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The Royal

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First the cover is great it reminds me of chad Michael Murray from “A Cinderella Story” which is hilarious because this is a Cinderella retelling. I loved all the characters and Cal is a prince trying to help with a favor. He then meets the girl he falls for but that’s all I’m saying no spoilers from me.

I love fairytale retelling sun the modern world and this was awesome and I really enjoyed it

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A wounded warrior and a woman escaping a bad situation put a new spin on the Cinderella story.

Juniper Rose lost her father when she was a teenager, and mistakenly put her trust in the care and guidance of her stepmother. As a result, her life slowly became that of an ill-treated drudge, cut off from any friends she once had and without any degrees, training or money to break away. Her stepmother and stepsister bully and belittle her constantly as they scheme to marry into royalty. June is finally ready to break free; she’s scimmed money from what has been doled out to her for groceries and now just needs to find the right time.

Cal Redmun was a Special Ops soldier; he was captured, tortured, and left with a body covered in scars until he and his team were finally freed from their captors. He also happens to be a member of a European royal family, far enough down on the line of succession that he won’t ever be king, but high enough that he is regularly called upon to participate in royal functions and, when asked, to help his family out when asked. He and the three other members of his military team, all now retired from service, are living and working in a small Maine town. Cal is ashamed of his horribly scarred body, and is happy to live a quiet life away from scrutiny, but when he is asked to help out a family member he isn’t able to refuse. A cousin has become involved with a young woman, a model and social media influencer-wannabe, who claims that she has a stalker and is begging the cousin to help her. She also just happens to be June’s stepsister. Cal’s cousin asks him to go check out the situation, and make sure that the stalker problem is solved. When Cal arrives, he quickly figures out that there probably is no stalker, it is just a ploy for attention. What he doesn’t know is that he, as a prince, is the target of the nasty, ambitious girl, who figures that if Meghan Markle can become a princess, then so should she. Her mother is right there with her, scheming along. They didn’t count on June catching Cal’s eye, and especially didn’t count on him assessing June’s living situation. Cal offers to take June up to Maine with him, and help her get settled into a new independent life. June seizes the chance, and the two ride off into the sunset. Will either be brave enough to act on the attraction between them? And will the Evil Steps accept the loss of both June and Cal from their plans and move on, or are they going to fight on?

This is a romance novel that has the basic elements of a Cinderella story but adds in the Special Ops element and the billionaire element (Cal drives a Rolls-Royce SUV….yes, there is such a thing, I checked) into the mix. The characters are likeable, and the reader is rooting that these two people can break free of their insecurities and past difficulties and find true love. What’s a Cinderella story without a happily ever after, after all? This is the second in a series, featuring all four of the Special Ops team who are trying to make a new life after their harrowing experiences. It’s a quick read, a fun twist on an old story, and while it may not be terribly deep it was an enjoyable read. Fans of Susan Stoker’s other books will not be disappointed, and readers who like a wounded military hero or one that is searching for someone who loves them for something other than their bank account, give The Royal a try. Many thanks to NetGalley and Montlake for providing me with an advanced reader’s copy of this latest work from Susan Stoker.

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Cal and June…swoon!!! What a sweet twist on the Cinderella storyline that has readers turning pages, laughing and gasping! The twists and turns were classical in a modern setting. A great summer read to bring all the feels!
I received this copy from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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BOOK: The Royal
SERIES: Game of Chance #2 - it can be read as standalone
GENRE: romantic suspense
TROPES & THEMES: low-stakes suspense story, friends bonded as a family, ex-military, stalker, forced proximity, cinderella retelling, grief, sweet, small town, protective hero, damaged hero, royals
RATING: ⭐️⭐️⭐️
RELEASE DATE: August 8, 2023

This was an okay story. I liked the found family aspect of the book. I think this author is a great introduction to the romantic suspense sub-genre for all of you who want to try it out.

I read the arc review of this book in exchange for an honest review. Thanks to the NetGalley and publisher for the copy.

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Susan Stoker created a romantic suspense novel through combined modern retelling of Cinderella and Beauty & the Beast. As the second book in the series, the story picks up with Cal (one of a quartet of friends and ex-service members who survived a torturous captivity) traveling to DC as a favor for his family. There he meets our story’s Cinderella and the story takes off.

The book was a quick and enjoyable read - as all Stoker’s books are. It functions as a standalone within a larger series. The series as whole has the found family element with the family that these men create together in the remote Maine town. If you are looking for easy, quick read with suspense elements this is a story for you.

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The Royal is a modern take on the Cinderella story. Cal and June's story is an easy read, but touches on some hard topics like fat-shaming, emotional abuse, physical abuse, and POW stories. The group of friends the Game of Chance series is admirable and I look forward to reading the others in the series.

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Excellent story. Juniper (June) was living in the house that her father owned and had left to her when he died. Of course, her stepmother had tricked her into signing over to her. She had stayed for 17 years, basically just being their slave. Elaine (the stepmother) and Carla (who was 6 years younger) made her life miserable and she just lived with it. She was planning on escaping, but didn't have a plan yet. Enter Cal, who was a prince of a small country and just worked in Maine. He was way down the list to rule, plus he and his team had been captured and tortured horribly. He just wanted to be left alone. Carla and Elaine hatched a plan that Carla was being stalked and he needed to protect her.. He wasn't in security but was doing it as a favor to his parents. Carla wanted to marry him and be a princess and he couldn't stand the site of her. He had a migraine when he arrived and June snuck him some pills and then later warned him about Carla.
The story moved along quickly. Cal and June went back to Maine, but Elaine and Carla were not done trying to torture June. She gets horribly hurt and Cal just falls apart.
The story was a very good Susan Stoker book that I recommend

I got this book from NetGalley and am voluntarily leaving a review

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A modern day Cinderella story involving a prince and a girl taken advantage of, and when their paths cross, sparks fly and an instant connection takes root. Cal and June have instant chemistry, each seeing the other warts and all from the get go makes their inevitable fall on to love all the more exciting.

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LOVED IT! This is book 2 of Susan Stoker's Game of Chance series. These heroes were captured and tortured by the enemy and they just want a peaceful life. Reminiscent of a Cinderella story, Callum Redmon meets Juniper Rose unexpectedly and saves her from a life of misery. Typical of Stoker's books, Cal and June must go through adversity to live happily ever after.

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If you’re wanting a pretty literal (down to the internalized and not-so-internalized misogyny) modern day Cinderella retelling, this is going to be the book for you. If not, it’s probably going to leave you wanting.

In theory, I liked the idea of a retelling with added suspense elements tied in, but the execution fell so flat for me. The female protagonist is basically praised throughout for her ability to fulfill traditional gender roles, and there’s a heavy dose of “not like other girls” energy in this book. I typically love a tortured male protagonist, especially when their inner scars are manifested in their outer scars. So I wish that idea would have been explored in a way that felt more narratively satisfying.

Without spoiling a main element of the plot, I’ll just say that the ways in which suspense is added into the book feels way too out of left field. I’m all for suspend-disbelief, but this plot jumped the whole dang shark. And not in a fun way.

Thanks to Montlake and NetGalley for the ARC. All opinions are my own.

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The Royal is book 2 in the Game of Chance series by Susan Stoker.
I really liked the writing style. I could feel every emotion. Stoker was very descriptive.
The relationship between the two main characters was wonderful.
The tension was a slower build and worth every second.
Now I’m going to have to read book one.

"I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own."

Thank You NetGalley and Montlake for your generosity and gifting me a copy of this amazing eARC!

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This book has a sweet quality which pulls at your heart. It will put a smile on your face. It was heartfelt the interaction between former POW Callum and Juniper. Basically, it is a Cinderella story with a little more grit. Cal does his cousin a favor and checks out the story of his latest love interest who claims she is in danger from a stalker. Cal is called in to investigate. Instead, he meets the “stepsister” June who has been treated badly by her stepmom and stepsister. Cal falls for her and offers her away out and brings her home to Maine where he lives with his military family of brothers. But danger follows them back to Maine. Cal needs to find the strength to combat his POV past and feelings to save the day. Only thing I can say is I felt the ending wrapped up too quickly and would have like more. I loved this story and the cast of friends and loved ones who are rooting for the couple is very touching. I have read this author before and she was not disappointed. I look forward to read more from her in the future.

**I received this book from NetGalley and publisher for an honest review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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After reading the first in the series (The Protector), I fell in love with the team, all of whom were tortured as prisoners of war. But the one I was most enamoured with was Cal, the prince who protected his team by getting the torturers to focus on him. His story and his heroine were perfect. It started out as a contemporary Cinderella story with a stepmother and stepsister, both evil (naturally). The evolution of the story was well paced- Cal was there by request from his family to protect a schemer, the stepsister, who wants to be a princess. He meets June and falls for her but will her stepfamily leave her alone? (The answer is no). Some harrowing moments, many beautiful ones and of course, quite a few steamy ones make this an amazing story in this series!

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3.75 stars
This was a bit of Cinderella mixed with beauty and the Beast but in a modern setting.
I had the best time reading this, and although some bits were a bit cliché-y, I still thoroughly enjoyed the story.
I definitely recommend this one.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publishers for the chance to read this book in exchange for an honest review.

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A great take on the classic Cinderella story.

This is a story of a hero who rescues a damsel in distress and then she does the exact same to him too.

Some of the plot was a bit out there and very hard to believe but hey its fiction so I’ll take it.

Full of love and romance with a bit of action thrown in for good measure.

Ill look forebear to the next in the series

Thank you Netgalley for a copy for an honest review

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This wasn't the book for me.
I was drawn to a new telling of the classic Cinderella, but almost immediately when I started reading, I was turned off by the writing style. I am not sure exactly what it was - but it just almost seemed forced. The dialogue was crass and didn't really help to develop the characters except to make the MMC and FMC show immediate interest, but the side characters had no depth to them at all. I usually try and give books a fair shot - but I just couldn't get into this one. I ended up DNF this title.

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If you ever love a romance inspired by Cinderella, this would be perfect for you.

The story switched between Juniper and Cal's pov (also other side characters as well) which helps me to know each main character better. The chemistry between June and Cal was convincing. It was love at first sight, but their romance was built up after that very first encounter which I find really sweet. The plot was a bit slow but it was engaging. It didn't solely focused on the Cinderella aesthetic or just romance but also include other characters and professions to make the story more plausible. Overall, I really like the book and the Cinderella inspired thing was quite a success!

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This isn't the type of book I would normally pick up, but its simple writing and engaging story was unexpectedly great.

Cal is the broken hero of the story. He manages to maintain his considerate and kind nature, particularly towards Juniper despite his mental and physical hardships he's faced. While her stepmother and sisters have always tormented June (classic Cinderella style) she remains full of joy to find hope beyond her family.

The spicy scenes were fantastic, and you could just feel the connection between Cal and June through the pages. Their physical connection only highlighted their emotional bond.

Overall, it was a good book but was given 3 stars because of my personal tastes.

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A lovely and exciting combination spin of a Cinderella story and military romance. Cal was introduced in the previous book with his team mates turned co-owners in Maine. June is introduced in this book as a modern Cinderella whose live is horrible with her step mom and sister. The chemistry and openness between Cal and June is immediate and well developed. The attention to emotional and physical connections played a role in this story and was beautifully shared along with friendships and other relationships. The book develops the town and its members more which I loved, especially the senior citizens. The danger was built up and then executed so well that I had tears! Great ending and story. Can’t wait for the rest of the friends to get their stories ❤️

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An instant attraction and love romance story between a wounded hero and a heroine with scars of her own, “The Royal”, by Susan Stoker (Montlake), has also great moments of passion, human connection and intimacy.
There’s a matter-of-factness, sometimes even bluntness, in Stoker’s presentation of our very wounded hero, Cal, that I liked.
All the pain, the external and internal scars, is there for us to acknowledge right from the beginning.
Cal sees himself as a monster or a broken man, yet he’s thoughtful, considerate and kind. What a powerful combination!
The attraction between Cal and the modern Cinderella June is fast and strong. It’s believable despite happening so suddenly.
There were moments of deep connection, trust, and love between Cal and June that were moving and touching. They really made the story heartwarming.
The hero’s protectiveness, sometimes possessiveness, towards the heroine gives him some interesting alpha vibes.
I really liked watching the grumpy hero reveal his very soft and sweet core, too.
June’s story was a bit sad, and I liked how she managed to rise from the ashes. It’s also great that June wasn’t the model of feminine perfection
I enjoyed the friendship between Cal and his teammates and spouses, and the small-town atmosphere
I felt the final part of the book had too much talking about emotions and some indecision and cheesy moments that I didn’t appreciate that much.
I found the evil sister and stepmother were too stereotyped to feel genuine.

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