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Let's Get Quizzical

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A cute, delightful and interesting romance book. I knew I would like jut from the title! I love content with quizzes and all the setting of the narrative was compelling to follow up. Had a great moment with this reading. =D

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Charlotte and Eli have one goal…to earn money to help their families. Little did they know, these onetime loves, would have to do it together on the game show Brain Battle. In order to win, the pair must overcome past hardships and present day challenges.

I enjoyed this quick read of a book. The game show theme was a fun spin. I found myself rooting for them throughout the book, as they are both likable characters. Thank you to NetGalley and Alcove Press for a copy of this book!

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This is very cute. The stakes are high and it is a real second chance romance. If you like game shows, you will slide right into this story.

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This was a fun book with a fresh plot. I love game shows, so I was excited to try this one. Eli and Charlie were such a great couple, and some of the predicaments they found themselves in were pretty entertaining. I love dual point of view and first person. I feel like I get more from the story when I can read both characters' perspectives.

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LOVED the premise of this book – second chance romance is always one of my favorites. This one had the added bonus of being enemies to lovers as well. Way back in high school, they were a couple and it ended badly – they meet again as team mates on a game show. They each struggle to stay focused on the game while bickering between them. I really enjoyed the game show setting, added the element of on the edge of your seat – will they/won’t they win. I enjoyed the character development and the two separate yet similar reasons each had for being on the game show and how desperate each was to earn the prize money. Charlotte’s love of game shows is what ultimately led each of them to this moment in time as she has loved watching game shows since she was a child and has always wanted to compete on one. Several laugh out loud moments and lots of trivia questions sprinkled throughout as they compete on the game show and prepare in between shows.

I enjoyed this fun quick read and would recommend it.

Early copy received on Net Galley for review.

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This book was well-written and started off really interesting.

I would have liked there to be more of a slow-burn between the main characters - it felt like the story was resolved quite early on and then they just created new drama.

I also feel like Charlotte was really acting dramatic about the lie she had to tell in high school to cover up for Eli. We've all done dumb things as teenagers, but all he asked you was to lie to skip class with him, its not like he asked you to cover up a murder. Like get over yourself and your constant need to remind him that honesty is the best policy.

Thank you to Net Galley and the publisher for an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts are my own.

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This second chance romance was absolutely adorable and I loved every word of it. This is a must read romance!
I just reviewed Let's Get Quizzical by Kelly Ohlert. #LetsGetQuizzical #NetGalley
[NetGalley URL]

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For family-focused Charlotte, the chance to compete on her favorite trivia game show is a dream come true—the prize money could ensure the best care for her aging grandmother. But when she arrives on set, who does she see among the other contestants? Eli, her high school first love, at least until their shattering breakup. He has his own reasons for competing, not least of which is the stress of multiple jobs, college courses, and a father who has had multiple run-ins with the law.

When the casting department pairs them on a team, both Charlotte and Eli are determined to grit their teeth and make the best of it. That’s easier said than done, of course, and before long a national audience is breathlessly watching them bicker and air years-old grudges. Far from being angry, the program’s producers are ecstatic—the ratings are positively soaring.

As they compete together over several episodes of the show, Charlotte and Eli begin to suspect that old wounds might actually heal. Touring L.A. in their free time has given them the opportunity to get to know each other again—and reawakened feelings that are hard to resist. Until the show’s producers throw a wrench in their hopeful plans that will compromise everything Charlotte and Eli have worked so hard for.

I enjoyed the game show aspect of this book, my family and I also enjoy participating in game shows from the comfort of our couch. There was enough chemistry between the two main characters to keep the reader interested, and it was a very quick, very easy and light-hearted read. This is easily read in an hour and has no cliff-hangers.

Thank you to NetGalley for a copy of this book in return for my honest review.

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Firstly, I’d like to say how much I adore this cover! It’s so lovely and I couldn’t stop staring at it while reading the book.

Secondly—this book! I was nervous because this has been an anticipated read of mine but I had no reason to be. I enjoyed the main characters and their relationships. Kelly does such a beautiful job curating these endearing and wonderful characters with seemingly real personalities and ambitions. I absolutely busted out laughing so many times! This book was so fun, witty and honest!

Any who, I AM SO HONORED I GOT THE CHANCE TO READ THIS NOVEL. It hooked me immediately and I love how much we focused on all the side characters as well.. I really enjoyed the storyline and wow my heart melted so many times. This was more women’s fiction than romance, which suited me just fine.

I think this one even topped so many other women’s fiction novels this month, and I can't wait to tell everyone to buy it when it's in stores or be annoyingly persistent about it when I’m at the library.

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This was a perfect holiday season love story.
A second chance at love... Charlotte and Eli meet again after being finalists on a game show. Both have financial reasons for wanting to win the show and leads to great banter.
Lighthearted, easy to read. loved the new romance angle and was easily swept up in their story.

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I really enjoyed this breezy second chance romance which combined Charlie and Eli meeting again after a high school breakup, alongside a low key mystery around the television game show where they are competing. Some minor grit around the intractable nature of poverty (which could have been explored further) but otherwise an easy and fun read. Eli was delicious and both had strong but imperfect relationships with their families.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC.

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Okay, I LOVED the cute premise of a game show! The characters were charming, and all in all, this was a very enjoyable second chance romance.

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What a cute second chance romcom!

Charlotte has watched game shows with her families since she was little. She finally gets her chance to be a contestant but her partner is her ex from high school who ghosted her and broke her heart.

I loved Eli and Charlotte. A game show setting was so cute and sometime I haven't seen before!

Thank you to netgalley and the publisher for allowing me to read this arc in exchange for an honest review!

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I received this book as an eARC from NetGalley and Alcove Press.

Let’s Get Quizzical follows Charlotte, whose family loves game shows and is in need of some quick cash in order to help Grandma and her growing health concerns, and Eli, whose mounting debt and father who is trying to overcome his criminal past could also use a cash infusion. Both hope that the show Brain Battle is the solution. However they don’t know each other and their past high school romance will be on show for the TV viewers.

This was a fun premise for a romance novel. The characters were lovable and you couldn’t help but root for them. There’s the villain you love to hate. And many hijinx that ensue when Charlotte and Eli meet again a decade after breaking up.

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⭐️⭐️⭐️.5 “The Whipple Tickle. It's what they almost called the G-Spot after Beverly Whipple Discovered it was a thing.” I adored the concept of this book with the whole game show premise, second chance romance, enemies to lovers, however, unfortunately I just didn’t feel too strongly towards the characters.

Eli is a personal trainer who isn’t all too happy with the way his life is going at the moment. He currently lives with his father who spent his childhood in and out of prison. Charlotte is pretty content with her job and spends her nights with her family on the sofa playing along to quiz shows. Pretty aptly, her absolute dream is to participate on one of these shows. The two meet after 12 years when they wind up on the same team on a quiz show. As the tension lingering above them after all these years slowly fades their connection grows. However, with a meddling host and their motivations for entering the show come into conflict, the question remains. Is this where their chapter ends?

I really enjoyed the premise of the show, it had all my favourite elements, in particular a second chance romance. Which I am such a sucker for at the moment. Eli’s character was also extremely likable in the way that he just wanted to support his father at whatever length he needed to support him. My issue with this book however is that I just didn’t like Charlotte too much. They were both competing for different reasons- Eli to support his family and Charlotte to find more about her grandmother’s mysterious disease. However, throughout (and at pertinent points within the book) it seemed as if she had a one-track mind about her reasons for winning the competition and overriding how Eli was feeling. Another issue I had with is the reason why Charlotte was so angry with Eli after leaving her when they were 17. I know this was not the main reason and she was deflecting, but her initial reason is that she missed out on the perfect attendance award. And then proceeded to bring it up in an argument 12 years later. That was just quite funny to me. Throughout the book I just felt as if she could be quite self-centred.

However, I did really enjoy Eli’s character and he had a lot of growth. He obviously isn’t the same person he was when he was 17, however, I even would give him the benefit of the doubt as when he was 17 his father did go to jail, which in turn led to him dumping Charlotte. That I really saw no issue with, and you could tell his maturity throughout the whole book. I also loved the game show aspect as there was much trivia throughout and it was dotted throughout the book as-well. My favourite character hands down was gran, she was just lovely and made the book for me.

Overall, I did enjoy quite a few aspects of this book- the game show, Eli, and Charlotte’s family. However, there were some aspects, in particular Charlotte and how at some points she had a one-track-mind, that I just didn’t favour as much. Thank you netgalley for the arc!

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This was a super quick read (I read it in one sitting) where it was easy to get into the mindset of being in a high stakes game show situation and feel how intense it was even just to be under the lights! I loved watching Charlie and Eli reconnect and they made me laugh out loud several times.

It did feel like the initial “enemies” hurdle was overcome super easily, and yet the fight they have about a super similar (but worse) situation down the line was frustrating because it genuinely seemed like Charlie had not learned at all from everything they’d been through, even though Eli had and was honest with her about the situation at risk to himself. It felt like her character development was undone for a bit.

Overall this was cute, a quick read, and a definite go-to for anyone who is also a game-show lover!

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Cute rom-com story that'll make you laugh and sigh with delight.

Charlie and Eli were in a relationship in high school that went bad, very bad for Charlie, with no reasoning from Eli.

Imagine her surprise that she FINALLY gets the call to be on her favorite game show and ends up paired with none other than Eli! Surprise, surprise!!

I think a lot of what happens in exactly what you'd imagine. There aren't any real surprises. Clint is a slimy guy and definitely makes you want to wring his neck but all ends up as it should. Typical HEA but cute.

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I loved the name of this book it’s what draw me in but the sweet story with some charming characters and a game show kept me interested. It’s not like any book I’ve read before and I did really enjoy it. I loved the game show with some good trivia. Second chance romance are a favourite of mine and this did not disappoint. I enjoyed this book and would definitely recommend. Thank you for letting me read this.

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Let's Get Quizzical by Kelly Ohlert

This was a perfect Hallmark movie story. A second chance romance where they meet again after being finalists on a game show. Lighthearted, easy to read.

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This was a sweet read but didn't quite hit the mark with me. I loved the family dynamics in Charlotte's family and her motivations and goals felt very authentic.
The inclusion of trivia knowledge throughout the book was very novel and I loved it - and the small shout out to Jim and Pam was also well received.
The sex scenes for me felt quite over descriptive and they didn't quite feel very steamy for me, but that may be a personal feeling.

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