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Plot Twist

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I ended up going into a huge reading slump and just got into reading again for 2024. This book is so cute, I really wish I did read it before it came out when I was approved for this arc. I love that Sophie takes time to learn what love is and puts what she writes in books into real life.

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Plot Twist was a sexy with a dash of sweet romance novel. It handles some hard hitting topics like familial issues, alcoholism, and a couple of other tropes.

Sophie and Dash are adorable, and the storyline is one that any authors dreams of. A spicy neighbor next door that helps you with some inspiration for your next smut novel that will undoubtedly be a success is right up there with the things that dreams are made of.

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Thank you to NetGalley, Canary Street Press, and Erin La Rosa for providing me with a digital copy of this book. This is my honest review.
While I initially loved the characters and the storyline, I felt myself growing more disillusioned the further I read. PSA to all romance authors: A whirlwind romance is not a cure for mental health or substance abuse struggles 🗣️

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Plot Twist by Erin La Rosa is a fun romantic comedy for fans of steamy romcoms. Perfect for fans of Ali Hazelwood or Nisha Sharma.

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I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to NetGalley and Erin La Rosa for providing me with an ARC copy of Plot Twist by Erin La Rosa in exchange for an honest review.

Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed the story. The premise was engaging and unique, capturing my interest from the very first chapter, which I was finding hard to find more recently. La Rosa's writing style is fluid and captivating, making it easy to get lost in the world she created. Her characters are well-developed and relatable, adding depth and authenticity to the narrative.

One aspect I particularly appreciated was the dialogue. It felt natural and dynamic, enhancing the interactions between characters and adding layers to their relationships. However, while the dialogue was generally endearing, <spoiler>I found the conversations during the spicy scenes a bit off for me. They tended to take me out of the story. Admittedly, I'm very particular about the dialogue in these moments, so this might not be an issue for other readers.

I also have a hard time with the one-bed trope within contemporary romances, but it was a bit tongue in cheek as she did mention that trope within the book, so I could get past it. </spoiler>

In summary, Plot Twist is a delightful read with a compelling premise, strong writing, and mostly great dialogue. Despite my minor qualms about certain scenes, I highly recommend this book to fans of contemporary romance looking for an engaging and enjoyable story. Thank you again to NetGalley and Erin La Rosa for the opportunity to read and review this wonderful book.

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Sophie Lyon’s first novel was a hit, but as a romance novelist it may not have been wise for her to tell the world she’s never been in love. With an upcoming deadline and no words flowing onto the page, Sophie decides to visit each of her exes to see why she’s never fallen in love and to document it for her followers. She reconnects with one ex and thinks maybe there’s a chance to rekindle something.

Dash Montrose, Sophie’s landlord and her best friend’s brother offers to help her with her social media. He doesn’t tell her that he has a social media presence as an anonymous online crafter nor that he’s a recovering alcoholic.

Is it possible that they are able to help each other out and be the support that the other needs?

I enjoyed this novel as it was a fun, easy read. I will be recommending it to others.

Thank you to NetGalley and Harlequin Trade Publishing and Canary Street Press for allowing me to read an ARC of this book. #NetGalley #PlotTwist

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Best friends brother + Grumpy x Sunshine

A cute, sexy romance with a twist! I liked that this book incorporated real, raw life issues.
Struggling writer Sophie and ex-actor Dash dealing with sobriety, come together in this story.

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This one pleasantly surprised me! It was the best ratio of earnest, sweet, and spicy. I think the pacing was done well, and given the trope, I would say done especially well. I would absolutely read more from this author and serie!

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I’m afraid I did not look into this book enough before requesting a copy of it.
I did not read this, but I feel bad simply leaving it sit waiting for a review as those are the agreed upon terms.
Therefore I will give it as neutral a rating as possible, so as not to lie or degrade the authors work.

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"Plot Twist" by Erin La Rosa is a rollercoaster ride of wit, humor, and unexpected turns. La Rosa takes readers on a journey through the twists and turns of her own life, offering hilarious anecdotes and insightful reflections along the way. From navigating the challenges of adulthood to embracing the chaos of unexpected plot twists, La Rosa's storytelling is both relatable and refreshingly honest. With each page, she invites readers to laugh, cry, and ultimately, find comfort in the unpredictability of life. "Plot Twist" is a captivating memoir that reminds us to embrace the unexpected and find joy in the journey.

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Just ok - the premise was promising but it lacked a certain something. I liked the characters but thought it too slow moving and then too fast.

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I loved this one! It was unique and fun to read. I’m not a huge fan of the cartoon style cover art, but the writing itself is worth it.

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This book started off amazing for me. I really enjoyed the character's first chapter and their interactions. You could see the connection and tension between the two of them. The reason for picking up this book and my rating is more so on me than the author or the writing. I'm not usually someone who gravitates toward books centered around the use of social media. However, this book sounds like something I'd enjoy. Unfortunately it wasn't a favorite but has great protentional to be another reader's favorite!

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I loved following Sophie and her quest for falling in love. Dash was the perfect brooding bad boy with the biggest soft spot. This book checked all the boxes for me and I’m looking forward to more.

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This book was funny and charming, and also heartwarming. It reminded me a lot of Olivia Dade’s Spoiler Alert series because the MMC is an actor or a former actor in Dash’s case. I loved Dash and Sophie as individuals, they were both really strong characters and really developed motivations. La Rosa does a great job of making them both complex individuals. This didn’t completely translate into their relationship, they had a lot of chemistry but everything about their romance felt really rushed. For two people who’ve known each other for years through a mutual friend/family member their past connection is barely explored. We never find out how long they’ve actually known each other for example, but Sophie and Poppy's interactions make it seem like it's been a long time, especially because Sophie is the one who arranged for her to be Dash's tenet.

I also think Dash’s family issues were glossed over and dealt with too quickly. The book could have done with being a bit longer or having one or two fewer plot points. But overall this romance is fun and spicy! It's the second book in a series but you don't need to have read the first book to enjoy this one.

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**3.5-stars rounded up**

Sophie Lyon is a Romance author with a big problem: Writer's Block. After the great success of her first book, Sophie is truly struggling to get her second completed by the Publisher's deadline. There's so much pressure, and she just can't think of a way to finish it. Out at a karaoke bar one night, blowing off some steam, Sophie has too much to drink and has a breakdown with the mic in hand, confessing she's never been in love.

The unflattering moment is caught on camera and goes ridiculously viral. How can Sophie write Romance novels if she's never been in love?! It makes her look like a big fraud.

In an effort to get out ahead of it, and save her reputation, Sophie comes up with a plan to confess the truth on TikTok. Then she will meet up with all of her exes and talk to them about why their relationship didn't work out. First of all, great content. Secondly, Sophie is hoping that something in this process will help to break her Writer's Block, and bring her closer to finishing off her novel.

Dash Montrose is from a successful Hollywood family. He's a former teen heartthrob, who has since distanced himself from the limelight. Dash's sister, Poppy, is Sophie's best friend. Dash also happens to be Sophie's landlord. When he learns what Sophie is attempting to do, he offers to help her with her social media presence, as TikTok is a platform he is well-versed in. Of course, he doesn't tell her the reason he knows that platform so well is because he is a successful anonymous online crafter...

In fact, Dash has a lot of things he hides from the world and his family. The biggest being his struggles with alcoholism and the fact that he has been sober for the last 18-months. There's a lot of pressure within his Hollywood royal family, and he just tries to steer clear of stirring up any scandal. He lives a quiet life now, a bit of a recluse, and Sophie's energy is sure to shake that up.

Will Dash be able to handle helping with Sophie's exes project, while keeping a firm grip on his new found sobriety? It's definitely a risk.
Nevertheless, the two form an unlikely secret alliance. As they grow closer, feelings and attraction begin to come into play.

Plot Twist is a solid Romance story, which plays off a friends-with-benefits scenario. This is the 2nd-book in Erin La Rosa's <i>Hollywood</i> series, but you do not need to read Book 1 in order to read this one. These are companion novels and nothing will spoil Book 1 for you if you read this one first. The MC in this novel, Sophie, is the sister of the MC, Nina, from For Butter or Worse.

I do like Contemporary stories that follow fictional celebrities. I know not everyone is crazy about that, but I find their lives interesting. The different issues that arise when someone has a certain level of fame always feels engaging to me. Therefore, the Hollywood setting of these novels attracts me. I also enjoyed that Sophie was a author who was struggling. Her career wasn't painted with rose-colored glasses, and Dash's wasn't either.

This turned out to be heavier than I was expecting, so I would caution Readers, if you are looking for a light, fun read, this may not fit the bill for you. While it does have some fun, flirty elements, the issues, particularly that Dash is going through, are fairly heavily. Alcoholism and struggles in recovery aren't something to be taken lightly and feel like La Rosa does a good job of representing that here, as best as can be done in a Romance story. Because of the serious topics though, it does bring down the overall tone of the story.

If this makes sense. I'm not saying there is anything wrong with tackling serious topics in a Romance novel, I just want Readers to be aware prior to picking this up. Firstly, for the triggers, and secondly, just to rein in expectations. The cover looks so light and fluffy, I feel like it could lead to a mischaracterization of what this is all about.

I did enjoy learning about both Sophie and Dash's characters. Additionally, I liked them together, although it did feel a bit too instalove for me. I was very surprised at how quickly things escalated to a point where I felt like that had been communicating for 2-days and then were hopelessly smitten with one another.

I did enjoy this one a bit more than the first book, which is why I decided to round up my rating. I am a Reader who enjoys some serious topics brought into my Contemporaries, so that aspect worked for me. I also had fun watching Dash and Sophie work together on her exes project. They even go on a road trip where there ends up being a forced proximity element that was nice and sexy. There's definitely some steam in this. Not the exact type that I tend to go for, but it wasn't bad. I only cringed a couple of times. Depending on your kinks, it could end up working well for you.

Thank you to the publisher, Canary Street Press, for providing me with a copy to read and review. I was entertained. If there are more books released in The Hollywood Series. I would def check them out. I actually would love for Poppy to get her own installment!

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I loved this book and the plot twists. The main characters were so cute and this book was great. I would definitely recommend this to a friend.

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Plot Twist
By Erin La Rosa

This was a sweet romance that pulled on my heartstrings in every way! It did a wonderful job at mixing romance and sensitive subject matter like alcoholism and dysfunction families. The main female character has a pace maker which I loved, she is also living in a house that her childhood celebrity crush is owning. So her landlord is her celebrity crush but also the brother of her best friend… need I say more. The writing was perfecting done, the plot was great, the characters were complex but so sweet, so many tropes that I love.

This book has…
💕 LGBTQ+ themes
💕 Writer with writer’s block
💕 Actor that doesn’t want to act
💕 Complex family dynamics
💕 MMC is a teen heartthrob and her best friend’s brother
💕 Mental health rep

Romance: ❤️❤️❤️
Spice level: 🌶️🌶️
Plot points: 💥💥💥💥
Stars: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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Thank you for allowing me to read this book. I enjoyed the characters and their arcs, and found the plot interesting. I look forward to reading more from this author.

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3.5 stars. I generally enjoyed this book as a second installment of the Hollywood series by this author. I will preface this review with the fact that there are some trigger warnings for folks (alcoholism, rehab) - so make sure to check them out if you're interested in reading this book! I think that these topics were handled fairly well from my perspective, but I don't have a lot of experience to lean on, so it's possible that feedback from others may be different just based on their lived experiences.

Read this book if you enjoy:
> Hollywood / famous MMC
> Artistic expression
> Romance writer FMC
> Best friend's brother

These are very complex and layered main characters. I loved that the FMC is a romance writer - leaning into the plot line of romance plots, tropes and favorite authors was a lot of fun. Hollywood characters aren't necessarily my cup of tea most often - that backstory for the MMC was fine, but he also had a lot going on with the alcoholism and pottery. It felt like most of the story they were trying to stay away from each other and/or finding reasons to not be together which got a little tedious. There felt like there was some extra manufactured tension that didn't really have a place in the storyline at times.

I did appreciate how there was some maturity shown in a few areas of the storyline, but then on the flip side there were parts where the maturity level didn't seem to match the characters. Overall, this story was fine - the cameos/tie-ins to the characters from the previous book did give some additional continuity which I appreciated - but this story could also be read stand-alone if you haven't read the first book.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the eARC of this book to read and review. All thoughts are my own.

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