Member Reviews

thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review. I as slightly leery to begin reading when I saw a lot of not so great reviews of this book, but I was pleasantly surprised. I did not find myself agreeing with the negative reviews!
This was a sweet, quick read romance, with a little bit of spice and some really likable characters. I did find this book to be pretty realistic, unlike a lot of romance books.
There may be some triggers for readers, **cue a spoiler** the main character deals with substance abuse issues, relapses and enters rehab during the book.
I am still confused why the book is titled Plot Twist, because nothing really surprising happened.
3.5 stars, because I did like this book, and I think a lot of my friends would love this quick romance!

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thank you netgalley for this ARC
I was glad to accept it and it was a good palette cleanser because this flirty rom com is so different from that I usually read.
The romance between the two main characters is great, but I could of used some more pinning for one another.
It was a cute in that very contemporary way, and it did show recovery which a lot of people do struggle with. It showed how an author can struggle with writers block.
It just felt upbeat and the love story was just plain cute.

I think CUTE is in this review a few times but thats the best word I can use for it.

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Thanks to NetGalley and Harlequin Trade Publishing, Canary Street Press for an arc of this book. Below is my honest review.

Sophie is a romance writer whose first book was a success, however, she can’t manage to write her second. Writers block is her current nemesis. And, her lack of love life isn’t helping. If she doesn’t finish her second novel in six weeks, her publisher will drop her and take back the advance they gave her. Yes, the advance she already spent on food and shelter.

Dash lives next door, is a recovering alcoholic, and is Sophie’s landlord. His sister, Poppy, is Sophie’s best friend, too. Poppy sent Dash over to make sure Sophie knew a video of her went viral where she claimed love isn’t real. Nice look for a romance writer. Dash suggests she make a stitch (I learned something here…it is a response to a TikTok video, who knew?)

Sophie makes the video and … suggests she ask her exes what is wrong with her. Why did they break up? Is she lovable? Sophie writes best with a fleshed out plan and used her sisters love story for the overarching plot of her first novel. So, she is hoping to use these experiences reconnecting with exes to help cure her writers block while figuring her own stuff out.

Dash’s father and brother are famous actors. Dash tried … but doesn’t want to act anymore. His family, especially his momager, isn’t having it. To make matters worse, Dash needs to write a speech to present his dad with a star on the Hollywood walk of fame. Dash is not a writer … but he knows one that offered to help.

Will Sophie write her book? Will Dash be pushed back to acting? Will Sophie believe in love again?

Okay, so imho the last 25% of this book was much stronger than the start. I’m giving 3 stars for the first 50%, with gradual improvement until it reaches 5 stars for the last 25%. I’m giving it 4 stars overall.

This book has all the tropes. Every. Last. One. Well, maybe not that many but a lot. If you do not like tropes, stay far away. If you do? This book is made for you.

It took a while to connect with the characters, which is key for me. Once I did, my enjoyment skyrocketed. The witty banter between the leads was my favorite part. I absolutely hated Kitty but her character made complete sense in context. Dash’s father is a bit of an enigma. Richard the squirrel was the hit of the book for me.

CW: alcoholism, unsupportive family.

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This was such a nice refreshing read, it was fun and it also portrayed some topics that may be triggering for some people. It also has almost everything that us hopeless romantics & romcom lovers-love 😂 Forced proximity, one bed, best friend’s brother, friends with benefits, and so much more… I am recently loving dual POV’s and this one was great to learn about both of the main characters. It definitely has a couple of plot twists!

I loved how Sophie is a writer but it’s different from other writers of books I have read. I loved how Dash unlike other book boyfriends has a different passion/work which is pottery.

Don’t miss the chance to add this one to your TBR list!

Thank you Netgalley and Harlequin Trade Publishing for the opportunity to read this eARC in exchange of an honest review! ❤️

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This book was adorable! Sophie and Dash are such unique characters that each have their own hurdles to overcome before they see possibilities with one another. The slow burn, creative solution and awkward moments kept me captivated and turning the page. Solid reading selection and one I could see made into a movie.
I received this book from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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First and foremost, I feel I should lead with the opinion that this book needs to be included in a LGBTQ+ category. Like it or not, Sophie is part of that community, and it should be noted as such. Frankly, I would not have chosen this book had I known this ahead of time. It’s not my thing, and I certainly can’t relate to it. I wouldn’t necessarily expect a reader who is part of that community to read a romance about two straight characters and find the story relatable. This situation definitely knocked my overall experience, and therefore my review, down a peg.

That aside, while the story has the appearance of a good flow, it still felt choppy. I wish I could offer constructive criticism here, but I’m not sure why. It seemed as though the characters were thrown into situations and it worked because it HAD to. The whole thing was very tropey, which La Rosa even acknowledges as part of the story, but not in a good way. There is also the whole T!ȼk T0ȼk thing, which felt highly unnecessary. There are so many other ways that could’ve been done.

It wasn’t a bad story, but I’m glad I was granted the opportunity to read this for free, because I’d definitely have buyer’s remorse. Would I recommend this to a friend? Meh. Probably not.

Thank you to NetGalley, Canary Street Press, and Harlequin Trade Publishing for granting me permission to read this ARC.

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Thanks to NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.
Love a HEA!! Really enjoyed this one! The characters were likable and interesting. For me it was not a book that breaks you, but I appreciated it for what it was. Some scenes were 🔥🔥 but I missed an emotional pull.

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I loved the flawed characters and the chemistry - there was FAR too much smirking but the sex scenes were A+. I didn't know smirking was my hill to die on but it's the second book that it's so noticeable, it drove me crazy. Twice on the same page? Love absolutely everything else.

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Not my typical romance read (usually prefer dark romance) but this may have sent down a new bookworm hole. I loved the twists and turns, character development between Sophie and Dash. With an imperfect love story, Plot Twist really captured the truth about love: it’s perfectly imperfect. This book had me hooked and I couldn’t put it down. Heartwarming and funny, just what I needed.

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Romance author Sophie has writer’s block. Her second novel is due in just a few weeks and she can’t quite figure out how to write the ending because she has never been in love. When’s video of her proclaiming she has never experienced love goes viral, she has a chance to gain more followers which should help her sell more books.
Her neighbor just so happens to be Sophie’s best friend’s brother. Dash, is a former child actor from a famous Hollywood family and all he wants to do is stay sober. He’s made it 18 months during which he has taken up posting his pottery videos on TikTok. But now his overbearing mother wants to push him back into the public eye and has demanded Dash give a speech for his father’s Walk of Fame induction.

When Sophie agrees to help Dash write his speech in exchange for TikTok advice, they can’t help but feel an attraction and agree to try friends with benefits arrangement. But do either of them really want to stay friends?

Sophie and Dash were relatable characters with big, real world problems. Plot Twist isn’t a fairytale, it’s a realistic look at how to find a happily ever through acceptance, trust and love. They aren’t perfect and they never will be but they are committed to trying to figure it all out. LaRosa expertly handled their very complex issues as well as their growth and this book is a beautiful exploration of how to have a mature relationship.

I did find the grand gesture at the end a little over the top and rushed. Also everyone was famous. There were so many famous characters it came to feel a bit unreal, which was unfortunate given the very real issues that were explored.

Thank you to NetGalley and Harlequin Trade Publishing for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

Things readers might like:
Tropes (so many tropes)
Best friend’s brother
Boy next door
Friends with benefits
Only one bed
Celebrity crush becomes real life
He falls first
Dual POV

CW: main character alcoholism, death of parent, dysfunctional family dynamics

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Dnf 50%

I really tried to like this book but it just wasn’t for me. First off, the entire book was filled with tropes. I enjoy a trope or two in romance novels but this was one trope to the next, so much so that there wasn’t much plot underneath. And the plot that was left was all over the place. Second, I just couldn’t connect with the characters. They didn’t seem fleshed out enough. Third, I felt like the characters hooked up too fast and that there wasn’t enough time for the tension to grow. There are more things about this book that I didn’t get into (such as why are most of the characters famous?) but the three reasons mentioned are the main reasons why I couldn’t finish the book. I only made it halfway since I was hoping it would get better, but it just wasn’t for me.

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Sophie is at risk of being a one-hit-wonder romance writer if she can't get past her writer's block by her deadline. Her landlord is her best-friend's brother, Dash, who is a former child-star from a Hollywood-dynasty-family trying to avoid the spotlight and any stressors as he secretly struggles with new-found sobriety. As they face their own battles, they are there for each other, and their acquaintanceship turns into friendship, which turns into something more that they're both afraid to face - but they can't stop being drawn into each other's orbit.

The chemistry between Sophie and Dash is fierce and fun. Their sexual attraction and interactions are scorching and satisfying. But those interactions can be easily eclipsed by their witty banter and genuine appreciation of who each other is as a person. They are each other's biggest fans and cheerleaders, which is a very wholesome dynamic.

The characters (friends and family included) are also imperfect, so they do hurt each other. The ways in which hurt and conflict is handled varies in detail, but each time one or both of the main characters communicates, learns, and grows.

Despite the end-game pairing being hetero-presenting, there is natural and casual inclusion of LGBTQ+ characters. Sophie is confirmed to be pansexual - which is nice representation to see! I always adore bisexual representation, but I haven't seen enough pansexual characters, so this was really refreshing.

The narration is a fun, casual third-person voice that took me a couple of pages to get into, but I feel is important to the tone of the story. There is a sense of light-heartedness amongst some serious issues that eases the reader through the storm and into the HEA.

Fans of contemporary and quirky romance stories will enjoy Plot Twist. It is tropes-galore.

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I expected this to be a typical rom-com and I am so pleasantly surprised that it actually went deeper.

Sophie has writer's block and can't get out of her head. Dash is from a famous family and he previously acted but chose a life away from the limelight after alcoholism took over his life.

Of course Sophie lives on his property and they aren't friends. She's best friends with his sister, Poppy (who is fantastic), but has no relationship with Dash. Until the day she does.

That's the main basis for the book but this author took it to another level and brought so much vulnerability and truth to both their stories I can't help but swoon a little. It's easy to write a love story and gloss over the hard stuff or ignore it entirely but Erin went there and I'm thrilled she did.

I think this book might open some eyes for readers who aren't aware they, or someone they love, might have a problem with alcohol. I've been sober for years, not because I had a problem but to make sure it didn't become one. Alcoholism is in my family, many generations now, and I've fought long and hard against it. The beast that alcoholism is can definitely be hard to fight but I hope people will see that it's worth it.

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I love when a romance author writes about a romance author and acknowledges typical romance book tropes. Which in and of itself, could be another trope. Anyway, in Plot Twist, author Erin La Rosa (who also wrote the adorable For Butter or Worse) does just that. This cute novel is light-hearted, but manages to touch on some complex issues and tricky family dynamics. It was easy to become invested in the main characters, and genuinely root for them. Overall, it’s a worthwhile way to spend a few hours!

Special thanks to Net Galley and Harlequin Publishing for sharing this digital reviewer copy in exchange for my honest thoughts.

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Such a cute story. Lots of tropes. I really enjoyed the ending. However I felt like it took awhile to get there. Character development was slow till the end. I would have liked a more slow burn with these characters because of where they were in life and would have been better when they finally did get together. I really liked Dash for all his flaws. The grand gesture at the end was so cute but felt rushed.

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Plot Twist is one where I have some mixed feelings about.
On one hand, I liked how the struggle with addiction and sobriety was portrayed. It was more realistic than most. The struggle wasn't glossed over, the happy ending didn't happen in seconds. It showed the constant struggle and slips.
Also, the steamy scenes were steamy in a more realistic way than what can often be found in romance books.
On the other hand, I felt like the characters were not very relatable. They're all these pretty rich Hollywood folks. Yes Sophie is struggling with her book, but she's still a published author with a famous sister and famous friends and famous love interest with a famous family... You get the point. However, I believe that's more of a "me" thing than a "book" thing, and overall it was a cute quick read.

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OMG! I was hooked by the cover and blurb and was hoping it would meet my expectations… it totally did! Loved the chemistry between Sophie and Dash and the way the author truly crafted a relationship that was natural and not too forced

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Could not put this one down, and really loved reading the personal journey that Dash and Sophie went on to eventually find each other. At times hilarious, and at others heartbreaking—I just found their love to be unique and powerful and I'll be thinking about these two for some time.

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this was so hyped and for what. it was filled with tropes and cringe worthy references (can authors please stop mentioned social media sites and whatnot PUH LEASE) and i honestly could’ve forgiven these if the romance was written decently and it just…was not

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This book surprised me. I did not expect to like it as much as I did, esp bc of the trope talk and pop culture references BUT it was done in a way that I really liked and it didn’t take me out of the book.

The characters (but mainly Sophie and Dash) were super relatable and easy to empathize with and their banter was *chefs kiss*. Especially as an “adult” who still sometimes doesn’t feel like an adult. Basically- I loved them individually and together.

I don’t always like dual povs, but this one was great. Their inner monologues weren’t too repetitive and at times were really funny. Sophie, especially, felt like a friend.

Thank you to netgalley and the publisher for this ARC!

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