Member Reviews

I have spent hours with this book, savoring each beautifully rendered page. It is the perfect compilation of all the things gardeners love - beautiful flowers (edible, top pollinators, favorite cut flowers) - how to grow them, craft with them, harvest, preserve and best utilize them in creative ways, folklore wisdom and history, recipes for herbs and veggies including teas, self-care tonics and preserves, and wildly gorgeous cottage gardens mixed with the astute advice of letting Mother Nature lead the way. I have been gardening and farming for over 35 years and still found tips and tidbits to ponder, inspiration to try something new and confirmation that I was not alone.

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Lovely book of the seasons in the garden. Lots of inspiration for cooking and beauty using nature. Lots of useful information and pictures. Would make a lovely gift. .

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This book a delightful guide that brings the joy of a garden-inspired lifestyle to life. Filled with vibrant photos and practical advice, the book is a treasure trove of gardening wisdom, creative projects, and nature-based activities suitable for all levels of gardeners. The author's sage advice on growing plants and her imaginative projects make this a charming and accessible resource for those looking to embrace the magic of the natural world throughout the seasons.

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A great book for those wanting to start a garden adventure. Beautiful pictures. Helpful information on vegetables, flowers, and herbs. A perfect gift!

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This was such a great introduction to gardening with beautiful photographs. I love how things were broken down into easily digestible facts.

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The garden maker's book of wonder, this book truly is the most fabulous book of gardening that I have seen for quite awhile. If you like gardening you will love this book, full of fabulous photos and lots of information on natural growing, eating and improving. Divided into the four seasons, the book shows the food, the flowers the tasks and the way to a gentle life for each season. A must buy book for an gardener who loves their garden and what lies within it.. Thanks you NetGalley and the publishers for the DR

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Pour a cup of tea, and let this wonderful book fill your senses with joy and inspiration.

Kostovick takes you through the seasons with hints and tips for planning, sowing, and getting the most out of your garden. This author is all about "letting Mother Nature take the wheel." You'll learn how to grow a pollinator's paradise, how to dry and store herbs, and how to create mini-greenhouses out of milk jugs. Learn everything from seed starting to putting your garden to bed for the winter. Kostovick offers projects featuring unusual ways to use blossoms and herbs picked from your garden, and recipes for using your bounty.

The photos are spectacular, and a real treat for anyone who may be missing their monthly dose of Martha Stewart Living magazine.

Highly recommended for both active gardeners, and armchair dreamers alike. It's a lovely book!

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I feel like this book was written just for me. All my favorite things into one book. The Garden Maker's Book of Wonder by Allison Vallin Kostovick does feel like a wonder. A wonderful, authentic heartfelt story of her love of nature and appreciation of growing things to benefit mind, body, and spirit.

The Garden Maker's Book of Wonderful is comprehensive and does one of the beautiful things a garden book should do talk about the garden during the seasons. So the book is sectioned into seasons how it season gives its bounty and how to help capture that bounty.

Everything is captured in this marvel of a book. How to plan a garden, how to take care of a garden, how to start seeds, when to start seeds, how to save seeds, how to use what you grow, on and on. :) It's absolutely splendid. The book is chocked full of foraging, crafts, recipes you name it it has it.

There are a lot of beautiful photographs and one of the things I liked the most is that most of the photos are original photos of Allison Vallin Kostovick not stock photos like a lot of garden books these days have. This is key to me giving this book five stars and the feeling of authenticity of this gorgeous gardening book. Also scattered throughout the book, like beautiful wildflower seeds, are exquisite watercolor art mostly by the author herself. I will buy this book and keep it on my coffee table it is that special.

I would like to thank NetGalley and the publisher Storey Publishing for the opportunity to read and review the spectacular enchanting book The Garden Maker's Book of Wonder by Allison Vallin Kostovick.

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I love this book. It is exactly what I have been looking for!

The author’s voice is so relatable, and yes, I was trying to pluck my seedlings to “save” them. I will have to snip-snip them in the future.

I wanted something informative, Native Plant promoting, and with individual sections for the most commonly grown items in the garden.

I am going to purchase this book, but I did receive it from Net Galley for a review.

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The Garden Maker's Book of Wonders is a great book for novice gardeners. The author takes the reader on a garden tour through the seasons with a potpourri of wise advice, planting considerations, and enough how-tos to get any garden up and running. The welcome addition of recipes and crafts is sure to help the home gardener enjoy nature's best inside the home and out. Beautifully photographed and easy to follow.

Thank you NetGalley and the publishers for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for an honest review.

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What a beautiful gardening book Allison Kostovick has created. I will admit at the beginning of my reading I felt like the writing sounded more like posts from a blog, but the more time I spent with the book I felt the writing was spot on.

Allison gives you a lot of pertinent information, but doesn’t overload you with things that you really do not need to know to get started gardening. The gardening tips, recipes, and craft ideas are easy to understand and I found myself writing quite a few of them down.

I should also mention the beautiful photography that went along with the seasons throughout the book. Just gorgeous.

All in all a very enjoyable read and it would definitely be a nice gift to give to a fellow gardener, herbalist, or nature lover.

Thank you to NetGalley and Storey Publishing for the eARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Great beginner friendly garden book that covers a bit of everything garden - and I'd say somewhat homestead living too - and just pure pleasure to read. The texts and photos are both informative and aesthetically pleasing (not like a textbook with the readers being word vomited at with information), seriously just great to flip through regardless of whether you're experienced or beginner gardener or just looking for something to engage with!

Only thing I'd prefer to have added is the zone to get better idea of context.

I received a free copy of this book from Netgalley (thank you!), and this is my honest review.

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A great book if you love gardening: richly illustrated, easy to follow and full of ideas
Highly recommended.
Many thanks to the publisher for this ARC, all opinions are mine

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Lovely photos and great tips! Would be a great coffee table book or gift for a pro gardener.

The book assumes a certain level of expertise already (regarding phrases and processes), so I wouldn’t recommend this for beginner gardeners.

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I received a complimentary copy from the publisher and all opinions expressed are entirely my own.

This is an informative book that applies to novice gardeners and gardeners in training that tackles the seasons and what should be planted during each season. It also shares tips and tricks on what to grow as well as recipes and the author also shares what to look for in regards to soil health .If you are new to gardening this book is perfect for you.

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A delightful and informative book that will appeal to both new and experienced gardeners. The author takes us through the seasons and provides advice and tips on what to grow as well as recipes and ideas for craft projects using home-grown bounty from the garden. There is also a wealth of information on topics such as soil health, companion planting combinations, tips for germinating seeds and flowers that are edible and that attract pollinators. The author writes in a way that is easy to understand and encourages you to ‘grow with the flow’ (i.e. relax and work with nature rather than against it). The book is full of beautiful pictures of the author’s garden in New England that will inspire you to get outside and make the most of your plot regardless of its size.

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I accessed a digital review copy of this book from the publisher.
The book is full of information for gardeners of all skills. It works as inspiration for gardening and what to do with what you grow.

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This book is just lovely. Chock full of growing tips, crafts and recipes, and personal stories of gardening from the author. Even though I live in a different region from the author, I still got a lot out of this book. I'd love to buy a copy when it comes out.

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This was a really nice book - very picturesque and charming and even calming to browse through on a winter's day, where spring seems far away. It was almost like walking through a cottage garden with a friend and picking their brain about what to plant, where, why, and how - there were many beautiful pictures that made me feel immersed in the author's garden, with accompanying descriptive and sometimes informative text.

If there is anything I didn't like about this book, it's that it was very basic/general in terms of gardening knowledge to impart. If you have been gardening for 20+ years like I have, you don't really read these kinds of books for their teaching ability, though. You read them for the design inspiration, instead! And that's where this book really excelled. Just don't go into this book thinking that you're going to get a lot of scientific knowledge that you didn't have before in terms of gardening execution (unless you are a newbie to the gardening world). It's more valuable for planning, in my opinion.

However, the pictures and text more than make up for that lack, and a book can't be all things to all people. Just don't go into it thinking this is a true "how-to" book to convey gardening information as much as it conveys a mood.

I was able to read and review an early reviewer's edition of this book and my thoughts are delivered here honestly and without compensation. In fact, my free reviewer's edition of this book disappeared after so many days, and so I would not hesitate to actually purchase this book for my own library.

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This book is wonderful! Very informative and easy to understand for even a newbie! I loved that it was laid out by season and filled every bit of the book with useful info! This is a garden book I'd reach for if I needed assistance in my garden.

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