Cover Image: Wrath Becomes Her

Wrath Becomes Her

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First and foremost that cover is just captivating. It’s giving me Frankenstein monster vibes and I’m digging that.
Lithuania, 1943. A father drowns in the all-consuming grief of a daughter killed by the Nazis. He can't bring Chaya back from the dead, but he can use kishuf - an ancient and profane magic - to create a golem in her image. A Nazi killer, to avenge her death.
‘Dedicated to every reader who’s ever wanted punch a Nazi.’
Probably the best dedication ever, I know I wanna punch a Nazi.
This book for sure is an interesting combination of a setting during the holocaust mixed with Frankenstein’s monster. It kind of follows the bare bones of what that story tells just with the holocaust in the background. The main character is kind of forgettable at times, a lot of the characters are really 2D to be honest. I was kind of expecting this story to have my feelings bursting at the seams but overall I was honestly bored and this was at the 50% mark. I honestly feel like this author had a solid idea, but just did a so so job of executing it.
Maybe I spoke too soon but I like to do reviews as I’m reading it.
The latter half for sure got me in my feelings. To be in that situation surrounded with death around every corner. Losing family, friends and significant others. It’s hard to even imagine. There is one part of the book where a girl decides to stay back with her family instead of running. Her reasoning is that she would rather be with her own community and family, if the time comes for her to potentially die. And to have one of the main characters break down, crying saying that, ‘at least she still has family to stay with..’ broke my heart.
For sure started off rocky but landed sort of gracefully. The latter half for sure saved the book for me. I would for sure be interested in seeing more from these characters.

Thank you NetGalley and Inkyard Press for a ARC for a honest review.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Inkyard Press for the ARC!

I don't usually read Holocaust books these days, but the premise of "Nazi-punching golem and Jewish partisan love interest" was too good to resist. And this book definitely delivers on the Nazi-punching. Obviously I love that this book centers Jewish people, Jewish rage and Jewish grief (that is, after all, what made me want to read it), but I also love that it doesn't shy away from holding the bystanders accountable as well. There's so much Holocaust literature about kind goyim helping Jews, but this book actively reminds readers that more people didn't, many people helped the Nazis, and everyone knew what was happening.

On a similar note, I really liked Vera's wrestling with monstrousness vs. humanity, both as it relates to herself and her own creation, as well as to humans and their monstrous actions. I liked how much she and the other characters focused on how best to help each other and themselves. This book was heavy, but I thought it was very well done in these aspects.

The romance, on the other hand, felt Weird to me. A lot of the time, it was more of a sidenote than a central feature, which I thought worked well, but it also meant the book never really managed to convince me that any feelings Vera and Akiva had for each other were genuine, rather than simply side effects of Chaya's memories (on Vera's side) and the fact that she looks exactly like her (on Akiva's side). Like I said, it wasn't really a central part of the book, so it didn't take away much from my experience, but I wish it were either fleshed out more or removed entirely.

I also found some of the transitions between chapters abrupt and even a bit jarring, to the point where I sometimes flipped back a page to try to reorient myself, and certain facts seemed like they were introduced and immediately accepted without evidence either way (one that stood out was whether or not a character had died), but I would accept that as a facet of Vera's character, seeing as she is a golem and struggling to familiarize herself with the world.

Despite those few issues I had, I think this book is worth reading, even at times enjoyable despite the darkness, and the catharsis of it, if nothing else, certainly makes up for the more minor structural complaints.

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Once I started reading this book, I couldn’t put it down. The premise of this book was so intriguing and the execution was even better. I did not expect Ezra, Vera’s creator, to be such a complex character but I really liked how his grief was explored and how Vera dealt with it.

I mostly enjoyed the main character Vera’s exploration of what it means to be human and her internal struggles of feeling like she’s a monster. I was super invested in Vera's story. Sometimes it got a bit repetitive but for a young adult protagonist, I think that is to be expected.

The ending is what takes this down from being excellent to being just good. I was honestly quite baffled at the last two chapters because they went in the complete opposite direction of what Vera has discovered about herself through the course of the book. Suddenly in the last part of the book, Vera presents this dichotomy between “killing Nazis/violence” and “helping people live.” It’s not clear how she can do one without the other in this situation and it’s never explained further. The ending almost feels incomplete in a sense because we are told that Vera’s emotional journey is finished but it doesn’t feel that way.

Thank you to NetGalley and Inkyard Press for providing me with a digital copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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DNF at 40%
The stunning cover and absolutely gripping pitch drew me in, but I just couldn't get into the actual book. I had a hard time caring about or rooting for the main character, Vera, who had interesting internal conflict as a golem struggling with her own existence, but she was just a bit too aimless and a bit mopey when I wanted more from her. I could also tell it was headed toward some romance with Akiva who I just didn't care for. I think this book is probably great and could be enjoyable for someone else but it was not for me.

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Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the ARC.
VERY cool premise, just not a great execution.
The golem is a very interesting bit of Jewish lore, a creature made of clay or dirt, that is crafted and given life through mystical incantations and then is at the bidding of the creator. It can be made for any number of reasons.
After a man loses his daughter, Chaya, to the Nazis, he commits the very great sin of defiling his daughters corpse (regular golems are only dirt or clay, no human pieces), and using deeper, darker magic to create Vera, an almost exact Golem replica of Chaya. Vera is created with the sole purpose of vengeance and hunting and killing the Nazis that killed Chaya.
But all the the deep magic has some side effects. Vera is not your average mindless golem, she retains Chaya’s (the daughter) memories and has full sentience.
She teams up with Akiva, Chaya’s lover (yes, complicated) and the story goes from there.
Little do they know that the Nazis are also searching for Ezra (the father) in order to steal this bit of the dark arts for themselves.
It’s really an imaginative premise, and it would be a very cool movie.
But the book itself didn’t do it for me. It felt haphazardly written, short (even though it’s pretty jam packed with info and some action), and while not a truly bad thing, especially for those readers who speak Yiddish, Lithuanian, or a Polish, I kept having to leave the flow of the book to continuously go to the glossary at the back for word references and definitions.
2.5 stars rounded up for a really neat idea, but, for me, I’ll wait to see it on a screen.

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The cover and premise really caught my eye. However, things fell flat after that. I expected stronger characters seeking vengeance. Instead, I found a girl moping after a guy. The dialogue seemed all over the place. There was too much telling vs. showing. Vera doesn't come across as all that likeable ... just flat. I'd expected a strong female lead, but the only thing about Vera that is strong is her physical strength. The romantic angle was awkward and didn't work. I read a lot of WWII-era books, and this sounded like a unique angle. Sadly, while the premise had potential, it didn't pan out in the execution. I liked the mix of magic and Jewish folklore, along with the Lithuanian setting. Also, I loved the cover.

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Based on the comps Frankenstein & Inglorious Basterds, I was so stoked to read this book. However, I found myself really struggling to get through this book. More than 50% in there’s not much wrath, but a lot of moping from Vera. In addition, there are some inconsistencies when someone young immediately tells her she can’t kill people because of what will be done to other Jewish people in retribution—but her older creator didn’t think of that?

It’s definitely a slow burn that seems to spend on a lot of vibes and scenic descriptions as well as rehashing the same emotions from the golem. Ultimately, it’s wasn’t for me and I DNF just over halfway through.

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This book took me by surprise. I didn't know what to expect going into this book but I was so excited and thrilled throughout the book.

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In the intro the author explains how as a young reader she wanted to see Jewish youth portrayed as more than victims in stories set in WWII and the Holocaust. This book is intense and dark, but looks at groups of rebels who left hiding to fight. There are super natural elements and the violence of war is depicted in a way that I would recommend this book for high school students only. However, it is a wonderful addition to other Holocaust literature that focuses on hiding and/or camps, and could open deeper discussions about the role of citizens in the Holocaust.

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This was a beautifully written tragic story about vengeance and grief during the nazi regime.

Vera is a golem made of parts of a woman killed during the war. Her purpose is to get revenge. However Vera is so much more complicated than I would have ever thought, Struggling the feelings she doesn't understand. She's a morally great character that some see as a savior while others consider her a monster.

I did enjoy this book. However it's not an easy read and can be overall depressing. I didn't know of the Golem in Jewish Culture/ religion and I am looking forward to reading up on this more.

Thank you to NetGalley and Inkyard press for this advance reader copy. This review is voluntarily my own.

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A story if vengeance that shows the strength of the human spirit and that sometimes monsters look more like men.

“Wrath Becomes Her” finds Vera awakened and hungry for something she can’t quite name but finds her purpose amongst survivors fighting against Nazi rule. Linking up with a friend that exists only within her memories she tries to discover what it means to be a golem and what it takes to be human.

This was such a good story and I will be the first to acknowledge that I know very little about golems and the mythology that surrounds them so I really enjoyed both the beauty of the creation and the Frankenstein like twisting that was done to create someone like Vera and how that could be seen as something out of a horror novel if consumed by madness.

The fight is awful and not for the faint of heart as it speaks to the absolute cruelty and devastation that fell to those escaping the Nazis and some of it was hard to read though it made Vera’s determination that much better as you root for her to ruin them all. Her back and forth with what she is and what she wishes to become amongst the humans was such a great part of her personal story as it would have been easy for her to lean into that of her foil and want to destroy what has already proven itself to be broken.

I really loved this story and I look forward to seeing what else comes from this author.

**special thanks to the publishers and netgalley for a free and honest review**

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I love Polydoros' books in general, though unfortunately, I did not like this one as much as The City Beautiful, as I found it a little hard to follow in places. But for the most part, this was a wonderful book about identity and discovering who you are in a world that doesn't want you to exist.

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Wow. Truly blown away. This was my first Polydoros book and I am so glad I gave something different a chance. The symbolism, the blatant anti-Nazi narrative, the twists... I hope everyone stocks this in their library! Highly recommended.

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"Wrath Becomes Her" by Aden Polydoros is a gripping and intense thriller that keeps readers on the edge of their seats from start to finish. The story follows a strong and complex protagonist, exploring themes of revenge, secrets, and the cost of seeking justice. Polydoros crafts a suspenseful narrative with unexpected twists, making it difficult to put the book down. "Wrath Becomes Her" is a must-read for fans of thrilling mysteries and psychological suspense, delivering a roller-coaster ride of emotions and a satisfying conclusion that lingers in the mind long after the final page.

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I loved this book. This is definitely my favorite of Aden’s books so far. The blend of historical and fantasy is so perfectly done and I’m always left wanting to learn more about the time period or inspiration behind the story.

This book was pretty dark. It’s about an incredibly dark time in history and the story definitely reflects that. However, it has a powerful message about finding yourself and becoming the person you want to be. The metaphors in this book are truly beautiful and I already was a lifelong Aden fan but his book made me an even bigger fan.


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I loved everything about this! It was so fast paced and entertaining once I picked it up I could not stop reading it!

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My students will LOVE how this one creeps up on you just until you're about to feel like you're safe!

**Thank you to NetGalley and to the publisher for providing me with a digital copy of this book for review.***

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This was absolutely stunning! What a beautiful, original story set in WWII! I loved every second. Never have I read anything so lyrical or imaginative. Highly recommended and TEN STARS!

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The golem, a clay giant created by rabbinic magic to protect persecuted Jews, is a fruitful device for exploring our fantasies of superhero violence and its limitations. Polydoros gives the legend a new twist by making his golem a sensitive teenage girl. Vera, named for the word "truth" on her forehead that brings her to life, resembles her creator's murdered daughter and retains some of her memories, yet (like any teenager) yearns to individuate from the role she was born to play.

Golem magic is considered unholy because the Frankenstein-like creatures end up turning against humanity. Vera certainly feels that temptation, after seeing how humans squander life's gifts through war and prejudice. In Polydoros' telling, the golem legend also becomes an occasion to choose between two paths for confronting difference. Do we shun the Other as a monster, or learn to appreciate the mystery?

Probably because this is YA, I found it lacking in complexity compared to Polydoros' incredible first book, "The City Beautiful". The pacing in the middle was slow. I find it unsettling how contemporary YA is fine with graphic violence (of which there is a lot in this book) but sex is taboo. This double standard says something about American ideas of "innocence".

I received a free ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Haunting, visceral, trauma of war and persecution. Dark and exciting. Pacing was top notch. Devoured every page. Thank you Net Galley for ARC in exchange for my honest opinion

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