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The Intern

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Her heels clacked on the tile floor as she made her way to the office. The door creaked as she pushed it open, but no one was inside. Something felt off about the room as she looked around… something sinister in the air. And that’s when she saw him… the man with the gun.

The Intern is a legal thriller following Madison who is a law student interning for a very well known judge. What she doesn’t know is the danger she’s about to step foot into when she enters the judge’s world.

I was immediately drawn into this book and many tense moments had me turning pages quickly, but as the story progressed things became a little bit too unbelievable for me. It was entertaining throughout and I enjoyed the read… I just wish it would have felt a little more realistic or gone a different route.

If you’re a fan of legal thrillers and unreliable characters then you may enjoy reading this one!

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Michele Campbell has brought together the perfect ingredients for a psychological thriller; complex characters, propulsive plot, unreliable narrators, drama/lies/and the secrets women keep. I hate that it took me a while to finally pick this one up because once I started reading I couldn’t set it aside and it will land on my top thriller reads of 2023. Thanks to NetGalley and, St. Martin’s Press for my advanced copy in exchange for my honest review. I will be adding a print copy to my shelves.

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I was very excited for this book after reading the summary, but unfortunately it just fell flat for me. I never really got interested in the story or the characters.
Madison Rivera has just gotten an amazing internship Judge Kathryn Conroy. However, she neglected to tell her new employer that her brother was recently arrested on drug charges and the Judge was in charge of the case. However, Madison isn't the only one who is keeping a secret.

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I really liked this book. At first I thought that it would be dry due to law aspect of it but it wasn't. I loved the dual points of view. Especially the judge's past story line. I would definitely recommend this book.

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The premise was very interesting but I found it a struggle to finish this one. I am sure others will enjoy it more than I did.

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This book definitely fell flat for me. I found myself getting really bored while reading and found it hard to follow along. Overall I don’t think I would recommend this one.

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This book had me hooked the whole time. It was like watching your favorite action show or crime show. I was so invested in both timelines and how they played out. I enjoyed the friendships that transpired from the action and the plot. Working in law and pursuing this career like one of the main characters made the book extremely more enjoyable and personable. It was a wild ride and while I did see some of the twists coming, there were moments I was stunned and shocked about the plot twists and turns. I found myself rooting for certain characters and wanting a happy ending for them, while I hoped the opposite for others. It was a great read, phenomenal writing, and enjoyable for anyone looking for a thrilling read you won’t want to put down!

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What a great popcorn thriller, this was an amazing choice for my monthly buddy read. I love legal thrillers so I knew this one would be up my alley. I was hooked from page one and had to know how it would end. It was such a twisty, edge of your seat read!

I went between reading the ebook and listening to the audiobook and both are great choices. While the narrator was new to me, I loved her performance. If you are looking for a legal thriller that will keep you hooked the entire way through, add this to your TBR. You can go wrong with Campbell’s writing. Also, while I don’t want to give anything a way, I will say that I loved the ending!

***** Many thanks to St Martins Press, Michele Campbell, and NetGalley for my gifted copy in turn for an honest review.

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I’m not sure why but I’ve been really hesitant with thrillers lately as they have been more meh than 😱 so I was pleasantly surprised reading The Intern.

The setting was great, the pacing was on point, I loved the dual POV from the two very different yet similar women and the ultimate collapse of the very delicately stacked deck of cards. Madison is a second year law student and looks up to her professor, a federal judge, so when the opportunity comes up to intern for her she hesitantly jumps at the chance at the opportunity not only to further her career but also to gather information. The professor and judge, Kathryn, isn’t who she projects herself to be and now that her past has caught up to her it’s up to her to figure a way out and she doesn’t care who’s in the crosshairs.

If you are looking for a dark academia (legal) thriller mixed with police corruption and family drama then pick up The Intern and add it to your ever growing tbr.

Thank you @stmartinspress and @netgalley for this eARC in exchange for my honest feedback.

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I thought this would be a boring legal thriller. I love the author so I'm glad I went ahead and read it. The story centers around two women, Madison, and Judge Conroy. Madison lands an internship with the revered judge. But she isn't who she seems to be. There was so much drama and suspense that I had to flip the pages to find out the ending.

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This was a fast-paced legal thriller that dealt with corruption, abuse of power, and murder. I liked the dual POVs between Madison and Kathryn, although I think too much attention was given to Kathryn and not nearly enough to Madison. I thought the ending was well done and wrapped everything up nicely.

Thank you, @netgalley and @stmartinspress, for the #gifted e-arc of this book!

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I started out a fan, but somewhere along the road, I lost my attention span. Not a terrible book, just not for me.

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A huge thank you to Netgalley, the publisher & Michelle Campbell for the opportunity to review an ARC of this book!

Four stars!
I am not a huge fan of legal thrillers, but you don't have to be in order to delve right into the storyline unfolding in front of you.

This story is told in dual POV (Madison Rivera and Judge Kathryn Conroy) as well as a moving timeline between past and present, giving a lot of backstory into Judge Kathryn's crooked past and how she came to be where she is today.

I feel like we all see a little bit of ourselves in Madison and the blindspot she held for the Judge, not wanting to ruin her perfect image of her.
This was an extremely fun ride, would recommend.

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I'm such a fan of legal thrillers and this one delivered. I spent my time trying to figure out who was reliable in the dual timeline and dual narration suspense.

The plot is intricate and slowly unwinds to let the reader in, but keeps them guessing through much of the novel. I was slightly more interested in Madison and situation, but was still interested in Judge Conroy's background and what made her tick. Ultimately the cat may be my favorite character, but I had to know what was happening and why.

I both listened and read this one and might have enjoyed my listening time slightly more than my reading. Sarah Mollo-Christensen does a great job voicing both Madison and the judge. I never wondered who was the voice of the chapter.

If you are looking for a quick legal thriller, you need to read this one.

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This was quite the wild ride. I really liked the back and forth POV between the two main characters and the jumping timeline from the past and present. I did listen to the audiobook and wish that the characters were voice by different people because it was a bit hard to keep the POVs straight with the same narrator until you got to know each character's distinct personality and "voice." I found this to be pretty evenly paced until the end which I found to be a tad lackluster compared to the rest of the book. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

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I was honestly so excited to read this book! The cover and description were so intriguing, however it ended up being a DNF for me unfortunately. I got about 25% in and just felt very repetitive and took a lot for the plot actually move forward. The characters were not super likeable and I never felt lost in the book and story.

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I went into this book knowing that Michele Campbell always writes twists and turns. She did not disappoint on this one. It took some time to get into the story line, but once the ball started rolling, I was hooked. I loved the strong protagonist women. I loved how they worked together instead of against each other. Sure the story line was a little far fetched, but it was an entertaining read!

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⚖️ This is a unique legal thriller for me… because there are no courtroom scenes. This is a behind the scenes story entirely, and I enjoyed it.

⚖️ I do think it started off slow. And I must say, there were way too many pages dedicated to Madison filling out her intern application and worrying how/if she should mention her brother Danny’s legal problems.

⚖️ Once you got past the overlong story setup, things started to get a little more interesting. The story is ultimately told in two POVs – Madison and the Federal judge Kathryn Conroy who Madison interns for. I much preferred Kathryn’s POV because that is where the meat of the story is. Kathryn was the only character who was truly developed IMO.

⚖️ There were some nice twists I didn’t anticipate until the very end, and I appreciated that.

⚖️ The story is totally believable. I imagine the plot of this story is taking place in real life somewhere right now. That is sad, but true.

⚖️ The ending was believable as well. Plot points were wrapped up quite nicely.

⚖️ If you like legal thrillers, intrigue, corruption, complex backstories, and family drama, then you’ll definitely enjoy this book.

Thank you @netgalley and @stmartinspress for an eARC of this book, which I have read and reviewed honestly and voluntarily.

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I gave up on this book at 14%. Normally I'd try to tough it out until 20% but the plot wasn't grabbing me and I found the writing painfully amateur.

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This started slow, but still kept my interest. This is probably my least favorite Michele Campbell books, but it was still a decent thriller that kept me guessing. I didn't care as much for the Judge's background, even though I know it was important to the story. I just feel like it should have focused more on the main character, Madison, instead. Overall, the twists kept me invested, so it was worth the read.

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