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Both Feet in the Grave

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I am a total Bones and Cat fangirl. I fell in love with this series a few pages into book one when Cat tried to pick Bones up in the bar to murder. Every book after has only made my love for this world stronger. Each new book has gone above and beyond my expectations. There is so much to this series, to these characters that they feel real. I fell in love with Cat, Bones, Ian, Denise, Spade, Mencheres, Vlad, Juan, Rodney, and all the others throughout the years. I loved all the books from Cat's pov. BUT..... I have also always wanted to know what Bones was doing, thinking, and feeling, especially in those pivotal moments in the series. The first time they met back up after 4 years, the fight between Cat and Annette, Chapter 32, and too many others to name.

Being inside Bones head was like reminiscing with friends and also like reading a totally different book. I never felt bored or had that been there, done that! vibe while reading this book. Bones' pov adding so much more to the series. It added depth to his character and his and Cat's love. Most importantly it made me so flipping happy. I couldn't put the book down till I read it all. I am more in love than ever with this series. I really REALLY hope Jeaniene Frost keeps giving us fans Books in Bones' pov. If she keeps writing them I will keep reading them. Also I would really like Vlad's series in his pov too. This book was perfect and I can't wait to see what else JF writes in this world. If you like PNR you should try this book. Really you should read the whole series I promise it's amazing!!!

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4.5 stars
I’m going to sound like a broken record as I review these new books from Bones’ POV— I LOVE WILL WATT!! I’m so glad he’s the narrator for these books. I love The Night Huntress books but Bones’ voice in the other narrations is an absolute no go so I have to read the books when I want to spend time with Cat & Bones. Now I can just listen to Will and have that be the voice of the series!
It’s a pleasure to revisit these books from Bones’ POV, with updates for today’s tech, and more insights into the characters in his life. Please keep them coming!! 🙏
*Thanks to NYLA and NetGalley for the advance audiobook copy for review.

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In Both Feet in The Grave, the reader gets Bones' point of view of the events in the second book in the Night Huntress series. It was so much fun to revisit One Foot in the Grave from Bone's viewpoint.

I'd forgotten the excitement of Bones joining Cat's team and his meeting (beating) of her colleagues. And I'd forgotten how she keeps him at arms length for a long time. And best of all for this reader, I was reminded of the rich paranormal world that Jeaniene Frost has created here with the introduction of Rodney, Ian, Mencheres and the rules they follow.

I absolutely recommend reading Cat's POV in the series first though. While Bones' love and devotion to Cat is never, ever questioned, I did miss her warmth and personality when only getting Bones POV. The infamous Chapter 32 doesn't have quite the same impact. I found I missed Cat's voice a little in this installment but that's not bad because all it did was make me want to do a complete re-read of this wonderfully entertaining series.

The Night Huntress series is one of my absolute favorites in the paranormal genre and Both Feet in the Grave reminded me just how much I adore these characters. I love that there was new content that made this feel fresh and new, even though I already knew the story. Overall, one of my favorites of 2023. Loved it.

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4 stars - It was really good

This is Bones’ version of events from The Other Half of the Grave. The events are the same as the original book, but we are getting to see Bones’ thoughts and feelings on the events and how he reacted to their years apart.

Like the previous book, I found myself enjoying this more than Cat’s version. Don’t get me wrong I love Cat, but there is just something about Bones' confidence and determination that I enjoy more than Cat’s self-doubt and naivety. Also, one of my favorite things about Bones’ is that he never denies his feelings about Cat and spends a long time trying to convince her they should be together. I love a man who isn’t afraid to admit how hard he has fallen or fight for that love.

“I’ve never stopped loving you, either”….”Not for an instant, Kitten. Even when I was so angry at you for leaving me, I still loved you, and I always will.”

Since this is a rehash of the second book, I won’t really go into details about what happens because you already know. I do really love that we are finally getting to see how hard Bones looked for Cat during their years apart and how he still protected her even after she broke his heart. Getting Bones POV has been wonderful and really enriches this series. I can’t wait to read more books from his POV.

Trigger Warnings: manipulative and verbally abusive mother; Cat is dating another guy when Bones comes back into her life; Bones attempts to have relations with another woman but stops before actual sex.

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Both Feet in the Grave by Jeaniene Frost is the 8th book in her wonderful Night Huntress series. I have read and loved all of the Night Huntress series, which was one of my favorite paranormal series, written so very well by Jeaniene Frost. I loved our heroes, Cat and Bones, as they were such a fantastic couple; with Bones being a Master Vampire, and Cat (known as the Red Reaper), being a Half Vampire. I could not wait to read Both Feet in Grave, which was in Bones’ POV, and happy to say I loved it.

It has been four years since Cat disappeared, when she left him to protect him. Bones finally finds her, using another name, but she is attending Denise’s wedding, and he plans to be there. Bones had suffered during those 4 years, and when he sees her walking down the aisle, his love is still potent, and when Cat sees him, her eyes light up. When the service is over, Bones convinces Cat that he will always be at her side, especially since someone is trying to kill her. Despite Cat’s concern, she cannot resist him, and the chemistry between them explodes. Bones offers to join her team, and offers Don some of his powerful blood to increase their powers; though Cat wasn’t crazy about this, she convinces her team (Tate, Juan, Cooper and Don) to accept Bones. He learns a lot about what the team does, and works closely with Cat.

Ian, who is Bones sire, is determined to make the Red Reaper his own, and Bones makes plans to trick Ian, and the man, Max, who was Bones father, who also was trying to kill her. I will say I never liked Don, but I totally hated Cat’s mother, who was a horrible mother, and evil. I enjoyed seeing some of our previous favorites, such as Mencheres, Charles, Denise, and Ian. We also learn more about Annette and Bones time together years ago. But most of all, it was great to see Cat and Bones fight their enemies. As much as I love Bones, I loved Cat, who was one of the best kick-assed heroines in the paranormal world.

Both Feet in the Grave was a fantastic addition to this series, as it was very exciting, action, intense and very steamy. Cat and Bones continue to be one of the best couples in the literary world. To tell too much more would be spoilers, and if you are a fan of the Night Huntress series, you need to read this book from start to finish. Both Feet in the Grave was so very well written by Jeaniene Frost.

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"If you make these my last moments, I'm living them to the fullest, Kitten."

Just when you think nothing can top finally getting Bones' POV in The Other Half of the Grave, Jeaniene Frost takes it upon herself to make Both Feet in the Grave the most heartwarming yet heartbreaking addition to the series yet.

If you love Bones, get ready to go on an emotional roller coaster while reading Both Feet! Bones continuously walks that fine line between being consumed by pain at the seperation and being overwhelmed by his love for Cat, before and after they reunite. Capturing his state of mind during this period of time in their lives was masterfully done, since heartbreak after a separation doesn't end upon reuniting. You can feel the deep-rooted love he has for Cat in his every thought, action and word, which was so heartwarming I couldn't stop swooning and smiling throughout. At the same time, I felt my heart break repeatedly and be smashed to a messy pulp by reading what Bones was experiencing during the four years after Cat left and how he felt when they reunited. The extent to which he was hurting during the separation was heart-rending to read. It's not a stretch to say I was disappointed at some characters, and surprised at and deeply thankful for how others were stepping up to give him the support he needed.

That brings me to the very on-point marketing of these books. "Think you know Bones? Think again." Exactly! Bones kept surprising me with his thoughts, intentions, motivations... in key moments of the story. Either this makes you dislike the book, or you fall in love with him all over again. What makes the Bones POV books so special is that they give you the chance of falling in love with Bones for who he is, and not for who you/Cat thought he was.

Of course, there's a lot more to say, like THANK YOU for the extra Bones x Justina action. I can't get enough of those two! Also, chapter 39 is the new chapter 32, IYKYK 😏

In conclusion, you will find everything you love in a Frost book: endless laughs, comfort and pure joy.

*ARC provided by the publisher through Netgalley. This is my honest review*

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Fantastic Fangs!!! It had been quite awhile since I read the Night Huntress Series. That being said, It didn't take long for it all come back to me. Having the story from Bones's point-of-view gave such a unique perspective. He is so lucky he can't get headaches. I finished Both Feet in the Grave wondering how severe his headaches would have gotten.

I got so much enjoyment from reading and remembering the antics of Bones and Kitten. That doesn't mean someone needs to read the first books in Night Huntress series to become total enthralled with the story. But I do have to ask, Why wouldn't you want to? They are fangbulous.

Bones has been around for hundreds of years giving him lots of opinions but in all that time he had never fallen in love. Meeting Cat, Kitten to Bones and only bones, changed everything. When she disappeared; he was lost, searching high and low. When he finds her he isn't going to let her go.

Bones will protect her. Bones will protect them. Bones will even put up with the man on her team who loves her in secret. (OH MY WORD!!! Bones has some amazing knee slapping reactions.) Bones will not let anything come between them. Bones will stop at nothing to protect Kitten and their future.

Bones has a lot to say about the past. He has a lot to say about those that are near and dear to them. Danger surrounds them. Violence riddles the pages. Secrets are revealed. An enemy will be revealed on stage, with lots of suspense and vampire world enlightenment. Without Bones point-of-view I wold have missed so much.

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It's been four long years since Cat was stolen from him, but Bones will never give up on finding her. Though he's left ways for her to contact him, she never had and he can only assume that she's either staying away for his protection or she's forgotten him. Finally, the biggest clue comes from someone close to Bones... someone more powerful that wants to keep Cat for himself. With a price on her head from an unknown enemy, Bones must find Cat before it's too late.
Anyone who's read the series is familiar with the story from Cat's point of view. This book is from Bones' perspective of what he went through during their separation and his feelings when they reunite. I love Bones and Cat and I jumped at the chance to read this ARC. I can't wait for the next one!
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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This is the second book told from Bones perspective and it was just as fun as the first. Honestly he’s an amazing character and I just love him and Cat together!

I’ve been reading these first Cat’s then Bone’s POV and I have to say while both amazing I almost love his view more and it’s all because of how he see Cat. He just loves her so much and you get to see that. The one thing we miss is more of Cat’s special brand of snarky inner thoughts but I didn’t miss them as much as I thought I would. The biggest extra addition is just the history between Bones, Charlie and Annette and how they all came to be.

As always the writing was incredible. Another fast paced, witty, adventurous addictive book! Go read it.

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Just as kick tail as The Other Half of the Grave. Bones background has colored the way he sees the world but what he does know is that Cat is the one for him and he will burn down the world to get her back. This story is told from Bones point of view with his unique sense of humor. I loved seeing their relationship through his eyes.

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I’m a long time fan of this series. I guess it’s been so long since I read Cat’s version of this story that this one seemed a lot different than I remembered.

That’s a good thing because this was like a whole new story about two of my favorite characters. I like that she updated the technology that wasn’t in the original story.
Don’t hesitate to read this one because you’ve already read the first version. You’ll fall in love with Bones all over again.

I’ve been looking for you every day since you left me, and I’m sick of being without you.

Cat is still as fierce as ever with a heart of gold.

I hated going to sleep because I knew I would dream about you, and then I hated waking up because the pain would hit me all over again as soon as I opened my eyes, and you weren’t there.”

More Bones and Cat please!!

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Loved this book. I've been a fan of Jeaniene Frost and her books for over a decade and I adore her Night Huntresss world. This book is a wider and deeper look at the events of her sophomore book One Foot in The Grave. I really enjoyed seeing what Bones was feeling and experiencing during his separation from Cat and how long and hard he searched for her. I also liked that this was a very good companion to the original book and filled in a lot of gaps that were in that story since we only followed Cat and her movements.

Since this is the view point of Bones the story does feel a bit shorted that the original. I wished we could have gotten more of the moments between Cat and Bones once they have their reunion.

But I did enjoy the differences in the experiences with Bones and Cat. Cat was a character that was very hard on herself ans didn't see herself in the best light and Bones did. I would believe that Bones recollections of event was more true to what happen than Cat.

Thank you NetGalley for this arc and Thank you to Jeaniene Frost for these amazing stories.

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I’m loving this side of the Night Huntress series, reading Cat and Bones’ story through his POV is eye opening. Both Feet in the Grave is the companion novel to One Foot in the Grave. I call it a companion because it’s the same story but told through Bones’ perspective. Reading these has been like when you watch a movie or TV show where the story starts at the end and they show you what happened hours/days earlier to get you to that end. That is if you have already read the original books in the series released years ago told from Cat’s POV. You know how it’s going to end but now you get to see all “missing” details as in what Bones is doing and feeling while we are left wondering in Cat’s books. She’s the mystery now (if you’re new to this series).

For example if you are a fan and have read One Foot in the Grave you know about chapter 32 (wink) but in Both Feet in the Grave that scene takes place in chapter 39. Still sexy but for me it wasn’t as hot because we don’t experience it through Cat’s POV. I think the difference in chapter numbering shows there’s a lot going on on Bones’ side that the readers and Cat do not get in the original book.

There is another scene similar where Bones leaves Cat and Annette alone, but because we are reading his side of the story we get to see him in a “dumb guy” moment when Rodney points out to him the error of his ways. That made me laugh and see that Bones might be alpha, sexy and dreamy but he really is just a dude without a clue to women sometimes.

I’m totally in love with this series again and it’s fun relearning it through Bones eyes. I can’t wait for more! I keep remembering key moments where Cat wished she knew what Bones was doing or thinking and now as a reader I know. There’s some heartbreaking moments coming up in the series and I can’t wait to experience them with Bones.

If you're an old fan of the Huntress series and would like to do a reread I encourage you to do it with Bones’s POV. If you’re new to the world you can start with the original or this new retelling, you can’t lose either way. I’m thinking I might take the time to reread At Grave’s End the 3rd book in the Night Huntress series before the newest Bones’s book (#3) comes out. I’ve reread the originals a few times and I could easily see myself doing a reread of them all together at some point.

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Holy moly guacamole! This was absolutely perfect, this is why out of all the pnr I read, and I read a lot, Cat and Bones are my most favorite couple in this entire genre. I know that saying a lot but honestly they completely captivate me every page and every line. I love reading Crispins side of events, the all consuming love he has for her and his one liners are hilarious.

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It's book two of the Night Huntress series but this time, it's time for Bones to tell the story. And gotta say, being in Bones's pov, it is super entertaining! What I really liked about having this book in his point of view is that we got to see how he was feeling and what he was going through as he searched for Cat and finally made his way back to her after searching for years with no success. We see his heartbreak and his hope and love when they are reunited. We see his determination to never let her go again. It's been a long time since I've read the series so I didn't remember all the details at first. So in a way it felt like reading something almost new, but at the same time bits and pieces came back. And again, being in a new point of view means you get to see a whole other side of a story. There is always more to see and learn. We get the reunion and the trouble with Ian after he meets Cat and is fascinated. And of course the result of this fight. It was super fun to be back in this series.

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I am a big fan of the series. And I have reread it multiple times, and will continue to do so. And I never knew that I was missing Bones is point of view. I enjoyed the little updates to make the book seem more modern, and it was amazing to get to see their adventure through Bones eyes. I very much help the author will continue to rewrite the books in this fashion. And of course I have to give a shout out to my favorite character Ian. It would hurt his feelings if he wasn’t mentioned.

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Ahem. And now for the actual review...

I'm happy to report that, even after a decade since they first appeared, Cat and Bones remain the best couple in a paranormal romance! Their love and the sacrifices they make for each other continue to be the standard which every other couple must compete against.

"Love is the one thing that transcends time." Oh Bones, how I've missed you! I reread the entire Night Huntress series last year and jumped at the chance to read this book. Reading about Bones and Randy meeting, what went through his head while he was searching for Cat, and his arrogance/ignorance when it came to Annette was just as juicy as expected. (And thank you, Jeaniene Frost, for showing an abridged version of their tryst! My heart couldn't have taken an extended one.)

One of my favorite parts of this series has always been the mystery behind Bones and his brilliant brain. Experiencing the romance through Cat's eyes let us feel what it was like to have this centuries old Lothario dedicate his life to the one woman he ever loved. I was concerned some of that magic would be lost when seeing it through a different set of eyes, but it was just as touching as the original!

If you've never read the original series, you'll be able to jump in with Both Feet in the Grave without missing a beat. I highly suggest a tandem reading once you've read both so you can fully immerse yourself in the story.

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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I’m going to be honest, I’m really loving these Bones POV stories! I’m a huge fan of dual POV romance & so finally getting bones side of the story is great. It’s a comforting & enjoyable read, in a way it’s nice to know what happens plot wise & be able to just enjoy the character development.

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One of my all time favorite series and I love how in these books we get to see Bones side of things , his feelings, his thoughts , his live .

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I wasn't really sure I wanted to go back in time and read about the years Cat and Bones were separated between books 1 and 2. But, I love Bones and really wanted to see what he had to "say". The book did not disappoint! I am not fond of the whole "rewritting books from another POV" and that is kind of what I was afraid might happen here but was thankful to be wrong. This did make me love Bones even more.

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