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Our Cursed Love

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An early DNF, will not review any further due to the ongoing Speak Up SMP boycott on social media.

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Sweet and true friends to loves that reflects teenage love in a way many other authors miss. The characters are well developed and charming. This is a sweet, magical, YA romance that will continue to appeal to many readers.

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One Curse Love by Julie Abe is perfect for fans of Axie Oh and Christine Riccio. It's a fun summer adventure.

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Thanks to Netgalley, the publisher, and author for the copy of this eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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This is more of a "it's not you, it's me" issue with this one. I used to absolutely adore YA books, but not that I'm almost 30, they just don't hit the same.

I'm not sure if with YA novels they're a bit slower paced than New Adult/Adult books, but man...the pacing on this one was just a bit off for me. Not only that, but it had one of my least favorite "tropes" included. I hate miscommunication, especially when it can be solved so easily.

The book was also just a bit hard to follow throughout and that took away from the overall enjoyment.

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I received this eARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

It took me awhile to get around to a review of this book because I just wasn't sure what to say about it. I've read Abe's Middle Grade Fantasy series [book:Eva Evergreen, Semi-Magical Witch|51285821] and thought it was so cute! I loved reading it, so I thought I would give this one a try. It was so lackluster in comparison.

The magic that was in this world was very creative and that was the best part of the book. However, the relationship between Remy and Cam was almost agonizing. They both had crushes on each other, but wouldn't talk about it at all. Then, one of them drinks a potion that made it to where they don't have a soulmate? Cam loses memories of Remy and there's only six days to get them back or else they'll forget about each other The plot was a bunch of flashbacks to where they had moments with each other to "prove" that they were soulmates, but to me, it was just one scene to the next where nothing really moved the plot forward.

I will say that romance isn't really my genre, so I could be biased in that aspect. I will read more of Julie Abe's books because I did enjoy Eva Evergreen. This one could've just fallen flat for me.

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Definitely sweet and in the vein of its predecessor, The Charmed List. I loved the pining and angst between childhood best friends Remy and Cameron, it's absolutely up my alley, and honestly maybe the pining hit a little too close to home lol. My one gripe is that the twist/reveal in the climax was haphazardly constructed and frankly unnecessary. It came out of nowhere and didn't necessarily serve the plot much. But I was, yet again, hungry and caught up in the whimsy of Julie Abe's descriptive, magical writing.

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Thank you, Netgalley, the author, and the publisher for the gifted e-book! ❤️ #gifted. My review is comprised of my honest thoughts.

Read this book if you like: Dual POV, friends to lovers, magical

First of all, I know this is a book with magical elements, but so much of it was unbelievable. He just happened to have easily accessible photos going back to both of their births? The book was cute in some parts, but overall, it didn't do it for me.

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I was a huge fan of Julie Abe's The Charmed List, so when I found out this book was set in the same world I was delighted.

This is a lowborn romance set in Tokyo and has all the charm and whimsy of The Chamed List. When Cam loses his memory Remi must find a way to restore his memories in six days are lose him forever.

I loved the characters and the slow burn romance.The magic and the mystery was also a fun retreat from the real world. I didn't;t see the twist coming and loved the resolution at the end.

Overall, this is a light, fun romance with heart. Perfect for when you want something that's fun and comforting,

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This was another great book from Julie Abe! I would definitely recommend to fans of her previous novels!

I received an e-ARC from the publisher.

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Our Cursed Love is a cute YA romance. I really enjoyed the characters, and I enjoyed the magic woven in throughout the story. There were parts of the story where things seemed to jump around, and by the end, I still had some questions about the plot. Everything didn't seem to tie neatly together, especially what was going on with Taka and his family. I overall enjoyed this sweet love story and would recommend it for a light romance and fantasy read.

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Cute quick read, exactly as advertised (50 first dates meets love and gelato). Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the free advance copy.

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I loved The Charmed List and this book was no different. I liked that it included the characters from the first book. This one went very deep though and it was surprising, but I did enjoy it. The magical world Abe has built is so beautiful. I also get so immersed in her stories and this one was no different. I definitely hope she keeps writing more books like this and The Charmed List.

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unfortunately just could not get invested in this novel. It took me this long to get back to the review because of it. I was determined to finish and did not want to dnf but it took forever,

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It took me a while to start and get into this, but I did enjoy it a bit.
I liked the magical, modern Japan setting. I felt like the magic blended well with reality.

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Our Curse Love is an excellent look at what happens if we always worry about what the future holds instead of living in the here and now, as no one knows what the future holds. Remy has known Cam her entire life; they were born on the same day in the same hospital, only a few doors apart. She has loved him just as long. As they’ve gotten older, Remy has struggled with her feelings for Cam because she’s afraid to lose him as her best friend if he doesn’t feel the same towards her. Looking for guidance and hope, Remy gets a tea leaves reading done. When she doesn’t get the answer she’s hoping for, she turns to a magical apothecary for help. What happens next is the loss of what she’s always loved.

Like many romances, YA or adult, if Cam and Remy had told each other the truth about their feelings before their trip to Tokyo, none of this would have happened. But if characters were to be open and honest about their feelings, there wouldn’t be a book to write. Besides, how many times have you had strong feelings for someone special in your life, and you refused to tell them because you didn’t want to lose the relationship you had? Especially when you were in high school?

I also enjoyed seeing Japan during Christmas, as the book is set December 23-January 1. Our Curse Love is a holiday read because of when the story is set. But the holidays are not the focus of the story. Nor are they a significant player in the story.

I’m unsure if I would consider this a companion to The Charmed List, which introduces readers to the characters. You could read this as a standalone, as there is minimal overlap between the two stories. In The Charmed List, you are introduced to Remy and Cam, but the focus of that story is Ellie and Jack.

If you are looking for a quick, magical read about our choices and how they impact our lives, give Our Cursed Love a read.

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Synopsis, cover, description, title? Sold.

I wanted this book to be so much more. It was cute. But that was about it. Cute.

I wanted more. I love books with hints of magic and I wanted to love this one.

It was a little cumbersome the amount of times they "tried" to confess to one another but didn't.

Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for a chance to read and review.

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I’m sorry to say that I didn’t enjoy this at all. There was not enough plot for me, and too much teenage melodrama. What plot there was felt confusing and messy. This was not a good fit for me.

Thank you to the publisher - I received a complimentary eARC of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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I wanted to love Our Cursed Love as I adored Julie Abe's debut novel. It was fun to see the cameos from those characters however; I didn't find the relationship between Remy and Cam. It felt like Cam preferred his magical license and didn't want to truly figure out his feelings for his best friend. While I wasn't the biggest fan of OCL, I will pick up another book by Abe.

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Our Cursed Love was a beautifully crafted story by Julie Abe that was hard to stop once you got started. Japanese folklore is so beautiful, and following along with Remy and Cam as their friendship grows into so much more along the way. Following along with a magic love potion gone wrong made me laugh out loud several times. This was truly a beautiful story!

Thank you to NetGalley for providing me with this beautiful read in exchange for an honest review. Easily a 5 star read!

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