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Everyone Here Is Lying

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The premise for this immediately hooked me: I am a sucker for stories with missing persons. Here, a "difficult" nine-year-old girl named Avery vanishes in a small neighbourhood, and soon people aren't sure who to trust.

I will say I struggled a bit with the writing and pacing. The first 50% felt very long and drawn-out, as we slowly learn all the major characters involved, and their reactions to Avery's disappearance. The short POVs and chapters kept me turning the pages, but I found the amount of characters and the way the narration constantly jumped between POVs a bit overwhelming. As a result, in the first chunk of the book, it was easy to lose track of characters' identities and relationships to one another. There was an overall lack of depth or characterization for most characters, since we follow so many different characters and spend so little time with most of them. I also have to say I didn't particularly like the way certain characters with autism or other perceived behavioural "difficulties" were handled.

The twist/reveal of Avery's disappearance was definitely unexpected. But, without giving away spoilers, it all felt rather rushed and unbelievable after a certain point, particularly regarding some of Avery's decisions and actions. Again, this may be due to a lack of overall characterization, but it wasn't enough for us to simply read about how difficult of a child she is and then somehow believe her outlandish plan. I was also shocked by the abrupt ending--I kept scrolling, assuming there would be more, like an epilogue. Unfortunately, it was not a satisfactory ending for me, and after loving NOT A HAPPY FAMILY, it didn't live up to my expectations of the author.

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I received an advance digital copy from NetGalley in exchange for my unbiased review.

A 9 year old goes missing. Where is she? Did her father, who is having an affair with a neighbour and a co-worker, have something to do with it? He did, after all, hit her just prior to her leaving the house.
Did the woman he’s having the affair with’s son have something to do with it? Is there another teen on the street with autism that had something to do with her disappearance?

Lapena has worked with a missing child before in her 2016 novel The Couple Next Door and, like that novel, this one has holes, too. I really wanted to love this book, but I couldn’t.

**spoiler alert***do not read further if you don’t want any inking of what happens

The biggest issue with this book is the fact that Avery is 9. Had she been 15, everything that happens could be plausible. First of all, a father, a doctor and well-respected member of his small town community, abuses his daughter. He knocks her to the ground very hard at the beginning. Is this character trait here so we, the reader, get an idea of just how diabolical Avery is?
The idea of a nine-year-old orchestrating a “kidnapping,” and then murdering a full-sized woman, was too implausible and the entire plot fell flat at the end. I sincerely doubt someone that young would be that mature, that intelligent to be able to figure out so much of human behaviour to manipulate so many adults

The twist at the very end of the book is very good. I wish there had been more of that.

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When 9-year-old Avery Wooler goes missing, the small neighbourhood she lives in is upended. Everyone is a suspect of her disappearance. Is the culprit her father, a respected doctor who is having an illicit affair? William was the last one to see his daughter and he lied about it. Or is it her teenage neighbour, who was arrested for drug possession just a year ago? The story isn’t short of culprits. And there are certainly twists and turns.

But unfortunately, this book wasn’t my cup of tea. The writing was too short and sparse. It was hard to relate to any characters. And the first half of the book dragged.

This book would be good for fans of Lapena’s previous work though and those who like the formula she uses.

Thanks to Net Galley and the publisher for an advanced reading copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Nine year old Avery goes missing one day after school, and everyone on her street is a suspect. There's so many twists and secrets in this one - because you guessed it... everyone is lying!

Told in multiple POV's - following Avery's family, neighbours, and the police who are trying to piece everything together - it will surely keep you flipping the pages, trying to guess what happens next!

As usual for Shari Lapena's books, I flew through it, and I thought the ending was absolutely perfect. I highly recommend picking this one up - it's one of my favourites for 2023.

Thank you @netgalley for my copy in exchange for an honest review.

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I read this one mostly in one sitting and I had plenty of thoughts - mostly positive now that I finished it. I was intrigued, I love a good neighbourhood drama thriller and this one mostly delivered.

The writing makes it so binge-able, and I kept turning the pages as I had to know what happened to Avery. When the big reveal came I found myself disappointed, and my jaw didn't drop like I was hoping. That said, part of me actually does like it because it reminds me of one of my favourite characters from an iconic show (I won't say cause if you know the show, then it winds up being a spoiler).

I was thinking 3 stars by the reveal but those final few pages really upped it for me. I'm going to give it 3.5 for those final moments. I just wish this book delivered more of those and it would've been a hit for me.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for my early copy.

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Shari Lapena has truly outdone herself. I LOVED this one and absolutely flew through it. I am a sucker for a neighbourhood thriller but there’s often the temptation to add WAY too many storylines that you’re just along for the ride as a reader and can’t guess anything. Lapena toed this line perfectly in this one. There were enough characters, enough going on, enough drama, but not too much. There were characters I loved, hated, loved to hate, or were indifferent about. And guys … the END.

It was very Agatha Christie And Then There Were None-esque with short snappy features from each of the characters (which admittedly makes it confusing at the start). I loved that in a given chapter you could have 4 or 5 perspectives. It was an interesting layout for the book and I’m honestly not sure I’ve seen it before.

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Thank you for the advanced copy. I really enjoyed reading this book. I was putting aside other activities to get back to it and read quite quickly - always a good sign ! However the ending came too quick and fell flat for me, I was surprised to see there were no more pages after the final lines (I kept swiping head thinking the blank pages were a glitch). While I was satisfied with the reveal that Avery staged her own disappearance, I found Marion’s complicity and goal to kill Avery unrealistic. Perhaps if Marion’s character had been built up a bit more from the start and more time devoted to the dynamic between Marion and Avery it could have been more believable. Lastly, I found the tv interview ending less than satisfying. Avery’s character is built up to be manipulative, independent and somewhat clever. Accidentally revealing she was ‘double-crossed’ was too simple for me, I expected more from her. Also it was not a satisfying ‘payback’ for the suffering she had caused all the characters.

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It doesn't matter where you live and what your "status" is, when a child goes missing, no one is left with secrets to hide. But in this small town and this particular street, many lives are about to be upended! Why? Because everyone is lying! Everyone!
This is a really good book and delves into many of our worst fears and lifestyles. those looking for love at all costs, those who's love is tested beyond measure, those who are tired of the love that seems routine and more.
You will enjoy this book as it is a page turner and the outcome is far from what you expect. It will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very end. Well done Shari Lapena!

I just reviewed Everyone Here Is Lying by Shari Lapena. #NetGalley

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I liked this book. It kept me interested the entire time. I read it in a few hours. The little girl Avery sounds almost narcissistic to me and almost psychopathic. She doesn’t have any empathy for anyone around her. She has no problem letting her mom and brother suffering while she was gone just to punish her father.

I think she’s this way because her parents gave in to her whenever she kicked up a fuss so they let her have her way just to keep her from having a tantrum. That doesn’t make a child well adjusted. They learn to manipulate to get whatever they want.

Shari Lapena’s books are always open ended in the endings, so I liked this ending. We see Avery’s unraveling in this interview she’s doing and her parents finally seeing what she’s really like. I really want to know what happened to her.

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Thank you NetGalley for the ARC.

I’m obsessed with thriller books so I’ve read a lot, and it takes a lot to really surprise me. I liked this story a lot, I like that the twist came just over half way through. The way that the different character’s lives were woven together. And the ending was satisfying.

The main reason I’m giving 4 instead of 5 stars is the beginning felt a bit long while the end felt a bit rushed. I also had a bit of a hard time buying into a 9 year old being quite as smart as Avery was in this.

All in all, I’d recommend it as a good read and look forward to reading more from this author!

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Thanks NetGalley for the ARC of Everyone Here is Lying by Shari Lapena, published by Penguin Random House Canada

I love Shari Lapena's novels and this one did not disappoint, great characters, great plot and a great twist or two. There is lying, deceit and infidelity in this novel
Avery is a 9 yr old girl, she definitely has some issues and disappears after her father loses his temper with her. Little does she know that her father has just been dumped by his lover and is distraught. When Avery's mom realizes her daughter is missing, she calls the police and a search begins.
There is so much more to this novel than my brief description but I don't want to give too much away. If you love Shari Lapena, you will love this book. It's one of those books you just can't put down and need to know what happens next

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Wow! Just when you think you have figured it out another neighbour becomes a potential suspect. This was a one day, didn’t want to put it down , didn’t get anything else done read for me. Shari Lapena has done it again and I think this one is my favourite of all of her books. Definitely a must read.
Thanks to NetGalley, Penguin Random House Canada, and Shari Lapena for the opportunity to devour this ARC.

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4.5 stars

Canadian author, Shari Lapena is one of my auto reads. She writes domestic stories that make one wonder who is watching. Such is the case with Everyone Here Is Lying.

Avery Wooler is only 9 years old when she disappeared without a trace. Is her father really responsible? This was a fast paced read that takes place over a relatively short period of time. It grabbed me right away and I had a hard time letting go. With nice shortish chapters it was easy to read JustOneMoreChapter (pun intended).

Everyone Here is Lying has a number of different POV, it didn't take long to keep everyone straight. Lots of red herrings, unreliable characters and actually not too many that I even liked. The story was twisty with a plot and subplots that kept me guessing. Did I figure it out 🤐

If you want to a captivating suspenseful read, then be on the lookout July 25th for this one.

My thanks to Penguin Random House CA (via Netgalley) for a digital arc in exchange for honest review.

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When I tell you I was addicted!!! This book had me hooked and I can confidently say that it's the author's best yet. The execution was brilliant and the use of multiple perspectives heightened the suspense. Having access to all the characters' thoughts and actions through an omniscient narrator was fun. It's a top-notch suburban thriller that ends with a bang. I strongly recommend this one to anyone looking for a great summer read.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Penguin Random House for my copy of this novel.

Shari Lapena is one of the authors I discovered this year and so far, she hasn't disappointed me. This was such a well written thriller and infuriating as well. As the title says, everyone is lying. I really disliked Avery (even if she's just 9). I basically disliked most characters because they all just seem horrible. The only characters that I felt really sorry for is Erin, Matthew and Al. I love how fast paced the whole story is and how everything was woven so well. But the ending though! Was that supposed to be it? I wanted more to see someone's downfall. Ugh. 4 stars all the way!

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Everyone Here is Lying.

What you do or not do, what you say or not say can come back to bite you. Dr. William Wooler is finding this out. William has been taking off every Tuesday afternoon from his medical practice for months to meet Nora Blanchard at an out of the way motel. On this day she tells William she wants to end the affair and does. He is completely in love with her and wants to divorce Erin, his wife, and marry Nora. She doesn’t want to break up her family and tells him. he is devastated. All he wants to do is go home where he believes he can get some private time. to lick his wounds. No one is ever home at this time of day. But he’s wrong, his daughter Avery is there. She was sent home from school, from choir practice. And belligerent as always, the nine-year-old won’t tell him him why. This is the end of his rope and he slaps her so hard she falls and still angry, now feeling guilty, he simply turns and leaves. Little did he know that these two events would lead to the most devastating four days of his life.

When he returns home, he finds out that Avery is missing and no one has seen her. is she hiding just to scare them or has she been kidnapped? Where is she? The search begins and her parents are frantic.

This book is a true page turner and it will have you trying to figure it out until the last page.

Many thanks to Netgalley and Penguin Random House for allowing me to review this fascinating mystery.

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Whew, so many twists! I enjoyed the multiple POV’s, it was great to see the different perspectives. I honestly did not know where this was going. So many red herrings, so many characters that could be the suspect. It kept me guessing!

It was very easy to read. The chapters were short and I just cruised through it 👍🏼

I was hoping someone would further assess Avery and then would explain exactly what her behaviour is because all we know is, she has adhd and a defiant attitude which is misrepresentative and misinforming.

I would have liked a complete closure, but that’s just my lack of imagination talking. The ending left you to conclude the rest and you can make it as satisfying as you’d like.

Overall, I thought this was a cozy mystery. I’m sure there’s a film very similar to this theme but I can’t figure out the title! I absolutely love the irony in Avery’s implicated downfall. It was so clever!

Thank you NetGalley and Penguin Random House Canada for this eARC.

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I would like to thank NetGalley for this ARC. I was super excited to get this one as Lapena is an auto buy author for me!

This book definitely had me hooked from the very beginning. I felt like I couldn't read through the pages fast enough. However, near the end I started to get a bit discombobulated. There were quite a few characters and I feel like I didn't get enough character development to rationalize everything that was happening. I have read a fair amount of 'neighbourhood' tropes and I feel like maybe this one didn't exactly give me anything that new. That being said, I still enjoyed it. It is a reliable read for someone who is looking for an easy read.

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How well do you know your neighbours? When 9 year old Avery goes missing, EVERYONE is a suspect, including the members of her own family. Not only are there all kinds of suspects on their block, but one of them was having an affair with Avery’s dad, who hasn’t been honest with the police. And it’s a race against time to find her, because they all know the longer Avery is missing, the less likely she’ll be found alive!
The author keeps you guessing right until the big reveal and then finishes with a twist that you won’t be able to stop thinking about!
Thank you to NetGalley and Penguin Random House for this eArc in exchange for my honest opinion. I had already preordered this book as Shari Lapena is an auto buy author to me, but I was so excited to be able to read this before it’s actually published!

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Thank you to Net Galley, Penguin Random House Canada, and Doubleday Canada for an e-ARC of tbis book in exchange for an honest review.

I have read most of Shari Lapena’s work and was excited to read her latest novel.

When 9-year-old Avery Wooler disappears after walking home alone without waiting for her older brother to finish basketball practice, the whole Wooler family and neighbourhood of Stanhope, NY are in shock.

Detectives Gully and Bledsoe are assigned to the case and get to work quickly, knowing every hour is of the essence in a child abduction case. Tensions are high: Avery is not the sweet, friendly child that is typically described on the news in these types of cases. In fact she is highly oppositional, willful, and rude. Her family had high levels of conflict due to her behavioural issues and the parents are always the first to be accused…

Neighbours are quick to point fingers at one another. Every small town has gossip. What happened to young Avery? Who is keeping secrets? Who is lying? As the title suggests, Everyone is Lying Here.

I loved this book and read the whole thing in one day across two reading sessions. The mid-way twist was exciting and I didn’t see it coming. The ending was righteous and I think this is one of Shari’s better conclusions to a story.

Overall I’d give it a solid ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5 and would definitely recommend to thriller lovers.

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