry that can be liquidated, and endless stories to share with Summer.

Instead, Leo disappears.

On her own for the first time in years, Summer decides to infiltrate Michael's island and find out what really happened. But when she arrives, no one has seen Leo--she's not on the island as far as they know. Plus, there was only one way on the island--and no way off--for the coming days. Trapped in a scheme she helped initiate, could Summer have met her match?

My Thoughts: Summer and Leo are grifters and best friends for the last five years. They both have left tragic pasts behind. After Leo targets a self-made billionaire, and gets invited to his private island, she disappears. Summer, fearful for her friend, gets invited onto the island by one of the billionaire’s associates to find her friend. What entails is a dangerous cat and mouse game.

The story is narrated by Summer and Leo, in a dual narration with flashbacks to both of their past. Summer was fiercely independent and a free spirit, I fell in love with her voice immediately, and her character was created so dynamically. Leo, also a free spirit, leaned on Summer and was becoming bravely independent. They both came from a tragic past. The characters were well developed with depth, mystery, banter, and compassion. I loved the female friendship that emerged between Summer and Leo. The author’s writing style was complex, suspenseful, twisty, and brilliant. The author delivers the plot in twisty layers with excellent pace and flow.

I highly recommend picking up this book. It is gripping, compelling, and will keep you on your toes.

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For fans of White Lotus, this is a gripping thriller about con artists Summer and Leo. The two survive by conning wealthy men in California. What happens when Leo’s target is more than she anticipated? Join Summer in her search to find and save Leo from the billionaire target.

This book had me on the edge of my seat wondering who could be trusted. A well written book about chosen family and cons that will leave you unable to put it down until you know how it ends

Thanks to NetGalley and Random House Publishing for the ARC in exchange for a fair review.

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I have been in my thriller era and I was so happy I added "You can trust me" into my TBR. 
You Can Trust Me is a thriller about two con artists and follows them as they go on to con the wrong person! Summer is a mesmerizing main character whose story I found myself drawn in by and her counterpart Leo had a great background story, growing up on the streets and learning the art of conning people from Summer. 

The story is told in rotating POV's between Summer (headstrong) and Leo (her quieter friend). There are flashback scenes that tell you how each woman ended up where they are today. 
I found myself surprised by the twists and turns this book takes and I would highly recommend it to anyone who has been reading a lot of Fredia MacFadden books lately.

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"You Can Trust Me" was a good thriller. One of the major secrets is fairly obvious early on, but how it will be uncovered and the details behind it are still a surprise. The story has plenty of other surprises. Summer and Leo make a great pair, complementing each other well. It was amusing reading how they run their cons. It was also enjoyable reading the lengths they were willing to go to protect each other.

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You Can Trust me is the PERFECT beach read.

It's easy, fast, and straightforward.
The story involves two So Cal con artist grifters, Summer and Leo. Both women use the resources they have to make a living, whether that be manipulating men, pickpocketing, or identity theft.

That is, until Leo meets Michael Forrester, a self-made tech bilionaire and is quickly charmed by Leo and the two forge a romantic relationship. Leo is unsure if this will be the perfect con, or if Michael is actually looking for romance. When Leo disappears after a night with Michael, Summer decides she needs to find her friend and make sure she's safe.
Summer infiltrates Michael's lavish world and realizes that she may be in over her head.

4 stars for this book which is a great palate cleanser after reading something heavier.

Thanks to Ballantine and NetGalley for the ARC!

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Two con artists get caught-up in the web of murder with a billionaire on a remote island off the LA coast. The bulk of this story takes place in the present with alternating perspectives from the two female characters. We also get glimpses into each of the women's troubled upbringings.

You Can Trust Me is whirlwind of a read. This story is packed with tension, suspense, twists/turns and one creepy rich man. I was completely engrossed in this story and its conclusion.

This book is definitely a fresh take in the thriller genre.

Thank you Random House Publishing Group - Ballantine, Bantam for the complimentary copy.

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I love a book with dual POVs and timelines, and this has both! While the majority of the book is in present day, the flashbacks offer additional insight that keep the story interesting!

Two misfits are at the center of this fast-paced thriller. It’s different from other thrillers out there. It’s full of mystery, intrigue, and so many questions!

Be sure you pick this one up! Thank you to NetGalley & the publisher for the advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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This is a fun, fast paced story that is perfect to read at the beach or by the pool. I love a con artist story that is twisty throughout. Characters are well written and it had a few twists that I didn't see coming. Great summer thriller.

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I absolutely loved this book. It got me through a recent reading slump and through a tough time personally.

We meet Summer and Leo - two con artists who live off the grid (aka in Summer's car). Both come from tough backgrounds and have had to learn how to fend for themselves in life. Summer's specialty is pickpocketing, while Leo enjoys a longer and more immersive con, like getting a tech billionaire to fall in love with her and trust her so she can steal from her. Sounds easy enough. But things go wrong — very wrong, very quickly — and as a reader you begin to question who's conning who here?

I was never quite sure where this storyline was going but I couldn't wait to find out. Was Leo conning Michael (tech billionaire) or is he really conning her? Why? And what does Leo's dead sister have to do with it? So many questions. I couldn't get through the pages fast enough to find out.

Overall, I enjoyed this book and am excited to explore other titles by this author.

Thank you to NetGalley and Random House Publishing for an eARC of this book in exchange for an honest review!

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You Can Trust Me by Wendy Heard was a fabulous suspenseful novel! Great, loyal friendship mixed with dark experiences, mingling with a wealthy crowd, as well as uncovering a deviant murderer. Thrilling and engaging throughout! Thank you NetGalley, the author and publisher for the review copy. All opinions are my own.

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