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Black Sheep

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This review gives away an early surprise (from chapter 3).

This book was campy and creepy and a super fast, super fun read.

Young-twenties Vesper returns to the uber-religious community she fled years ago; she can’t resist seeing the betrayal in person when she learns her cousin is marrying her ex. Vesper doesn’t know who sent her the wedding invite or why—one of many mysteries she’ll unravel when she goes home to her family of Satanists.

I haven’t read anything else by this author but will definitely read more from her. At points, I found myself thinking of the movie Ready or Not (which I loved). I’ll be recommending this to friends who like horror and everyone during the fall, when we all seem to crave spooky stories.

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Ohhh, this is a good one. My introduction to Rachel Harrison, who I’ve been dying to read for awhile now, did not disappoint. I’m a huge fan of the horror genre and if this was rated on a scale of ‘can read home alone at night in the dark’ to ‘sleeping with the lights on,’ this is definitely closer to the former. But if you’re a fan of horror lite or new to the genre, you cannot go wrong with this one! It’s impossible to describe without spoiling so all you need to know about this is it’s about a 24 year old woman returning to the extremely religious town she fled 6 years ago after receiving an unexpected, mysterious invitation her cousin’s wedding considering she was ostracized by her family. You really should go in blind aside from that! There were a lot of hilarious lines that kept the mood light, despite some heavy themes and gruesome scenes. I loved the pacing, general plot, and the writing. This is going to be PERFECT for horror and non-horror fans alike who are looking for a spooky read this fall. Highly recommend! I can’t wait to read her backlist now.

4.5 ⭐️

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I did not know much about this book going in: I knew it was horror, that it involved a young woman going back to her deeply religious family for her cousin's wedding, and that horrible things ensued. I didn't know WHAT sort of religion the family practiced, or what sort of horrible things would befall our heroine upon her return. The themes alone, however, intrigued me enough to want to read the book, and while the book bewildered me in places, I'm glad I went for the ride.

This book will be appreciated by those who have or are currently deconstructing their religion. It begins as fairy normal tale of a young woman estranged from her family, turns into a sharp critique of religion and examination of deconstruction, and finished as a really fun adventure-y horror novel. There are dry sarcastic one-liners throughout that actually made me pause and go, "Okay, that was funny," despite the dark subject matter.

Not a book for those easily offended, but a really fun romp if you're up to the ride. I'll be thinking about this one for awhile.

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To be completely honest, when I got this book I had confused this author (Rachel Harrison) with another author (Rachel Hawkins) and was less than thrilled when I realized what I had done. I had read Harrison’s debut novel The Return and found it very disappointing. But, I had Black Sheep and it sounded interesting, so I thought I would give the author another try. I’m so glad I did.

Although this is supposed to be a horror novel, I never found it all that horrifying. I thought it was more in the campy, tongue-in-cheek, roll your eyes along with the main character type of horror. You know, the fun kind. I thought the writing was really good and fast paced. The main character was snarky but still easy to root for. The other characters were there to support her but we didn’t see nearly enough of them, especially her aunt and cousin. As for the plot, it was clever with several twists and turns and it’s definitely best to start this book knowing as little about it as possible.

My copy of this book was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. My thanks to the the author, the publisher, and NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review it.

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What ! A ! Story!
I guarantee a surprise when you pick up this horror lite novel. "Horror Lite". as I don't think you will look under your bed before
you go to sleep but you might think twice before you mess with your neighborhood waitress!

Vesper is living her millennial life as a waitress in a sports bar trying to make ends meet. She left her strict, religious community at age 18 and never looked back. A little surly, a lot angry, Vesper isn't sure who her father is but knows the mystery could be solved in the cult-like community. When a work incident threatens her employment and she receives a mysterious wedding invitation from her beloved cousin from the cult, she decides to put her weariness aside and visit her home and family again.

The wedding is a strange affair and she receives very little attention from her famous Scream Queen Horror Actress mother. But Vesper soldiers on hoping to learn a bit more about herself and her biological father. What transpires next will shock you and surprise you ! If you like a bit of comedy with your horror, a bit of reality injected into your lore or just feel like You are the outcast in your family, Black Sheep is for you!
#berkley #RachelHarrison #BlackSheep #Cult #ReligiousCult

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Vesper is leading a pretty dull life as a waitress, but at least it's better than the religious community she grew up in. She's determined to let the past go, but a surprise wedding invitation lures her back in to the toxic beliefs of her family that might be more true than she imagined.

I'm usually a fan of horror, but this book didn't quite land for me. There's a point when the main character discusses a horror film and describes it as not knowing if it's camp or serious, and that's how I felt about the book. The tone at the beginning of the book feels a little silly and sarcastic, but by the end it's incredibly serious and dark. I don't mind a novel's more serious moments sneaking up on me, but I didn't feel the transition from the first half to the second half was done as well as it could have been.

The main character, Vesper, is a tad unlikable, but in a way I found pretty enjoyable. She's the only character in the book that I felt had any depth, though. The other characters read quite flat, which usually doesn't bother me in a genre book, but the slow action of the beginning of the book made this more noticeable. Overall, the book just didn't come together for me, but I'm fully willing to accept that I'm simply not its reader.

The one thing I think was done with true excellence were the horror descriptions, from the macabre movie props to 'real-life' horror. That wasn't quite enough to save it for me, though.

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Thanks so much to Netgalley, Berkley Publishing Group, and Rachel Harrison for the ARC of Black Sheep to read and review. This book was great! It went in a direction that I did not expect and it was so refreshing to hear this story told from that viewpoint. The main character was essentially a grouch, but the author did not make her unlikeable and her sense of humor and sarcasm was at times hilarious.

I really enjoyed this novel!

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Generally, I love everything that Rachel Harrison writes; but I believe this is her best novel to date. It has a plot twist that I didn’t anticipate and is a roller coaster of a ride from start to finish. Highly recommend!

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Reading Rachel Harrison is like reading a beach read for a dark soul. I always enjoy reading her books and become fully submerged into the story.

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At 18, Vesper leaves her small town home and the church she attended and knows that she can never return. Six years later, her life's not great but she is so glad to be on her own and away from her toxic mother. She's surprised to receive a wedding invitation from her high school ex-boyfriend and her cousin and thinks she will be allowed to return home. When she arrives to her childhood home, everyone is there at the rehearsal dinner and most greet her warmly except her mother. Then everything changes when the dinner starts. My jaw literally dropped a few times in this book as family secrets start coming out.

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Like all Rachel Harrison novels, Black Sheep balances heart, humor and horror in the best way. There were many reasons why I was primed to love this story, and there were some great and unexpected elements that really made it a fun reading experience. I couldn't put this book down.

I don't want to say too much about the story because it's definitely a story you need to go into blind. A part of me is a little worried people are going to accidentally give stuff away in reviews or marketing, because the experience of reading and reacting to the story with no prior knowledge was worth it.

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I downloaded this sight unseen since Rachel Harrison is by far one of my favorite authors. So I just had to read the summary of this to know that a major plot point is a surprise. You are going to be blown away by this one. Just as good as Cackle and maybe more so. Protagonist Vesper has been exiled from her strict church in New Jersey and is now living in Westchester County serving cocktails to rich people. She has vowed never to go back - until she finds out her perfect, pious cousin Rosie is marrying Brody, Vesper's one true love. Vesper is struggling to find meaning in her current life, so she takes a chance and agrees to attend the wedding. Returning to the tiny community of Virgil is an adjustment, and Vesper doesn't really want to be there. Her mother, a Hollywood scream queen, never truly loved her, and everyone ostracizes her because she's one of the few who left. But Vesper's return is anything but uneventful. You will just have to trust me on this one because the major reveal comes pretty early in the book, so there's not much I can talk about here. But I devoured it, and I might have to read it again to make sure I didn't miss anything.

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Loved sharp teeth by this author and was so excited to read Black Sheep. I’m so glad I did bc it’s even better than sharp teeth (which I enjoyed) I love seeing authors getting better

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Check me out on Instagram @books_boards_and_brews and @themarriagestoriespod

Black Sheep
By Rachel Harrison
Book 134/200
Genre: Horror
Format: Digital, ARC
Pages: 336
Published: 2023
Rating: 9.5/10
Horror: 👻👻👻

Thanks to Rachel Harrison, NetGalley, and Berkley Publishing Group for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

"It’s a cruelty of life that we can never protect our own innocence. We can only watch ourselves lose it in retrospect. Scream at memories."

Back-Cover Blurb:
Nobody has a “normal” family, but Vesper Wright’s is truly...something else. Vesper left home at eighteen and never looked back—mostly because she was told that leaving the staunchly religious community she grew up in meant she couldn’t return. But then an envelope arrives on her doorstep. Inside is an invitation to the wedding of Vesper’s beloved cousin Rosie. It’s to be hosted at the family farm. Have they made an exception to the rule? It wouldn’t be the first time Vesper’s been given special treatment. Is the invite a sweet gesture? An olive branch? A trap? Doesn’t matter. Something inside her insists she go to the wedding. Even if it means returning to the toxic environment she escaped. Even if it means reuniting with her mother, Constance, a former horror film star and forever ice queen.
When Vesper’s homecoming exhumes a terrifying secret, she’s forced to reckon with her family’s beliefs and her own crisis of faith in this deliciously sinister novel that explores the way family ties can bind us as we struggle to find our place in the world.

Rachel Harrison knocks it out of the park again with her newest release Black Sheep. I binged this ARC over vacation, and while it may not be the typical "beach read" I enjoyed it immensely. This book took the already creepy cult, and made it absolutely terrifying! Black Sheep is a rollercoaster that you will not want to get off! The twists and turns throughout had me double-taking and gasping, and my family concerned over what I was reading. I loved this new book from the newest entry of auto-buy-author list, Rachel Harrison.

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Thank you to NetGalley for the advance reader copy of this book. This is a great story weaved by a fantastic story teller. Love the twists and surprises. 5 stars

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Really great book. Rachel Harrison has quirky, interesting ideas and I thoroughly enjoyed this one. Can't wait for the next one.

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Thank you, NetGalley, for the opportunity to read BLACK SHEEP by Rachel Harrison. What fun! I was tethered to my Kindle until the very end and devoured it in a day. The story follows the fiercely independent Vesper, who denounced her faith, and chose to set out into the world alone. She left behind her one true love, best friend, mother and tightly-knit community knowing full-well the rule that once you leave, you can’t come back. Several years later, Vesper is still on her own, struggling financially, and has trouble with authority and relationships in general. Basically, she’s a bad a** (can I say this in a book review?) with no filter. I can identify with Vesper.

She receives a wedding invitation from an anonymous source, unexpectedly and suspiciously calling her to the home she vowed never to return. Upon her arrival, the reasons she left become not only clear, but justified. We learn more about her 80’s slasher movie star mother, Constance, and her infamous father who left home when she was a girl.

Rachel Harrison’s writing has quickly evolved, making her one of my favorite writers. Her latest fed my craving for a good horror story with all the best ingredients: 80’s horror, strong female characters, a sprinkle of spunk, and an interesting plot. She has a unique writing style with ability to make horror fun without being overly campy (not that campy is a bad thing, of course). BLACK SHEEP just knocked Such Sharp Teeth out of first place in my Rachel Ranking.

Highly recommend!

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Rachel Harrison's work gets better with every book. While Such Sharp Teeth is probably my favorite of their books to-date, Black Sheep was a dark horror-comedy, but definitely a touch more horror and the humor dry. The twists I didn't see coming and clever.

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It was a fun fresh read. It was interesting all the way through and fast pace as well. I enjoyed the dark comedy elements with the touch of horror.

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Black Sheep is a dark and twisted horror novel that will keep you up at night. The story follows Vesper, a young woman who returns home to her family's remote farm after her mother's death. Vesper is quickly drawn into the dark and disturbing world of her family, and she soon realizes that they are not what they seem.

Harrison does a masterful job of creating a sense of dread and suspense throughout the novel. The characters are complex and well-developed, and the plot is full of twists and turns. The novel also deals with some dark themes, such as family secrets, abuse, and violence. However, it is ultimately a story about hope and redemption.

I highly recommend Black Sheep to fans of horror novels. It is a well-written and thought-provoking novel that will stay with you long after you finish reading it.

Here are some of the things that I liked about Black Sheep:

The characters are complex and well-developed. Vesper is a sympathetic and relatable protagonist, and I found myself rooting for her throughout the novel. The other characters are also well-developed, and they all have their own secrets and motivations.
The plot is full of twists and turns. I was never sure what was going to happen next, and I found myself turning the pages quickly to find out what would happen.
The novel deals with some dark themes in a sensitive and thoughtful way. The themes of family secrets, abuse, and violence are handled with care, and the novel never feels exploitative.
The writing is sharp and evocative. Harrison's prose is beautiful and atmospheric, and she does a great job of creating a sense of dread and suspense.
Overall, I thought Black Sheep was a fantastic novel. It is a well-written, thought-provoking, and suspenseful horror novel that I highly recommend to fans of the genre.

Here are some additional thoughts on why I liked Black Sheep:

I appreciated the way that Harrison explored the themes of family secrets and abuse. These are dark themes, but Harrison handled them with care and sensitivity.
I also liked the way that the novel dealt with the theme of redemption. Vesper is a flawed character, but she is ultimately a good person. I found it satisfying to see her overcome her challenges and find redemption.
I thought the ending of the novel was perfect. It was both satisfying and open-ended, and it left me thinking about the novel long after I finished reading it.
If you are looking for a dark and twisted horror novel that will keep you up at night, then I highly recommend Black Sheep. It is a well-written, thought-provoking, and suspenseful novel that I highly recommend to fans of the genre.

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